mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:45 am : Without the Linux SDK most mod makers are stuck at a dead-end. Most servers run via Linux.

DensitYNZ@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 3:39 am : the code should compile under linux as it is
all it needs is some one that uses linux to create a makefile for it
mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:22 am : Anyone willing to do this?
Dante_uk@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:36 am : Done it.
Took about a hour and a half but here it is:
.SUFFIXES: .cpp .o
$(GCC) -c -D GAME_DLL $*.cpp -o $*.o
$(BASEDIR)game/anim/Anim_Import.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/Callbacks.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/AF.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/AFEntity.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Actor.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/BrittleFracture.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Camera.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Entity.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Fx.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/GameEdit.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Game_local.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Game_network.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/IK.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Item.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Light.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Misc.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Moveable.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Mover.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/MultiplayerGame.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Player.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/PlayerIcon.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/PlayerView.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Projectile.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Pvs.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/SecurityCamera.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/SmokeParticles.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Sound.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Target.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Trigger.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Weapon.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/WorldSpawn.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AAS.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AAS_debug.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AAS_pathing.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AAS_routing.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AI.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AI_Vagary.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AI_events.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AI_pathing.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/anim/Anim.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/anim/Anim_Blend.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/anim/Anim_Testmodel.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/Class.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/DebugGraph.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/Event.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/SaveGame.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/SysCmds.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/SysCvar.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/TypeInfo.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Clip.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force_Constant.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force_Drag.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force_Field.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force_Spring.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_AF.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Actor.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Base.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Monster.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Parametric.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Player.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_RigidBody.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Static.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_StaticMulti.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Push.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/script/Script_Compiler.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/script/Script_Interpreter.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/script/Script_Program.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Base64.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/BitMsg.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/CmdArgs.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Dict.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Heap.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/LangDict.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Lexer.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Lib.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/MapFile.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Parser.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Str.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Timer.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Token.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/bv/Bounds.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/bv/Box.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/bv/Frustum.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/bv/Sphere.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/containers/HashIndex.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/DrawVert.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/JointTransform.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Surface.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Surface_Patch.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Surface_Polytope.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Surface_SweptSpline.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/TraceModel.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Winding.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Winding2D.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/CRC16.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/CRC32.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/CRC8.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/Honeyman.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/MD4.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/MD5.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Angles.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Complex.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Lcp.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Math.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Matrix.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Ode.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Plane.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Pluecker.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Polynomial.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Quat.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Rotation.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_3DNow.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_AltiVec.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_Generic.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_MMX.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_SSE.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_SSE2.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_SSE3.o \
all : game00.pk4
$(BASEDIR)idlib/idlib.a : $(LIBSRC)
ar r $@ $(LIBSRC) : $(GAMESRC) $(BASEDIR)idlib/idlib.a
g++ -shared -o $@ $^
game00.pk4 :
zip $@ $^; mv $@ ../dev
clean :
rm game00.pk4 idlib/idlib.a; find . -name \*.o -exec rm {} \;
I created a directory in my doom3 directory called Doom3SDK, put this makefile in there and good luck.
Obviouly change the BASEDIR to match yours, also the last thing it does is copy the game00.pk4 with the new in to ../dev
So have this structure
doom3/Doom3SDK - all directories from the sdk ( I installed on windows into a clear directory then zipped it and copied to linux. )
doom3/dev - a directory I use for testing stuff.
To run I do:
doom3 +set fs_game dev
NOTE: ERRROED files are files that failed to compile, but ain't included in the windows build either.
mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:49 am : We love you! Thank you so much!

Dante_uk@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:55 am : Beware, just made a small edit to the makefile in my post. Originally I had a seperate makefile for idlib, and hadn't actually tested the complete makefile.
Now it's tested and worked!!
My platform is:
Suse 8.2 (2.4.20-4GB)
gcc version 3.3 20030226 (prerelease) (SuSE Linux)
mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:57 am : Woot!
The makers of OSP were at a standstill because it wouldn't compile for Linux.
Feel free to come on into their IRC:
Another great admin mod (with url redirection for map distribution so people can grab them real quick without searching) that will come out soon is Xmod - same irc server:

Dante_uk@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:14 pm : I'm at work at the moment (sort of

I don't use irc very often.
Feel free to post links to this topic anywhere.
Maybe this should be stickied?
As most server side mods will want to be able to run on Linux too...
I'm sure someone might have problems or need small changes for different versions of Linux.
I assume mod makers will need to build and pack both the gamex86.dll and the so player on either client can use the mod.
mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:16 pm : I think most of the mod authors are asleep right now. But if they have any issues or questions, I will have them post here.
This rocks!

DensitYNZ@Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:22 pm : hehe see what did I tell yah :p
Good work Dante_uk. I now have to build a Linux box for compiling :p (here I come Gentoo stage 1 install)
ashridah@Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:42 am : Okay,
i've run into a snag, not sure what i've managed to miss.
I've got the makefile in a copy of the SDK, at the root (also tried it in game/ ) and i've used tabs where appropriate, and made sure the continuations all work too, but the first rule about compiling .cpp to .o files doesn't seem to be kicking in:
make: *** No rule to make target `/home/ashridah/sdk/game/AF.o', needed by `'. Stop.
anyone got any hints about why it might be skipping the
$(GCC) -c -D GAME_DLL $*.cpp -o $*.o
am i just not using this makefile in the right directory?

neumayr@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:12 am : Hm, let's see..
I assume you did set $BASEDIR? ;)
I'm not very experienced with Makefiles, but as far as I can see the first rule says "build game00.pk4", for which is required.
The rule for generation requires all the files from $(GAMESRC),
and AF.o is the first one referenced in that array. Nowhere do I recognize a rule to generate that AF.o from AF.cpp, but I guess it's this rule, which looks like GNU gibberish to me:
.SUFFIXES: .cpp .o
$(GCC) -c -D GAME_DLL $*.cpp -o $*.o
If this indeed is the offending rule, I'd try to put a space in between ".cpp.o" on the second line, making it ".cpp .o". Would make more sense to me.
I don't have a linnics box to test it on, so you have to try it yourself.
Good luck :)
ashridah@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:24 am : Yeah, i got this one sorted.
Turns out that the SDK has a bunch of places where it assumes that filename case issues aren't relevent (like, say, if it was on windows).
It wasn't compiling properly, because the first thing it tries to compile is AF.o, and the cpp file for it is actually named af.cpp in the filesystem..
i'm not sure how the guy who originally posted the Makefile didn't run into this, or possibly he compiled it on a vfat partition under linux, not sure.
Anyway, i've whacked together a patch that applies to the SDK if it's copied directly from a fat32 partition under linux to a linux filesystem, and includes a few modifications to the original Makefile posted in this thread.
It's all case changes in the files themselves, quite a few of them, but it boils down to a few files, and many, many instances where they've used 'idlib' instead of 'idLib'
anyway, here it is:
just apply using
patch -p0 < sdk-linux-build-patch.patch
from INSIDE the sdk's root directory.
then 'make' should just work.
The patch could theoretically be applied to a windows build tree as well, since the case issues shouldn't affect it so far as i can tell.
unreal_undead@Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:21 am : 2ashridah:
What compiler did you use ? I tried gcc 3.4.2 and got a bunch of problems related to nonstandard C++ code in SDK.
BTW In my copy of SDK (downloaded two days ago) all sources files names are either capitalized or uppercase (so the file you mentioned is named AF.cpp), although some name case inconsistencies fixed by your patch are still there.
ashridah@Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:22 am : unreal_undead wrote:
What compiler did you use ? I tried gcc 3.4.2 and got a bunch of problems related to nonstandard C++ code in SDK.
BTW In my copy of SDK (downloaded two days ago) all sources files names are either capitalized or uppercase (so the file you mentioned is named AF.cpp), although some name case inconsistencies fixed by your patch are still there.
That's not a big deal. just change the filename in the Makefile, and change back any references to it in the source code.
Admittedly, i do have an older copy of the SDK. it might have been modified since i downloaded it (which was immediately after release). i know they at least forgot one file in the version of the SDK i have, but that was for model exporting to/from maya or somesuch.
As for the problems with G++ 3.4, yes gcc 3.4 is a pedantic wretch nowadays, which is both a good and a bad thing. you'll have to deal with it yourself tho.
I'm using gcc 3.3.x on debian personally. I could install gcc 3.4, but i've got better things to do than fix syntactical issues in someone else's code

Give it a week or so. The linux dude (Timothee Besset) for ID software has been on vacation for a week or two, and is moving to America over this weekend (from france) to take up a permanent position at ID, but probably will release a fixed SDK once he gets back on the job. He'll be releasing it to work with 'scons' tho, not 'make', so you'll need to get that installed (it's an alternate build system)
Don't expect the issues with a pedantic gcc 3.4 to go away however. using gcc3.3 as a stopgap will probably have to do for you, since i doubt making the changes to make it syntactically sound will break the API.
ashridah@Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:19 am : unreal_undead wrote:
What compiler did you use ? I tried gcc 3.4.2 and got a bunch of problems related to nonstandard C++ code in SDK.
You'll definently need to get gcc 3.3 to compile the SDK.
Timothee Besset isn't going to modify the SDK to compile with gcc 3.4, you'll just have to live with that.
Dante_uk@Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:37 pm : Hey, fame at last !!
"A couple dozen people have asked me about getting the SDK to compile in Linux. We have an SCons file to build the code, but it has a lot of stuff for the main engine in there, which is why we didn't release it with the SDK. Dante over on the Doom 3 World forums wrote up a make file that seems to do the trick. You can find more information about it here."
I've been away on Holiday for a week, but back now.
I'll be scanning through the sources looking for simple fun things to change.
Also working on a map using all non-doom3 textures(England 1800s), got a couple of pics of stone built walls for houses and some reference shots for old style buildings whilst on hols.
scottl@Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:20 am : I compiled the standard SDK on linux(plus the few changes that were needed), and the damn thing wont work when I connect from a windows client to a linux server, has anyone gotten this to work?
I setup my paks as such:
binary.conf -- put 0 in the file
binary.conf -- put 2 in the file
Started up my server with +set fs_game test
serverinfo showed correct DLL was loaded, map is running.
Start up my client with +set fs_game test +connect IPOFSERVER
It loads up, then doom3 exits, after logging it, I find out it exits after sending the challenge, but nothing more than that...

It works when I load up the game, and then connect. Wonder if +connect using a mod causes client to crash = BUG?

mouse@Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:16 am : We get the following from Windows client to Linux server. This is simply from compiling SDK from Linux - nothing else.
Game is using with chmod 444
Joined server - went to map d3dm2 (delta labs). All is fine until you go to switch to start powerup of megahealth and servrer crashes with the following error:
WARNING: idStr::snPrintf: overflow of 10 in 1
signal caught: Segmentation fault
si_code 1
Trying to exit gracefully..
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
client 0 Server has shut down.
meh Server has shut down.
WARNING: Sys_Sleep - 10 < 20 msec is not portable
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
------------ Game Shutdown -----------
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutdown event system
shutdown terminal support
d3ffa1@chicago [~/doom3]#
kron@Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:01 pm : exact the same error here .. everything is fine until you click on the screen in D3DM2. (to load the MH)
mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:45 am : Without the Linux SDK most mod makers are stuck at a dead-end. Most servers run via Linux.

DensitYNZ@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 3:39 am : the code should compile under linux as it is
all it needs is some one that uses linux to create a makefile for it
mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:22 am : Anyone willing to do this?
Dante_uk@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:36 am : Done it.
Took about a hour and a half but here it is:
.SUFFIXES: .cpp .o
$(GCC) -c -D GAME_DLL $*.cpp -o $*.o
$(BASEDIR)game/anim/Anim_Import.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/Callbacks.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/AF.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/AFEntity.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Actor.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/BrittleFracture.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Camera.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Entity.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Fx.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/GameEdit.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Game_local.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Game_network.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/IK.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Item.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Light.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Misc.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Moveable.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Mover.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/MultiplayerGame.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Player.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/PlayerIcon.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/PlayerView.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Projectile.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Pvs.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/SecurityCamera.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/SmokeParticles.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Sound.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Target.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Trigger.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Weapon.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/WorldSpawn.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AAS.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AAS_debug.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AAS_pathing.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AAS_routing.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AI.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AI_Vagary.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AI_events.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AI_pathing.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/anim/Anim.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/anim/Anim_Blend.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/anim/Anim_Testmodel.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/Class.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/DebugGraph.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/Event.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/SaveGame.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/SysCmds.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/SysCvar.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/TypeInfo.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Clip.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force_Constant.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force_Drag.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force_Field.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force_Spring.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_AF.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Actor.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Base.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Monster.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Parametric.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Player.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_RigidBody.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Static.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_StaticMulti.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Push.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/script/Script_Compiler.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/script/Script_Interpreter.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/script/Script_Program.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Base64.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/BitMsg.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/CmdArgs.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Dict.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Heap.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/LangDict.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Lexer.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Lib.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/MapFile.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Parser.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Str.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Timer.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Token.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/bv/Bounds.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/bv/Box.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/bv/Frustum.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/bv/Sphere.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/containers/HashIndex.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/DrawVert.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/JointTransform.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Surface.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Surface_Patch.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Surface_Polytope.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Surface_SweptSpline.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/TraceModel.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Winding.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Winding2D.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/CRC16.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/CRC32.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/CRC8.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/Honeyman.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/MD4.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/MD5.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Angles.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Complex.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Lcp.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Math.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Matrix.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Ode.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Plane.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Pluecker.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Polynomial.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Quat.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Rotation.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_3DNow.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_AltiVec.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_Generic.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_MMX.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_SSE.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_SSE2.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_SSE3.o \
all : game00.pk4
$(BASEDIR)idlib/idlib.a : $(LIBSRC)
ar r $@ $(LIBSRC) : $(GAMESRC) $(BASEDIR)idlib/idlib.a
g++ -shared -o $@ $^
game00.pk4 :
zip $@ $^; mv $@ ../dev
clean :
rm game00.pk4 idlib/idlib.a; find . -name \*.o -exec rm {} \;
I created a directory in my doom3 directory called Doom3SDK, put this makefile in there and good luck.
Obviouly change the BASEDIR to match yours, also the last thing it does is copy the game00.pk4 with the new in to ../dev
So have this structure
doom3/Doom3SDK - all directories from the sdk ( I installed on windows into a clear directory then zipped it and copied to linux. )
doom3/dev - a directory I use for testing stuff.
To run I do:
doom3 +set fs_game dev
NOTE: ERRROED files are files that failed to compile, but ain't included in the windows build either.
mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:49 am : We love you! Thank you so much!

Dante_uk@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:55 am : Beware, just made a small edit to the makefile in my post. Originally I had a seperate makefile for idlib, and hadn't actually tested the complete makefile.
Now it's tested and worked!!
My platform is:
Suse 8.2 (2.4.20-4GB)
gcc version 3.3 20030226 (prerelease) (SuSE Linux)
mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:57 am : Woot!
The makers of OSP were at a standstill because it wouldn't compile for Linux.
Feel free to come on into their IRC:
Another great admin mod (with url redirection for map distribution so people can grab them real quick without searching) that will come out soon is Xmod - same irc server:

Dante_uk@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:14 pm : I'm at work at the moment (sort of

I don't use irc very often.
Feel free to post links to this topic anywhere.
Maybe this should be stickied?
As most server side mods will want to be able to run on Linux too...
I'm sure someone might have problems or need small changes for different versions of Linux.
I assume mod makers will need to build and pack both the gamex86.dll and the so player on either client can use the mod.
mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:16 pm : I think most of the mod authors are asleep right now. But if they have any issues or questions, I will have them post here.
This rocks!

DensitYNZ@Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:22 pm : hehe see what did I tell yah :p
Good work Dante_uk. I now have to build a Linux box for compiling :p (here I come Gentoo stage 1 install)
ashridah@Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:42 am : Okay,
i've run into a snag, not sure what i've managed to miss.
I've got the makefile in a copy of the SDK, at the root (also tried it in game/ ) and i've used tabs where appropriate, and made sure the continuations all work too, but the first rule about compiling .cpp to .o files doesn't seem to be kicking in:
make: *** No rule to make target `/home/ashridah/sdk/game/AF.o', needed by `'. Stop.
anyone got any hints about why it might be skipping the
$(GCC) -c -D GAME_DLL $*.cpp -o $*.o
am i just not using this makefile in the right directory?

neumayr@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:12 am : Hm, let's see..
I assume you did set $BASEDIR? ;)
I'm not very experienced with Makefiles, but as far as I can see the first rule says "build game00.pk4", for which is required.
The rule for generation requires all the files from $(GAMESRC),
and AF.o is the first one referenced in that array. Nowhere do I recognize a rule to generate that AF.o from AF.cpp, but I guess it's this rule, which looks like GNU gibberish to me:
.SUFFIXES: .cpp .o
$(GCC) -c -D GAME_DLL $*.cpp -o $*.o
If this indeed is the offending rule, I'd try to put a space in between ".cpp.o" on the second line, making it ".cpp .o". Would make more sense to me.
I don't have a linnics box to test it on, so you have to try it yourself.
Good luck :)
ashridah@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:24 am : Yeah, i got this one sorted.
Turns out that the SDK has a bunch of places where it assumes that filename case issues aren't relevent (like, say, if it was on windows).
It wasn't compiling properly, because the first thing it tries to compile is AF.o, and the cpp file for it is actually named af.cpp in the filesystem..
i'm not sure how the guy who originally posted the Makefile didn't run into this, or possibly he compiled it on a vfat partition under linux, not sure.
Anyway, i've whacked together a patch that applies to the SDK if it's copied directly from a fat32 partition under linux to a linux filesystem, and includes a few modifications to the original Makefile posted in this thread.
It's all case changes in the files themselves, quite a few of them, but it boils down to a few files, and many, many instances where they've used 'idlib' instead of 'idLib'
anyway, here it is:
just apply using
patch -p0 < sdk-linux-build-patch.patch
from INSIDE the sdk's root directory.
then 'make' should just work.
The patch could theoretically be applied to a windows build tree as well, since the case issues shouldn't affect it so far as i can tell.
unreal_undead@Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:21 am : 2ashridah:
What compiler did you use ? I tried gcc 3.4.2 and got a bunch of problems related to nonstandard C++ code in SDK.
BTW In my copy of SDK (downloaded two days ago) all sources files names are either capitalized or uppercase (so the file you mentioned is named AF.cpp), although some name case inconsistencies fixed by your patch are still there.
ashridah@Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:22 am : unreal_undead wrote:
What compiler did you use ? I tried gcc 3.4.2 and got a bunch of problems related to nonstandard C++ code in SDK.
BTW In my copy of SDK (downloaded two days ago) all sources files names are either capitalized or uppercase (so the file you mentioned is named AF.cpp), although some name case inconsistencies fixed by your patch are still there.
That's not a big deal. just change the filename in the Makefile, and change back any references to it in the source code.
Admittedly, i do have an older copy of the SDK. it might have been modified since i downloaded it (which was immediately after release). i know they at least forgot one file in the version of the SDK i have, but that was for model exporting to/from maya or somesuch.
As for the problems with G++ 3.4, yes gcc 3.4 is a pedantic wretch nowadays, which is both a good and a bad thing. you'll have to deal with it yourself tho.
I'm using gcc 3.3.x on debian personally. I could install gcc 3.4, but i've got better things to do than fix syntactical issues in someone else's code

Give it a week or so. The linux dude (Timothee Besset) for ID software has been on vacation for a week or two, and is moving to America over this weekend (from france) to take up a permanent position at ID, but probably will release a fixed SDK once he gets back on the job. He'll be releasing it to work with 'scons' tho, not 'make', so you'll need to get that installed (it's an alternate build system)
Don't expect the issues with a pedantic gcc 3.4 to go away however. using gcc3.3 as a stopgap will probably have to do for you, since i doubt making the changes to make it syntactically sound will break the API.
ashridah@Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:19 am : unreal_undead wrote:
What compiler did you use ? I tried gcc 3.4.2 and got a bunch of problems related to nonstandard C++ code in SDK.
You'll definently need to get gcc 3.3 to compile the SDK.
Timothee Besset isn't going to modify the SDK to compile with gcc 3.4, you'll just have to live with that.
Dante_uk@Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:37 pm : Hey, fame at last !!
"A couple dozen people have asked me about getting the SDK to compile in Linux. We have an SCons file to build the code, but it has a lot of stuff for the main engine in there, which is why we didn't release it with the SDK. Dante over on the Doom 3 World forums wrote up a make file that seems to do the trick. You can find more information about it here."
I've been away on Holiday for a week, but back now.
I'll be scanning through the sources looking for simple fun things to change.
Also working on a map using all non-doom3 textures(England 1800s), got a couple of pics of stone built walls for houses and some reference shots for old style buildings whilst on hols.
scottl@Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:20 am : I compiled the standard SDK on linux(plus the few changes that were needed), and the damn thing wont work when I connect from a windows client to a linux server, has anyone gotten this to work?
I setup my paks as such:
binary.conf -- put 0 in the file
binary.conf -- put 2 in the file
Started up my server with +set fs_game test
serverinfo showed correct DLL was loaded, map is running.
Start up my client with +set fs_game test +connect IPOFSERVER
It loads up, then doom3 exits, after logging it, I find out it exits after sending the challenge, but nothing more than that...

It works when I load up the game, and then connect. Wonder if +connect using a mod causes client to crash = BUG?

mouse@Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:16 am : We get the following from Windows client to Linux server. This is simply from compiling SDK from Linux - nothing else.
Game is using with chmod 444
Joined server - went to map d3dm2 (delta labs). All is fine until you go to switch to start powerup of megahealth and servrer crashes with the following error:
WARNING: idStr::snPrintf: overflow of 10 in 1
signal caught: Segmentation fault
si_code 1
Trying to exit gracefully..
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
client 0 Server has shut down.
meh Server has shut down.
WARNING: Sys_Sleep - 10 < 20 msec is not portable
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
------------ Game Shutdown -----------
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutdown event system
shutdown terminal support
d3ffa1@chicago [~/doom3]#
kron@Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:01 pm : exact the same error here .. everything is fine until you click on the screen in D3DM2. (to load the MH)
kingping@Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 12:31 pm : I enabled debug symbols and had a poke around with GDB and found the error occurs around line 3952 in game/Player.cpp when calling sys->GenerateMouseButtonEvent, which is meant to be a function inside the engine. Don't know whether its because the callback is filled with invalid data upon mod loading or because of an actual problem inside the function. Just thought I'd let you know my findings to save others the time.
Xipher@Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:28 pm : well, seeing that the rerelease of the SDK now has the offical linux stuff, I noticed I didn't have a problem at all compiling it.
dojoteef@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:09 pm : Well I feel bad dredging this old thread up but I'm having trouble compiling the Doom 3 source now. I guess I should lay out my situation. I run Windows XP and I have Visual Studio 6. Since VS6 can't import projects made with VS .NET (damn you Microsoft

) I decided that I'd try using my Cygwin tools to compile the source.
Well I've tried a number of different avenues of possibility, none coming to fruition. I've tried using the makefile that Dante_uk came up with and I got a number of errors on the first file, AF.o. I figured it was a problem with gcc, but despite that I first decided to install scons and see if that fixed the problem. Nope, I got the exact same errors. I read that gcc 3.3.x is what I should be using to compile with. Well considering I was using gcc 3.3.1-4 I started to get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. So I decided to try and eleviate those feelings by installing gcc 3.3.3, but I got the same errors; I then tried gcc 3.4.1 and I got even more errors and about that time I'm truly feeling depressed. I then went for a last ditch effort and tried using the compiler that comes with VS6, and I got errors using it also (and before you ask I did change the compiler flags in order to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler).
So, now I'm completely out of sorts trying to figure this out on my own. I would appreciate any help you guys can offer because I'd rather not have to go through all the code file by file to make sure I can iron out all the errors that have been popping up according to the damned compilers. Sorry if I seem in a bad mood, but I've spent a few hours doing this due to the need to download updates and such.
Xipher@Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:44 am : Sorry to tell you, but I think your out of luck on this one. The GCC version is only ment for Linux. You can get the VC++ compiler from MS for free though, it comes as part of a packaged but I don't remeber what the name of it is. You should be able to find that and find some way to build it from there. I don't know the details though so beyond this, Ill let some one else chime in that hopefully knows what else you might need to do.
da1saxman@Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:29 am : If you want vc++ for windows microsoft released a toolkit for compiling both managed and unmanaged C++ applications
Carnaby@Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 3:48 pm : I have a code which compile with windows but I don't success to compile SDK with Linux.
Is anybody can help me?
I have installed "scons" and the SDK rpm and when I try to compile (with just type "scons" or with a Makefile) I have lot of errors (wich seem to be OpenGL instruction error)
errors example
Do I need some additional libraries?
I'm using SuSE 9.2 pro with nvidia drivers 6629 and Doom 3 run fine on it.
EDIT:Problem resolved
sungs@Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 11:56 pm : scottl wrote:
It works when I load up the game, and then connect. Wonder if +connect using a mod causes client to crash = BUG?

After I compiled the source code and updated the corresponding
game00.pk4 file at the (Windows) server, the DOOM3 (Windows) client was
not able to connect to the server anymore. Same observation was also made earlier when we ran the Linux version server compiled from src, namely the client connected to the server and then disconnected without entering the game.
So I updated the game00.pk4 at the (Windows) client as well. Now, the
client could connect to the "modified" servers (linux or windows) successfully.
It seems that this compilation/run time problem happens under both Linux
and Windows.
Anyone have the answer or fix to it??
Fitzsimmons@Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:54 pm : On linux, my scons build also dies a miserable death. It spews several pages of errors before finally dying. Here's the last little bit:
game/AF.cpp:741: warning: enumeration value `DECLAF_CONSTRAINT_INVALID' not handled in switch
game/AF.cpp: In member function `bool idAF::Load(idEntity*, const char*)':
game/AF.cpp:868: warning: comparison between `enum declAFConstraintType_t' and `enum constraintType_t'
scons: *** [build/debug/game/game/AF.os] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
I'm using the most recent SDK, which was packaged in I've tried both 3.3 and 3.4 versions of GCC.
LukeNukem@Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:48 am : Seems like scons isnt setup properly..
#scons CC="ccache distcc g++" JOBS=8
seems to help, but after 8 files, shits again, dont take JOBS over 14 or you'll kill you're computer.
JOBS= is just for parrallel compiles...
Fitzsimmons@Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:27 am : LukeNukem wrote:
Seems like scons isnt setup properly..
#scons CC="ccache distcc g++" JOBS=8
seems to help, but after 8 files, shits again, dont take JOBS over 14 or you'll kill you're computer.
No, that doesn't fix anything at all. All it does is start 8 jobs, and each job dies, slowly (since you're running 8 at the same time) instead of one job dying quickly.
LukeNukem@Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:37 am : i seriously dont know what it is... I thought JOBS was something to do with it, but its just for parrallel compiling (2 cpus or distcc)...

LukeNukem@Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:56 am : using gcc-3.4 by any chance?
Fitzsimmons@Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:05 am : As I said in my post, I tried both GCC 3.3 and 3.4.
LukeNukem@Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:09 am : sorry, didnt see that...

Did you use gcc-config to switch the profiles between them?
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:35 am : Fitzsimmons wrote:
As I said in my post, I tried both GCC 3.3 and 3.4.
Which Linux distro are you using ?
I'm using SuSE 8.2 with gcc 3.3 and I have the build working fine.
I don't currently have a clean Source install, but I may set one up later today. If it works and builds okay, I'll let you know and maybe tar&gzip the whole structure and post a link to it.
LukeNukem@Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:22 am : Im using Gentoo.
Havnt got it fixed yet, and I have a feeling it could be that scons isnt quite setup right...
I'll try the gentoo forums soon.
Dante_uk@Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 12:33 pm : SCONS: It's a pain in the ass, I've just started to get the hang of makefiles and even made a working makefile for D3 before the 1.1 sdk came out. BUT id decided to use scons instead. I'd never even heard of it before and had to go find it and install. (I'm a programmer and work mainly on Linux but our code is ported to most Unix flavours and Windows. ).
Unfortunately I'm intuitive with computers, ie I play with stuff till it works and it generally takes me a lot less time then doing google searches to find the answers. Second bit of bad news is I have a very bad memory, so once I've solved a problem I usually forget the solution after a couple of days.( not normally a problem because I just reference back to my working example. )
In the case of SCONS I have a working example and you don't, more importantly I don't have your non-working example to compare with.
So after all the pre-amble and ranting the best I can offer is my complete working ( on SuSE 8.2 gcc 3.3 ) source base.
The import files I believe are:
src/sys/scons/SConscript.bots ( extra file for bots mod )
src/sys/scons/SConscript.dante_uk ( extra file for my mods )
src/sys/scons/scons_utils.pyc ( binary file - compiled pearl ? not in my zip?)
For adding your own sources you can follow my example by doing grep's for 'dante' in SC* files.
find . -name SC\* -exec grep 'dante' {} \;
Check out the readme files for information and credits on the other mod code I've added to this code base.
LukeNukem@Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:06 am : well that cinches it, tried your source, plus a rewritten makefile, same errors...
Dante_uk@Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:25 am : LukeNukem wrote:
well that cinches it, tried your source, plus a rewritten makefile, same errors...
My SCconstruct file sets CC=gcc and CXX=g++ then it's up to scons which it uses. For D3 it uses g++.
My versions:
semillon:/home/neilm/d3/Doom3SDK/src # g++ -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-suse-linux/3.3/specs
Configured with: ../configure --enable-threads=posix --prefix=/usr --with-local-prefix=/usr/local --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-languages=c,c++,f77,objc,java,ada --disable-checking --enable-libgcj --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/g++ --with-slibdir=/lib --with-system-zlib --enable-shared --enable-__cxa_atexit i486-suse-linux
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.3 20030226 (prerelease) (SuSE Linux)
semillon:/home/neilm/d3/Doom3SDK/src # gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-suse-linux/3.3/specs
Configured with: ../configure --enable-threads=posix --prefix=/usr --with-local-prefix=/usr/local --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-languages=c,c++,f77,objc,java,ada --disable-checking --enable-libgcj --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/g++ --with-slibdir=/lib --with-system-zlib --enable-shared --enable-__cxa_atexit i486-suse-linux
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.3 20030226 (prerelease) (SuSE Linux)
semillon:/home/neilm/d3/Doom3SDK/src #
What are the errors you're getting? ( sorry if you've already posted them somewhere I can't find them ).
If I get a chance I'll try my sources on my home machine, I recently made it dual boot suse 9.2 Pro(& XP Pro), I've Doom3 up and running already on it.
LukeNukem@Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:12 am : Code:
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3-20050110/specs
Configured with: /var/tmp/portage/gcc- --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs --prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/3.4.3-20050110 --includedir=/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3-20050110/include --datadir=/usr/share/gcc-data/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3-20050110 --mandir=/usr/share/gcc-data/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3-20050110/man --infodir=/usr/share/gcc-data/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3-20050110/info --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3-20050110/include/g++-v3 --host=i686-pc-linux-gnu --disable-altivec --disable-nls --with-system-zlib --disable-checking --disable-werror --disable-libunwind-exceptions --disable-multilib --enable-java-awt=gtk --enable-languages=c,c++,java,f77 --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-clocale=gnu
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)
--disable-nls could have something to do with it, I think, I'll check it and rebuild gcc soon.
Errors the same as Fitzsimmons above.
LukeNukem@Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 9:04 am : SOLVED!
Use 3.3.* not 3.4.*...
I tried 3.3 but forgot to refresh the profile in the console i was using, so didnt switch to 3.3 properly.

CerebralPanic@Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 9:53 am : I wish I had seen this a little earlier. I'm running Gentoo as well.
So to confirm your findings. I actually found exactly the same thing (today in fact), with the gcc (3.4) build breaking, where gcc 3.3 is fine.
You can use gcc-config to deal with various gcc versioning dependancies.
Dante_uk@Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 4:25 pm : Here's the story:
I found an old laptop at work ( umax ) it's screen's got a fault causing thin lines to appear on it most of the time. The memory is obviously faulty because it reports only 59MB at boot!!, at boot time it failed saying no OS. Processor is AMD something, about 500mhz.
Enter Damn Small Linux.
I booted a live cd of DSL 1.1 and it was fine and loaded it's X desktop. I checked the hard disk and found the partition table was screwed. At this point no one in the office wanted the laptop, it was now mine

Obviouly this isn't going to play Doom3 but I'm sure I can put it to use.
I did a HD install of DSL 1.1 and it was fine, the disk turned out to be almost 6gig.
Next I thought okay, lets set up a simple web site and use it as a web server, done. Next I got samba installed and working so I can store mp3's on it, done.
Okay, now how about storing my Doom3 sdk source code on it and setting up a cvs I can access from my home machine and from work. Done.
Okay now the biggy, can I install gcc and see if I can actually build the on this machine.
Whilst doing this I'm listening to mp3's using MMX from the DSL install.
I downloaded and did dpkg -i for the following ( this was a first for me, normally I use .tar files or rpm's because I mainly work on SuSE ):
I got the contents of usr/include/GL from the Nvidia driver for linux and put it into /usr/include/GL
I'd already given up on scons, it seemed over complicated and, well I know make.
I created my makefiles and left it running over night.
The result - in less then 12 hours, a dead laptop - revived and capable of useful things and ... A game00lnx.pk4 file with a working file and binary.conf. ( I copied to my SuSe 9.2 machine and tested it - Doom3 with my new .so works!! )
As a small footnote, the day before I got QEMU for Windows and the DSL1.1.iso onto my usb key(128mb key with over 60mb still free space) now I can plug in my USB key into any windows machine(1.5ghz or better) and run DSL from the key, without rebooting!
LukeNukem@Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 10:12 pm : Thats a nice story, shows the power of linux dosn't it.
Love the USB key idea, may try it oneday.
At the moment, Im working on getting a Via Epia + hdd and linux, into my car, and using linux as the ECU...
I'm gonna have to do better programming than I have been if I'm to pull it off. If it dosnt work out, no worries, bung an LCD screen in there somewhere and I can watch movies and play Quake/Doom in my car, plus have an mp3 player with super duper big storage.
Mekoryuk@Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:33 pm : Hopefully people still are looking in this thread, since I have a somewhat n00bish question to ask. I've been trying to get Doom 3 to compile under Linux for some time. I'm running a Gentoo AMD64 system, and I have GCC 3.3.5 installed (while making sure the -m32 option is passed to the compiler to generate 32-bit code). However, I get these errors:
[size=17]g++ -c -o /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.o /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:138,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:77,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h: In member function `void idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Init()':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:270: error: `freeTree' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:270: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:138,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:77,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h: In member function `idDynamicBlock<type>* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::AllocInternal(int)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:698: error: there are no arguments to `Max' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `Max' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:698: error: (if you use `-fpermissive', G++ will accept your code, but allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h: In member function `idDynamicBlock<type>* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::ResizeInternal(idDynamicBlock<type>*, int)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:763: error: there are no arguments to `Max' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `Max' must be available
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:147,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:77,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Matrix.h: In member function `idMatX& idMatX::SwapRows(int, int)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Matrix.h:2360: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Matrix.h:2360: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:156,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:77,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_Bezier<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:490: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_Bezier<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:513: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:520: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_Bezier<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:537: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:544: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_Bezier<type>::Basis(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:567: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:677: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:692: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:693: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:708: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:709: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::Basis(float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:721: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::BasisFirstDerivative(float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:737: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::BasisSecondDerivative(float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:752: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:805: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:820: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:821: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:836: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:837: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::Basis(float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:849: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::BasisFirstDerivative(float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:867: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::BasisSecondDerivative(float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:884: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual void idCurve_Spline<type>::SetBoundaryType(idCurve_Spline<type>::boundary_t)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:909: error: `changed' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual void idCurve_Spline<type>::SetCloseTime(float)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:912: error: `changed' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `type idCurve_Spline<type>::ValueForIndex(int) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:944: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `float idCurve_Spline<type>::TimeForIndex(int) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:974: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `float idCurve_Spline<type>::ClampedTime(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1005: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual bool idCurve_Spline<type>::IsDone(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1022: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual void idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::Clear()':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1040: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1075: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1076: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1077: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1079: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1091: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1092: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1093: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1107: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1108: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1109: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::Setup() const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1121: error: `changed' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1122: error: `boundaryType' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1123: error: `BT_FREE' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1124: error: `BT_CLAMPED' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1125: error: `BT_CLOSED' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::SetupFree() const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1143: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1151: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::SetupClamped() const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1203: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1211: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::SetupClosed() const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1272: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1281: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1373: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1374: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1377: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1378: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1383: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1401: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1402: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1405: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1406: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1411: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1413: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1413: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1430: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1431: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1434: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1435: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1440: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1442: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1442: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::Basis(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1455: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1455: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1455: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1471: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1471: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1471: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1487: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1487: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1487: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::RemoveIndex(int)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1513: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1513: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::Clear()':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1514: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1514: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1514: error: `currentIndex' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual int idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::AddValue(float, const type&)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1553: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1554: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1555: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual int idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::AddValue(float, const type&, float, float, float)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1574: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1596: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1597: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1600: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1601: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1604: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1605: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1624: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1625: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1628: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1629: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1632: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1633: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1636: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1636: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1653: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1654: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1657: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1658: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1661: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1662: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1665: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1665: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::TangentsForIndex(int, type&, type&) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1679: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1679: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1680: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1680: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1687: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1687: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1692: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1692: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1699: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1699: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1704: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1704: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::Basis(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1716: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1716: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1716: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1732: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1732: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1732: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1748: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1748: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1748: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_BSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1808: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1809: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1812: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1813: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1817: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_BSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1835: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1836: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1839: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1840: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1844: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_BSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1862: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1863: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1866: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1867: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1871: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `float idCurve_BSpline<type>::Basis(int, int, float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1886: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1886: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1893: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1893: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1895: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1898: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1898: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1900: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `float idCurve_BSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative(int, int, float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1916: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1916: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `float idCurve_BSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative(int, int, float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1929: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1929: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In constructor `idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline()':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1963: error: `order' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1979: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1980: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1983: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1984: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1989: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2007: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2008: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2011: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2012: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2017: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2019: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2019: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2036: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2037: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2040: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2041: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2046: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2048: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2048: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::Basis(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2061: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2061: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2061: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2077: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2077: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2077: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2093: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2093: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2093: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2145: error: `order' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2147: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2148: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2151: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2152: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2157: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2174: error: `order' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2176: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2177: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2180: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2181: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2186: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2203: error: `order' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2205: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2206: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2209: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2210: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2215: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::Basis(int, int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2238: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2238: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2238: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative(int, int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2260: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2260: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2262: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2262: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative(int, int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2280: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2280: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2282: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2282: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual void idCurve_NURBS<type>::RemoveIndex(int)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2301: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2301: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual void idCurve_NURBS<type>::Clear()':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2302: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2302: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2302: error: `currentIndex' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual int idCurve_NURBS<type>::AddValue(float, const type&)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2335: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2336: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2337: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual int idCurve_NURBS<type>::AddValue(float, const type&, float)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2354: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2355: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2356: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NURBS<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2374: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2375: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2378: error: `order' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2380: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2381: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2382: error: there are no arguments to `Basis' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `Basis' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2389: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NURBS<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2407: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2408: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2411: error: `order' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2414: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2415: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2416: error: there are no arguments to `Basis' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `Basis' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2417: error: there are no arguments to `BasisFirstDerivative' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `BasisFirstDerivative' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2427: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NURBS<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2447: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2448: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2451: error: `order' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2455: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2456: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2457: error: there are no arguments to `Basis' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `Basis' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2458: error: there are no arguments to `BasisFirstDerivative' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `BasisFirstDerivative' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2459: error: there are no arguments to `BasisSecondDerivative' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `BasisSecondDerivative' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2471: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `float idCurve_NURBS<type>::WeightForIndex(int) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2491: error: `boundaryType' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2491: error: `BT_CLOSED' undeclared (first use this function)
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:189,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:77,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/HashTable.h: In member function `int idHashTable<Type>::GetSpread() const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/HashTable.h:357: error: `numItems' undeclared (first use this function)
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:192,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:77,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/Hierarchy.h: In member function `idHierarchy<type>* idHierarchy<type>::GetPriorSiblingNode() const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/Hierarchy.h:252: error: invalid use of undefined type `struct idCommon'
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:28: error: forward declaration of `struct idCommon'
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:197,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:77,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h: In member function `int idVectorSet<type, dimension>::FindVector(const type&, float)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h:125: error: there are no arguments to `Num' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `Num' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h:127: error: there are no arguments to `Num' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `Num' must be available
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:156:39: ../framework/DemoChecksum.h: No such file or directory
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:159:37: ../framework/Compressor.h: No such file or directory
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:160:36: ../framework/EventLoop.h: No such file or directory
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:161:35: ../framework/KeyInput.h: No such file or directory
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:162:36: ../framework/EditField.h: No such file or directory
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:163:34: ../framework/Console.h: No such file or directory
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:164:35: ../framework/DemoFile.h: No such file or directory
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:165:34: ../framework/Session.h: No such file or directory
Fitzsimmons@Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:05 am : I have created a wiki article with everything you should need on
Here's a link:
elroacho@Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 9:28 pm : woes

I tried Dante_uk's makefile and it won't build

I forget the error but just tried Fitzsimmons method and it compiled fine. I too counldn't get my dll to load until I named it as mentiond on the Discussion Page.
So i finally get it into a pk4 and all is well except for that it runs terriblely slow. Some more digging and I found that debug is the default build. scons BUILD='release' is the way to make a release
So I do all that, put it into a pk4 again and try to load my mod only to have doom crash in my face.
----- idSoundCache::EndLevelLoad -----
8482k referenced
258k purged
sound: missing efxs/z_testmap.efx
signal caught: Segmentation fault
si_code 2
Trying to exit gracefully..
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutting down sound hardware
------ OSS Sound Shutdown ------
close sound device
------------ Game Shutdown -----------
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutdown event system
Like I said, everything is fine and loads in debug mode, but runs slow. The release build crashes whenever i try to load a map with the above error.
edit: fixed menu thing, still crash though

Thanx in advance.
para-@Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:33 pm : elroacho wrote:
So I do all that, put it into a pk4 again and try to load my mod only to have doom crash in my face.
What's your architecture and what version of GCC are you using?
Also what's the exact command you are using to build it?
elroacho@Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:55 pm : Quote:
What's your architecture and what version of GCC are you using?
My linux box is an AMD 1900+, 512MB RAM, Geforce 4ti 4600, Asus A7A266, Onboard Sound.
I installed Fedora Core 1, It came with GCC version 3.3.2-1.
Also what's the exact command you are using to build it?
I do an su, then cd to the source folder
edit: chmod -R 777 /usr/local/games/doom3/sdk/
and typed: scons
That way works, but loads slowly. Then I was digging through SConstruct and found...
BUILD (default debug)
Use debug-all/debug/release to select build settings
ex: BUILD="release"
debug-all: no optimisations, debugging symbols
debug: -O -g
release: all optimisations, including CPU target etc.
So I tried: scons BUILD='release'
That one loads faster and I can get into the main menu, but can't load any maps, even stock id ones. The loading screen shows up but drops to desktop after a few seconds:
Spawning entities
glprogs/heatHazeWithMaskAndVertex.vfp: GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB not available
signal caught: Segmentation fault
si_code 2
Trying to exit gracefully..
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutting down sound hardware
------ OSS Sound Shutdown ------
close sound device
------------ Game Shutdown -----------
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutdown event system
I also installed the latest nvidia driver.
para-@Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:35 am : elroacho wrote:
My linux box is an AMD 1900+, 512MB RAM, Geforce 4ti 4600, Asus A7A266, Onboard Sound.
I installed Fedora Core 1, It came with GCC version 3.3.2-1.
Also what's the exact command you are using to build it?
I do an su, then cd to the source folder
edit: chmod -R 777 /usr/local/games/doom3/sdk/
and typed: scons
That way works, but loads slowly. Then I was digging through SConstruct and found...
I also installed the latest nvidia driver.
Are you using the same SDK code base as your current Doom3 patch?
Also, can you run any other OpenGL programs? Try glxgears and glxinfo.
elroacho@Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 2:52 am : Quote:
Are you using the same SDK code base as your current Doom3 patch?
Yes, I installed Doom3 using:
And the SDK:
Also, can you run any other OpenGL programs? Try glxgears and glxinfo.
Havn't tried other opengl stuff yet.
glxgears = around 3000fps
And I ran the Makefile again to see the error:
g++ -c -D GAME_DLL /usr/local/games/doom3/sdk/src/idlib/math/Simd_AltiVec.cpp -o /usr/local/games/doom3/sdk/src/idlib/math/Simd_AltiVec.o
/usr/local/games/doom3/sdk/src/idlib/math/Simd_AltiVec.cpp:14:36: ppc_intrinsics.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [/usr/local/games/doom3/sdk/src/idlib/math/Simd_AltiVec.o] Error 1
I greped the win32 and linux sdk's and found no: ppc_intrinsics.h
Something missing from gcc?
What gives? Thanx
EDIT: Fixed SCONS problem, everything loads fine now. I'm gonna try the makefile again tomorrow just to see if that works as well.
EDIT: The makefile still craps out with the above error, but at leaste scons is working!

SOLUTION: Take Fedora cd's and toss them in the garbage. Download SUSE 9.3 Pro (which comes with gcc 3.3.5 python 2.4) and get the updates using YaST's online update (the nvidia driver update especially). Got an SCONS RPM for SUSE 9.3 @: ... 4.i586.rpm
And problem vanished! And I must say, SUSE is growing on me. It's a very good Linux OS for Windows Linux newbies, like me. Lot's of similarities and way easier to use compared to redhat/fedora. I installed everything cause I'm not sure what I can leave out lol. Snag yourself a copy @: ... 6/9.3/iso/
BTW, set the sound driver in doom 3 to OSS to get rid of the HAL9000 sounds.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:19 pm : I think I'm going to try using the makefile. I've been trying to use scons to compile a Linux version of this certain mod I love, Denton's Enhanced Doom 3, without success. SDK version I have is 1.3.1302 for Linux, and Doom 3 build I'm using 1.3.1304 for Linux. I mailed JCDenton and got him to mail me his sourcefiles so I could do this.
Using g++ 3.3.6 to do this, and here's what scons spits out when it gets to compiling with JCDenton's modded gamecode:
g++-3.3 -o build/debug/game/game/AF.os -c -fPIC -pipe -Wall -fmessage-length=0 -D__WITH_PB__ -D_D3SDK -g -O1 -D_DEBUG -fno-strict-aliasing -DGAME_DLL game/AF.cpp
game/AF.cpp:5: warning: ignoring #pragma hdrstop
In file included from game/AF.cpp:7:
game/Game_local.h:564: error: cannot declare variable `gameLocal' to be of type `idGameLocal'
game/Game_local.h:564: error: because the following virtual functions are abstract:
game/Game.h:118: error: virtual void idGame::ServerClientConnect(int)
game/Game.h:148: error: virtual gameReturn_t idGame::ClientPrediction(int, const usercmd_t*)
game/Game.h:154: error: virtual idStr idGame::GetBestGameType(const char*, const char*)
In file included from game/Game_local.h:714,
from game/AF.cpp:7:
game/Player.h:480: error: extraneous `int' ignored
game/AF.cpp: In member function `bool idAF::LoadConstraint(const idDeclAF_Constraint*)':
game/AF.cpp:743: warning: enumeration value `DECLAF_CONSTRAINT_INVALID' not handled in switch
game/AF.cpp: In member function `bool idAF::Load(idEntity*, const char*)':
game/AF.cpp:870: warning: comparison between `enum declAFConstraintType_t' and `enum constraintType_t'
scons: *** [build/debug/game/game/AF.os] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
Machine I'm using: Intel Pentium D dual core @ 3.4 GHz, 2 GB of memory.
OS: Ubuntu Linux 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon), Linux Kernel 2.6.22-14-generic

makefile:6: *** missing separator. Stop.
*sighs* Now what?
EDIT: Figured out the makefile problems. Missing TABs. But now I got the same exact errors as I did with scons.
Deadite4@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:12 pm : I've always found it easier to use scons. Your first problem is that your using the SDK and trying to run it on Doom 3. You want to have the same SDK version as the version you are building for, otherwise it won't run regardless of how you build it. Go here for step by step how to use scons. Also as of SDK 1.3.1 you can use GCC 4.X ... K_on_Linux-deadite4-
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:30 pm : Alright, is there a 1.3.1304 version of SDK for Linux? And are my problems first scons rooted or version conflict rooted? Oh, I managed to get a successful vanilla build with unmodded source files. It's when I'm trying to build with the modded sourcefiles JCDenton supplied to me that I'm running into problems. I need to ask him what exact version of SDK he used when he compiled his Windows build of his mod.
Deadite4@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:48 pm : You can grab the latest version from bit torrent via the link I posted, or you can grab it off most other Doom 3 file sites,, or build problem seems most likely you are missing the Open GL libraries. I can't stress enough to go to ... K_on_Linux. Your problem is right in text there. Good Luck.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:06 pm : *sighs* I'm getting the wrong compiler version error, even though I've installed g++ 3.3.6 Looks like I'll have to try 3.3.5
Bittoman@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:24 am : I actually did a compile of D3, Q3 and Q2 a few days ago on Linux (using gcc 4.1.2-33) and had no issues however there is one rather odd thing that might happen. I don't remember what or why but this error has popped up on another program (I think it was a driver actually, ATI's I believe). The solution was that the platform, I can't remember which but I think it was Fedora, actually had two versions of gcc++ installed by default and the driver was compiling using the older version while the kernel was compiled using the newer causing the driver to not correctly insert itself into the kernel. You might check for gcc++ installations. If you're using a platform with yum you can simply sudo or su - and then type 'yum list gcc' and see if you have more than one installed, if you do just 'yum erase gcc.old.version' (replace 'old.version' with the string after the older gcc version)
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:48 am : JCDenton just got back with me and said first off, I need to update my SDK to 1.3.1304, and that I need to add preprocessor constants to my command-line.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:29 am : Okay, somebody who's familiar with make, how do I add in preprocessor constants into the makefile? Also, I think I'm missing some header files in this version of SDK, as I tried building a vanilla base and it stalled out on building Simd_AltiVec.o as it couldn't find ppc_intrinsics.h
simulation@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:07 am : I have a page with all the various releases and sdks of d3 hosted... you need g++4.0
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:20 pm : I've now gotten 1.3.1304 of SDK, and am using g++ 4.1.3 Latest attempt generated a slew of tracer.h errors:
make -f DentonMake
g++ -c -D GAME_DLL -D_DENTONMOD -D_PORTALSKY /home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/AFEntity.cpp -o /home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/AFEntity.o
In file included from /home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Game_local.h:705,
from /home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:151,
from /home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/AFEntity.cpp:4:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:583:25: warning: no newline at end of file
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h: In member function ‘idDynamicBlock<type>* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::AllocInternal(int)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:697: error: there are no arguments to ‘Max’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Max’ must be available
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:697: error: (if you use ‘-fpermissive’, G++ will accept your code, but allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h: In member function ‘idDynamicBlock<type>* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::ResizeInternal(idDynamicBlock<type>*, int)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:762: error: there are no arguments to ‘Max’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Max’ must be available
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h: In member function ‘int idVectorSet<type, dimension>::FindVector(const type&, float)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h:125: error: there are no arguments to ‘Num’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Num’ must be available
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h:127: error: there are no arguments to ‘Num’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Num’ must be available
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:26: error: ‘dnTracer’ has not been declared
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:26: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnTracer’ with no type
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnTracer(idEntity*, float, const idVec3&, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:26: error: only constructors take base initializers
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:28: error: ‘TR_TYPE_TRACER’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:28: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:32: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:34: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:35: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:36: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:39: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:40: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:41: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘dnTracer’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:53: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:53: error: ‘playerViewOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:53: error: ‘distanceRatio’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:55: error: ‘axis’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:57: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:76: error: ‘dnBeamTracer’ has not been declared
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:76: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnBeamTracer’ with no type
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnBeamTracer(idEntity*, float, const idVec3&, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:76: error: only constructors take base initializers
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:78: error: ‘TR_TYPE_BEAMTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:78: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:83: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:85: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:86: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:87: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:90: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:91: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:92: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:94: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:129: error: ‘dnBeamTracer’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:129: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:131: error: ‘dnTracer’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:133: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:136: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:137: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:142: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:166: error: ‘dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer’ has not been declared
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:166: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer’ with no type
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer(idEntity*)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:166: error: only constructors take base initializers
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:168: error: ‘TR_TYPE_BEAMTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:168: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:173: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:176: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:180: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:205: error: ‘dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:205: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:207: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:209: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:211: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:234: error: ‘dnSpeedTracer’ has not been declared
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:234: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnSpeedTracer’ with no type
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnSpeedTracer(idEntity*, float, float, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:234: error: only constructors take base initializers
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:236: error: ‘TR_TYPE_SPEEDTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:236: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:241: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:242: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:249: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:250: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:251: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:252: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:254: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:261: error: ‘lastPos’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:276: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:279: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:288: error: ‘dnSpeedTracer’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘bool UpdatePosition()’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:289: error: ‘flyTime’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:289: error: ‘speed’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:291: error: ‘distance’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:293: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:296: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:300: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:300: error: ‘lastPos’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:304: error: ‘distance’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:313: error: ‘dnSpeedTracer’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:313: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:314: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:318: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:318: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:333: error: ‘dnBeamSpeedTracer’ has not been declared
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:333: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnBeamSpeedTracer’ with no type
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnBeamSpeedTracer(idEntity*, float, float, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:334: error: only constructors take base initializers
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:336: error: ‘TR_TYPE_SPEEDTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:336: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:341: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:342: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:349: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:350: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:351: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:352: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:354: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:361: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:362: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:362: error: ‘lastPos’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:383: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:392: error: ‘dnBeamSpeedTracer’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:392: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:393: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:397: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:397: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:399: error: ‘muzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:406: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:417: error: ‘dnRailBeam’ has not been declared
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:417: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnRailBeam’ with no type
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnRailBeam(idEntity*, const idVec3&)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:418: error: only constructors take base initializers
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:420: error: ‘TR_TYPE_RAILBEAM’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:420: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:425: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:426: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:429: error: ‘offset’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:430: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:434: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:435: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:435: error: invalid operands of types ‘float’ and ‘time_t ()(time_t*)throw ()’ to binary ‘operator*’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:438: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:440: error: ‘fadeOut’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:441: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:441: error: ‘fadeColor’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:444: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:455: error: ‘beamEndWidth’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:456: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:459: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:465: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:467: error: ‘smokeParticle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:468: error: ‘smokeLength’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:476: error: ‘dnRailBeam’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Create(const idVec3&)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:478: error: pointer to a function used in arithmetic
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:478: error: assignment of function ‘time_t time(time_t*)’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:478: error: cannot convert ‘time_t (*)(time_t*)throw ()’ to ‘time_t ()(time_t*)throw ()’ in assignment
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:480: error: ‘previousTime’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:481: error: ‘fadeOut’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:483: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:487: error: ‘offset’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:492: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:495: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:497: error: ‘smokeParticle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:499: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:501: error: ‘smokeLength’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:503: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:514: error: ‘smokeStartTime’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:517: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:518: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:520: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:529: error: ‘dnRailBeam’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:529: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:531: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:536: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeParticle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeStartTime’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeLength’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:545: error: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:546: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:546: error: ‘fadeColor’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:551: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:552: error: ‘beamEndWidth’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:555: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:556: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:560: error: ‘previousTime’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:562: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:563: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:566: error: ‘fadeOut’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:568: error: ‘fadeOutIntervals’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:570: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:579: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:579: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Projectile.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Projectile.h:64: error: ‘dnTracerEffect’ has not been declared
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Projectile.h:78: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnTracerEffect’ with no type
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Projectile.h:78: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Projectile.h: In member function ‘void idProjectile::setTracerEffect(int*)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Projectile.h:64: error: ‘tracerEffect’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Player.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Player.h:480: error: two or more data types in declaration of ‘parameter’
make: *** [/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/AFEntity.o] Error 1
Got a feeling I'm going to have to start digging through the source files myself.
jcdenton22@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:06 am : LinuxDoomer wrote:
make -f DentonMake
Well, I never compiled any code for linux, but I think you should put a space between -D & _DENTONMOD as well between -D & _PORTALSKY.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:27 pm : Didn't make any difference at all. You never got these kinds of errors of course compiling this on Windows I'm pretty sure. Wondering why, and what Visual C++ is doing to alleviate all this.
Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:18 pm : jcdenton22 wrote:
LinuxDoomer wrote:
make -f DentonMake
Well, I never compiled any code for linux, but I think you should put a space between -D & _DENTONMOD as well between -D & _PORTALSKY.
I beg to differ, G++ expects it to be written
without a space.
From the GCC man page:
This means it should be:
If G++ did start with that space added, it probably ignored the parameters causing
GAME_DLL to remain undefined.
simulation@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:23 pm : Have you tried compiling the SDK without merging JCDenton's changes? Just so you know everything is set up ok?
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:34 pm : Just did with scons, now I'll try it with the makefile posted on page 1.
EDIT - Dante's makefile is incomplete, it died trying to do it using make. It's going to have to be via scons, so I'm off to read up on how to add preproccessor constants to it.
simulation@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:12 pm : LinuxDoomer wrote:
Just did with scons, now I'll try it with the makefile posted on page 1.
EDIT - Dante's makefile is incomplete, it died trying to do it using make. It's going to have to be via scons, so I'm off to read up on how to add preproccessor constants to it.
Part way down SConstruct you'll see...
if ( g_sdk or SDK != '0' ):
BASECPPFLAGS.append( '-D_D3SDK' ) just add any further defines that you need there. e.g.
if ( g_sdk or SDK != '0' ):
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:07 pm : Is that PASECPPFLAGS.append or BASECPPFLAGS.append? It looks like the former, but my LCD screen might be screwing with it.
simulation@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:09 pm : LinuxDoomer wrote:
Is that PASECPPFLAGS.append or BASECPPFLAGS.append? It looks like the former, but my LCD screen might be screwing with it.
In my SConstruct there is only one place that has '-D_D3SDK', and that is to BASECPPFLAGS.append. Do you have a non-standard SConstruct file?
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:21 pm : Never mind, I found where it is.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:45 pm : Build still failed,even with scons:
g++ -o build/debug/game/game/AF.os -c -fPIC -pipe -Wall -fmessage-length=0 -fpermissive -fvisibility=hidden -m32 -D__WITH_PB__ -D_D3SDK -D_DENTONMOD -D_PORTALSKY -g -O1 -D_DEBUG -fno-strict-aliasing -DGAME_DLL game/AF.cpp
game/AF.cpp:5: warning: ignoring #pragma hdrstop
In file included from game/Game_local.h:705,
from game/AF.cpp:7:
game/tracer.h:3: warning: ignoring #pragma hdrstop
In file included from game/Game_local.h:705,
from game/AF.cpp:7:
game/tracer.h:583:25: warning: no newline at end of file
game/../idlib/../sys/sys_public.h:512: warning: ‘class idSys’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h: In member function ‘idDynamicBlock<type>* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::AllocInternal(int)’:
game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:697: warning: there are no arguments to ‘Max’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Max’ must be available
game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h: In member function ‘idDynamicBlock<type>* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::ResizeInternal(idDynamicBlock<type>*, int)’:
game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:762: warning: there are no arguments to ‘Max’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Max’ must be available
game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Simd.h: At global scope:
game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Simd.h:71: warning: ‘class idSIMDProcessor’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h: In member function ‘int idVectorSet<type, dimension>::FindVector(const type&, float)’:
game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h:125: warning: there are no arguments to ‘Num’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Num’ must be available
game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h:127: warning: there are no arguments to ‘Num’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Num’ must be available
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:26: error: ‘dnTracer’ has not been declared
game/tracer.h:26: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnTracer’ with no type
game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnTracer(idEntity*, float, const idVec3&, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
game/tracer.h:26: error: only constructors take base initializers
game/tracer.h:28: error: ‘TR_TYPE_TRACER’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:28: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:32: warning: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
game/tracer.h:34: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:35: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:36: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:39: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:40: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:41: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘dnTracer’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
game/tracer.h:53: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:53: error: ‘playerViewOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:53: error: ‘distanceRatio’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:55: error: ‘axis’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:57: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:76: error: ‘dnBeamTracer’ has not been declared
game/tracer.h:76: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnBeamTracer’ with no type
game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnBeamTracer(idEntity*, float, const idVec3&, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
game/tracer.h:76: error: only constructors take base initializers
game/tracer.h:78: error: ‘TR_TYPE_BEAMTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:78: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:83: warning: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
game/tracer.h:85: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:86: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:87: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:90: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:91: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:92: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:94: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:129: error: ‘dnBeamTracer’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
game/tracer.h:129: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
game/tracer.h:131: error: ‘dnTracer’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h:133: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:136: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:137: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:142: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:166: error: ‘dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer’ has not been declared
game/tracer.h:166: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer’ with no type
game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer(idEntity*)’:
game/tracer.h:166: error: only constructors take base initializers
game/tracer.h:168: error: ‘TR_TYPE_BEAMTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:168: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:173: warning: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
game/tracer.h:176: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:180: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:205: error: ‘dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
game/tracer.h:205: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
game/tracer.h:207: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:209: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:211: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:234: error: ‘dnSpeedTracer’ has not been declared
game/tracer.h:234: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnSpeedTracer’ with no type
game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnSpeedTracer(idEntity*, float, float, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
game/tracer.h:234: error: only constructors take base initializers
game/tracer.h:236: error: ‘TR_TYPE_SPEEDTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:236: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:241: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:242: warning: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
game/tracer.h:249: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:250: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:251: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:252: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:254: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:261: error: ‘lastPos’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:276: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:279: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:288: error: ‘dnSpeedTracer’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘bool UpdatePosition()’:
game/tracer.h:289: error: ‘flyTime’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:289: error: ‘speed’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:291: error: ‘distance’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:293: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:296: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:300: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:300: error: ‘lastPos’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:304: error: ‘distance’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:313: error: ‘dnSpeedTracer’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
game/tracer.h:313: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
game/tracer.h:314: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:318: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:318: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:333: error: ‘dnBeamSpeedTracer’ has not been declared
game/tracer.h:333: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnBeamSpeedTracer’ with no type
game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnBeamSpeedTracer(idEntity*, float, float, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
game/tracer.h:334: error: only constructors take base initializers
game/tracer.h:336: error: ‘TR_TYPE_SPEEDTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:336: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:341: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:342: warning: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
game/tracer.h:349: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:350: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:351: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:352: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:354: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:361: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:362: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:362: error: ‘lastPos’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:383: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:392: error: ‘dnBeamSpeedTracer’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
game/tracer.h:392: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
game/tracer.h:393: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:397: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:397: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:399: error: ‘muzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:406: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:417: error: ‘dnRailBeam’ has not been declared
game/tracer.h:417: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnRailBeam’ with no type
game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnRailBeam(idEntity*, const idVec3&)’:
game/tracer.h:418: error: only constructors take base initializers
game/tracer.h:420: error: ‘TR_TYPE_RAILBEAM’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:420: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:425: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:426: warning: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
game/tracer.h:429: error: ‘offset’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:430: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:434: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:435: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:435: error: invalid operands of types ‘float’ and ‘time_t ()(time_t*)throw ()’ to binary ‘operator*’
game/tracer.h:438: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:440: error: ‘fadeOut’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:441: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:441: error: ‘fadeColor’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:444: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:455: error: ‘beamEndWidth’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:456: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:459: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:465: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:467: error: ‘smokeParticle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:468: error: ‘smokeLength’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:476: error: ‘dnRailBeam’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Create(const idVec3&)’:
game/tracer.h:478: warning: pointer to a function used in arithmetic
game/tracer.h:478: error: assignment of function ‘time_t time(time_t*)’
game/tracer.h:478: error: cannot convert ‘time_t (*)(time_t*)throw ()’ to ‘time_t ()(time_t*)throw ()’ in assignment
game/tracer.h:480: error: ‘previousTime’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:481: error: ‘fadeOut’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:483: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:487: error: ‘offset’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:492: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:495: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:497: error: ‘smokeParticle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:499: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:501: error: ‘smokeLength’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:503: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:514: error: ‘smokeStartTime’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:517: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:518: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:520: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:529: error: ‘dnRailBeam’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
game/tracer.h:529: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
game/tracer.h:531: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:536: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeParticle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeStartTime’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeLength’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:545: warning: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer
game/tracer.h:546: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:546: error: ‘fadeColor’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:551: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:552: error: ‘beamEndWidth’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:555: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:556: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:560: error: ‘previousTime’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:562: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:563: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:566: error: ‘fadeOut’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:568: error: ‘fadeOutIntervals’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:570: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:579: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:579: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/Projectile.h: At global scope:
game/Projectile.h:64: error: ‘dnTracerEffect’ has not been declared
game/Projectile.h:78: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnTracerEffect’ with no type
game/Projectile.h:78: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
game/Projectile.h: In member function ‘void idProjectile::setTracerEffect(int*)’:
game/Projectile.h:64: error: ‘tracerEffect’ was not declared in this scope
game/Player.h: At global scope:
game/Player.h:480: error: two or more data types in declaration of ‘parameter’
game/AF.cpp: In member function ‘bool idAF::LoadConstraint(const idDeclAF_Constraint*)’:
game/AF.cpp:604: warning: enumeration value ‘DECLAF_CONSTRAINT_INVALID’ not handled in switch
game/AF.cpp: In member function ‘bool idAF::Load(idEntity*, const char*)’:
game/AF.cpp:870: warning: comparison between ‘enum declAFConstraintType_t’ and ‘enum constraintType_t’
game/Game_local.h: At global scope:
game/Game_local.h:91: warning: ‘NUM_RENDER_PORTAL_BITS’ defined but not used
game/Game_local.h:675: warning: ‘CINEMATIC_SKIP_DELAY’ defined but not used
game/Player.h:48: warning: ‘ASYNC_PLAYER_INV_AMMO_BITS’ defined but not used
scons: *** [build/debug/game/game/AF.os] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
I've got a sinking feeling now.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:31 pm : Turns out I was still using the wrong version of g++. I was trying to use 4.1.3 when 4.0.x is what I HAVE to be using.
Anyway, thanks to simulation's help, Denton's mod is now fully working in Linux Doom 3!! Thanks much to him!!
After I get version 4.0.x of g++ I may start asking others for their source code so I can try compiling them on Linux as well.
mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:45 am : Without the Linux SDK most mod makers are stuck at a dead-end. Most servers run via Linux.

DensitYNZ@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 3:39 am : the code should compile under linux as it is
all it needs is some one that uses linux to create a makefile for it
mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:22 am : Anyone willing to do this?
Dante_uk@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:36 am : Done it.
Took about a hour and a half but here it is:
.SUFFIXES: .cpp .o
$(GCC) -c -D GAME_DLL $*.cpp -o $*.o
$(BASEDIR)game/anim/Anim_Import.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/Callbacks.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/AF.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/AFEntity.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Actor.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/BrittleFracture.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Camera.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Entity.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Fx.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/GameEdit.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Game_local.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Game_network.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/IK.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Item.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Light.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Misc.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Moveable.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Mover.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/MultiplayerGame.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Player.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/PlayerIcon.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/PlayerView.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Projectile.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Pvs.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/SecurityCamera.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/SmokeParticles.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Sound.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Target.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Trigger.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/Weapon.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/WorldSpawn.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AAS.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AAS_debug.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AAS_pathing.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AAS_routing.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AI.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AI_Vagary.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AI_events.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/ai/AI_pathing.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/anim/Anim.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/anim/Anim_Blend.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/anim/Anim_Testmodel.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/Class.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/DebugGraph.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/Event.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/SaveGame.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/SysCmds.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/SysCvar.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/gamesys/TypeInfo.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Clip.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force_Constant.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force_Drag.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force_Field.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Force_Spring.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_AF.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Actor.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Base.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Monster.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Parametric.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Player.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_RigidBody.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_Static.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Physics_StaticMulti.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/physics/Push.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/script/Script_Compiler.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/script/Script_Interpreter.o \
$(BASEDIR)game/script/Script_Program.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Base64.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/BitMsg.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/CmdArgs.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Dict.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Heap.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/LangDict.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Lexer.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Lib.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/MapFile.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Parser.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Str.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Timer.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/Token.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/bv/Bounds.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/bv/Box.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/bv/Frustum.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/bv/Sphere.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/containers/HashIndex.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/DrawVert.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/JointTransform.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Surface.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Surface_Patch.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Surface_Polytope.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Surface_SweptSpline.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/TraceModel.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Winding.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/geometry/Winding2D.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/CRC16.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/CRC32.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/CRC8.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/Honeyman.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/MD4.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/hashing/MD5.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Angles.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Complex.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Lcp.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Math.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Matrix.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Ode.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Plane.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Pluecker.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Polynomial.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Quat.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Rotation.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_3DNow.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_AltiVec.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_Generic.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_MMX.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_SSE.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_SSE2.o \
$(BASEDIR)idlib/math/Simd_SSE3.o \
all : game00.pk4
$(BASEDIR)idlib/idlib.a : $(LIBSRC)
ar r $@ $(LIBSRC) : $(GAMESRC) $(BASEDIR)idlib/idlib.a
g++ -shared -o $@ $^
game00.pk4 :
zip $@ $^; mv $@ ../dev
clean :
rm game00.pk4 idlib/idlib.a; find . -name \*.o -exec rm {} \;
I created a directory in my doom3 directory called Doom3SDK, put this makefile in there and good luck.
Obviouly change the BASEDIR to match yours, also the last thing it does is copy the game00.pk4 with the new in to ../dev
So have this structure
doom3/Doom3SDK - all directories from the sdk ( I installed on windows into a clear directory then zipped it and copied to linux. )
doom3/dev - a directory I use for testing stuff.
To run I do:
doom3 +set fs_game dev
NOTE: ERRROED files are files that failed to compile, but ain't included in the windows build either.
mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:49 am : We love you! Thank you so much!

Dante_uk@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:55 am : Beware, just made a small edit to the makefile in my post. Originally I had a seperate makefile for idlib, and hadn't actually tested the complete makefile.
Now it's tested and worked!!
My platform is:
Suse 8.2 (2.4.20-4GB)
gcc version 3.3 20030226 (prerelease) (SuSE Linux)
mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:57 am : Woot!
The makers of OSP were at a standstill because it wouldn't compile for Linux.
Feel free to come on into their IRC:
Another great admin mod (with url redirection for map distribution so people can grab them real quick without searching) that will come out soon is Xmod - same irc server:

Dante_uk@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:14 pm : I'm at work at the moment (sort of

I don't use irc very often.
Feel free to post links to this topic anywhere.
Maybe this should be stickied?
As most server side mods will want to be able to run on Linux too...
I'm sure someone might have problems or need small changes for different versions of Linux.
I assume mod makers will need to build and pack both the gamex86.dll and the so player on either client can use the mod.
mouse@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:16 pm : I think most of the mod authors are asleep right now. But if they have any issues or questions, I will have them post here.
This rocks!

DensitYNZ@Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:22 pm : hehe see what did I tell yah :p
Good work Dante_uk. I now have to build a Linux box for compiling :p (here I come Gentoo stage 1 install)
ashridah@Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:42 am : Okay,
i've run into a snag, not sure what i've managed to miss.
I've got the makefile in a copy of the SDK, at the root (also tried it in game/ ) and i've used tabs where appropriate, and made sure the continuations all work too, but the first rule about compiling .cpp to .o files doesn't seem to be kicking in:
make: *** No rule to make target `/home/ashridah/sdk/game/AF.o', needed by `'. Stop.
anyone got any hints about why it might be skipping the
$(GCC) -c -D GAME_DLL $*.cpp -o $*.o
am i just not using this makefile in the right directory?

neumayr@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:12 am : Hm, let's see..
I assume you did set $BASEDIR? ;)
I'm not very experienced with Makefiles, but as far as I can see the first rule says "build game00.pk4", for which is required.
The rule for generation requires all the files from $(GAMESRC),
and AF.o is the first one referenced in that array. Nowhere do I recognize a rule to generate that AF.o from AF.cpp, but I guess it's this rule, which looks like GNU gibberish to me:
.SUFFIXES: .cpp .o
$(GCC) -c -D GAME_DLL $*.cpp -o $*.o
If this indeed is the offending rule, I'd try to put a space in between ".cpp.o" on the second line, making it ".cpp .o". Would make more sense to me.
I don't have a linnics box to test it on, so you have to try it yourself.
Good luck :)
ashridah@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:24 am : Yeah, i got this one sorted.
Turns out that the SDK has a bunch of places where it assumes that filename case issues aren't relevent (like, say, if it was on windows).
It wasn't compiling properly, because the first thing it tries to compile is AF.o, and the cpp file for it is actually named af.cpp in the filesystem..
i'm not sure how the guy who originally posted the Makefile didn't run into this, or possibly he compiled it on a vfat partition under linux, not sure.
Anyway, i've whacked together a patch that applies to the SDK if it's copied directly from a fat32 partition under linux to a linux filesystem, and includes a few modifications to the original Makefile posted in this thread.
It's all case changes in the files themselves, quite a few of them, but it boils down to a few files, and many, many instances where they've used 'idlib' instead of 'idLib'
anyway, here it is:
just apply using
patch -p0 < sdk-linux-build-patch.patch
from INSIDE the sdk's root directory.
then 'make' should just work.
The patch could theoretically be applied to a windows build tree as well, since the case issues shouldn't affect it so far as i can tell.
unreal_undead@Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:21 am : 2ashridah:
What compiler did you use ? I tried gcc 3.4.2 and got a bunch of problems related to nonstandard C++ code in SDK.
BTW In my copy of SDK (downloaded two days ago) all sources files names are either capitalized or uppercase (so the file you mentioned is named AF.cpp), although some name case inconsistencies fixed by your patch are still there.
ashridah@Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:22 am : unreal_undead wrote:
What compiler did you use ? I tried gcc 3.4.2 and got a bunch of problems related to nonstandard C++ code in SDK.
BTW In my copy of SDK (downloaded two days ago) all sources files names are either capitalized or uppercase (so the file you mentioned is named AF.cpp), although some name case inconsistencies fixed by your patch are still there.
That's not a big deal. just change the filename in the Makefile, and change back any references to it in the source code.
Admittedly, i do have an older copy of the SDK. it might have been modified since i downloaded it (which was immediately after release). i know they at least forgot one file in the version of the SDK i have, but that was for model exporting to/from maya or somesuch.
As for the problems with G++ 3.4, yes gcc 3.4 is a pedantic wretch nowadays, which is both a good and a bad thing. you'll have to deal with it yourself tho.
I'm using gcc 3.3.x on debian personally. I could install gcc 3.4, but i've got better things to do than fix syntactical issues in someone else's code

Give it a week or so. The linux dude (Timothee Besset) for ID software has been on vacation for a week or two, and is moving to America over this weekend (from france) to take up a permanent position at ID, but probably will release a fixed SDK once he gets back on the job. He'll be releasing it to work with 'scons' tho, not 'make', so you'll need to get that installed (it's an alternate build system)
Don't expect the issues with a pedantic gcc 3.4 to go away however. using gcc3.3 as a stopgap will probably have to do for you, since i doubt making the changes to make it syntactically sound will break the API.
ashridah@Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:19 am : unreal_undead wrote:
What compiler did you use ? I tried gcc 3.4.2 and got a bunch of problems related to nonstandard C++ code in SDK.
You'll definently need to get gcc 3.3 to compile the SDK.
Timothee Besset isn't going to modify the SDK to compile with gcc 3.4, you'll just have to live with that.
Dante_uk@Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:37 pm : Hey, fame at last !!
"A couple dozen people have asked me about getting the SDK to compile in Linux. We have an SCons file to build the code, but it has a lot of stuff for the main engine in there, which is why we didn't release it with the SDK. Dante over on the Doom 3 World forums wrote up a make file that seems to do the trick. You can find more information about it here."
I've been away on Holiday for a week, but back now.
I'll be scanning through the sources looking for simple fun things to change.
Also working on a map using all non-doom3 textures(England 1800s), got a couple of pics of stone built walls for houses and some reference shots for old style buildings whilst on hols.
scottl@Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:20 am : I compiled the standard SDK on linux(plus the few changes that were needed), and the damn thing wont work when I connect from a windows client to a linux server, has anyone gotten this to work?
I setup my paks as such:
binary.conf -- put 0 in the file
binary.conf -- put 2 in the file
Started up my server with +set fs_game test
serverinfo showed correct DLL was loaded, map is running.
Start up my client with +set fs_game test +connect IPOFSERVER
It loads up, then doom3 exits, after logging it, I find out it exits after sending the challenge, but nothing more than that...

It works when I load up the game, and then connect. Wonder if +connect using a mod causes client to crash = BUG?

mouse@Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:16 am : We get the following from Windows client to Linux server. This is simply from compiling SDK from Linux - nothing else.
Game is using with chmod 444
Joined server - went to map d3dm2 (delta labs). All is fine until you go to switch to start powerup of megahealth and servrer crashes with the following error:
WARNING: idStr::snPrintf: overflow of 10 in 1
signal caught: Segmentation fault
si_code 1
Trying to exit gracefully..
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
client 0 Server has shut down.
meh Server has shut down.
WARNING: Sys_Sleep - 10 < 20 msec is not portable
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
------------ Game Shutdown -----------
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutdown event system
shutdown terminal support
d3ffa1@chicago [~/doom3]#
kron@Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:01 pm : exact the same error here .. everything is fine until you click on the screen in D3DM2. (to load the MH)
kingping@Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 12:31 pm : I enabled debug symbols and had a poke around with GDB and found the error occurs around line 3952 in game/Player.cpp when calling sys->GenerateMouseButtonEvent, which is meant to be a function inside the engine. Don't know whether its because the callback is filled with invalid data upon mod loading or because of an actual problem inside the function. Just thought I'd let you know my findings to save others the time.
Xipher@Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:28 pm : well, seeing that the rerelease of the SDK now has the offical linux stuff, I noticed I didn't have a problem at all compiling it.
dojoteef@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:09 pm : Well I feel bad dredging this old thread up but I'm having trouble compiling the Doom 3 source now. I guess I should lay out my situation. I run Windows XP and I have Visual Studio 6. Since VS6 can't import projects made with VS .NET (damn you Microsoft

) I decided that I'd try using my Cygwin tools to compile the source.
Well I've tried a number of different avenues of possibility, none coming to fruition. I've tried using the makefile that Dante_uk came up with and I got a number of errors on the first file, AF.o. I figured it was a problem with gcc, but despite that I first decided to install scons and see if that fixed the problem. Nope, I got the exact same errors. I read that gcc 3.3.x is what I should be using to compile with. Well considering I was using gcc 3.3.1-4 I started to get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. So I decided to try and eleviate those feelings by installing gcc 3.3.3, but I got the same errors; I then tried gcc 3.4.1 and I got even more errors and about that time I'm truly feeling depressed. I then went for a last ditch effort and tried using the compiler that comes with VS6, and I got errors using it also (and before you ask I did change the compiler flags in order to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler).
So, now I'm completely out of sorts trying to figure this out on my own. I would appreciate any help you guys can offer because I'd rather not have to go through all the code file by file to make sure I can iron out all the errors that have been popping up according to the damned compilers. Sorry if I seem in a bad mood, but I've spent a few hours doing this due to the need to download updates and such.
Xipher@Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:44 am : Sorry to tell you, but I think your out of luck on this one. The GCC version is only ment for Linux. You can get the VC++ compiler from MS for free though, it comes as part of a packaged but I don't remeber what the name of it is. You should be able to find that and find some way to build it from there. I don't know the details though so beyond this, Ill let some one else chime in that hopefully knows what else you might need to do.
da1saxman@Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:29 am : If you want vc++ for windows microsoft released a toolkit for compiling both managed and unmanaged C++ applications
Carnaby@Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 3:48 pm : I have a code which compile with windows but I don't success to compile SDK with Linux.
Is anybody can help me?
I have installed "scons" and the SDK rpm and when I try to compile (with just type "scons" or with a Makefile) I have lot of errors (wich seem to be OpenGL instruction error)
errors example
Do I need some additional libraries?
I'm using SuSE 9.2 pro with nvidia drivers 6629 and Doom 3 run fine on it.
EDIT:Problem resolved
sungs@Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 11:56 pm : scottl wrote:
It works when I load up the game, and then connect. Wonder if +connect using a mod causes client to crash = BUG?

After I compiled the source code and updated the corresponding
game00.pk4 file at the (Windows) server, the DOOM3 (Windows) client was
not able to connect to the server anymore. Same observation was also made earlier when we ran the Linux version server compiled from src, namely the client connected to the server and then disconnected without entering the game.
So I updated the game00.pk4 at the (Windows) client as well. Now, the
client could connect to the "modified" servers (linux or windows) successfully.
It seems that this compilation/run time problem happens under both Linux
and Windows.
Anyone have the answer or fix to it??
Fitzsimmons@Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:54 pm : On linux, my scons build also dies a miserable death. It spews several pages of errors before finally dying. Here's the last little bit:
game/AF.cpp:741: warning: enumeration value `DECLAF_CONSTRAINT_INVALID' not handled in switch
game/AF.cpp: In member function `bool idAF::Load(idEntity*, const char*)':
game/AF.cpp:868: warning: comparison between `enum declAFConstraintType_t' and `enum constraintType_t'
scons: *** [build/debug/game/game/AF.os] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
I'm using the most recent SDK, which was packaged in I've tried both 3.3 and 3.4 versions of GCC.
LukeNukem@Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:48 am : Seems like scons isnt setup properly..
#scons CC="ccache distcc g++" JOBS=8
seems to help, but after 8 files, shits again, dont take JOBS over 14 or you'll kill you're computer.
JOBS= is just for parrallel compiles...
Fitzsimmons@Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:27 am : LukeNukem wrote:
Seems like scons isnt setup properly..
#scons CC="ccache distcc g++" JOBS=8
seems to help, but after 8 files, shits again, dont take JOBS over 14 or you'll kill you're computer.
No, that doesn't fix anything at all. All it does is start 8 jobs, and each job dies, slowly (since you're running 8 at the same time) instead of one job dying quickly.
LukeNukem@Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:37 am : i seriously dont know what it is... I thought JOBS was something to do with it, but its just for parrallel compiling (2 cpus or distcc)...

LukeNukem@Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:56 am : using gcc-3.4 by any chance?
Fitzsimmons@Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:05 am : As I said in my post, I tried both GCC 3.3 and 3.4.
LukeNukem@Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:09 am : sorry, didnt see that...

Did you use gcc-config to switch the profiles between them?
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:35 am : Fitzsimmons wrote:
As I said in my post, I tried both GCC 3.3 and 3.4.
Which Linux distro are you using ?
I'm using SuSE 8.2 with gcc 3.3 and I have the build working fine.
I don't currently have a clean Source install, but I may set one up later today. If it works and builds okay, I'll let you know and maybe tar&gzip the whole structure and post a link to it.
LukeNukem@Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:22 am : Im using Gentoo.
Havnt got it fixed yet, and I have a feeling it could be that scons isnt quite setup right...
I'll try the gentoo forums soon.
Dante_uk@Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 12:33 pm : SCONS: It's a pain in the ass, I've just started to get the hang of makefiles and even made a working makefile for D3 before the 1.1 sdk came out. BUT id decided to use scons instead. I'd never even heard of it before and had to go find it and install. (I'm a programmer and work mainly on Linux but our code is ported to most Unix flavours and Windows. ).
Unfortunately I'm intuitive with computers, ie I play with stuff till it works and it generally takes me a lot less time then doing google searches to find the answers. Second bit of bad news is I have a very bad memory, so once I've solved a problem I usually forget the solution after a couple of days.( not normally a problem because I just reference back to my working example. )
In the case of SCONS I have a working example and you don't, more importantly I don't have your non-working example to compare with.
So after all the pre-amble and ranting the best I can offer is my complete working ( on SuSE 8.2 gcc 3.3 ) source base.
The import files I believe are:
src/sys/scons/SConscript.bots ( extra file for bots mod )
src/sys/scons/SConscript.dante_uk ( extra file for my mods )
src/sys/scons/scons_utils.pyc ( binary file - compiled pearl ? not in my zip?)
For adding your own sources you can follow my example by doing grep's for 'dante' in SC* files.
find . -name SC\* -exec grep 'dante' {} \;
Check out the readme files for information and credits on the other mod code I've added to this code base.
LukeNukem@Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:06 am : well that cinches it, tried your source, plus a rewritten makefile, same errors...
Dante_uk@Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:25 am : LukeNukem wrote:
well that cinches it, tried your source, plus a rewritten makefile, same errors...
My SCconstruct file sets CC=gcc and CXX=g++ then it's up to scons which it uses. For D3 it uses g++.
My versions:
semillon:/home/neilm/d3/Doom3SDK/src # g++ -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-suse-linux/3.3/specs
Configured with: ../configure --enable-threads=posix --prefix=/usr --with-local-prefix=/usr/local --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-languages=c,c++,f77,objc,java,ada --disable-checking --enable-libgcj --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/g++ --with-slibdir=/lib --with-system-zlib --enable-shared --enable-__cxa_atexit i486-suse-linux
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.3 20030226 (prerelease) (SuSE Linux)
semillon:/home/neilm/d3/Doom3SDK/src # gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-suse-linux/3.3/specs
Configured with: ../configure --enable-threads=posix --prefix=/usr --with-local-prefix=/usr/local --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-languages=c,c++,f77,objc,java,ada --disable-checking --enable-libgcj --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/g++ --with-slibdir=/lib --with-system-zlib --enable-shared --enable-__cxa_atexit i486-suse-linux
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.3 20030226 (prerelease) (SuSE Linux)
semillon:/home/neilm/d3/Doom3SDK/src #
What are the errors you're getting? ( sorry if you've already posted them somewhere I can't find them ).
If I get a chance I'll try my sources on my home machine, I recently made it dual boot suse 9.2 Pro(& XP Pro), I've Doom3 up and running already on it.
LukeNukem@Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:12 am : Code:
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3-20050110/specs
Configured with: /var/tmp/portage/gcc- --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs --prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/3.4.3-20050110 --includedir=/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3-20050110/include --datadir=/usr/share/gcc-data/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3-20050110 --mandir=/usr/share/gcc-data/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3-20050110/man --infodir=/usr/share/gcc-data/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3-20050110/info --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3-20050110/include/g++-v3 --host=i686-pc-linux-gnu --disable-altivec --disable-nls --with-system-zlib --disable-checking --disable-werror --disable-libunwind-exceptions --disable-multilib --enable-java-awt=gtk --enable-languages=c,c++,java,f77 --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-clocale=gnu
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)
--disable-nls could have something to do with it, I think, I'll check it and rebuild gcc soon.
Errors the same as Fitzsimmons above.
LukeNukem@Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 9:04 am : SOLVED!
Use 3.3.* not 3.4.*...
I tried 3.3 but forgot to refresh the profile in the console i was using, so didnt switch to 3.3 properly.

CerebralPanic@Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 9:53 am : I wish I had seen this a little earlier. I'm running Gentoo as well.
So to confirm your findings. I actually found exactly the same thing (today in fact), with the gcc (3.4) build breaking, where gcc 3.3 is fine.
You can use gcc-config to deal with various gcc versioning dependancies.
Dante_uk@Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 4:25 pm : Here's the story:
I found an old laptop at work ( umax ) it's screen's got a fault causing thin lines to appear on it most of the time. The memory is obviously faulty because it reports only 59MB at boot!!, at boot time it failed saying no OS. Processor is AMD something, about 500mhz.
Enter Damn Small Linux.
I booted a live cd of DSL 1.1 and it was fine and loaded it's X desktop. I checked the hard disk and found the partition table was screwed. At this point no one in the office wanted the laptop, it was now mine

Obviouly this isn't going to play Doom3 but I'm sure I can put it to use.
I did a HD install of DSL 1.1 and it was fine, the disk turned out to be almost 6gig.
Next I thought okay, lets set up a simple web site and use it as a web server, done. Next I got samba installed and working so I can store mp3's on it, done.
Okay, now how about storing my Doom3 sdk source code on it and setting up a cvs I can access from my home machine and from work. Done.
Okay now the biggy, can I install gcc and see if I can actually build the on this machine.
Whilst doing this I'm listening to mp3's using MMX from the DSL install.
I downloaded and did dpkg -i for the following ( this was a first for me, normally I use .tar files or rpm's because I mainly work on SuSE ):
I got the contents of usr/include/GL from the Nvidia driver for linux and put it into /usr/include/GL
I'd already given up on scons, it seemed over complicated and, well I know make.
I created my makefiles and left it running over night.
The result - in less then 12 hours, a dead laptop - revived and capable of useful things and ... A game00lnx.pk4 file with a working file and binary.conf. ( I copied to my SuSe 9.2 machine and tested it - Doom3 with my new .so works!! )
As a small footnote, the day before I got QEMU for Windows and the DSL1.1.iso onto my usb key(128mb key with over 60mb still free space) now I can plug in my USB key into any windows machine(1.5ghz or better) and run DSL from the key, without rebooting!
LukeNukem@Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 10:12 pm : Thats a nice story, shows the power of linux dosn't it.
Love the USB key idea, may try it oneday.
At the moment, Im working on getting a Via Epia + hdd and linux, into my car, and using linux as the ECU...
I'm gonna have to do better programming than I have been if I'm to pull it off. If it dosnt work out, no worries, bung an LCD screen in there somewhere and I can watch movies and play Quake/Doom in my car, plus have an mp3 player with super duper big storage.
Mekoryuk@Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:33 pm : Hopefully people still are looking in this thread, since I have a somewhat n00bish question to ask. I've been trying to get Doom 3 to compile under Linux for some time. I'm running a Gentoo AMD64 system, and I have GCC 3.3.5 installed (while making sure the -m32 option is passed to the compiler to generate 32-bit code). However, I get these errors:
[size=17]g++ -c -o /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.o /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:138,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:77,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h: In member function `void idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Init()':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:270: error: `freeTree' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:270: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:138,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:77,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h: In member function `idDynamicBlock<type>* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::AllocInternal(int)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:698: error: there are no arguments to `Max' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `Max' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:698: error: (if you use `-fpermissive', G++ will accept your code, but allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h: In member function `idDynamicBlock<type>* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::ResizeInternal(idDynamicBlock<type>*, int)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:763: error: there are no arguments to `Max' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `Max' must be available
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:147,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:77,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Matrix.h: In member function `idMatX& idMatX::SwapRows(int, int)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Matrix.h:2360: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Matrix.h:2360: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:156,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:77,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_Bezier<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:490: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_Bezier<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:513: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:520: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_Bezier<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:537: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:544: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_Bezier<type>::Basis(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:567: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:677: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:692: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:693: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:708: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:709: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::Basis(float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:721: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::BasisFirstDerivative(float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:737: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_QuadraticBezier<type>::BasisSecondDerivative(float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:752: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:805: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:820: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:821: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:836: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:837: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::Basis(float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:849: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::BasisFirstDerivative(float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:867: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_CubicBezier<type>::BasisSecondDerivative(float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:884: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual void idCurve_Spline<type>::SetBoundaryType(idCurve_Spline<type>::boundary_t)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:909: error: `changed' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual void idCurve_Spline<type>::SetCloseTime(float)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:912: error: `changed' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `type idCurve_Spline<type>::ValueForIndex(int) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:944: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `float idCurve_Spline<type>::TimeForIndex(int) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:974: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `float idCurve_Spline<type>::ClampedTime(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1005: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual bool idCurve_Spline<type>::IsDone(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1022: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual void idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::Clear()':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1040: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1075: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1076: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1077: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1079: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1091: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1092: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1093: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1107: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1108: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1109: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::Setup() const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1121: error: `changed' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1122: error: `boundaryType' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1123: error: `BT_FREE' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1124: error: `BT_CLAMPED' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1125: error: `BT_CLOSED' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::SetupFree() const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1143: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1151: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::SetupClamped() const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1203: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1211: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_NaturalCubicSpline<type>::SetupClosed() const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1272: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1281: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1373: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1374: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1377: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1378: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1383: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1401: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1402: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1405: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1406: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1411: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1413: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1413: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1430: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1431: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1434: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1435: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1440: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1442: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1442: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::Basis(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1455: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1455: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1455: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1471: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1471: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1471: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_CatmullRomSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1487: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1487: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1487: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::RemoveIndex(int)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1513: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1513: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::Clear()':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1514: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1514: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1514: error: `currentIndex' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual int idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::AddValue(float, const type&)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1553: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1554: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1555: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual int idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::AddValue(float, const type&, float, float, float)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1574: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1596: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1597: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1600: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1601: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1604: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1605: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1624: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1625: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1628: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1629: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1632: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1633: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1636: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1636: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1653: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1654: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1657: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1658: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1661: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1662: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1665: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1665: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::TangentsForIndex(int, type&, type&) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1679: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1679: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1680: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1680: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1687: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1687: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1692: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1692: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1699: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1699: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1704: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1704: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::Basis(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1716: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1716: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1716: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1732: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1732: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1732: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_KochanekBartelsSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1748: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1748: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1748: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_BSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1808: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1809: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1812: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1813: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1817: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_BSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1835: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1836: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1839: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1840: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1844: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_BSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1862: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1863: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1866: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1867: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1871: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `float idCurve_BSpline<type>::Basis(int, int, float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1886: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1886: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1893: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1893: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1895: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1898: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1898: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1900: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `float idCurve_BSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative(int, int, float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1916: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1916: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `float idCurve_BSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative(int, int, float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1929: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1929: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In constructor `idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline()':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1963: error: `order' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1979: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1980: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1983: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1984: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:1989: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2007: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2008: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2011: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2012: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2017: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2019: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2019: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2036: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2037: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2040: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2041: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2046: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2048: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2048: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::Basis(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2061: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2061: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2061: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2077: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2077: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2077: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_UniformCubicBSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative(int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2093: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2093: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2093: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2145: error: `order' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2147: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2148: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2151: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2152: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2157: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2174: error: `order' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2176: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2177: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2180: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2181: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2186: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2203: error: `order' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2205: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2206: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2209: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2210: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2215: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::Basis(int, int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2238: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2238: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2238: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::BasisFirstDerivative(int, int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2260: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2260: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2262: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2262: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `void idCurve_NonUniformBSpline<type>::BasisSecondDerivative(int, int, float, float*) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2280: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2280: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2282: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2282: error: there are no arguments to `TimeForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `TimeForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual void idCurve_NURBS<type>::RemoveIndex(int)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2301: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2301: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual void idCurve_NURBS<type>::Clear()':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2302: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2302: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2302: error: `currentIndex' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual int idCurve_NURBS<type>::AddValue(float, const type&)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2335: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2336: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2337: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual int idCurve_NURBS<type>::AddValue(float, const type&, float)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2354: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2355: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2356: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NURBS<type>::GetCurrentValue(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2374: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2375: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2378: error: `order' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2380: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2381: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2382: error: there are no arguments to `Basis' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `Basis' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2389: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NURBS<type>::GetCurrentFirstDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2407: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2408: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2411: error: `order' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2414: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2415: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2416: error: there are no arguments to `Basis' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `Basis' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2417: error: there are no arguments to `BasisFirstDerivative' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `BasisFirstDerivative' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2427: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `virtual type idCurve_NURBS<type>::GetCurrentSecondDerivative(float) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2447: error: `times' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2448: error: `values' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2451: error: `order' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2455: error: there are no arguments to `ClampedTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ClampedTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2456: error: there are no arguments to `IndexForTime' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `IndexForTime' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2457: error: there are no arguments to `Basis' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `Basis' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2458: error: there are no arguments to `BasisFirstDerivative' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `BasisFirstDerivative' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2459: error: there are no arguments to `BasisSecondDerivative' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `BasisSecondDerivative' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2471: error: there are no arguments to `ValueForIndex' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `ValueForIndex' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h: In member function `float idCurve_NURBS<type>::WeightForIndex(int) const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2491: error: `boundaryType' undeclared (first use this function)
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Curve.h:2491: error: `BT_CLOSED' undeclared (first use this function)
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:189,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:77,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/HashTable.h: In member function `int idHashTable<Type>::GetSpread() const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/HashTable.h:357: error: `numItems' undeclared (first use this function)
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:192,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:77,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/Hierarchy.h: In member function `idHierarchy<type>* idHierarchy<type>::GetPriorSiblingNode() const':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/Hierarchy.h:252: error: invalid use of undefined type `struct idCommon'
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:28: error: forward declaration of `struct idCommon'
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Lib.h:197,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:77,
from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h: In member function `int idVectorSet<type, dimension>::FindVector(const type&, float)':
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h:125: error: there are no arguments to `Num' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `Num' must be available
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h:127: error: there are no arguments to `Num' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of `Num' must be available
In file included from /home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/AF.cpp:4:
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:156:39: ../framework/DemoChecksum.h: No such file or directory
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:159:37: ../framework/Compressor.h: No such file or directory
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:160:36: ../framework/EventLoop.h: No such file or directory
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:161:35: ../framework/KeyInput.h: No such file or directory
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:162:36: ../framework/EditField.h: No such file or directory
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:163:34: ../framework/Console.h: No such file or directory
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:164:35: ../framework/DemoFile.h: No such file or directory
/home/mekoryuk/.doom3/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:165:34: ../framework/Session.h: No such file or directory
Fitzsimmons@Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:05 am : I have created a wiki article with everything you should need on
Here's a link:
elroacho@Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 9:28 pm : woes

I tried Dante_uk's makefile and it won't build

I forget the error but just tried Fitzsimmons method and it compiled fine. I too counldn't get my dll to load until I named it as mentiond on the Discussion Page.
So i finally get it into a pk4 and all is well except for that it runs terriblely slow. Some more digging and I found that debug is the default build. scons BUILD='release' is the way to make a release
So I do all that, put it into a pk4 again and try to load my mod only to have doom crash in my face.
----- idSoundCache::EndLevelLoad -----
8482k referenced
258k purged
sound: missing efxs/z_testmap.efx
signal caught: Segmentation fault
si_code 2
Trying to exit gracefully..
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutting down sound hardware
------ OSS Sound Shutdown ------
close sound device
------------ Game Shutdown -----------
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutdown event system
Like I said, everything is fine and loads in debug mode, but runs slow. The release build crashes whenever i try to load a map with the above error.
edit: fixed menu thing, still crash though

Thanx in advance.
para-@Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:33 pm : elroacho wrote:
So I do all that, put it into a pk4 again and try to load my mod only to have doom crash in my face.
What's your architecture and what version of GCC are you using?
Also what's the exact command you are using to build it?
elroacho@Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:55 pm : Quote:
What's your architecture and what version of GCC are you using?
My linux box is an AMD 1900+, 512MB RAM, Geforce 4ti 4600, Asus A7A266, Onboard Sound.
I installed Fedora Core 1, It came with GCC version 3.3.2-1.
Also what's the exact command you are using to build it?
I do an su, then cd to the source folder
edit: chmod -R 777 /usr/local/games/doom3/sdk/
and typed: scons
That way works, but loads slowly. Then I was digging through SConstruct and found...
BUILD (default debug)
Use debug-all/debug/release to select build settings
ex: BUILD="release"
debug-all: no optimisations, debugging symbols
debug: -O -g
release: all optimisations, including CPU target etc.
So I tried: scons BUILD='release'
That one loads faster and I can get into the main menu, but can't load any maps, even stock id ones. The loading screen shows up but drops to desktop after a few seconds:
Spawning entities
glprogs/heatHazeWithMaskAndVertex.vfp: GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB not available
signal caught: Segmentation fault
si_code 2
Trying to exit gracefully..
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutting down sound hardware
------ OSS Sound Shutdown ------
close sound device
------------ Game Shutdown -----------
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutdown event system
I also installed the latest nvidia driver.
para-@Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:35 am : elroacho wrote:
My linux box is an AMD 1900+, 512MB RAM, Geforce 4ti 4600, Asus A7A266, Onboard Sound.
I installed Fedora Core 1, It came with GCC version 3.3.2-1.
Also what's the exact command you are using to build it?
I do an su, then cd to the source folder
edit: chmod -R 777 /usr/local/games/doom3/sdk/
and typed: scons
That way works, but loads slowly. Then I was digging through SConstruct and found...
I also installed the latest nvidia driver.
Are you using the same SDK code base as your current Doom3 patch?
Also, can you run any other OpenGL programs? Try glxgears and glxinfo.
elroacho@Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 2:52 am : Quote:
Are you using the same SDK code base as your current Doom3 patch?
Yes, I installed Doom3 using:
And the SDK:
Also, can you run any other OpenGL programs? Try glxgears and glxinfo.
Havn't tried other opengl stuff yet.
glxgears = around 3000fps
And I ran the Makefile again to see the error:
g++ -c -D GAME_DLL /usr/local/games/doom3/sdk/src/idlib/math/Simd_AltiVec.cpp -o /usr/local/games/doom3/sdk/src/idlib/math/Simd_AltiVec.o
/usr/local/games/doom3/sdk/src/idlib/math/Simd_AltiVec.cpp:14:36: ppc_intrinsics.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [/usr/local/games/doom3/sdk/src/idlib/math/Simd_AltiVec.o] Error 1
I greped the win32 and linux sdk's and found no: ppc_intrinsics.h
Something missing from gcc?
What gives? Thanx
EDIT: Fixed SCONS problem, everything loads fine now. I'm gonna try the makefile again tomorrow just to see if that works as well.
EDIT: The makefile still craps out with the above error, but at leaste scons is working!

SOLUTION: Take Fedora cd's and toss them in the garbage. Download SUSE 9.3 Pro (which comes with gcc 3.3.5 python 2.4) and get the updates using YaST's online update (the nvidia driver update especially). Got an SCONS RPM for SUSE 9.3 @: ... 4.i586.rpm
And problem vanished! And I must say, SUSE is growing on me. It's a very good Linux OS for Windows Linux newbies, like me. Lot's of similarities and way easier to use compared to redhat/fedora. I installed everything cause I'm not sure what I can leave out lol. Snag yourself a copy @: ... 6/9.3/iso/
BTW, set the sound driver in doom 3 to OSS to get rid of the HAL9000 sounds.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:19 pm : I think I'm going to try using the makefile. I've been trying to use scons to compile a Linux version of this certain mod I love, Denton's Enhanced Doom 3, without success. SDK version I have is 1.3.1302 for Linux, and Doom 3 build I'm using 1.3.1304 for Linux. I mailed JCDenton and got him to mail me his sourcefiles so I could do this.
Using g++ 3.3.6 to do this, and here's what scons spits out when it gets to compiling with JCDenton's modded gamecode:
g++-3.3 -o build/debug/game/game/AF.os -c -fPIC -pipe -Wall -fmessage-length=0 -D__WITH_PB__ -D_D3SDK -g -O1 -D_DEBUG -fno-strict-aliasing -DGAME_DLL game/AF.cpp
game/AF.cpp:5: warning: ignoring #pragma hdrstop
In file included from game/AF.cpp:7:
game/Game_local.h:564: error: cannot declare variable `gameLocal' to be of type `idGameLocal'
game/Game_local.h:564: error: because the following virtual functions are abstract:
game/Game.h:118: error: virtual void idGame::ServerClientConnect(int)
game/Game.h:148: error: virtual gameReturn_t idGame::ClientPrediction(int, const usercmd_t*)
game/Game.h:154: error: virtual idStr idGame::GetBestGameType(const char*, const char*)
In file included from game/Game_local.h:714,
from game/AF.cpp:7:
game/Player.h:480: error: extraneous `int' ignored
game/AF.cpp: In member function `bool idAF::LoadConstraint(const idDeclAF_Constraint*)':
game/AF.cpp:743: warning: enumeration value `DECLAF_CONSTRAINT_INVALID' not handled in switch
game/AF.cpp: In member function `bool idAF::Load(idEntity*, const char*)':
game/AF.cpp:870: warning: comparison between `enum declAFConstraintType_t' and `enum constraintType_t'
scons: *** [build/debug/game/game/AF.os] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
Machine I'm using: Intel Pentium D dual core @ 3.4 GHz, 2 GB of memory.
OS: Ubuntu Linux 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon), Linux Kernel 2.6.22-14-generic

makefile:6: *** missing separator. Stop.
*sighs* Now what?
EDIT: Figured out the makefile problems. Missing TABs. But now I got the same exact errors as I did with scons.
Deadite4@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:12 pm : I've always found it easier to use scons. Your first problem is that your using the SDK and trying to run it on Doom 3. You want to have the same SDK version as the version you are building for, otherwise it won't run regardless of how you build it. Go here for step by step how to use scons. Also as of SDK 1.3.1 you can use GCC 4.X ... K_on_Linux-deadite4-
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:30 pm : Alright, is there a 1.3.1304 version of SDK for Linux? And are my problems first scons rooted or version conflict rooted? Oh, I managed to get a successful vanilla build with unmodded source files. It's when I'm trying to build with the modded sourcefiles JCDenton supplied to me that I'm running into problems. I need to ask him what exact version of SDK he used when he compiled his Windows build of his mod.
Deadite4@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:48 pm : You can grab the latest version from bit torrent via the link I posted, or you can grab it off most other Doom 3 file sites,, or build problem seems most likely you are missing the Open GL libraries. I can't stress enough to go to ... K_on_Linux. Your problem is right in text there. Good Luck.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:06 pm : *sighs* I'm getting the wrong compiler version error, even though I've installed g++ 3.3.6 Looks like I'll have to try 3.3.5
Bittoman@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:24 am : I actually did a compile of D3, Q3 and Q2 a few days ago on Linux (using gcc 4.1.2-33) and had no issues however there is one rather odd thing that might happen. I don't remember what or why but this error has popped up on another program (I think it was a driver actually, ATI's I believe). The solution was that the platform, I can't remember which but I think it was Fedora, actually had two versions of gcc++ installed by default and the driver was compiling using the older version while the kernel was compiled using the newer causing the driver to not correctly insert itself into the kernel. You might check for gcc++ installations. If you're using a platform with yum you can simply sudo or su - and then type 'yum list gcc' and see if you have more than one installed, if you do just 'yum erase gcc.old.version' (replace 'old.version' with the string after the older gcc version)
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:48 am : JCDenton just got back with me and said first off, I need to update my SDK to 1.3.1304, and that I need to add preprocessor constants to my command-line.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:29 am : Okay, somebody who's familiar with make, how do I add in preprocessor constants into the makefile? Also, I think I'm missing some header files in this version of SDK, as I tried building a vanilla base and it stalled out on building Simd_AltiVec.o as it couldn't find ppc_intrinsics.h
simulation@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:07 am : I have a page with all the various releases and sdks of d3 hosted... you need g++4.0
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:20 pm : I've now gotten 1.3.1304 of SDK, and am using g++ 4.1.3 Latest attempt generated a slew of tracer.h errors:
make -f DentonMake
g++ -c -D GAME_DLL -D_DENTONMOD -D_PORTALSKY /home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/AFEntity.cpp -o /home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/AFEntity.o
In file included from /home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Game_local.h:705,
from /home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/precompiled.h:151,
from /home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/AFEntity.cpp:4:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:583:25: warning: no newline at end of file
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h: In member function ‘idDynamicBlock<type>* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::AllocInternal(int)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:697: error: there are no arguments to ‘Max’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Max’ must be available
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:697: error: (if you use ‘-fpermissive’, G++ will accept your code, but allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h: In member function ‘idDynamicBlock<type>* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::ResizeInternal(idDynamicBlock<type>*, int)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:762: error: there are no arguments to ‘Max’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Max’ must be available
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h: In member function ‘int idVectorSet<type, dimension>::FindVector(const type&, float)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h:125: error: there are no arguments to ‘Num’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Num’ must be available
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h:127: error: there are no arguments to ‘Num’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Num’ must be available
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:26: error: ‘dnTracer’ has not been declared
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:26: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnTracer’ with no type
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnTracer(idEntity*, float, const idVec3&, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:26: error: only constructors take base initializers
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:28: error: ‘TR_TYPE_TRACER’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:28: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:32: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:34: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:35: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:36: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:39: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:40: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:41: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘dnTracer’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:53: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:53: error: ‘playerViewOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:53: error: ‘distanceRatio’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:55: error: ‘axis’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:57: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:76: error: ‘dnBeamTracer’ has not been declared
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:76: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnBeamTracer’ with no type
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnBeamTracer(idEntity*, float, const idVec3&, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:76: error: only constructors take base initializers
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:78: error: ‘TR_TYPE_BEAMTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:78: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:83: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:85: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:86: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:87: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:90: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:91: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:92: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:94: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:129: error: ‘dnBeamTracer’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:129: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:131: error: ‘dnTracer’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:133: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:136: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:137: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:142: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:166: error: ‘dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer’ has not been declared
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:166: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer’ with no type
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer(idEntity*)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:166: error: only constructors take base initializers
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:168: error: ‘TR_TYPE_BEAMTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:168: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:173: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:176: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:180: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:205: error: ‘dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:205: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:207: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:209: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:211: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:234: error: ‘dnSpeedTracer’ has not been declared
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:234: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnSpeedTracer’ with no type
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnSpeedTracer(idEntity*, float, float, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:234: error: only constructors take base initializers
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:236: error: ‘TR_TYPE_SPEEDTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:236: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:241: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:242: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:249: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:250: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:251: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:252: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:254: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:261: error: ‘lastPos’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:276: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:279: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:288: error: ‘dnSpeedTracer’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘bool UpdatePosition()’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:289: error: ‘flyTime’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:289: error: ‘speed’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:291: error: ‘distance’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:293: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:296: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:300: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:300: error: ‘lastPos’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:304: error: ‘distance’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:313: error: ‘dnSpeedTracer’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:313: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:314: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:318: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:318: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:333: error: ‘dnBeamSpeedTracer’ has not been declared
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:333: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnBeamSpeedTracer’ with no type
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnBeamSpeedTracer(idEntity*, float, float, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:334: error: only constructors take base initializers
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:336: error: ‘TR_TYPE_SPEEDTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:336: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:341: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:342: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:349: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:350: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:351: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:352: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:354: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:361: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:362: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:362: error: ‘lastPos’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:383: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:392: error: ‘dnBeamSpeedTracer’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:392: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:393: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:397: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:397: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:399: error: ‘muzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:406: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:417: error: ‘dnRailBeam’ has not been declared
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:417: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnRailBeam’ with no type
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnRailBeam(idEntity*, const idVec3&)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:418: error: only constructors take base initializers
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:420: error: ‘TR_TYPE_RAILBEAM’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:420: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:425: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:426: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:429: error: ‘offset’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:430: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:434: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:435: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:435: error: invalid operands of types ‘float’ and ‘time_t ()(time_t*)throw ()’ to binary ‘operator*’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:438: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:440: error: ‘fadeOut’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:441: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:441: error: ‘fadeColor’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:444: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:455: error: ‘beamEndWidth’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:456: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:459: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:465: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:467: error: ‘smokeParticle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:468: error: ‘smokeLength’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:476: error: ‘dnRailBeam’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Create(const idVec3&)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:478: error: pointer to a function used in arithmetic
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:478: error: assignment of function ‘time_t time(time_t*)’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:478: error: cannot convert ‘time_t (*)(time_t*)throw ()’ to ‘time_t ()(time_t*)throw ()’ in assignment
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:480: error: ‘previousTime’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:481: error: ‘fadeOut’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:483: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:487: error: ‘offset’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:492: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:495: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:497: error: ‘smokeParticle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:499: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:501: error: ‘smokeLength’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:503: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:514: error: ‘smokeStartTime’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:517: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:518: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:520: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:529: error: ‘dnRailBeam’ is not a class or namespace
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:529: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:531: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:536: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeParticle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeStartTime’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeLength’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:545: error: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:546: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:546: error: ‘fadeColor’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:551: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:552: error: ‘beamEndWidth’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:555: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:556: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:560: error: ‘previousTime’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:562: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:563: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:566: error: ‘fadeOut’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:568: error: ‘fadeOutIntervals’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:570: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:579: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/tracer.h:579: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Projectile.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Projectile.h:64: error: ‘dnTracerEffect’ has not been declared
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Projectile.h:78: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnTracerEffect’ with no type
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Projectile.h:78: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Projectile.h: In member function ‘void idProjectile::setTracerEffect(int*)’:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Projectile.h:64: error: ‘tracerEffect’ was not declared in this scope
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Player.h: At global scope:
/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/../idlib/../game/Player.h:480: error: two or more data types in declaration of ‘parameter’
make: *** [/home/noah/doom3-sdk/src/game/AFEntity.o] Error 1
Got a feeling I'm going to have to start digging through the source files myself.
jcdenton22@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:06 am : LinuxDoomer wrote:
make -f DentonMake
Well, I never compiled any code for linux, but I think you should put a space between -D & _DENTONMOD as well between -D & _PORTALSKY.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:27 pm : Didn't make any difference at all. You never got these kinds of errors of course compiling this on Windows I'm pretty sure. Wondering why, and what Visual C++ is doing to alleviate all this.
Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:18 pm : jcdenton22 wrote:
LinuxDoomer wrote:
make -f DentonMake
Well, I never compiled any code for linux, but I think you should put a space between -D & _DENTONMOD as well between -D & _PORTALSKY.
I beg to differ, G++ expects it to be written
without a space.
From the GCC man page:
This means it should be:
If G++ did start with that space added, it probably ignored the parameters causing
GAME_DLL to remain undefined.
simulation@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:23 pm : Have you tried compiling the SDK without merging JCDenton's changes? Just so you know everything is set up ok?
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:34 pm : Just did with scons, now I'll try it with the makefile posted on page 1.
EDIT - Dante's makefile is incomplete, it died trying to do it using make. It's going to have to be via scons, so I'm off to read up on how to add preproccessor constants to it.
simulation@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:12 pm : LinuxDoomer wrote:
Just did with scons, now I'll try it with the makefile posted on page 1.
EDIT - Dante's makefile is incomplete, it died trying to do it using make. It's going to have to be via scons, so I'm off to read up on how to add preproccessor constants to it.
Part way down SConstruct you'll see...
if ( g_sdk or SDK != '0' ):
BASECPPFLAGS.append( '-D_D3SDK' ) just add any further defines that you need there. e.g.
if ( g_sdk or SDK != '0' ):
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:07 pm : Is that PASECPPFLAGS.append or BASECPPFLAGS.append? It looks like the former, but my LCD screen might be screwing with it.
simulation@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:09 pm : LinuxDoomer wrote:
Is that PASECPPFLAGS.append or BASECPPFLAGS.append? It looks like the former, but my LCD screen might be screwing with it.
In my SConstruct there is only one place that has '-D_D3SDK', and that is to BASECPPFLAGS.append. Do you have a non-standard SConstruct file?
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:21 pm : Never mind, I found where it is.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:45 pm : Build still failed,even with scons:
g++ -o build/debug/game/game/AF.os -c -fPIC -pipe -Wall -fmessage-length=0 -fpermissive -fvisibility=hidden -m32 -D__WITH_PB__ -D_D3SDK -D_DENTONMOD -D_PORTALSKY -g -O1 -D_DEBUG -fno-strict-aliasing -DGAME_DLL game/AF.cpp
game/AF.cpp:5: warning: ignoring #pragma hdrstop
In file included from game/Game_local.h:705,
from game/AF.cpp:7:
game/tracer.h:3: warning: ignoring #pragma hdrstop
In file included from game/Game_local.h:705,
from game/AF.cpp:7:
game/tracer.h:583:25: warning: no newline at end of file
game/../idlib/../sys/sys_public.h:512: warning: ‘class idSys’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h: In member function ‘idDynamicBlock<type>* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::AllocInternal(int)’:
game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:697: warning: there are no arguments to ‘Max’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Max’ must be available
game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h: In member function ‘idDynamicBlock<type>* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::ResizeInternal(idDynamicBlock<type>*, int)’:
game/../idlib/../idlib/Heap.h:762: warning: there are no arguments to ‘Max’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Max’ must be available
game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Simd.h: At global scope:
game/../idlib/../idlib/math/Simd.h:71: warning: ‘class idSIMDProcessor’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h: In member function ‘int idVectorSet<type, dimension>::FindVector(const type&, float)’:
game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h:125: warning: there are no arguments to ‘Num’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Num’ must be available
game/../idlib/../idlib/containers/VectorSet.h:127: warning: there are no arguments to ‘Num’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘Num’ must be available
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:26: error: ‘dnTracer’ has not been declared
game/tracer.h:26: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnTracer’ with no type
game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnTracer(idEntity*, float, const idVec3&, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
game/tracer.h:26: error: only constructors take base initializers
game/tracer.h:28: error: ‘TR_TYPE_TRACER’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:28: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:32: warning: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
game/tracer.h:34: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:35: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:36: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:39: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:40: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:41: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘dnTracer’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
game/tracer.h:53: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:53: error: ‘playerViewOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:53: error: ‘distanceRatio’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:55: error: ‘axis’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:57: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:76: error: ‘dnBeamTracer’ has not been declared
game/tracer.h:76: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnBeamTracer’ with no type
game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnBeamTracer(idEntity*, float, const idVec3&, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
game/tracer.h:76: error: only constructors take base initializers
game/tracer.h:78: error: ‘TR_TYPE_BEAMTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:78: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:83: warning: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
game/tracer.h:85: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:86: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:87: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:90: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:91: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:92: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:94: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:129: error: ‘dnBeamTracer’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
game/tracer.h:129: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
game/tracer.h:131: error: ‘dnTracer’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h:133: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:136: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:137: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:142: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:166: error: ‘dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer’ has not been declared
game/tracer.h:166: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer’ with no type
game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer(idEntity*)’:
game/tracer.h:166: error: only constructors take base initializers
game/tracer.h:168: error: ‘TR_TYPE_BEAMTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:168: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:173: warning: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
game/tracer.h:176: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:180: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:205: error: ‘dnBarrelLaunchedBeamTracer’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
game/tracer.h:205: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
game/tracer.h:207: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:209: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:211: error: ‘weaponMuzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:234: error: ‘dnSpeedTracer’ has not been declared
game/tracer.h:234: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnSpeedTracer’ with no type
game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnSpeedTracer(idEntity*, float, float, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
game/tracer.h:234: error: only constructors take base initializers
game/tracer.h:236: error: ‘TR_TYPE_SPEEDTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:236: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:241: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:242: warning: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
game/tracer.h:249: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:250: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:251: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:252: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:254: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:261: error: ‘lastPos’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:276: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:279: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:288: error: ‘dnSpeedTracer’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘bool UpdatePosition()’:
game/tracer.h:289: error: ‘flyTime’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:289: error: ‘speed’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:291: error: ‘distance’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:293: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:296: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:300: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:300: error: ‘lastPos’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:304: error: ‘distance’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:313: error: ‘dnSpeedTracer’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
game/tracer.h:313: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
game/tracer.h:314: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:318: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:318: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:333: error: ‘dnBeamSpeedTracer’ has not been declared
game/tracer.h:333: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnBeamSpeedTracer’ with no type
game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnBeamSpeedTracer(idEntity*, float, float, const idVec3&, const idMat3&)’:
game/tracer.h:334: error: only constructors take base initializers
game/tracer.h:336: error: ‘TR_TYPE_SPEEDTRACER’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:336: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:341: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:342: warning: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
game/tracer.h:349: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:350: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:351: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:352: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:354: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:361: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:362: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:362: error: ‘lastPos’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:383: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:392: error: ‘dnBeamSpeedTracer’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
game/tracer.h:392: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
game/tracer.h:393: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:397: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:397: error: ‘length’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:399: error: ‘muzzleOrigin’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:406: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:417: error: ‘dnRailBeam’ has not been declared
game/tracer.h:417: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnRailBeam’ with no type
game/tracer.h: In function ‘int dnRailBeam(idEntity*, const idVec3&)’:
game/tracer.h:418: error: only constructors take base initializers
game/tracer.h:420: error: ‘TR_TYPE_RAILBEAM’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:420: error: ‘SetType’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:425: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:426: warning: return-statement with no value, in function returning ‘int’
game/tracer.h:429: error: ‘offset’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:430: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:434: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:435: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:435: error: invalid operands of types ‘float’ and ‘time_t ()(time_t*)throw ()’ to binary ‘operator*’
game/tracer.h:438: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:440: error: ‘fadeOut’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:441: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
game/tracer.h:441: error: ‘fadeColor’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:444: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:455: error: ‘beamEndWidth’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:456: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:459: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:465: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:467: error: ‘smokeParticle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:468: error: ‘smokeLength’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:476: error: ‘dnRailBeam’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Create(const idVec3&)’:
game/tracer.h:478: warning: pointer to a function used in arithmetic
game/tracer.h:478: error: assignment of function ‘time_t time(time_t*)’
game/tracer.h:478: error: cannot convert ‘time_t (*)(time_t*)throw ()’ to ‘time_t ()(time_t*)throw ()’ in assignment
game/tracer.h:480: error: ‘previousTime’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:481: error: ‘fadeOut’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:483: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:487: error: ‘offset’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:492: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:495: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:497: error: ‘smokeParticle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:499: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:501: error: ‘smokeLength’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:503: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:514: error: ‘smokeStartTime’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:517: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:518: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:520: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h: At global scope:
game/tracer.h:529: error: ‘dnRailBeam’ is not a class or namespace
game/tracer.h: In function ‘void Think()’:
game/tracer.h:529: error: redefinition of ‘void Think()’
game/tracer.h:52: error: ‘void Think()’ previously defined here
game/tracer.h:531: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:536: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeParticle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeStartTime’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeOffset’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘smokeLength’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:539: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:545: warning: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer
game/tracer.h:546: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:546: error: ‘fadeColor’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:551: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:552: error: ‘beamEndWidth’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:555: error: ‘nSmokeParticles’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:556: error: ‘owner’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:560: error: ‘previousTime’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:562: error: ‘deltaWidthPerMsec’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:563: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:566: error: ‘fadeOut’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:568: error: ‘fadeOutIntervals’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:570: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:579: error: ‘modelDefHandle’ was not declared in this scope
game/tracer.h:579: error: ‘renderEntity’ was not declared in this scope
game/Projectile.h: At global scope:
game/Projectile.h:64: error: ‘dnTracerEffect’ has not been declared
game/Projectile.h:78: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘dnTracerEffect’ with no type
game/Projectile.h:78: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
game/Projectile.h: In member function ‘void idProjectile::setTracerEffect(int*)’:
game/Projectile.h:64: error: ‘tracerEffect’ was not declared in this scope
game/Player.h: At global scope:
game/Player.h:480: error: two or more data types in declaration of ‘parameter’
game/AF.cpp: In member function ‘bool idAF::LoadConstraint(const idDeclAF_Constraint*)’:
game/AF.cpp:604: warning: enumeration value ‘DECLAF_CONSTRAINT_INVALID’ not handled in switch
game/AF.cpp: In member function ‘bool idAF::Load(idEntity*, const char*)’:
game/AF.cpp:870: warning: comparison between ‘enum declAFConstraintType_t’ and ‘enum constraintType_t’
game/Game_local.h: At global scope:
game/Game_local.h:91: warning: ‘NUM_RENDER_PORTAL_BITS’ defined but not used
game/Game_local.h:675: warning: ‘CINEMATIC_SKIP_DELAY’ defined but not used
game/Player.h:48: warning: ‘ASYNC_PLAYER_INV_AMMO_BITS’ defined but not used
scons: *** [build/debug/game/game/AF.os] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
I've got a sinking feeling now.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:31 pm : Turns out I was still using the wrong version of g++. I was trying to use 4.1.3 when 4.0.x is what I HAVE to be using.
Anyway, thanks to simulation's help, Denton's mod is now fully working in Linux Doom 3!! Thanks much to him!!
After I get version 4.0.x of g++ I may start asking others for their source code so I can try compiling them on Linux as well.