idiom@Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:34 pm : This is so we can keep track of who's doing what building.

If you want to do a building, post the number in this thread and I'll try to update the list as time goes by.
Bock 1: blushing_bride
Block 2: Gazado
Block 3: Dante_uk
Block 4: goliathvt
Block 5: blushing_bride
Block 6: SeveredX
Block 7: Mordenkainen
Block 8: Bauul
Block 9: GuyBrave
Block 10a: mikebart
Block 10b: BEERman
Block 11: Stannum
Block 12: O1D4
The Square's Column and Statue: merlin371
Edit by Goliath: Restructured the list a bit to make it easier to see who's doing what and what's still open for assignment.
blushing_bride@Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:37 pm : number 5 (unless it was already picked or someone else is desperate to do it, i dont mind doing something else)
BTW can you post the latest version of the .map file as well.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 1:32 am : Number 7. Btw, just a small typo but it might confuse some: the file inside your "" has the ext ".ok4" instead of ".pk4".
idiom@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:49 am : Haha, thanks for seeing that. Will fix.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:07 am : #1 - unless someone else has started on it.
geX@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:44 am : just a question if i choose a building i can change the hight and size of it right?
idiom@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:56 am : You can change the height a bit but it'd be a lot easier to put into the base map with the other dimensions remained as close as possible to the original. You can do small changes though.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:57 am : I don't see a problem with that so long as it still fits the spot on the map it was made for.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:51 pm : Hey idiom, I got some questions and comments about this latest version of the map.
First, there are some missing textures:
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/euro/concrete001a
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/euro/brick01
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/euro/brick02
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/euro/brick02b
What's the deal with these?
Second, there is a big ass building in the middle of the square that's not in your screenshot. I'm not sure what the idea was but it's in a bad spot and it blocks the view of the column.
What's the deal with this?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:41 pm : Who are we going to put on the column ?

I vote for Gordon Freeman

Elg@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:35 pm : An Arch Vile.
I'll give number 12 a shot.
Is it based off of anything in real life?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:43 pm : No. You can make the building look however you please so long as you stick to the theme.
goliathvt@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:37 pm : Please post links to the latest assets / missing assets in this thread:
(also visit here for an updated material file to fix missing textures)
SeveredX@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:01 pm : Elg wrote:
An Arch Vile.
I'll give number 12 a shot.
Is it based off of anything in real life?
It's loosely based of Trafalgar square if I'm correct; screenshots you can use to base your work on can be found
Look about halfway down the page for idiom's post and a whole bunch of links to pictures of the area were
basing it off of, not copying exactly.
Dante_uk@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 12:47 am : Mordenkainen wrote:
Number 7. Btw, just a small typo but it might confuse some: the file inside your "" has the ext ".ok4" instead of ".pk4".
Do you have a reference picture for that build?
I ask because there is a interesting build to the left of the museum ( block1 ) but I'm not sure which it is on the map, either 7 or 4 I suppose.
This is the build I was thinking of "St Martin-in-the-Fields"

We need more specific reference pics I think.

This might help for who ever does the center ( assuming the base map was stretched and the road widened. Building scale seems okay )
idiom@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:04 am : Oh bugger. Sorry rich, I've been experimenting with textures and stuff and forgot to get rid of it all before recompiling the map. Stupid me.
blushing_bride@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:12 am : i think the idea is to make a square inspired by the idea of trafalger rather then make an exact replica. Or so i thought. so you could use any 19th century neo-classical building as a starting point.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:47 am : Dante_uk wrote:
Mordenkainen wrote:
Number 7. Btw, just a small typo but it might confuse some: the file inside your "" has the ext ".ok4" instead of ".pk4".
Do you have a reference picture for that build?
I ask because there is a interesting build to the left of the museum ( block1 ) but I'm not sure which it is on the map, either 7 or 4 I suppose.
This is the build I was thinking of "St Martin-in-the-Fields"

That's somewhere between 4 and 7, however, since the city map is not adhering exactly to Trafalgar sq. it ended being off. I've done about 1/4 of my block and I didn't take the church into account. Someone who's doing the 4th might though.
idiom@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:12 am : The building and roads weren't made from any pictures from trafalgar square. I basically made up the layout, so I'd be surprised if you find any building that directly correlate.
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:32 am : Okay, I'm going to join the project in a more hands-on way.
Put me down for Block 3 please.
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:59 pm : BEERman wrote:
Well I'd be more than happy to do that part if that's cool =)
I'll put a stake in 10b
Are we making our own texture sets for each block or is there are we all sharing from a big pack and adding whatever we can?
check this thread for file structure and other important stuff ... 98&start=0
O1D4@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:31 pm : goliathvt wrote:
Sounds good. I updated the first post. If you want to start Block 12 from scratch, let me know, and I'll move Elg's work to another block so it's not completely lost. I'll PM you with log in info for my file server in a bit.
Right... I am back in business again. Guests are gone, my bedroom and PC are back in my control so I can start cracking on this. I will get everything set up today and have a look at Elg's block. Not sure if I'll finish/re-use Elg's block as I had a few ideas of my own but I'll decide once I've had a proper look at the block and assesed my options.
Haven't recieved a PM from you yet goliathvt, but i have the latest test build... so i can check that out in the meantime.
Getting all excited already...

goliathvt@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:03 pm : I just got around to sending you the info. Sorry 'bout that... I've been pretty swamped and it kept slipping my mind. Can't wait to see what you put together!
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:40 pm : can one of you admin chappies edit the first post to update 10b as being picked by BEERman please. I think that means we once again have all the slots full up.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:23 pm : Done.

Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:49 pm : Came across this site and thought some of the pictures might be helpful.
Basically it's a listing of theatres in London with a picture of each one. It's amazing many different styles of facades there are in just the one city.
It also tells you things like:
Architect: Wimperis, Simpson and Guthrie
Opened: 4 September 1930
Listed: Grade II
mikebart@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:18 am : If there are any open blocks i'd like to help out, do you need to see any of my work?
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:52 pm : We'd love the help. And no, we don't need to see work/a resume or any of that. This is a community project and people contribute whatever they can, whenever they can.
While there might be some overall "quality" goals that we strive to meet for the project, we have folks that are veteran mappers and folks that are just starting out. Personally, I've noticed that anyone who is uncertain about their modding skills will quickly find that just by taking part in the community here, their work will improve in quality.
That said, as soon as we hear back from Dante_uk regarding Block 10a (he wanted to work on it and one point, so I want to check with him first), we'll know if we have an opening. Also, there may be some folks who haven't replied to me yet whose real lives are a bit too busy and they need a break from the project. If that's the case, I'll post here or edit the first post with any openings.
And, of course, mapping is only a fraction of what goes into the project. If you'd like to help in any other way, just post about it and go for it. Some of the things I know we're short of off the top of my head are:
static models...
animated models/characters...
GUI scripters (esp. arcade stuff)...
realistic sound effects (the sounds in test-build 3 are placeholders)
Dante_uk@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:06 pm : Sorry, I don't remember mentioning 10a, last I heard revender was doing it. See top of page 3 of this thread.
If revender is nolonging working on it then it can be set open.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:52 pm : Cool beans. mikebart, let me know if you want to do this one and I'll update the first post.
mikebart@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:40 pm : yeah thats great, thanks

, I can also help out with static meshes and textures too or concept art if you need it, but im guessing your referencing from photos? does block 10a have to be any particular building, or does anything go?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:56 pm : Anything goes so long as it fits with the theme.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:01 pm : I added you to the first post, mikebart.
mikebart@Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:03 am : thanks, ill try and get something going this weekend

I downloaded the eurobuild map (looks cool:D) but im having trouble getting doomEd to find the paths to the eurobuild files, do I have to unpack the .pak file into my doom base dir or is there an easier way?
Bauul@Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:15 am : mikebart wrote:
thanks, ill try and get something going this weekend

I downloaded the eurobuild map (looks cool:D) but im having trouble getting doomEd to find the paths to the eurobuild files, do I have to unpack the .pak file into my doom base dir or is there an easier way?
I unpacked all the files into the Base directory, DoomEd doesn't seam to support projects like Q3Radient did (annoyingly). There might be an easier way, but for the mean time unpacking worked fine for me.
radix2@Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:18 am : my quick guess is that you have not selected the euro mod as the base. I found it easier to have a special DoomEdit icon/shortcut which includes +set fs_game euro<whatever_the directory_is>
mikebart@Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:27 am : radix2 wrote:
my quick guess is that you have not selected the euro mod as the base. I found it easier to have a special DoomEdit icon/shortcut which includes +set fs_game euro<whatever_the directory_is>
thanx that worked
goliathvt@Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:24 pm : Bauul wrote:
I unpacked all the files into the Base directory, DoomEd doesn't seam to support projects like Q3Radient did (annoyingly). There might be an easier way, but for the mean time unpacking worked fine for me.
This is a really, really bad idea since the player.def and a few vanilla sound shaders and materials will get overwritten if you do this.
Set up the files as a mod. If you don't want to create a shortcut with +fs_game eurowhatever in it, you can just unpack all of the files except for the vehcile gamex86.pk4... that way, it will show up in the Load Mod menu.
Rayne@Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:01 pm : Hi, I just read the list in the first post, with every block assigned to a person.
So, what's the situation? I've just playied build 4 again, and a couple of blocks are like in the build 1...
I'm trying to figure out if there are free blocks... So if I make somthing, i will not steal work to someone is still working on it

rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:07 pm : Find a block you'd like to work on then contact whoever is assigned that block and see if they are still working on it. If they're willing to give it up then it's all yours.
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:59 pm : BEERman wrote:
Well I'd be more than happy to do that part if that's cool =)
I'll put a stake in 10b
Are we making our own texture sets for each block or is there are we all sharing from a big pack and adding whatever we can?
check this thread for file structure and other important stuff ... 98&start=0
O1D4@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:31 pm : goliathvt wrote:
Sounds good. I updated the first post. If you want to start Block 12 from scratch, let me know, and I'll move Elg's work to another block so it's not completely lost. I'll PM you with log in info for my file server in a bit.
Right... I am back in business again. Guests are gone, my bedroom and PC are back in my control so I can start cracking on this. I will get everything set up today and have a look at Elg's block. Not sure if I'll finish/re-use Elg's block as I had a few ideas of my own but I'll decide once I've had a proper look at the block and assesed my options.
Haven't recieved a PM from you yet goliathvt, but i have the latest test build... so i can check that out in the meantime.
Getting all excited already...

goliathvt@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:03 pm : I just got around to sending you the info. Sorry 'bout that... I've been pretty swamped and it kept slipping my mind. Can't wait to see what you put together!
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:40 pm : can one of you admin chappies edit the first post to update 10b as being picked by BEERman please. I think that means we once again have all the slots full up.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:23 pm : Done.

Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:49 pm : Came across this site and thought some of the pictures might be helpful.
Basically it's a listing of theatres in London with a picture of each one. It's amazing many different styles of facades there are in just the one city.
It also tells you things like:
Architect: Wimperis, Simpson and Guthrie
Opened: 4 September 1930
Listed: Grade II
mikebart@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:18 am : If there are any open blocks i'd like to help out, do you need to see any of my work?
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:52 pm : We'd love the help. And no, we don't need to see work/a resume or any of that. This is a community project and people contribute whatever they can, whenever they can.
While there might be some overall "quality" goals that we strive to meet for the project, we have folks that are veteran mappers and folks that are just starting out. Personally, I've noticed that anyone who is uncertain about their modding skills will quickly find that just by taking part in the community here, their work will improve in quality.
That said, as soon as we hear back from Dante_uk regarding Block 10a (he wanted to work on it and one point, so I want to check with him first), we'll know if we have an opening. Also, there may be some folks who haven't replied to me yet whose real lives are a bit too busy and they need a break from the project. If that's the case, I'll post here or edit the first post with any openings.
And, of course, mapping is only a fraction of what goes into the project. If you'd like to help in any other way, just post about it and go for it. Some of the things I know we're short of off the top of my head are:
static models...
animated models/characters...
GUI scripters (esp. arcade stuff)...
realistic sound effects (the sounds in test-build 3 are placeholders)
Dante_uk@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:06 pm : Sorry, I don't remember mentioning 10a, last I heard revender was doing it. See top of page 3 of this thread.
If revender is nolonging working on it then it can be set open.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:52 pm : Cool beans. mikebart, let me know if you want to do this one and I'll update the first post.
mikebart@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:40 pm : yeah thats great, thanks

, I can also help out with static meshes and textures too or concept art if you need it, but im guessing your referencing from photos? does block 10a have to be any particular building, or does anything go?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:56 pm : Anything goes so long as it fits with the theme.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:01 pm : I added you to the first post, mikebart.
mikebart@Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:03 am : thanks, ill try and get something going this weekend

I downloaded the eurobuild map (looks cool:D) but im having trouble getting doomEd to find the paths to the eurobuild files, do I have to unpack the .pak file into my doom base dir or is there an easier way?
Bauul@Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:15 am : mikebart wrote:
thanks, ill try and get something going this weekend

I downloaded the eurobuild map (looks cool:D) but im having trouble getting doomEd to find the paths to the eurobuild files, do I have to unpack the .pak file into my doom base dir or is there an easier way?
I unpacked all the files into the Base directory, DoomEd doesn't seam to support projects like Q3Radient did (annoyingly). There might be an easier way, but for the mean time unpacking worked fine for me.
radix2@Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:18 am : my quick guess is that you have not selected the euro mod as the base. I found it easier to have a special DoomEdit icon/shortcut which includes +set fs_game euro<whatever_the directory_is>
mikebart@Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:27 am : radix2 wrote:
my quick guess is that you have not selected the euro mod as the base. I found it easier to have a special DoomEdit icon/shortcut which includes +set fs_game euro<whatever_the directory_is>
thanx that worked
goliathvt@Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:24 pm : Bauul wrote:
I unpacked all the files into the Base directory, DoomEd doesn't seam to support projects like Q3Radient did (annoyingly). There might be an easier way, but for the mean time unpacking worked fine for me.
This is a really, really bad idea since the player.def and a few vanilla sound shaders and materials will get overwritten if you do this.
Set up the files as a mod. If you don't want to create a shortcut with +fs_game eurowhatever in it, you can just unpack all of the files except for the vehcile gamex86.pk4... that way, it will show up in the Load Mod menu.
Rayne@Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:01 pm : Hi, I just read the list in the first post, with every block assigned to a person.
So, what's the situation? I've just playied build 4 again, and a couple of blocks are like in the build 1...
I'm trying to figure out if there are free blocks... So if I make somthing, i will not steal work to someone is still working on it

rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:07 pm : Find a block you'd like to work on then contact whoever is assigned that block and see if they are still working on it. If they're willing to give it up then it's all yours.
idiom@Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:34 pm : This is so we can keep track of who's doing what building.

If you want to do a building, post the number in this thread and I'll try to update the list as time goes by.
Bock 1: blushing_bride
Block 2: Gazado
Block 3: Dante_uk
Block 4: goliathvt
Block 5: blushing_bride
Block 6: SeveredX
Block 7: Mordenkainen
Block 8: Bauul
Block 9: GuyBrave
Block 10a: mikebart
Block 10b: BEERman
Block 11: Stannum
Block 12: O1D4
The Square's Column and Statue: merlin371
Edit by Goliath: Restructured the list a bit to make it easier to see who's doing what and what's still open for assignment.
blushing_bride@Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:37 pm : number 5 (unless it was already picked or someone else is desperate to do it, i dont mind doing something else)
BTW can you post the latest version of the .map file as well.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 1:32 am : Number 7. Btw, just a small typo but it might confuse some: the file inside your "" has the ext ".ok4" instead of ".pk4".
idiom@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:49 am : Haha, thanks for seeing that. Will fix.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:07 am : #1 - unless someone else has started on it.
geX@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:44 am : just a question if i choose a building i can change the hight and size of it right?
idiom@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:56 am : You can change the height a bit but it'd be a lot easier to put into the base map with the other dimensions remained as close as possible to the original. You can do small changes though.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:57 am : I don't see a problem with that so long as it still fits the spot on the map it was made for.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:51 pm : Hey idiom, I got some questions and comments about this latest version of the map.
First, there are some missing textures:
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/euro/concrete001a
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/euro/brick01
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/euro/brick02
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/euro/brick02b
What's the deal with these?
Second, there is a big ass building in the middle of the square that's not in your screenshot. I'm not sure what the idea was but it's in a bad spot and it blocks the view of the column.
What's the deal with this?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:41 pm : Who are we going to put on the column ?

I vote for Gordon Freeman

Elg@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:35 pm : An Arch Vile.
I'll give number 12 a shot.
Is it based off of anything in real life?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:43 pm : No. You can make the building look however you please so long as you stick to the theme.
goliathvt@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:37 pm : Please post links to the latest assets / missing assets in this thread:
(also visit here for an updated material file to fix missing textures)
SeveredX@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:01 pm : Elg wrote:
An Arch Vile.
I'll give number 12 a shot.
Is it based off of anything in real life?
It's loosely based of Trafalgar square if I'm correct; screenshots you can use to base your work on can be found
Look about halfway down the page for idiom's post and a whole bunch of links to pictures of the area were
basing it off of, not copying exactly.
Dante_uk@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 12:47 am : Mordenkainen wrote:
Number 7. Btw, just a small typo but it might confuse some: the file inside your "" has the ext ".ok4" instead of ".pk4".
Do you have a reference picture for that build?
I ask because there is a interesting build to the left of the museum ( block1 ) but I'm not sure which it is on the map, either 7 or 4 I suppose.
This is the build I was thinking of "St Martin-in-the-Fields"

We need more specific reference pics I think.

This might help for who ever does the center ( assuming the base map was stretched and the road widened. Building scale seems okay )
idiom@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:04 am : Oh bugger. Sorry rich, I've been experimenting with textures and stuff and forgot to get rid of it all before recompiling the map. Stupid me.
blushing_bride@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:12 am : i think the idea is to make a square inspired by the idea of trafalger rather then make an exact replica. Or so i thought. so you could use any 19th century neo-classical building as a starting point.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:47 am : Dante_uk wrote:
Mordenkainen wrote:
Number 7. Btw, just a small typo but it might confuse some: the file inside your "" has the ext ".ok4" instead of ".pk4".
Do you have a reference picture for that build?
I ask because there is a interesting build to the left of the museum ( block1 ) but I'm not sure which it is on the map, either 7 or 4 I suppose.
This is the build I was thinking of "St Martin-in-the-Fields"

That's somewhere between 4 and 7, however, since the city map is not adhering exactly to Trafalgar sq. it ended being off. I've done about 1/4 of my block and I didn't take the church into account. Someone who's doing the 4th might though.
idiom@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:12 am : The building and roads weren't made from any pictures from trafalgar square. I basically made up the layout, so I'd be surprised if you find any building that directly correlate.
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:32 am : Okay, I'm going to join the project in a more hands-on way.
Put me down for Block 3 please.
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:52 am : Let's keep in mind, folks, that the "theme" is based off of Trafalgar Square... we're not necessarily making a direct replica of it. So, if you wanted to put that church elsewhere, go for it.

pbmax@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:41 pm : would anyone like to add scafolding and construction props to their building? that might add a little more "real life" detail and feel to the map...
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:46 pm : pbmax: Nice idea. Maybe we could also include a construction site with a working crane? I liked the crane and toxic waste barrel claw thingy in the vanilla game... it would be fun to add that to a map like this one.
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:30 pm : goliathvt wrote:
pbmax: Nice idea. Maybe we could also include a construction site with a working crane? I liked the crane and toxic waste barrel claw thingy in the vanilla game... it would be fun to add that to a map like this one.
Good idea, I like.
I just remembered the contruction site level in Max Payne 2, some ladders and scaffolding would be cool, give access to some rooms and areas not reachable from the ground level. This map could become an interesting Multiplayer map.
Bauul@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:36 pm : Dante_uk wrote:
Good idea, I like.
I just remembered the contruction site level in Max Payne 2, some ladders and scaffolding would be cool, give access to some rooms and areas not reachable from the ground level. This map could become an interesting Multiplayer map.
D3 Deathmatch in a wide, open, brightly lit area where you often see you opponents, that would be novel!
I feel a calling coming on, can I do
Block 8?
Added you to Block 8. - Goliath
pbmax@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:18 pm : goliathvt wrote:
pbmax: Nice idea. Maybe we could also include a construction site with a working crane? I liked the crane and toxic waste barrel claw thingy in the vanilla game... it would be fun to add that to a map like this one.
even better!
if it doesn't add too much work, a whole construction site with a crane would be really really cool.
GuyBrave@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 12:51 pm : If people are happy to have me join the project I would like to sign up for building #9
Also, just to clarify; is this intended to be a fun, playable multiplayer map? or a tech demo?
Also, would people prefer the building as a mesh made totally outside the editor, or as a bunch of brushes and stuff?
One last question; is anyone moderating the content of this project?
Edit by Goliath: added you to the list for building 9.
Dante_uk@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:58 pm : GuyBrave wrote:
If people are happy to have me join the project I would like to sign up for building #9
Also, just to clarify; is this intended to be a fun, playable multiplayer map? or a tech demo?
Also, would people prefer the building as a mesh made totally outside the editor, or as a bunch of brushes and stuff?
One last question; is anyone moderating the content of this project?
First - Tech demo - 2nd playable map ( DM ).
Either really, whatever looks best and runs best. Personally I can't get on with blender or gmax so I'm sticking to d3editor, easier (for me )
Not really, just try and stick to the theme, check out everyone else is doing for their blocks.
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:19 pm : GuyBrave wrote:
Also, would people prefer the building as a mesh made totally outside the editor, or as a bunch of brushes and stuff?
You can make your area of the map using any method you see fit.

One last question; is anyone moderating the content of this project?
No, there's no centralized depot for content (yet). However, there are some directory structure and asset management guidelines and discussion in other threads (Latest Assets, etc.) that would be useful.
Dante_uk@Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 10:06 pm : Trey wrote: do I run this map?
map euro ?
devmap euro ?
the above commands don't work for me
Which one did you download?
the last one was called
If you put it in your doom3/maps folder then you can type in the console:
map euro2
Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 12:23 am : Trey wrote:
oh I downloaded the file with the pk4 in it
If it's a .pk4 it should go in your doom3/base directory. I suggest you open the .pk4 ( winzip or winrar ) and see what's in there.
goliathvt@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:21 am : And don't forget that doom3 has tab-auto-completion, so you can literally type:
and the engine will list every map available to the current game path.
You can also type map<space><somePartialFilename><TAB> and the resulting list will be narrowed down to the files that might still match.
This works with everything... so, for example:
testmodel monster_<TAB> will give you a list of all the monster models you can test, etc.
SeveredX@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:16 am : Is it okay if we resize the actual block itself? I find now that I have to start from scratch (I somehow lost all my work..but I was going to redo most of it anyway, as I found a lot of bad bugs that weren't worth fixing) that the sidewalks aren't wide enough, and making the buildings smaller makes it to thin on one part. I think maybe we should just have everyone who's designing the buildings have it the same GENERAL size and shape, but not exact, and then when we all finish we could stick it all together and add the roads and other stuff then. I think it would be a little less restricting...although if for whatever reason this is too much of a problem, I guess I'll just have to figure out another way.
Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:34 am : SeveredX wrote:
Is it okay if we resize the actual block itself? I find now that I have to start from scratch (I somehow lost all my work..but I was going to redo most of it anyway, as I found a lot of bad bugs that weren't worth fixing) that the sidewalks aren't wide enough, and making the buildings smaller makes it to thin on one part. I think maybe we should just have everyone who's designing the buildings have it the same GENERAL size and shape, but not exact, and then when we all finish we could stick it all together and add the roads and other stuff then. I think it would be a little less restricting...although if for whatever reason this is too much of a problem, I guess I'll just have to figure out another way.
I'd like to make my block slightly bigger too. Just to add a small wall with railling and gateway to go across infront of my main building. ( I can proberly get a away with just moving the whole building further back, I'll try that first.
I mentioned a while back that the roads were too narrow in places for the buggy to drive down. This means the overall scale is slightly off for the spacing of the builds etc. Someone said they were going to re-work the base map to correct this but leave all the blocks the same(just more spaced). I can't remember who's doing that or if they are still doing it.
goliathvt@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:55 pm : I mentioned doing that, but that was before I saw the latest re-work by idiom, which did widen the roads and fix some scaling issues.
To fix what is being discussed now, I think we have two options... share other ideas if you have them:
1) Map the roads and other environments last, as was suggested above, once we have all of the blocks completely done or nearly complete. That way, we can designate one person to put all of the blocks and buildings together and adjust the road sizes appropriately.
2) Rework the "template map" now and have everyone copy over their work into the new one and make adjustments now.
I see some problems or difficulties with both options:
With Opt. 1, it means that, beyond textures, it's probably not a good idea to work on the roads very much, because any work will likely be changed while we wait to get the final block versions mapped.
With Opt 2, there's always a chance that the "template map" will need more changing, which will mean people have to copy over their work all over again.
Personally, I'd vote for Option 1, since it seems logical to carve up the road (add hills, cracks, potholes, etc.) last anyway.
In other words, I vote to let people enlarge their blocks slightly, as needed, but in a way that doesn't throw off the overall scale of the map. Then, adjust the roads as a final step to account for the changes and perfect the map's scale.
Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:09 pm : goliathvt wrote:
Personally, I'd vote for Option 1, since it seems logical to carve up the road (add hills, cracks, potholes, etc.) last anyway.
In other words, I vote to let people enlarge their blocks slightly, as needed, but in a way that doesn't throw off the overall scale of the map. Then, adjust the roads as a final step to account for the changes and perfect the map's scale.
I didn't need to inlarge my block ( assuming for now - no pavement at the rear of my main building ) to add a wall with railings infront of my building.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:40 pm : I'd say if your going to enlarge them slightly, be damn careful - what some people term "slightly" maybe be 8 units all round, for others it may be 128.
Personally, I'd say stick to the size it is for X and Y axis - you can always go higher on the Z axis.
GuyBrave@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:40 pm : Yeah, I was just going to ask about that. I intentionally picked a small building, because I dont think I have time to work one of the really big ones. Probably same with everyone since most of the big ones are still open.
However, even though I picked a small one, I was thinking it would be nice if I could extend it vertically to like around 150% of the original size. Not a trivial amount. If this is a problem, could someone let me know before I really get started.
Also, I agree with option #1 above as well. Changing the roads around at the end of the whole thing has got to be the easiest way to do it. This way also, things like benches and street signs can be more integrated rather than slapped on an existing road and footpath that haven't been designed with them in mind.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:14 pm : Maybe the thing to do then, is to define a maximum value that people could extend their buildings. One thing to remember is that on most city blocks, buildings aren't lined up perfectly anyway, so a little variation here and there won't really hurt much. And, any large "gaps" that might arise from moving buildings around could be filled with appropriate things... like, say... putting a garden or row of bushes in front of the "shorter" buildlings.
GuyBrave: I think people have agreed that it's fine to increase or decrease your building in the Z-direction any way you see fit, as that will not impact the placement of other neighboring buildings.
=NoMercy=@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:55 pm : Put me down for Block 4 please I will wokr on it now.
Edit by Goliath: Done
revender@Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:15 am : I think I will work on 10a. There is a roadblock(fence at where those to buildings are. But I was wondering if I could remove the fence and create my own means of a roadblock?
(assuming I have the latest map build) I would also like to pull the building on the road back enough to add a sidewalk. I think that whoever does the other outter buildings will need to add a sidewalk as well.
Added you to the first post list - Goliath
Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 3:30 pm : revender wrote:
I think I will work on 10a. There is a roadblock(fence at where those to buildings are. But I was wondering if I could remove the fence and create my own means of a roadblock?
(assuming I have the latest map build) I would also like to pull the building on the road back enough to add a sidewalk. I think that whoever does the other outter buildings will need to add a sidewalk as well.
Added you to the first post list - Goliath
I suggest you download my version of the euro2 map since your block is partly behind mine. I moved my main building back a bit, so there is no pavement ( sidewalk ) behind my building.
Get it here
W01f@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 9:50 am : Hey, I just heard about this thing a few days ago. I've been so consumed with my HL2 DM map for the competition, I haven't had time to visit this site. Well, I'm excited! I think it's an awesome idea, and I'd love to be a part of it and map out one of the blocks.
I won't be able to start right away because I want to put 100% effort into completing my HL2 map, but that should be done by the new year. Can I reserve block #2?
And I don't know if you guys have a standard that mappers must meet, but if you want me to provide screenshots of my previous work, I'd be more than happy to.
revender@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 2:13 pm : Dante_uk wrote:
I suggest you download my version of the euro2 map since your block is partly behind mine. I moved my main building back a bit, so there is no pavement ( sidewalk ) behind my building.
Get it here
I checked out your building. Doesn't seem to intrude any. I don't think there is going to be access to behind the buildings where you're talking about, if I'm thinking the same place as you are, the outer edge is where you moved your building back? Should be no problem. Thanks though, I'll keep myself updated on your block so our buildings cooperate/meld later on.
rcumps01@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 3:58 pm : Would it be a good idea to bring everyone's buildings together now just to see how they will look/meld with each other? Then builders could go back to their building with a sense of what's going on around their stuff.
Dante_uk@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 9:06 pm : rcumps01 wrote:
Would it be a good idea to bring everyone's buildings together now just to see how they will look/meld with each other? Then builders could go back to their building with a sense of what's going on around their stuff.
It's proberly a good idea to make a merged WIP map with as many bits as possible every couple of week or even just once a month.
W01f@Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 3:17 am : Hmm..the .pak file with the map and textures in it doesn't seem to be working for me. Would it be possible to get a fully updated one, including absolutely everything I need in one big package? Would be very helpful, not just for me, but anyone else new to the project

GuyBrave@Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 12:08 pm : @dante: how are you going with the CVS server? that was you doing that right? If I remember rightly the plan was to use that for all latest version acquisition.
Dante_uk@Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 5:43 pm : GuyBrave wrote:
@dante: how are you going with the CVS server? that was you doing that right? If I remember rightly the plan was to use that for all latest version acquisition.
Nope it wasn't me. I just agreed with it.
I only have 100mb of disk space and only have ftp & http access

I did to try to get an old work laptop setup as a linux server, unfortunately, one had a faulty disk drive and the other one had a faulty network card.

Gazado@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 2:57 pm : Ive been following the project for quite a while through the initial thread to this forum. My mapping ability is 'OK' , nothing amazing but not crap either

, so I wouldnt mind having a crack at section 2.
I'll get all the assets downloaded and start working after Classic Doom 3 alpha has been released on Xmas day.
Is there a deadline at all for getting this done or is it 'loose' at the moment ?
Added you to the first post's list. Yes, the deadline is "loose" atm. - Goliath
Gazado@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:40 pm : Thanks for the quick update.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:53 pm : No problem. All of the students have been gone and half of my staff has started their x-mas holiday, so I'm pretty f@ckin' bored at work today.

Gazado@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:56 pm : Is there any webspace for uploading materials yet ? I saw it in another thread but it didnt come to any conclusions.
If not , is there a place I can upload my zone sketch (its just a crappy MSPaint jobby but its a start, just to get my thoughts on the right track). It'd be nice to start a thread and get some ideas flowing for Zone 2

goliathvt@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:06 pm : I'm not sure we've decided on the best way to use the file server yet... CVS, no CVS, what to upload, when, etc. I think it would be best to hang on to sketches yourself and just upload Doom3 content when the server is up and running.
Gazado@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:09 pm : Will do.

MrFish7@Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:37 pm : I think I will try my hand at 10b. I am eager for any suggestions of what I should make it into. I am having a hard time coming up with something that wont just look like a wall around the square.
Gazado@Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 11:13 pm : maybe a nice wall with an indent that has a park , or a broken down wall into a forest.
Or the wall itself could be a building of some sort, or an abandoned warehouse or something. A waterfall perhaps if someone makes the required shaders for a waterfall to show doom3 can do that too

A cliff-face with a maze of caves running through it.
Theres some ideas to get you started

W01f@Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 3:22 am : Quote:
Block 2: Gazado
...So am i invisible or what?
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:13 am : Crap man, did I miss you requesting Block 2? Ack... I just re-read the thread and it looks like I did miss you requesting it... sorry about that w0lf.
Since we still have area 11 open, I suggest Gazado does 11 and W0lf does 2, but I'll leave it up to the two of you to decide who does what.
Sorry again, W0lf.
I'll update the first post whenever you guys decide who will do what.
W01f@Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:08 am : Hey, don't sweat it. he can have block #2 if he wants.
Right after I made that last post, I checked my PM box and it was an invitation to work on a mod.. so I applied there, and if I get the position I doubt I'll have much extra spare time to do this too

I really did want to be a part of this though..oh well.
merlin371@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 6:49 pm : I can the do the column and statue if I can get a more specific name so I can find more pics

rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:31 pm : I don't believe anyone has claimed it so it's fine with me.
merlin371@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:53 pm : That's cool I'll get started on it then
Added you to the first post. - Goliath
merlin371@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:26 pm : are the lions on the side part of it too?
blushing_bride@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:11 pm : merlin371 wrote:
are the lions on the side part of it too?
they are. but we are not tying to recreate trafalger square exactly. the idea is that our square is inspired by the square. For example London has several similar monuments such as The Monument (built to commerate the great fire of London),
or the monument to the Duke of York
Stannum@Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 10:46 pm : Put me up for block 11
idiom@Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:13 am : Added you.
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:07 am : ok due to people dropping out im going to be taking on block 1 unless someone else is desperate to do it themselves. Goliath you mentioned one area with low fps in test build 2, is there anything i need to worry about in this area or can i just go mad?
EDIT: i feel a little guilty for taking the two prime spots. Im only picking this one cos its the one that most needs doing. If anyone else wants it then say so now as i wont be able to start on it for a few days anyway.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:30 am : blushing... you've got my vote to go ahead and start work on block 1. Don't feel guilty for using your talents and creativity... the job on your first block is outstanding (as is everyone else's for that matter). It's cool that you are offering it to someone else if they want it, though, so I'll leave it up to you and whoever that may be to sort out what you want to do if that case comes up.
Also, I'm fairly certain we can iron out any performance issues if they arise. I'm going to spend some free time over the next few days to see if I can fix the spots where there are less-than ideal FPS scores.
I'll post my progress (assuming I have some, anyway

O1D4@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:16 pm : I have been following this project since the begining and I think it's time to stop lurking and get involved. If no one objects I would like to take on block 12. It will be a few days though until I will have some significant progress as I have guests here at the moment and I will probably limit my work over the next few days to research and planning. If that's fine, I'll be more than happy to join in.
Little side note for anyone interested: Here are some (rather old) shots of my testbed/outdoor/half-life 2 inspired map which kind of fits in with the whole D3CDIT theme. I know most of it is untextured and rather simple, but it runs fine on my old Ti4200 and XP2000+, even with most of the world textured, several monsters and no optimisation... It's an idustrial type area with a train loading station with silos, a canal, train bridge, a little junk yard, garage, gas station... I'm at work now so these are, unfortunately, the most recent shots I have here:

goliathvt@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:15 pm : Sounds good. I updated the first post. If you want to start Block 12 from scratch, let me know, and I'll move Elg's work to another block so it's not completely lost. I'll PM you with log in info for my file server in a bit.
beatsntoons@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:27 am : @ O1D4
I can't see your roads too well, but I like the textures you've used. Can you post any close-ups?
O1D4@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:02 pm : beatsntoons wrote:
@ O1D4
I can't see your roads too well, but I like the textures you've used. Can you post any close-ups?
They are just quick and dirty test textures...
You should see them better in these shots... Just some quick photoshop and nvidia plugin experimentation.
If you like them I can share the actual textures when I get home.
beatsntoons@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:28 pm : I really like them. No offence to goliathvt, but I prefer your textures.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:53 pm : None taken. At some point I'll have to tweak the decals I've used a bit... what really stands out to me with O1D4's roads is the dirtiness... they look worn and full of grime, which is how they should look. Everything in the D3CDIT map at this point is way too clean.

BEERman@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:20 pm : Hey, It's probably more than a little late but are there any buildings or structures (made from level geometry. Modelling isn't my strongsuit) left to be made or w/e? I've been watching the project for awhile but I had a lot of work to do on a mod. Now I've got more extra time and on the side I'd like to add something if possible.
If it boils down to needing to take a look at my stuff here's some screenshot links to some stuff I made. Some are still Works in Progress ... eer_17.jpg ... eer_20.jpg ... eer_21.jpg ... ss_003.jpg
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:26 pm : BEERman wrote:
Hey, It's probably more than a little late but are there any buildings or structures (made from level geometry. Modelling isn't my strongsuit) left to be made or w/e? I've been watching the project for awhile but I had a lot of work to do on a mod. Now I've got more extra time and on the side I'd like to add something if possible.
If it boils down to needing to take a look at my stuff here's some screenshot links to some stuff I made. Some are still Works in Progress ... eer_17.jpg ... eer_20.jpg ... eer_21.jpg ... ss_003.jpg
according to the first post 10b is still open,
BEERman@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:39 pm : Well I'd be more than happy to do that part if that's cool =)
I'll put a stake in 10b
Are we making our own texture sets for each block or is there are we all sharing from a big pack and adding whatever we can?
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:59 pm : BEERman wrote:
Well I'd be more than happy to do that part if that's cool =)
I'll put a stake in 10b
Are we making our own texture sets for each block or is there are we all sharing from a big pack and adding whatever we can?
check this thread for file structure and other important stuff ... 98&start=0
O1D4@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:31 pm : goliathvt wrote:
Sounds good. I updated the first post. If you want to start Block 12 from scratch, let me know, and I'll move Elg's work to another block so it's not completely lost. I'll PM you with log in info for my file server in a bit.
Right... I am back in business again. Guests are gone, my bedroom and PC are back in my control so I can start cracking on this. I will get everything set up today and have a look at Elg's block. Not sure if I'll finish/re-use Elg's block as I had a few ideas of my own but I'll decide once I've had a proper look at the block and assesed my options.
Haven't recieved a PM from you yet goliathvt, but i have the latest test build... so i can check that out in the meantime.
Getting all excited already...

goliathvt@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:03 pm : I just got around to sending you the info. Sorry 'bout that... I've been pretty swamped and it kept slipping my mind. Can't wait to see what you put together!
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:40 pm : can one of you admin chappies edit the first post to update 10b as being picked by BEERman please. I think that means we once again have all the slots full up.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:23 pm : Done.

Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:49 pm : Came across this site and thought some of the pictures might be helpful.
Basically it's a listing of theatres in London with a picture of each one. It's amazing many different styles of facades there are in just the one city.
It also tells you things like:
Architect: Wimperis, Simpson and Guthrie
Opened: 4 September 1930
Listed: Grade II
mikebart@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:18 am : If there are any open blocks i'd like to help out, do you need to see any of my work?
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:52 pm : We'd love the help. And no, we don't need to see work/a resume or any of that. This is a community project and people contribute whatever they can, whenever they can.
While there might be some overall "quality" goals that we strive to meet for the project, we have folks that are veteran mappers and folks that are just starting out. Personally, I've noticed that anyone who is uncertain about their modding skills will quickly find that just by taking part in the community here, their work will improve in quality.
That said, as soon as we hear back from Dante_uk regarding Block 10a (he wanted to work on it and one point, so I want to check with him first), we'll know if we have an opening. Also, there may be some folks who haven't replied to me yet whose real lives are a bit too busy and they need a break from the project. If that's the case, I'll post here or edit the first post with any openings.
And, of course, mapping is only a fraction of what goes into the project. If you'd like to help in any other way, just post about it and go for it. Some of the things I know we're short of off the top of my head are:
static models...
animated models/characters...
GUI scripters (esp. arcade stuff)...
realistic sound effects (the sounds in test-build 3 are placeholders)
Dante_uk@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:06 pm : Sorry, I don't remember mentioning 10a, last I heard revender was doing it. See top of page 3 of this thread.
If revender is nolonging working on it then it can be set open.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:52 pm : Cool beans. mikebart, let me know if you want to do this one and I'll update the first post.
mikebart@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:40 pm : yeah thats great, thanks

, I can also help out with static meshes and textures too or concept art if you need it, but im guessing your referencing from photos? does block 10a have to be any particular building, or does anything go?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:56 pm : Anything goes so long as it fits with the theme.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:01 pm : I added you to the first post, mikebart.
mikebart@Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:03 am : thanks, ill try and get something going this weekend

I downloaded the eurobuild map (looks cool:D) but im having trouble getting doomEd to find the paths to the eurobuild files, do I have to unpack the .pak file into my doom base dir or is there an easier way?
Bauul@Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:15 am : mikebart wrote:
thanks, ill try and get something going this weekend

I downloaded the eurobuild map (looks cool:D) but im having trouble getting doomEd to find the paths to the eurobuild files, do I have to unpack the .pak file into my doom base dir or is there an easier way?
I unpacked all the files into the Base directory, DoomEd doesn't seam to support projects like Q3Radient did (annoyingly). There might be an easier way, but for the mean time unpacking worked fine for me.
radix2@Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:18 am : my quick guess is that you have not selected the euro mod as the base. I found it easier to have a special DoomEdit icon/shortcut which includes +set fs_game euro<whatever_the directory_is>
mikebart@Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:27 am : radix2 wrote:
my quick guess is that you have not selected the euro mod as the base. I found it easier to have a special DoomEdit icon/shortcut which includes +set fs_game euro<whatever_the directory_is>
thanx that worked
goliathvt@Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:24 pm : Bauul wrote:
I unpacked all the files into the Base directory, DoomEd doesn't seam to support projects like Q3Radient did (annoyingly). There might be an easier way, but for the mean time unpacking worked fine for me.
This is a really, really bad idea since the player.def and a few vanilla sound shaders and materials will get overwritten if you do this.
Set up the files as a mod. If you don't want to create a shortcut with +fs_game eurowhatever in it, you can just unpack all of the files except for the vehcile gamex86.pk4... that way, it will show up in the Load Mod menu.
Rayne@Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:01 pm : Hi, I just read the list in the first post, with every block assigned to a person.
So, what's the situation? I've just playied build 4 again, and a couple of blocks are like in the build 1...
I'm trying to figure out if there are free blocks... So if I make somthing, i will not steal work to someone is still working on it

rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:07 pm : Find a block you'd like to work on then contact whoever is assigned that block and see if they are still working on it. If they're willing to give it up then it's all yours.
idiom@Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:34 pm : This is so we can keep track of who's doing what building.

If you want to do a building, post the number in this thread and I'll try to update the list as time goes by.
Bock 1: blushing_bride
Block 2: Gazado
Block 3: Dante_uk
Block 4: goliathvt
Block 5: blushing_bride
Block 6: SeveredX
Block 7: Mordenkainen
Block 8: Bauul
Block 9: GuyBrave
Block 10a: mikebart
Block 10b: BEERman
Block 11: Stannum
Block 12: O1D4
The Square's Column and Statue: merlin371
Edit by Goliath: Restructured the list a bit to make it easier to see who's doing what and what's still open for assignment.
blushing_bride@Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:37 pm : number 5 (unless it was already picked or someone else is desperate to do it, i dont mind doing something else)
BTW can you post the latest version of the .map file as well.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 1:32 am : Number 7. Btw, just a small typo but it might confuse some: the file inside your "" has the ext ".ok4" instead of ".pk4".
idiom@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:49 am : Haha, thanks for seeing that. Will fix.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:07 am : #1 - unless someone else has started on it.
geX@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:44 am : just a question if i choose a building i can change the hight and size of it right?
idiom@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:56 am : You can change the height a bit but it'd be a lot easier to put into the base map with the other dimensions remained as close as possible to the original. You can do small changes though.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:57 am : I don't see a problem with that so long as it still fits the spot on the map it was made for.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:51 pm : Hey idiom, I got some questions and comments about this latest version of the map.
First, there are some missing textures:
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/euro/concrete001a
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/euro/brick01
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/euro/brick02
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/euro/brick02b
What's the deal with these?
Second, there is a big ass building in the middle of the square that's not in your screenshot. I'm not sure what the idea was but it's in a bad spot and it blocks the view of the column.
What's the deal with this?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:41 pm : Who are we going to put on the column ?

I vote for Gordon Freeman

Elg@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:35 pm : An Arch Vile.
I'll give number 12 a shot.
Is it based off of anything in real life?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:43 pm : No. You can make the building look however you please so long as you stick to the theme.
goliathvt@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:37 pm : Please post links to the latest assets / missing assets in this thread:
(also visit here for an updated material file to fix missing textures)
SeveredX@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:01 pm : Elg wrote:
An Arch Vile.
I'll give number 12 a shot.
Is it based off of anything in real life?
It's loosely based of Trafalgar square if I'm correct; screenshots you can use to base your work on can be found
Look about halfway down the page for idiom's post and a whole bunch of links to pictures of the area were
basing it off of, not copying exactly.
Dante_uk@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 12:47 am : Mordenkainen wrote:
Number 7. Btw, just a small typo but it might confuse some: the file inside your "" has the ext ".ok4" instead of ".pk4".
Do you have a reference picture for that build?
I ask because there is a interesting build to the left of the museum ( block1 ) but I'm not sure which it is on the map, either 7 or 4 I suppose.
This is the build I was thinking of "St Martin-in-the-Fields"

We need more specific reference pics I think.

This might help for who ever does the center ( assuming the base map was stretched and the road widened. Building scale seems okay )
idiom@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:04 am : Oh bugger. Sorry rich, I've been experimenting with textures and stuff and forgot to get rid of it all before recompiling the map. Stupid me.
blushing_bride@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:12 am : i think the idea is to make a square inspired by the idea of trafalger rather then make an exact replica. Or so i thought. so you could use any 19th century neo-classical building as a starting point.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:47 am : Dante_uk wrote:
Mordenkainen wrote:
Number 7. Btw, just a small typo but it might confuse some: the file inside your "" has the ext ".ok4" instead of ".pk4".
Do you have a reference picture for that build?
I ask because there is a interesting build to the left of the museum ( block1 ) but I'm not sure which it is on the map, either 7 or 4 I suppose.
This is the build I was thinking of "St Martin-in-the-Fields"

That's somewhere between 4 and 7, however, since the city map is not adhering exactly to Trafalgar sq. it ended being off. I've done about 1/4 of my block and I didn't take the church into account. Someone who's doing the 4th might though.
idiom@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:12 am : The building and roads weren't made from any pictures from trafalgar square. I basically made up the layout, so I'd be surprised if you find any building that directly correlate.
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:32 am : Okay, I'm going to join the project in a more hands-on way.
Put me down for Block 3 please.
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:52 am : Let's keep in mind, folks, that the "theme" is based off of Trafalgar Square... we're not necessarily making a direct replica of it. So, if you wanted to put that church elsewhere, go for it.

pbmax@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:41 pm : would anyone like to add scafolding and construction props to their building? that might add a little more "real life" detail and feel to the map...
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:46 pm : pbmax: Nice idea. Maybe we could also include a construction site with a working crane? I liked the crane and toxic waste barrel claw thingy in the vanilla game... it would be fun to add that to a map like this one.
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:30 pm : goliathvt wrote:
pbmax: Nice idea. Maybe we could also include a construction site with a working crane? I liked the crane and toxic waste barrel claw thingy in the vanilla game... it would be fun to add that to a map like this one.
Good idea, I like.
I just remembered the contruction site level in Max Payne 2, some ladders and scaffolding would be cool, give access to some rooms and areas not reachable from the ground level. This map could become an interesting Multiplayer map.
Bauul@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:36 pm : Dante_uk wrote:
Good idea, I like.
I just remembered the contruction site level in Max Payne 2, some ladders and scaffolding would be cool, give access to some rooms and areas not reachable from the ground level. This map could become an interesting Multiplayer map.
D3 Deathmatch in a wide, open, brightly lit area where you often see you opponents, that would be novel!
I feel a calling coming on, can I do
Block 8?
Added you to Block 8. - Goliath
pbmax@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:18 pm : goliathvt wrote:
pbmax: Nice idea. Maybe we could also include a construction site with a working crane? I liked the crane and toxic waste barrel claw thingy in the vanilla game... it would be fun to add that to a map like this one.
even better!
if it doesn't add too much work, a whole construction site with a crane would be really really cool.
GuyBrave@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 12:51 pm : If people are happy to have me join the project I would like to sign up for building #9
Also, just to clarify; is this intended to be a fun, playable multiplayer map? or a tech demo?
Also, would people prefer the building as a mesh made totally outside the editor, or as a bunch of brushes and stuff?
One last question; is anyone moderating the content of this project?
Edit by Goliath: added you to the list for building 9.
Dante_uk@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:58 pm : GuyBrave wrote:
If people are happy to have me join the project I would like to sign up for building #9
Also, just to clarify; is this intended to be a fun, playable multiplayer map? or a tech demo?
Also, would people prefer the building as a mesh made totally outside the editor, or as a bunch of brushes and stuff?
One last question; is anyone moderating the content of this project?
First - Tech demo - 2nd playable map ( DM ).
Either really, whatever looks best and runs best. Personally I can't get on with blender or gmax so I'm sticking to d3editor, easier (for me )
Not really, just try and stick to the theme, check out everyone else is doing for their blocks.
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:19 pm : GuyBrave wrote:
Also, would people prefer the building as a mesh made totally outside the editor, or as a bunch of brushes and stuff?
You can make your area of the map using any method you see fit.

One last question; is anyone moderating the content of this project?
No, there's no centralized depot for content (yet). However, there are some directory structure and asset management guidelines and discussion in other threads (Latest Assets, etc.) that would be useful.
Dante_uk@Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 10:06 pm : Trey wrote: do I run this map?
map euro ?
devmap euro ?
the above commands don't work for me
Which one did you download?
the last one was called
If you put it in your doom3/maps folder then you can type in the console:
map euro2
Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 12:23 am : Trey wrote:
oh I downloaded the file with the pk4 in it
If it's a .pk4 it should go in your doom3/base directory. I suggest you open the .pk4 ( winzip or winrar ) and see what's in there.
goliathvt@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:21 am : And don't forget that doom3 has tab-auto-completion, so you can literally type:
and the engine will list every map available to the current game path.
You can also type map<space><somePartialFilename><TAB> and the resulting list will be narrowed down to the files that might still match.
This works with everything... so, for example:
testmodel monster_<TAB> will give you a list of all the monster models you can test, etc.
SeveredX@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:16 am : Is it okay if we resize the actual block itself? I find now that I have to start from scratch (I somehow lost all my work..but I was going to redo most of it anyway, as I found a lot of bad bugs that weren't worth fixing) that the sidewalks aren't wide enough, and making the buildings smaller makes it to thin on one part. I think maybe we should just have everyone who's designing the buildings have it the same GENERAL size and shape, but not exact, and then when we all finish we could stick it all together and add the roads and other stuff then. I think it would be a little less restricting...although if for whatever reason this is too much of a problem, I guess I'll just have to figure out another way.
Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:34 am : SeveredX wrote:
Is it okay if we resize the actual block itself? I find now that I have to start from scratch (I somehow lost all my work..but I was going to redo most of it anyway, as I found a lot of bad bugs that weren't worth fixing) that the sidewalks aren't wide enough, and making the buildings smaller makes it to thin on one part. I think maybe we should just have everyone who's designing the buildings have it the same GENERAL size and shape, but not exact, and then when we all finish we could stick it all together and add the roads and other stuff then. I think it would be a little less restricting...although if for whatever reason this is too much of a problem, I guess I'll just have to figure out another way.
I'd like to make my block slightly bigger too. Just to add a small wall with railling and gateway to go across infront of my main building. ( I can proberly get a away with just moving the whole building further back, I'll try that first.
I mentioned a while back that the roads were too narrow in places for the buggy to drive down. This means the overall scale is slightly off for the spacing of the builds etc. Someone said they were going to re-work the base map to correct this but leave all the blocks the same(just more spaced). I can't remember who's doing that or if they are still doing it.
goliathvt@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:55 pm : I mentioned doing that, but that was before I saw the latest re-work by idiom, which did widen the roads and fix some scaling issues.
To fix what is being discussed now, I think we have two options... share other ideas if you have them:
1) Map the roads and other environments last, as was suggested above, once we have all of the blocks completely done or nearly complete. That way, we can designate one person to put all of the blocks and buildings together and adjust the road sizes appropriately.
2) Rework the "template map" now and have everyone copy over their work into the new one and make adjustments now.
I see some problems or difficulties with both options:
With Opt. 1, it means that, beyond textures, it's probably not a good idea to work on the roads very much, because any work will likely be changed while we wait to get the final block versions mapped.
With Opt 2, there's always a chance that the "template map" will need more changing, which will mean people have to copy over their work all over again.
Personally, I'd vote for Option 1, since it seems logical to carve up the road (add hills, cracks, potholes, etc.) last anyway.
In other words, I vote to let people enlarge their blocks slightly, as needed, but in a way that doesn't throw off the overall scale of the map. Then, adjust the roads as a final step to account for the changes and perfect the map's scale.
Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:09 pm : goliathvt wrote:
Personally, I'd vote for Option 1, since it seems logical to carve up the road (add hills, cracks, potholes, etc.) last anyway.
In other words, I vote to let people enlarge their blocks slightly, as needed, but in a way that doesn't throw off the overall scale of the map. Then, adjust the roads as a final step to account for the changes and perfect the map's scale.
I didn't need to inlarge my block ( assuming for now - no pavement at the rear of my main building ) to add a wall with railings infront of my building.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:40 pm : I'd say if your going to enlarge them slightly, be damn careful - what some people term "slightly" maybe be 8 units all round, for others it may be 128.
Personally, I'd say stick to the size it is for X and Y axis - you can always go higher on the Z axis.
GuyBrave@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:40 pm : Yeah, I was just going to ask about that. I intentionally picked a small building, because I dont think I have time to work one of the really big ones. Probably same with everyone since most of the big ones are still open.
However, even though I picked a small one, I was thinking it would be nice if I could extend it vertically to like around 150% of the original size. Not a trivial amount. If this is a problem, could someone let me know before I really get started.
Also, I agree with option #1 above as well. Changing the roads around at the end of the whole thing has got to be the easiest way to do it. This way also, things like benches and street signs can be more integrated rather than slapped on an existing road and footpath that haven't been designed with them in mind.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:14 pm : Maybe the thing to do then, is to define a maximum value that people could extend their buildings. One thing to remember is that on most city blocks, buildings aren't lined up perfectly anyway, so a little variation here and there won't really hurt much. And, any large "gaps" that might arise from moving buildings around could be filled with appropriate things... like, say... putting a garden or row of bushes in front of the "shorter" buildlings.
GuyBrave: I think people have agreed that it's fine to increase or decrease your building in the Z-direction any way you see fit, as that will not impact the placement of other neighboring buildings.
=NoMercy=@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:55 pm : Put me down for Block 4 please I will wokr on it now.
Edit by Goliath: Done
revender@Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:15 am : I think I will work on 10a. There is a roadblock(fence at where those to buildings are. But I was wondering if I could remove the fence and create my own means of a roadblock?
(assuming I have the latest map build) I would also like to pull the building on the road back enough to add a sidewalk. I think that whoever does the other outter buildings will need to add a sidewalk as well.
Added you to the first post list - Goliath
Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 3:30 pm : revender wrote:
I think I will work on 10a. There is a roadblock(fence at where those to buildings are. But I was wondering if I could remove the fence and create my own means of a roadblock?
(assuming I have the latest map build) I would also like to pull the building on the road back enough to add a sidewalk. I think that whoever does the other outter buildings will need to add a sidewalk as well.
Added you to the first post list - Goliath
I suggest you download my version of the euro2 map since your block is partly behind mine. I moved my main building back a bit, so there is no pavement ( sidewalk ) behind my building.
Get it here
W01f@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 9:50 am : Hey, I just heard about this thing a few days ago. I've been so consumed with my HL2 DM map for the competition, I haven't had time to visit this site. Well, I'm excited! I think it's an awesome idea, and I'd love to be a part of it and map out one of the blocks.
I won't be able to start right away because I want to put 100% effort into completing my HL2 map, but that should be done by the new year. Can I reserve block #2?
And I don't know if you guys have a standard that mappers must meet, but if you want me to provide screenshots of my previous work, I'd be more than happy to.
revender@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 2:13 pm : Dante_uk wrote:
I suggest you download my version of the euro2 map since your block is partly behind mine. I moved my main building back a bit, so there is no pavement ( sidewalk ) behind my building.
Get it here
I checked out your building. Doesn't seem to intrude any. I don't think there is going to be access to behind the buildings where you're talking about, if I'm thinking the same place as you are, the outer edge is where you moved your building back? Should be no problem. Thanks though, I'll keep myself updated on your block so our buildings cooperate/meld later on.
rcumps01@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 3:58 pm : Would it be a good idea to bring everyone's buildings together now just to see how they will look/meld with each other? Then builders could go back to their building with a sense of what's going on around their stuff.
Dante_uk@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 9:06 pm : rcumps01 wrote:
Would it be a good idea to bring everyone's buildings together now just to see how they will look/meld with each other? Then builders could go back to their building with a sense of what's going on around their stuff.
It's proberly a good idea to make a merged WIP map with as many bits as possible every couple of week or even just once a month.
W01f@Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 3:17 am : Hmm..the .pak file with the map and textures in it doesn't seem to be working for me. Would it be possible to get a fully updated one, including absolutely everything I need in one big package? Would be very helpful, not just for me, but anyone else new to the project

GuyBrave@Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 12:08 pm : @dante: how are you going with the CVS server? that was you doing that right? If I remember rightly the plan was to use that for all latest version acquisition.
Dante_uk@Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 5:43 pm : GuyBrave wrote:
@dante: how are you going with the CVS server? that was you doing that right? If I remember rightly the plan was to use that for all latest version acquisition.
Nope it wasn't me. I just agreed with it.
I only have 100mb of disk space and only have ftp & http access

I did to try to get an old work laptop setup as a linux server, unfortunately, one had a faulty disk drive and the other one had a faulty network card.

Gazado@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 2:57 pm : Ive been following the project for quite a while through the initial thread to this forum. My mapping ability is 'OK' , nothing amazing but not crap either

, so I wouldnt mind having a crack at section 2.
I'll get all the assets downloaded and start working after Classic Doom 3 alpha has been released on Xmas day.
Is there a deadline at all for getting this done or is it 'loose' at the moment ?
Added you to the first post's list. Yes, the deadline is "loose" atm. - Goliath
Gazado@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:40 pm : Thanks for the quick update.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:53 pm : No problem. All of the students have been gone and half of my staff has started their x-mas holiday, so I'm pretty f@ckin' bored at work today.

Gazado@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:56 pm : Is there any webspace for uploading materials yet ? I saw it in another thread but it didnt come to any conclusions.
If not , is there a place I can upload my zone sketch (its just a crappy MSPaint jobby but its a start, just to get my thoughts on the right track). It'd be nice to start a thread and get some ideas flowing for Zone 2

goliathvt@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:06 pm : I'm not sure we've decided on the best way to use the file server yet... CVS, no CVS, what to upload, when, etc. I think it would be best to hang on to sketches yourself and just upload Doom3 content when the server is up and running.
Gazado@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:09 pm : Will do.

MrFish7@Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:37 pm : I think I will try my hand at 10b. I am eager for any suggestions of what I should make it into. I am having a hard time coming up with something that wont just look like a wall around the square.
Gazado@Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 11:13 pm : maybe a nice wall with an indent that has a park , or a broken down wall into a forest.
Or the wall itself could be a building of some sort, or an abandoned warehouse or something. A waterfall perhaps if someone makes the required shaders for a waterfall to show doom3 can do that too

A cliff-face with a maze of caves running through it.
Theres some ideas to get you started

W01f@Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 3:22 am : Quote:
Block 2: Gazado
...So am i invisible or what?
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:13 am : Crap man, did I miss you requesting Block 2? Ack... I just re-read the thread and it looks like I did miss you requesting it... sorry about that w0lf.
Since we still have area 11 open, I suggest Gazado does 11 and W0lf does 2, but I'll leave it up to the two of you to decide who does what.
Sorry again, W0lf.
I'll update the first post whenever you guys decide who will do what.
W01f@Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:08 am : Hey, don't sweat it. he can have block #2 if he wants.
Right after I made that last post, I checked my PM box and it was an invitation to work on a mod.. so I applied there, and if I get the position I doubt I'll have much extra spare time to do this too

I really did want to be a part of this though..oh well.
merlin371@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 6:49 pm : I can the do the column and statue if I can get a more specific name so I can find more pics

rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:31 pm : I don't believe anyone has claimed it so it's fine with me.
merlin371@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:53 pm : That's cool I'll get started on it then
Added you to the first post. - Goliath
merlin371@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:26 pm : are the lions on the side part of it too?
blushing_bride@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:11 pm : merlin371 wrote:
are the lions on the side part of it too?
they are. but we are not tying to recreate trafalger square exactly. the idea is that our square is inspired by the square. For example London has several similar monuments such as The Monument (built to commerate the great fire of London),
or the monument to the Duke of York
Stannum@Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 10:46 pm : Put me up for block 11
idiom@Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:13 am : Added you.
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:07 am : ok due to people dropping out im going to be taking on block 1 unless someone else is desperate to do it themselves. Goliath you mentioned one area with low fps in test build 2, is there anything i need to worry about in this area or can i just go mad?
EDIT: i feel a little guilty for taking the two prime spots. Im only picking this one cos its the one that most needs doing. If anyone else wants it then say so now as i wont be able to start on it for a few days anyway.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:30 am : blushing... you've got my vote to go ahead and start work on block 1. Don't feel guilty for using your talents and creativity... the job on your first block is outstanding (as is everyone else's for that matter). It's cool that you are offering it to someone else if they want it, though, so I'll leave it up to you and whoever that may be to sort out what you want to do if that case comes up.
Also, I'm fairly certain we can iron out any performance issues if they arise. I'm going to spend some free time over the next few days to see if I can fix the spots where there are less-than ideal FPS scores.
I'll post my progress (assuming I have some, anyway

O1D4@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:16 pm : I have been following this project since the begining and I think it's time to stop lurking and get involved. If no one objects I would like to take on block 12. It will be a few days though until I will have some significant progress as I have guests here at the moment and I will probably limit my work over the next few days to research and planning. If that's fine, I'll be more than happy to join in.
Little side note for anyone interested: Here are some (rather old) shots of my testbed/outdoor/half-life 2 inspired map which kind of fits in with the whole D3CDIT theme. I know most of it is untextured and rather simple, but it runs fine on my old Ti4200 and XP2000+, even with most of the world textured, several monsters and no optimisation... It's an idustrial type area with a train loading station with silos, a canal, train bridge, a little junk yard, garage, gas station... I'm at work now so these are, unfortunately, the most recent shots I have here:

goliathvt@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:15 pm : Sounds good. I updated the first post. If you want to start Block 12 from scratch, let me know, and I'll move Elg's work to another block so it's not completely lost. I'll PM you with log in info for my file server in a bit.
beatsntoons@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:27 am : @ O1D4
I can't see your roads too well, but I like the textures you've used. Can you post any close-ups?
O1D4@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:02 pm : beatsntoons wrote:
@ O1D4
I can't see your roads too well, but I like the textures you've used. Can you post any close-ups?
They are just quick and dirty test textures...
You should see them better in these shots... Just some quick photoshop and nvidia plugin experimentation.
If you like them I can share the actual textures when I get home.
beatsntoons@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:28 pm : I really like them. No offence to goliathvt, but I prefer your textures.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:53 pm : None taken. At some point I'll have to tweak the decals I've used a bit... what really stands out to me with O1D4's roads is the dirtiness... they look worn and full of grime, which is how they should look. Everything in the D3CDIT map at this point is way too clean.

BEERman@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:20 pm : Hey, It's probably more than a little late but are there any buildings or structures (made from level geometry. Modelling isn't my strongsuit) left to be made or w/e? I've been watching the project for awhile but I had a lot of work to do on a mod. Now I've got more extra time and on the side I'd like to add something if possible.
If it boils down to needing to take a look at my stuff here's some screenshot links to some stuff I made. Some are still Works in Progress ... eer_17.jpg ... eer_20.jpg ... eer_21.jpg ... ss_003.jpg
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:26 pm : BEERman wrote:
Hey, It's probably more than a little late but are there any buildings or structures (made from level geometry. Modelling isn't my strongsuit) left to be made or w/e? I've been watching the project for awhile but I had a lot of work to do on a mod. Now I've got more extra time and on the side I'd like to add something if possible.
If it boils down to needing to take a look at my stuff here's some screenshot links to some stuff I made. Some are still Works in Progress ... eer_17.jpg ... eer_20.jpg ... eer_21.jpg ... ss_003.jpg
according to the first post 10b is still open,
BEERman@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:39 pm : Well I'd be more than happy to do that part if that's cool =)
I'll put a stake in 10b
Are we making our own texture sets for each block or is there are we all sharing from a big pack and adding whatever we can?
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:59 pm : BEERman wrote:
Well I'd be more than happy to do that part if that's cool =)
I'll put a stake in 10b
Are we making our own texture sets for each block or is there are we all sharing from a big pack and adding whatever we can?
check this thread for file structure and other important stuff ... 98&start=0
O1D4@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:31 pm : goliathvt wrote:
Sounds good. I updated the first post. If you want to start Block 12 from scratch, let me know, and I'll move Elg's work to another block so it's not completely lost. I'll PM you with log in info for my file server in a bit.
Right... I am back in business again. Guests are gone, my bedroom and PC are back in my control so I can start cracking on this. I will get everything set up today and have a look at Elg's block. Not sure if I'll finish/re-use Elg's block as I had a few ideas of my own but I'll decide once I've had a proper look at the block and assesed my options.
Haven't recieved a PM from you yet goliathvt, but i have the latest test build... so i can check that out in the meantime.
Getting all excited already...

goliathvt@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:03 pm : I just got around to sending you the info. Sorry 'bout that... I've been pretty swamped and it kept slipping my mind. Can't wait to see what you put together!
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:40 pm : can one of you admin chappies edit the first post to update 10b as being picked by BEERman please. I think that means we once again have all the slots full up.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:23 pm : Done.

Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:49 pm : Came across this site and thought some of the pictures might be helpful.
Basically it's a listing of theatres in London with a picture of each one. It's amazing many different styles of facades there are in just the one city.
It also tells you things like:
Architect: Wimperis, Simpson and Guthrie
Opened: 4 September 1930
Listed: Grade II
mikebart@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:18 am : If there are any open blocks i'd like to help out, do you need to see any of my work?
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:52 pm : We'd love the help. And no, we don't need to see work/a resume or any of that. This is a community project and people contribute whatever they can, whenever they can.
While there might be some overall "quality" goals that we strive to meet for the project, we have folks that are veteran mappers and folks that are just starting out. Personally, I've noticed that anyone who is uncertain about their modding skills will quickly find that just by taking part in the community here, their work will improve in quality.
That said, as soon as we hear back from Dante_uk regarding Block 10a (he wanted to work on it and one point, so I want to check with him first), we'll know if we have an opening. Also, there may be some folks who haven't replied to me yet whose real lives are a bit too busy and they need a break from the project. If that's the case, I'll post here or edit the first post with any openings.
And, of course, mapping is only a fraction of what goes into the project. If you'd like to help in any other way, just post about it and go for it. Some of the things I know we're short of off the top of my head are:
static models...
animated models/characters...
GUI scripters (esp. arcade stuff)...
realistic sound effects (the sounds in test-build 3 are placeholders)
Dante_uk@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:06 pm : Sorry, I don't remember mentioning 10a, last I heard revender was doing it. See top of page 3 of this thread.
If revender is nolonging working on it then it can be set open.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:52 pm : Cool beans. mikebart, let me know if you want to do this one and I'll update the first post.
mikebart@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:40 pm : yeah thats great, thanks

, I can also help out with static meshes and textures too or concept art if you need it, but im guessing your referencing from photos? does block 10a have to be any particular building, or does anything go?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:56 pm : Anything goes so long as it fits with the theme.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:01 pm : I added you to the first post, mikebart.
mikebart@Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:03 am : thanks, ill try and get something going this weekend

I downloaded the eurobuild map (looks cool:D) but im having trouble getting doomEd to find the paths to the eurobuild files, do I have to unpack the .pak file into my doom base dir or is there an easier way?
Bauul@Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:15 am : mikebart wrote:
thanks, ill try and get something going this weekend

I downloaded the eurobuild map (looks cool:D) but im having trouble getting doomEd to find the paths to the eurobuild files, do I have to unpack the .pak file into my doom base dir or is there an easier way?
I unpacked all the files into the Base directory, DoomEd doesn't seam to support projects like Q3Radient did (annoyingly). There might be an easier way, but for the mean time unpacking worked fine for me.
radix2@Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:18 am : my quick guess is that you have not selected the euro mod as the base. I found it easier to have a special DoomEdit icon/shortcut which includes +set fs_game euro<whatever_the directory_is>
mikebart@Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:27 am : radix2 wrote:
my quick guess is that you have not selected the euro mod as the base. I found it easier to have a special DoomEdit icon/shortcut which includes +set fs_game euro<whatever_the directory_is>
thanx that worked
goliathvt@Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:24 pm : Bauul wrote:
I unpacked all the files into the Base directory, DoomEd doesn't seam to support projects like Q3Radient did (annoyingly). There might be an easier way, but for the mean time unpacking worked fine for me.
This is a really, really bad idea since the player.def and a few vanilla sound shaders and materials will get overwritten if you do this.
Set up the files as a mod. If you don't want to create a shortcut with +fs_game eurowhatever in it, you can just unpack all of the files except for the vehcile gamex86.pk4... that way, it will show up in the Load Mod menu.
Rayne@Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:01 pm : Hi, I just read the list in the first post, with every block assigned to a person.
So, what's the situation? I've just playied build 4 again, and a couple of blocks are like in the build 1...
I'm trying to figure out if there are free blocks... So if I make somthing, i will not steal work to someone is still working on it

rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:07 pm : Find a block you'd like to work on then contact whoever is assigned that block and see if they are still working on it. If they're willing to give it up then it's all yours.