goliathvt@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:30 pm : This thread is not meant for discussion beyond offering opinions of the best way to go about facilitating people being able to all have the same set of assets from which to work.
Map and all assets
Latest test-build (12-30-2004):
Textures and Materials
*** Note to All mappers ***
Be sure to examine the changes with the material files. Quite a bit has changed in order to keep things organized.
If you have already worked on a section that I haven't already updated and you don't want to have to redo anything, just use the texture find/replace tool within the editor... OR open the map in a text editor and make the changes manually using a text-based find/replace tool.
Current path and file naming conventions
Please follow these guidelines to ensure that your materials, models and other assets stay organized.
All file paths are relative to your
MOD folder (i.e. C:\Doom3\MOD\maps\..., etc.).
All textures should have either a _d.tga, _s.tga or _local.tga suffix. This is so that if any component of a material is broken, when the map editor tosses the warning error, it will mention which part of the material is broken or missing. In other words, don't name your diffusemaps "textureName.tga", name them "textureName_d.tga".
Break the textures down using a per-building basis:
If you want sub-sections for any single building on your block (optional, but useful):
Any "shared" textures (pavement, road,etc.) should go here:
Note how this means that there will be a seperate directory for each material. Why? Let's say you have several wall textures named "wall1, wall2, wall3, ... wall8. Now, in that collection of images, you are missing wall5_s.tga or you need to make a change to it. If all of those wall images (at least 3 images per material, so we're talking about 24 "wallN" images) are in one directory (along with tons of other images from other materials), you might miss what you're looking for. The method described above will help others (and yourself) keep everything organized.
MaterialsSo how should the material files look? Note how the material name actually points to the
directory that contains the .tga files. Of course, a material name can be anything, say "/textures/chopped_liver" and still point to these images as its components: "/textures/euro/shared/goliathvt/pile_o_poo/pile_o_poo_d.tga|_s.tga|_local.tga".
// sample material file
qer_editorimage textures/euro/block#/buldingName/textureName/textureName_d.tga
diffusemap textures/euro/block#/buldingName/textureName/textureName_d.tga
specularmap textures/euro/block#/buldingName/textureName/textureName_s.tga
bumpmap textures/euro/block#/buldingName/textureName/textureName_local.tga
Take a look at how I organized the textures in the test-build 1 map for some real-world examples.
This means that if you have a problem with a material and D3 throws a warning about not being able to find "x" material, you can just browse to the textureName directory and quickly check that all 3 images are there. If you've named your images correctly, the warning message will even spescifcy _d, _s, or _local.
Static ModelsIf the model is specific to your block:
If the model is to be shared (street lamps, etc.):
Note how your model file (.lwo, .ase) is in the
same directory as the .tga files.
Animated Models, Articulated FiguresThese will probably all be shared, but if not, follow these guidelines but just replace "shared" with your block#:
Note how the .md5mesh, md5anim and .mb (or other source) files are all in the
same directory as the .tga files.
The material definitions for models and animated models and articulated figures should follow the conventions listed above... that is, the material name should point to the
directory that contains all of the .tga and .lwo|.ase|.md5mesh, etc. files for that model.
Let me know if all of that makes sense or if you have any questions or comments.
idiom@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:41 am : I've made a brick pavement and road texture for you guys to use.
Added to 1st post - G
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:25 am : I think we need to set some standards for paths before too many people start making textures and mtr files.
I suggest something simple like:
textures/euro/ - Base editing textures only.
textures/euro/X/ (X=Block number) specific for the block.
The mtr filenames:
euro.mtr - Base editing textures only.
euro_X - (X=Block number) specific for the block.
If possible snapshot(WIP) releases of buildings could be released as prefabs ( since the XYZ for the block should match the original basemap this should make it very easy to piece the whole thing together. )
Also as textures get created, snapshot releases of the euro_X.mtr and texture/euro/X directory could be released, then some texture sharing can happen without worry of someone elses .pk4 overwriting anything.
They should be lots of cases of local & spec images being reused with different diffuse images, this will save some memory.
Main question is how and where - the best idea would be an ftp site we can all access.
Although I'm a sysadmin for our webserver at work I don't think my boss would be too keen on me using it to host this, unfortunately he's a techie too so could find out

goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:49 am : Quote:
I think we need to set some standards for paths before too many people start making textures and mtr files....
textures/euro/ - Base editing textures only.
textures/euro/X/ (X=Block number) specific for the block.
The mtr filenames:
euro.mtr - Base editing textures only.
euro_X - (X=Block number) specific for the block.
I think this is a great convention to use... with one addition/extension: Let's give each individual texture their own directory, so we don't have a gazillion "base" textures sitting in /textures/euro/ or several images from different textures sitting in euro/block#/....
So, for example, the dir structure might look like:
Where each directory would then contain the qer image, diffuse, spec, and normal maps.
I also agree that each "block" should get its own .mtr file. Maybe this could even be extended to each building?
bb_matt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:16 am : Just had an idea to save time with material files.
So long as everyone works to the folder structures put in place, we can have custom .mtr files for the duration of the project until we are ready to distribute.
For instance, I would call my material file bb_euro.mtr
When we're ready for distribution, it's just a case of copying all of the mtr files into a single euro.mtr file, as keeping track of multiple material files that have the same name which people are working on could be troublesome.
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:29 pm : I disagree a bit... I think it's good to split up stuff while in production and have the author's name in the mtr filename, too, since then we know who made what texture and who to talk to about adding, modifying or fixing something. But I also think it would be a good idea to add "block#" or "base" to the filename, and split up .mtr files that way... so you might have:
Someone else might have:
And if someone contributes some textures used in Block 6 other than SeveredX, then there might be:
That would allow people to have custom mtr files throughout development, and should get rid of the need to copy them all together at the end. It also gives an indication of who made what textures... of which, even with the few we have now, I've been having trouble keeping track.
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:00 pm : goliathvt wrote:
I disagree a bit... I think it's good to split up stuff while in production and have the author's name in the mtr filename, too, since then we know who made what texture and who to talk to about adding, modifying or fixing something. But I also think it would be a good idea to add "block#" or "base" to the filename, and split up .mtr files that way... so you might have:
Someone else might have:
And if someone contributes some textures used in Block 6 other than SeveredX, then there might be:
That would allow people to have custom mtr files throughout development, and should get rid of the need to copy them all together at the end. It also gives an indication of who made what textures... of which, even with the few we have now, I've been having trouble keeping track.
Make sense to me for the mtr files.
As for the directories:
I think will a lot safer to use sub folders per block.
I have textures with names like brick02.tga that are different from brick02 I downloaded for this project.
Simple paths would make sense
When I said before about "Base editing textures only" I was refering to the editor textures 256.tga 512.tga etc and not things like base_wall1 etc.
If people want to structure things like:
Then that's fine.
Until we start sharing textures( and afterwards too ) there is a good change that we will end up with duplicate textures in different folders. I don't see this as a problem that needs worrying about unto all the texturing is done then someone lucky soul can go though and de-dup the textures.

before the final .pk4 is assembled and released.
bb_matt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:33 pm : One thing I've found when creating custom textures is the names.
For some reason, if I put a few underscores into texture names, often it just won't show up in editor/game.
For instance, stone_column_bb_d.tga won't work, but stone-column-bb_d.tga will.
I have no idea whether it's just a buggy setup on my part, or if it's a known issue ?
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:16 pm : Maybe instead of "euro/textures/base/" it should be "euro/textures/shared"?
I agree that there should be sub-folders per block... and there will most definitely need to be sub folders in the "shared" or "base" folder... whatever you want to call it. I think it might be wise to add a person's name/initials to their texture filenames as well... that would get rid of the possibility of duplicate textures altogether (unless two people have the same initials/name, of course).
So maybe adjust the texture dir structure to something like what Dante_uk suggests... but add:
/textures/euro/block2/base_wall/brick01_d-uk/(.tga files here)
/textures/euro/block2/base_wall/drywall_d-uk/(.tga files here)
/textures/euro/block2/base_floor/greentile_d-uk/(.tga files here)
How's that?
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:27 pm : goliathvt wrote:
Maybe instead of "euro/textures/base/" it should be "euro/textures/shared"?
I agree that there should be sub-folders per block... and there will most definitely need to be sub folders in the "shared" or "base" folder... whatever you want to call it. I think it might be wise to add a person's name/initials to their texture filenames as well... that would get rid of the possibility of duplicate textures altogether (unless two people have the same initials/name, of course).
So maybe adjust the texture dir structure to something like what Dante_uk suggests... but add:
/textures/euro/block2/base_wall/brick01_d-uk/(.tga files here)
/textures/euro/block2/base_wall/drywall_d-uk/(.tga files here)
/textures/euro/block2/base_floor/greentile_d-uk/(.tga files here)
I think as was pointed out before use of underscore and hyphan causes problems.
I never use - and only use _ e.g. wood_cracked_s.tga
I think initials on the files in the block folders is too much, in the shared/base folder it would be a very good idea.
The block folders should only have textures added by the person for that block, but other people can use those textures in their blocks.
ie block2 is Read/Write to me and just Read to everyone else.
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:32 pm : I was thinking about the possibility of someone other than the "block author" contributing textures to it... but if you think it would be rare or minor enough of an issue to leave off designating to made what texture in the block folder, that's cool. I have a penchant for long paths and filenames... you should see my PHP/XML web development framework.

SeveredX@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:07 am : I don't know how to make textures...and it would be really nice to have some to work with, the building I'm basing one of mine off isn't made out of brick and the other stuff we have is pavement or cement or something.
Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:26 am : SeveredX wrote:
I don't know how to make textures...and it would be really nice to have some to work with, the building I'm basing one of mine off isn't made out of brick and the other stuff we have is pavement or cement or something.
I'm creating new 'simple' textures as I go. Very basic stuff because my main building isn't plain brick, it's rendered and painted almost white, like your building.
When I'm done, I need to make some better textures that look more dirty, worn and lived in.
We really need some web space somewhere ( FTP Access or something)
*We can backup prefabs of our blocks every couple of nights.
*Help people get a clear idea on the styles and scale etc.
*We can keep an eye on the FPS as the detail level go up over the map as a whole.
*Could save people from losing their hard work if something goes wrong.
*We can start dumping new textures and models in there.
Dante_uk@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 10:33 pm : Just checked. I have a 100mb of space:
** Check your pm's for the address. ** If I haven' t pm'd you sorry, pm or email me!
Here you will see the directory structure I'm using and a complete backup of all I have and all I've made.
I'll be happy to add anybody elses work and assets to this space ( till we fill it

Ta1oN@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:53 am : After reading all this I only thought I throw in my 2 cents... I think for your asset organizing thingy a CVS server would be ideal. You could set read/write access to different folders for different people, see who changed what and when, easily upload/download anything, and so on... So if someone can give you FTP access for your project you could just use it as a CVS server as well. It would probably make the whole organization of all your assets much easier.
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:21 am : Ta1oN wrote:
After reading all this I only thought I throw in my 2 cents... I think for your asset organizing thingy a CVS server would be ideal. You could set read/write access to different folders for different people, see who changed what and when, easily upload/download anything, and so on... So if someone can give you FTP access for your project you could just use it as a CVS server as well. It would probably make the whole organization of all your assets much easier.
A CVS Server is a great idea, providing we pick one that handles binary data. I use TortoiseCVS ( free windows cvs client ) on my PC and it screwed up a load of jpg's I'd loaded into my CVS server on Linux ( Suse 8.2 cvs 1.11.5)
Not sure why, wasn't important enough to check at the time.
My disk space is the standard 'free' web space provided by my ISP. I think I only have ftp access to it. ( no telnet or ssh, didn't try rlogin since no one should use that, ISP provide little info, obviously don't want peopel to actually use it

). Also 100mb won't be enough once the project start going with textures.
If I can get one of my old work laptops working with linux then I can set it up as an cvs server and leave it on and connected to the net for all to access. I'll look into doing this sometime this week if no one else steps forward with enough space to host.
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:11 pm : I've got my CVS server up and running. I just need to finish fleshing out the modules file a bit, get everyone to send me their info so I can create an account for them, get people to send me their latest files, and then set module/file access permissions accordingly.
See this thread for more details on what info I need:
http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewto ... 8679#68679
As for clients, I'm a fan of wincvs... it's simple, fast, and handles SSH connectivity really easily.
Dante_uk@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:46 am : When I last used wincvs it couldn't handle multiple servers. I need to connect to different servers for various projects.
I now use TortoiseCVS, it's free and intergrates with Exporer so you can create a folder ( or use an existing folder ) and define a cvs server and module to it, from the context menu for the folder. Once it's a cvs folder you can right click and the context menu as all the options, like Cvs edit, Cvs comment, Cvs update etc.
The files in the folders have their icons coloured to show their state, ie green for upto date, red for not in cvs etc.
I do need to test again with binary files though as mentioned previously.
I'll mail you my block & assets later tonight ( UK Time ). I'm at work now and don't have all my stuff here, just my latest .map and .mtr files.

idiom@Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 3:58 am : I'm not sure where to put this but I've found a 'photorealistic' texture pack that might be useful
here. It's a large pack and quite a few aren't that good but there are also a few gems there that could be used. They're all .jpegs but they're high enough quality not to matter too much I don't think. They're also all only useful for diffusemaps.
Dante_uk@Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:39 pm : Good find. I've jus tused a couple of those textures.

I used a window(gray blocks & white frames) and the graphiti01.tga as a decal.
Actaully I made the window into a decal (ie used alpha channel) and then put glass behind it. I need to tidy the edges a bit around the block because I did quiet quickly, just to see how it looked in game.
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:44 am : those photo realistic textures are great, ive had them in my ET texture set for ages but had completly forgotten about them until now. Had a quick look through and found alot that will be extremely useful for this project.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:26 pm : That pack is indeed very welcome. I started toying with some and here are two of which I added normal/specular maps for:
I thought it would be hard to get normal maps (without having actual source geometry) but it has actually turned out rather smooth to make them using a height2normal converter plus some "photochopping". Speculars were always easy-ish to create from scratch anyway. I still have all my assets in the previous organization scheme so as soon as I finish migrating to the new one I'll post them. In the meantime what do you think?
If you pardon my lack of modesty I'm quite taken aback by the results of the normal maps in the second one. As you can see from the top face, it's a just two polys but when looked as it's supposed to, the illusion of depth is uncanny.
EDIT: P.S. I forgot something, you may want to remove /textures/stone/sand01_s.tga as it's doing nothing since it's completely black and it's actually giving a speed hit.
merlin371@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:12 pm : K this might be a stupid question but how do I make a mod directory?
i copied all of the files of the mod into a folder into d:/program file/doom3
and when I open the game and click on mod it doesn't show anything
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:15 pm : Doom 3 won't list it in the mod menu unless there is a PK4 in the directory.
Just make an empty pk4 and put it in there.
merlin371@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:25 pm : thatnks that worked

Mordenkainen@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 10:03 pm : Guys I finished migrating the textures I had done/added normals for but it's 35mb RARed. Anyone have an idea how I can submit these to you guys?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:24 pm : Are they Targas? If so, did you save them using RLE compression? It won't reduce the file size too much because it's lossless but just as an example, the fountain textures were originally 5MB and with RLE compression they came out to around 2.5MB.
Aside from that, goliath should have PMd you with instructions on how to submit assets.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:13 am : rich_is_bored wrote:
Are they Targas? If so, did you save them using RLE compression? It won't reduce the file size too much because it's lossless but just as an example, the fountain textures were originally 5MB and with RLE compression they came out to around 2.5MB.
Nah, when TGA-compressed the textures were ~40mb RARed.
Aside from that, goliath should have PMd you with instructions on how to submit assets.
Er... thanks for the heads-up!
kenny@Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:50 am : tell me how much space do you need and i'll get you free hosting at my server
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:54 pm : merlin371 wrote:
K this might be a stupid question but how do I make a mod directory?
i copied all of the files of the mod into a folder into d:/program file/doom3
and when I open the game and click on mod it doesn't show anything
Hey merlin.. glad folks' suggestions above worked for you.
FYI for other folks:
D3 Version 1.1 finally fixes the issue where it
will recognize any mod folder (that is, with unzipped/un-pak'd files) and display the folder as a mod on the Load Mods menu. So, if you don't want to put everything into a pk4 file, you can create a directory "euro" at the same level as your "base" directory and then drop the files in there, unzipped. When you run Doom 3 and select "Load Mods", you should see the euro directory listed. Load the mod and you're ready to go.
Or, of course, you can also create a shortcut w/ "+fs_game euro" in it...

Spanner@Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:35 am : For anyone whose interested I've made a set of skybox day/night textures that are cloudless/sunless -
spanner_sky.zip - 2.7MB. The night time set contains stars. The material file is based on goliathvt's updated sky shader that can be found
(Screenshots taken with GeForce2 MX @ 1280x1024)
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:21 pm : This is excellent b/c I was going to test making particle clouds and see how much of an impact that would have on performance. After seeing another mod's intense and wide-area use of particles and noting how it didn't really hamper performance, I think rolling clouds are a possibility.
Great job Spanner!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:41 am : The day sky is great and overall both skies are very nice.
The only critique I have is that the night sky is a bit too dark. Considering that the moon is going to be visible, you should have enough light bouncing around in the atmosphere to be able to see the sillouettes of the buildings faintly against it.
For anyone interested, here is a great read on light theory that may prove helpful when it comes to lighting both indoor/outdoor scenes...
It's not entirely applicable to Doom 3 because we're restricted to point lights and altering intensity by adusting the brightness of color values but for the most part it should prove helpful.
I may try to do a couple simplistic test maps where I try simulating different daylight/nightlight conditions to try and get the colors right for the euro sky sequence.
Spanner@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:14 am : Here's the updated sky textures
spanner_sky.zip - 2.7MB. The night sky is quite a bit lighter and as a result the buildings now stand out alot better than before.
Edit: Updated the stars so they look more realistic

TelMarine@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:26 am : that looks really awesome Spanner. Great work.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:25 pm : That is much better. It looks great.
rcumps01@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:55 pm : nevermind i got it
Spectro@Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:01 pm : Those skies look great, espacially the last pic. I'm really looking forward to the next eurobuild.
pbmax@Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:25 pm : Spectro wrote:
Those skies look great, espacially the last pic. I'm really looking forward to the next eurobuild.
as far as i know, no one is working on this anymore. but anyone is free to take the lead and get it going again...
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:44 am : those photo realistic textures are great, ive had them in my ET texture set for ages but had completly forgotten about them until now. Had a quick look through and found alot that will be extremely useful for this project.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:26 pm : That pack is indeed very welcome. I started toying with some and here are two of which I added normal/specular maps for:
I thought it would be hard to get normal maps (without having actual source geometry) but it has actually turned out rather smooth to make them using a height2normal converter plus some "photochopping". Speculars were always easy-ish to create from scratch anyway. I still have all my assets in the previous organization scheme so as soon as I finish migrating to the new one I'll post them. In the meantime what do you think?
If you pardon my lack of modesty I'm quite taken aback by the results of the normal maps in the second one. As you can see from the top face, it's a just two polys but when looked as it's supposed to, the illusion of depth is uncanny.
EDIT: P.S. I forgot something, you may want to remove /textures/stone/sand01_s.tga as it's doing nothing since it's completely black and it's actually giving a speed hit.
merlin371@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:12 pm : K this might be a stupid question but how do I make a mod directory?
i copied all of the files of the mod into a folder into d:/program file/doom3
and when I open the game and click on mod it doesn't show anything
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:15 pm : Doom 3 won't list it in the mod menu unless there is a PK4 in the directory.
Just make an empty pk4 and put it in there.
merlin371@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:25 pm : thatnks that worked

Mordenkainen@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 10:03 pm : Guys I finished migrating the textures I had done/added normals for but it's 35mb RARed. Anyone have an idea how I can submit these to you guys?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:24 pm : Are they Targas? If so, did you save them using RLE compression? It won't reduce the file size too much because it's lossless but just as an example, the fountain textures were originally 5MB and with RLE compression they came out to around 2.5MB.
Aside from that, goliath should have PMd you with instructions on how to submit assets.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:13 am : rich_is_bored wrote:
Are they Targas? If so, did you save them using RLE compression? It won't reduce the file size too much because it's lossless but just as an example, the fountain textures were originally 5MB and with RLE compression they came out to around 2.5MB.
Nah, when TGA-compressed the textures were ~40mb RARed.
Aside from that, goliath should have PMd you with instructions on how to submit assets.
Er... thanks for the heads-up!
kenny@Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:50 am : tell me how much space do you need and i'll get you free hosting at my server
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:54 pm : merlin371 wrote:
K this might be a stupid question but how do I make a mod directory?
i copied all of the files of the mod into a folder into d:/program file/doom3
and when I open the game and click on mod it doesn't show anything
Hey merlin.. glad folks' suggestions above worked for you.
FYI for other folks:
D3 Version 1.1 finally fixes the issue where it
will recognize any mod folder (that is, with unzipped/un-pak'd files) and display the folder as a mod on the Load Mods menu. So, if you don't want to put everything into a pk4 file, you can create a directory "euro" at the same level as your "base" directory and then drop the files in there, unzipped. When you run Doom 3 and select "Load Mods", you should see the euro directory listed. Load the mod and you're ready to go.
Or, of course, you can also create a shortcut w/ "+fs_game euro" in it...

Spanner@Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:35 am : For anyone whose interested I've made a set of skybox day/night textures that are cloudless/sunless -
spanner_sky.zip - 2.7MB. The night time set contains stars. The material file is based on goliathvt's updated sky shader that can be found
(Screenshots taken with GeForce2 MX @ 1280x1024)
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:21 pm : This is excellent b/c I was going to test making particle clouds and see how much of an impact that would have on performance. After seeing another mod's intense and wide-area use of particles and noting how it didn't really hamper performance, I think rolling clouds are a possibility.
Great job Spanner!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:41 am : The day sky is great and overall both skies are very nice.
The only critique I have is that the night sky is a bit too dark. Considering that the moon is going to be visible, you should have enough light bouncing around in the atmosphere to be able to see the sillouettes of the buildings faintly against it.
For anyone interested, here is a great read on light theory that may prove helpful when it comes to lighting both indoor/outdoor scenes...
It's not entirely applicable to Doom 3 because we're restricted to point lights and altering intensity by adusting the brightness of color values but for the most part it should prove helpful.
I may try to do a couple simplistic test maps where I try simulating different daylight/nightlight conditions to try and get the colors right for the euro sky sequence.
Spanner@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:14 am : Here's the updated sky textures
spanner_sky.zip - 2.7MB. The night sky is quite a bit lighter and as a result the buildings now stand out alot better than before.
Edit: Updated the stars so they look more realistic

TelMarine@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:26 am : that looks really awesome Spanner. Great work.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:25 pm : That is much better. It looks great.
rcumps01@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:55 pm : nevermind i got it
Spectro@Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:01 pm : Those skies look great, espacially the last pic. I'm really looking forward to the next eurobuild.
pbmax@Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:25 pm : Spectro wrote:
Those skies look great, espacially the last pic. I'm really looking forward to the next eurobuild.
as far as i know, no one is working on this anymore. but anyone is free to take the lead and get it going again...
goliathvt@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:30 pm : This thread is not meant for discussion beyond offering opinions of the best way to go about facilitating people being able to all have the same set of assets from which to work.
Map and all assets
Latest test-build (12-30-2004):
Textures and Materials
*** Note to All mappers ***
Be sure to examine the changes with the material files. Quite a bit has changed in order to keep things organized.
If you have already worked on a section that I haven't already updated and you don't want to have to redo anything, just use the texture find/replace tool within the editor... OR open the map in a text editor and make the changes manually using a text-based find/replace tool.
Current path and file naming conventions
Please follow these guidelines to ensure that your materials, models and other assets stay organized.
All file paths are relative to your
MOD folder (i.e. C:\Doom3\MOD\maps\..., etc.).
All textures should have either a _d.tga, _s.tga or _local.tga suffix. This is so that if any component of a material is broken, when the map editor tosses the warning error, it will mention which part of the material is broken or missing. In other words, don't name your diffusemaps "textureName.tga", name them "textureName_d.tga".
Break the textures down using a per-building basis:
If you want sub-sections for any single building on your block (optional, but useful):
Any "shared" textures (pavement, road,etc.) should go here:
Note how this means that there will be a seperate directory for each material. Why? Let's say you have several wall textures named "wall1, wall2, wall3, ... wall8. Now, in that collection of images, you are missing wall5_s.tga or you need to make a change to it. If all of those wall images (at least 3 images per material, so we're talking about 24 "wallN" images) are in one directory (along with tons of other images from other materials), you might miss what you're looking for. The method described above will help others (and yourself) keep everything organized.
MaterialsSo how should the material files look? Note how the material name actually points to the
directory that contains the .tga files. Of course, a material name can be anything, say "/textures/chopped_liver" and still point to these images as its components: "/textures/euro/shared/goliathvt/pile_o_poo/pile_o_poo_d.tga|_s.tga|_local.tga".
// sample material file
qer_editorimage textures/euro/block#/buldingName/textureName/textureName_d.tga
diffusemap textures/euro/block#/buldingName/textureName/textureName_d.tga
specularmap textures/euro/block#/buldingName/textureName/textureName_s.tga
bumpmap textures/euro/block#/buldingName/textureName/textureName_local.tga
Take a look at how I organized the textures in the test-build 1 map for some real-world examples.
This means that if you have a problem with a material and D3 throws a warning about not being able to find "x" material, you can just browse to the textureName directory and quickly check that all 3 images are there. If you've named your images correctly, the warning message will even spescifcy _d, _s, or _local.
Static ModelsIf the model is specific to your block:
If the model is to be shared (street lamps, etc.):
Note how your model file (.lwo, .ase) is in the
same directory as the .tga files.
Animated Models, Articulated FiguresThese will probably all be shared, but if not, follow these guidelines but just replace "shared" with your block#:
Note how the .md5mesh, md5anim and .mb (or other source) files are all in the
same directory as the .tga files.
The material definitions for models and animated models and articulated figures should follow the conventions listed above... that is, the material name should point to the
directory that contains all of the .tga and .lwo|.ase|.md5mesh, etc. files for that model.
Let me know if all of that makes sense or if you have any questions or comments.
idiom@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:41 am : I've made a brick pavement and road texture for you guys to use.
Added to 1st post - G
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:25 am : I think we need to set some standards for paths before too many people start making textures and mtr files.
I suggest something simple like:
textures/euro/ - Base editing textures only.
textures/euro/X/ (X=Block number) specific for the block.
The mtr filenames:
euro.mtr - Base editing textures only.
euro_X - (X=Block number) specific for the block.
If possible snapshot(WIP) releases of buildings could be released as prefabs ( since the XYZ for the block should match the original basemap this should make it very easy to piece the whole thing together. )
Also as textures get created, snapshot releases of the euro_X.mtr and texture/euro/X directory could be released, then some texture sharing can happen without worry of someone elses .pk4 overwriting anything.
They should be lots of cases of local & spec images being reused with different diffuse images, this will save some memory.
Main question is how and where - the best idea would be an ftp site we can all access.
Although I'm a sysadmin for our webserver at work I don't think my boss would be too keen on me using it to host this, unfortunately he's a techie too so could find out

goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:49 am : Quote:
I think we need to set some standards for paths before too many people start making textures and mtr files....
textures/euro/ - Base editing textures only.
textures/euro/X/ (X=Block number) specific for the block.
The mtr filenames:
euro.mtr - Base editing textures only.
euro_X - (X=Block number) specific for the block.
I think this is a great convention to use... with one addition/extension: Let's give each individual texture their own directory, so we don't have a gazillion "base" textures sitting in /textures/euro/ or several images from different textures sitting in euro/block#/....
So, for example, the dir structure might look like:
Where each directory would then contain the qer image, diffuse, spec, and normal maps.
I also agree that each "block" should get its own .mtr file. Maybe this could even be extended to each building?
bb_matt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:16 am : Just had an idea to save time with material files.
So long as everyone works to the folder structures put in place, we can have custom .mtr files for the duration of the project until we are ready to distribute.
For instance, I would call my material file bb_euro.mtr
When we're ready for distribution, it's just a case of copying all of the mtr files into a single euro.mtr file, as keeping track of multiple material files that have the same name which people are working on could be troublesome.
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:29 pm : I disagree a bit... I think it's good to split up stuff while in production and have the author's name in the mtr filename, too, since then we know who made what texture and who to talk to about adding, modifying or fixing something. But I also think it would be a good idea to add "block#" or "base" to the filename, and split up .mtr files that way... so you might have:
Someone else might have:
And if someone contributes some textures used in Block 6 other than SeveredX, then there might be:
That would allow people to have custom mtr files throughout development, and should get rid of the need to copy them all together at the end. It also gives an indication of who made what textures... of which, even with the few we have now, I've been having trouble keeping track.
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:00 pm : goliathvt wrote:
I disagree a bit... I think it's good to split up stuff while in production and have the author's name in the mtr filename, too, since then we know who made what texture and who to talk to about adding, modifying or fixing something. But I also think it would be a good idea to add "block#" or "base" to the filename, and split up .mtr files that way... so you might have:
Someone else might have:
And if someone contributes some textures used in Block 6 other than SeveredX, then there might be:
That would allow people to have custom mtr files throughout development, and should get rid of the need to copy them all together at the end. It also gives an indication of who made what textures... of which, even with the few we have now, I've been having trouble keeping track.
Make sense to me for the mtr files.
As for the directories:
I think will a lot safer to use sub folders per block.
I have textures with names like brick02.tga that are different from brick02 I downloaded for this project.
Simple paths would make sense
When I said before about "Base editing textures only" I was refering to the editor textures 256.tga 512.tga etc and not things like base_wall1 etc.
If people want to structure things like:
Then that's fine.
Until we start sharing textures( and afterwards too ) there is a good change that we will end up with duplicate textures in different folders. I don't see this as a problem that needs worrying about unto all the texturing is done then someone lucky soul can go though and de-dup the textures.

before the final .pk4 is assembled and released.
bb_matt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:33 pm : One thing I've found when creating custom textures is the names.
For some reason, if I put a few underscores into texture names, often it just won't show up in editor/game.
For instance, stone_column_bb_d.tga won't work, but stone-column-bb_d.tga will.
I have no idea whether it's just a buggy setup on my part, or if it's a known issue ?
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:16 pm : Maybe instead of "euro/textures/base/" it should be "euro/textures/shared"?
I agree that there should be sub-folders per block... and there will most definitely need to be sub folders in the "shared" or "base" folder... whatever you want to call it. I think it might be wise to add a person's name/initials to their texture filenames as well... that would get rid of the possibility of duplicate textures altogether (unless two people have the same initials/name, of course).
So maybe adjust the texture dir structure to something like what Dante_uk suggests... but add:
/textures/euro/block2/base_wall/brick01_d-uk/(.tga files here)
/textures/euro/block2/base_wall/drywall_d-uk/(.tga files here)
/textures/euro/block2/base_floor/greentile_d-uk/(.tga files here)
How's that?
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:27 pm : goliathvt wrote:
Maybe instead of "euro/textures/base/" it should be "euro/textures/shared"?
I agree that there should be sub-folders per block... and there will most definitely need to be sub folders in the "shared" or "base" folder... whatever you want to call it. I think it might be wise to add a person's name/initials to their texture filenames as well... that would get rid of the possibility of duplicate textures altogether (unless two people have the same initials/name, of course).
So maybe adjust the texture dir structure to something like what Dante_uk suggests... but add:
/textures/euro/block2/base_wall/brick01_d-uk/(.tga files here)
/textures/euro/block2/base_wall/drywall_d-uk/(.tga files here)
/textures/euro/block2/base_floor/greentile_d-uk/(.tga files here)
I think as was pointed out before use of underscore and hyphan causes problems.
I never use - and only use _ e.g. wood_cracked_s.tga
I think initials on the files in the block folders is too much, in the shared/base folder it would be a very good idea.
The block folders should only have textures added by the person for that block, but other people can use those textures in their blocks.
ie block2 is Read/Write to me and just Read to everyone else.
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:32 pm : I was thinking about the possibility of someone other than the "block author" contributing textures to it... but if you think it would be rare or minor enough of an issue to leave off designating to made what texture in the block folder, that's cool. I have a penchant for long paths and filenames... you should see my PHP/XML web development framework.

SeveredX@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:07 am : I don't know how to make textures...and it would be really nice to have some to work with, the building I'm basing one of mine off isn't made out of brick and the other stuff we have is pavement or cement or something.
Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:26 am : SeveredX wrote:
I don't know how to make textures...and it would be really nice to have some to work with, the building I'm basing one of mine off isn't made out of brick and the other stuff we have is pavement or cement or something.
I'm creating new 'simple' textures as I go. Very basic stuff because my main building isn't plain brick, it's rendered and painted almost white, like your building.
When I'm done, I need to make some better textures that look more dirty, worn and lived in.
We really need some web space somewhere ( FTP Access or something)
*We can backup prefabs of our blocks every couple of nights.
*Help people get a clear idea on the styles and scale etc.
*We can keep an eye on the FPS as the detail level go up over the map as a whole.
*Could save people from losing their hard work if something goes wrong.
*We can start dumping new textures and models in there.
Dante_uk@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 10:33 pm : Just checked. I have a 100mb of space:
** Check your pm's for the address. ** If I haven' t pm'd you sorry, pm or email me!
Here you will see the directory structure I'm using and a complete backup of all I have and all I've made.
I'll be happy to add anybody elses work and assets to this space ( till we fill it

Ta1oN@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:53 am : After reading all this I only thought I throw in my 2 cents... I think for your asset organizing thingy a CVS server would be ideal. You could set read/write access to different folders for different people, see who changed what and when, easily upload/download anything, and so on... So if someone can give you FTP access for your project you could just use it as a CVS server as well. It would probably make the whole organization of all your assets much easier.
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:21 am : Ta1oN wrote:
After reading all this I only thought I throw in my 2 cents... I think for your asset organizing thingy a CVS server would be ideal. You could set read/write access to different folders for different people, see who changed what and when, easily upload/download anything, and so on... So if someone can give you FTP access for your project you could just use it as a CVS server as well. It would probably make the whole organization of all your assets much easier.
A CVS Server is a great idea, providing we pick one that handles binary data. I use TortoiseCVS ( free windows cvs client ) on my PC and it screwed up a load of jpg's I'd loaded into my CVS server on Linux ( Suse 8.2 cvs 1.11.5)
Not sure why, wasn't important enough to check at the time.
My disk space is the standard 'free' web space provided by my ISP. I think I only have ftp access to it. ( no telnet or ssh, didn't try rlogin since no one should use that, ISP provide little info, obviously don't want peopel to actually use it

). Also 100mb won't be enough once the project start going with textures.
If I can get one of my old work laptops working with linux then I can set it up as an cvs server and leave it on and connected to the net for all to access. I'll look into doing this sometime this week if no one else steps forward with enough space to host.
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:11 pm : I've got my CVS server up and running. I just need to finish fleshing out the modules file a bit, get everyone to send me their info so I can create an account for them, get people to send me their latest files, and then set module/file access permissions accordingly.
See this thread for more details on what info I need:
http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewto ... 8679#68679
As for clients, I'm a fan of wincvs... it's simple, fast, and handles SSH connectivity really easily.
Dante_uk@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:46 am : When I last used wincvs it couldn't handle multiple servers. I need to connect to different servers for various projects.
I now use TortoiseCVS, it's free and intergrates with Exporer so you can create a folder ( or use an existing folder ) and define a cvs server and module to it, from the context menu for the folder. Once it's a cvs folder you can right click and the context menu as all the options, like Cvs edit, Cvs comment, Cvs update etc.
The files in the folders have their icons coloured to show their state, ie green for upto date, red for not in cvs etc.
I do need to test again with binary files though as mentioned previously.
I'll mail you my block & assets later tonight ( UK Time ). I'm at work now and don't have all my stuff here, just my latest .map and .mtr files.

idiom@Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 3:58 am : I'm not sure where to put this but I've found a 'photorealistic' texture pack that might be useful
here. It's a large pack and quite a few aren't that good but there are also a few gems there that could be used. They're all .jpegs but they're high enough quality not to matter too much I don't think. They're also all only useful for diffusemaps.
Dante_uk@Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:39 pm : Good find. I've jus tused a couple of those textures.

I used a window(gray blocks & white frames) and the graphiti01.tga as a decal.
Actaully I made the window into a decal (ie used alpha channel) and then put glass behind it. I need to tidy the edges a bit around the block because I did quiet quickly, just to see how it looked in game.
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:44 am : those photo realistic textures are great, ive had them in my ET texture set for ages but had completly forgotten about them until now. Had a quick look through and found alot that will be extremely useful for this project.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:26 pm : That pack is indeed very welcome. I started toying with some and here are two of which I added normal/specular maps for:
I thought it would be hard to get normal maps (without having actual source geometry) but it has actually turned out rather smooth to make them using a height2normal converter plus some "photochopping". Speculars were always easy-ish to create from scratch anyway. I still have all my assets in the previous organization scheme so as soon as I finish migrating to the new one I'll post them. In the meantime what do you think?
If you pardon my lack of modesty I'm quite taken aback by the results of the normal maps in the second one. As you can see from the top face, it's a just two polys but when looked as it's supposed to, the illusion of depth is uncanny.
EDIT: P.S. I forgot something, you may want to remove /textures/stone/sand01_s.tga as it's doing nothing since it's completely black and it's actually giving a speed hit.
merlin371@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:12 pm : K this might be a stupid question but how do I make a mod directory?
i copied all of the files of the mod into a folder into d:/program file/doom3
and when I open the game and click on mod it doesn't show anything
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:15 pm : Doom 3 won't list it in the mod menu unless there is a PK4 in the directory.
Just make an empty pk4 and put it in there.
merlin371@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:25 pm : thatnks that worked

Mordenkainen@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 10:03 pm : Guys I finished migrating the textures I had done/added normals for but it's 35mb RARed. Anyone have an idea how I can submit these to you guys?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:24 pm : Are they Targas? If so, did you save them using RLE compression? It won't reduce the file size too much because it's lossless but just as an example, the fountain textures were originally 5MB and with RLE compression they came out to around 2.5MB.
Aside from that, goliath should have PMd you with instructions on how to submit assets.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:13 am : rich_is_bored wrote:
Are they Targas? If so, did you save them using RLE compression? It won't reduce the file size too much because it's lossless but just as an example, the fountain textures were originally 5MB and with RLE compression they came out to around 2.5MB.
Nah, when TGA-compressed the textures were ~40mb RARed.
Aside from that, goliath should have PMd you with instructions on how to submit assets.
Er... thanks for the heads-up!
kenny@Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:50 am : tell me how much space do you need and i'll get you free hosting at my server
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:54 pm : merlin371 wrote:
K this might be a stupid question but how do I make a mod directory?
i copied all of the files of the mod into a folder into d:/program file/doom3
and when I open the game and click on mod it doesn't show anything
Hey merlin.. glad folks' suggestions above worked for you.
FYI for other folks:
D3 Version 1.1 finally fixes the issue where it
will recognize any mod folder (that is, with unzipped/un-pak'd files) and display the folder as a mod on the Load Mods menu. So, if you don't want to put everything into a pk4 file, you can create a directory "euro" at the same level as your "base" directory and then drop the files in there, unzipped. When you run Doom 3 and select "Load Mods", you should see the euro directory listed. Load the mod and you're ready to go.
Or, of course, you can also create a shortcut w/ "+fs_game euro" in it...

Spanner@Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:35 am : For anyone whose interested I've made a set of skybox day/night textures that are cloudless/sunless -
spanner_sky.zip - 2.7MB. The night time set contains stars. The material file is based on goliathvt's updated sky shader that can be found
(Screenshots taken with GeForce2 MX @ 1280x1024)
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:21 pm : This is excellent b/c I was going to test making particle clouds and see how much of an impact that would have on performance. After seeing another mod's intense and wide-area use of particles and noting how it didn't really hamper performance, I think rolling clouds are a possibility.
Great job Spanner!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:41 am : The day sky is great and overall both skies are very nice.
The only critique I have is that the night sky is a bit too dark. Considering that the moon is going to be visible, you should have enough light bouncing around in the atmosphere to be able to see the sillouettes of the buildings faintly against it.
For anyone interested, here is a great read on light theory that may prove helpful when it comes to lighting both indoor/outdoor scenes...
It's not entirely applicable to Doom 3 because we're restricted to point lights and altering intensity by adusting the brightness of color values but for the most part it should prove helpful.
I may try to do a couple simplistic test maps where I try simulating different daylight/nightlight conditions to try and get the colors right for the euro sky sequence.
Spanner@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:14 am : Here's the updated sky textures
spanner_sky.zip - 2.7MB. The night sky is quite a bit lighter and as a result the buildings now stand out alot better than before.
Edit: Updated the stars so they look more realistic

TelMarine@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:26 am : that looks really awesome Spanner. Great work.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:25 pm : That is much better. It looks great.
rcumps01@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:55 pm : nevermind i got it
Spectro@Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:01 pm : Those skies look great, espacially the last pic. I'm really looking forward to the next eurobuild.
pbmax@Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:25 pm : Spectro wrote:
Those skies look great, espacially the last pic. I'm really looking forward to the next eurobuild.
as far as i know, no one is working on this anymore. but anyone is free to take the lead and get it going again...
goliathvt@Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:30 pm : This thread is not meant for discussion beyond offering opinions of the best way to go about facilitating people being able to all have the same set of assets from which to work.
Map and all assets
Latest test-build (12-30-2004):
Textures and Materials
*** Note to All mappers ***
Be sure to examine the changes with the material files. Quite a bit has changed in order to keep things organized.
If you have already worked on a section that I haven't already updated and you don't want to have to redo anything, just use the texture find/replace tool within the editor... OR open the map in a text editor and make the changes manually using a text-based find/replace tool.
Current path and file naming conventions
Please follow these guidelines to ensure that your materials, models and other assets stay organized.
All file paths are relative to your
MOD folder (i.e. C:\Doom3\MOD\maps\..., etc.).
All textures should have either a _d.tga, _s.tga or _local.tga suffix. This is so that if any component of a material is broken, when the map editor tosses the warning error, it will mention which part of the material is broken or missing. In other words, don't name your diffusemaps "textureName.tga", name them "textureName_d.tga".
Break the textures down using a per-building basis:
If you want sub-sections for any single building on your block (optional, but useful):
Any "shared" textures (pavement, road,etc.) should go here:
Note how this means that there will be a seperate directory for each material. Why? Let's say you have several wall textures named "wall1, wall2, wall3, ... wall8. Now, in that collection of images, you are missing wall5_s.tga or you need to make a change to it. If all of those wall images (at least 3 images per material, so we're talking about 24 "wallN" images) are in one directory (along with tons of other images from other materials), you might miss what you're looking for. The method described above will help others (and yourself) keep everything organized.
MaterialsSo how should the material files look? Note how the material name actually points to the
directory that contains the .tga files. Of course, a material name can be anything, say "/textures/chopped_liver" and still point to these images as its components: "/textures/euro/shared/goliathvt/pile_o_poo/pile_o_poo_d.tga|_s.tga|_local.tga".
// sample material file
qer_editorimage textures/euro/block#/buldingName/textureName/textureName_d.tga
diffusemap textures/euro/block#/buldingName/textureName/textureName_d.tga
specularmap textures/euro/block#/buldingName/textureName/textureName_s.tga
bumpmap textures/euro/block#/buldingName/textureName/textureName_local.tga
Take a look at how I organized the textures in the test-build 1 map for some real-world examples.
This means that if you have a problem with a material and D3 throws a warning about not being able to find "x" material, you can just browse to the textureName directory and quickly check that all 3 images are there. If you've named your images correctly, the warning message will even spescifcy _d, _s, or _local.
Static ModelsIf the model is specific to your block:
If the model is to be shared (street lamps, etc.):
Note how your model file (.lwo, .ase) is in the
same directory as the .tga files.
Animated Models, Articulated FiguresThese will probably all be shared, but if not, follow these guidelines but just replace "shared" with your block#:
Note how the .md5mesh, md5anim and .mb (or other source) files are all in the
same directory as the .tga files.
The material definitions for models and animated models and articulated figures should follow the conventions listed above... that is, the material name should point to the
directory that contains all of the .tga and .lwo|.ase|.md5mesh, etc. files for that model.
Let me know if all of that makes sense or if you have any questions or comments.
idiom@Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:41 am : I've made a brick pavement and road texture for you guys to use.
Added to 1st post - G
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:25 am : I think we need to set some standards for paths before too many people start making textures and mtr files.
I suggest something simple like:
textures/euro/ - Base editing textures only.
textures/euro/X/ (X=Block number) specific for the block.
The mtr filenames:
euro.mtr - Base editing textures only.
euro_X - (X=Block number) specific for the block.
If possible snapshot(WIP) releases of buildings could be released as prefabs ( since the XYZ for the block should match the original basemap this should make it very easy to piece the whole thing together. )
Also as textures get created, snapshot releases of the euro_X.mtr and texture/euro/X directory could be released, then some texture sharing can happen without worry of someone elses .pk4 overwriting anything.
They should be lots of cases of local & spec images being reused with different diffuse images, this will save some memory.
Main question is how and where - the best idea would be an ftp site we can all access.
Although I'm a sysadmin for our webserver at work I don't think my boss would be too keen on me using it to host this, unfortunately he's a techie too so could find out

goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:49 am : Quote:
I think we need to set some standards for paths before too many people start making textures and mtr files....
textures/euro/ - Base editing textures only.
textures/euro/X/ (X=Block number) specific for the block.
The mtr filenames:
euro.mtr - Base editing textures only.
euro_X - (X=Block number) specific for the block.
I think this is a great convention to use... with one addition/extension: Let's give each individual texture their own directory, so we don't have a gazillion "base" textures sitting in /textures/euro/ or several images from different textures sitting in euro/block#/....
So, for example, the dir structure might look like:
Where each directory would then contain the qer image, diffuse, spec, and normal maps.
I also agree that each "block" should get its own .mtr file. Maybe this could even be extended to each building?
bb_matt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:16 am : Just had an idea to save time with material files.
So long as everyone works to the folder structures put in place, we can have custom .mtr files for the duration of the project until we are ready to distribute.
For instance, I would call my material file bb_euro.mtr
When we're ready for distribution, it's just a case of copying all of the mtr files into a single euro.mtr file, as keeping track of multiple material files that have the same name which people are working on could be troublesome.
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:29 pm : I disagree a bit... I think it's good to split up stuff while in production and have the author's name in the mtr filename, too, since then we know who made what texture and who to talk to about adding, modifying or fixing something. But I also think it would be a good idea to add "block#" or "base" to the filename, and split up .mtr files that way... so you might have:
Someone else might have:
And if someone contributes some textures used in Block 6 other than SeveredX, then there might be:
That would allow people to have custom mtr files throughout development, and should get rid of the need to copy them all together at the end. It also gives an indication of who made what textures... of which, even with the few we have now, I've been having trouble keeping track.
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:00 pm : goliathvt wrote:
I disagree a bit... I think it's good to split up stuff while in production and have the author's name in the mtr filename, too, since then we know who made what texture and who to talk to about adding, modifying or fixing something. But I also think it would be a good idea to add "block#" or "base" to the filename, and split up .mtr files that way... so you might have:
Someone else might have:
And if someone contributes some textures used in Block 6 other than SeveredX, then there might be:
That would allow people to have custom mtr files throughout development, and should get rid of the need to copy them all together at the end. It also gives an indication of who made what textures... of which, even with the few we have now, I've been having trouble keeping track.
Make sense to me for the mtr files.
As for the directories:
I think will a lot safer to use sub folders per block.
I have textures with names like brick02.tga that are different from brick02 I downloaded for this project.
Simple paths would make sense
When I said before about "Base editing textures only" I was refering to the editor textures 256.tga 512.tga etc and not things like base_wall1 etc.
If people want to structure things like:
Then that's fine.
Until we start sharing textures( and afterwards too ) there is a good change that we will end up with duplicate textures in different folders. I don't see this as a problem that needs worrying about unto all the texturing is done then someone lucky soul can go though and de-dup the textures.

before the final .pk4 is assembled and released.
bb_matt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:33 pm : One thing I've found when creating custom textures is the names.
For some reason, if I put a few underscores into texture names, often it just won't show up in editor/game.
For instance, stone_column_bb_d.tga won't work, but stone-column-bb_d.tga will.
I have no idea whether it's just a buggy setup on my part, or if it's a known issue ?
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:16 pm : Maybe instead of "euro/textures/base/" it should be "euro/textures/shared"?
I agree that there should be sub-folders per block... and there will most definitely need to be sub folders in the "shared" or "base" folder... whatever you want to call it. I think it might be wise to add a person's name/initials to their texture filenames as well... that would get rid of the possibility of duplicate textures altogether (unless two people have the same initials/name, of course).
So maybe adjust the texture dir structure to something like what Dante_uk suggests... but add:
/textures/euro/block2/base_wall/brick01_d-uk/(.tga files here)
/textures/euro/block2/base_wall/drywall_d-uk/(.tga files here)
/textures/euro/block2/base_floor/greentile_d-uk/(.tga files here)
How's that?
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:27 pm : goliathvt wrote:
Maybe instead of "euro/textures/base/" it should be "euro/textures/shared"?
I agree that there should be sub-folders per block... and there will most definitely need to be sub folders in the "shared" or "base" folder... whatever you want to call it. I think it might be wise to add a person's name/initials to their texture filenames as well... that would get rid of the possibility of duplicate textures altogether (unless two people have the same initials/name, of course).
So maybe adjust the texture dir structure to something like what Dante_uk suggests... but add:
/textures/euro/block2/base_wall/brick01_d-uk/(.tga files here)
/textures/euro/block2/base_wall/drywall_d-uk/(.tga files here)
/textures/euro/block2/base_floor/greentile_d-uk/(.tga files here)
I think as was pointed out before use of underscore and hyphan causes problems.
I never use - and only use _ e.g. wood_cracked_s.tga
I think initials on the files in the block folders is too much, in the shared/base folder it would be a very good idea.
The block folders should only have textures added by the person for that block, but other people can use those textures in their blocks.
ie block2 is Read/Write to me and just Read to everyone else.
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:32 pm : I was thinking about the possibility of someone other than the "block author" contributing textures to it... but if you think it would be rare or minor enough of an issue to leave off designating to made what texture in the block folder, that's cool. I have a penchant for long paths and filenames... you should see my PHP/XML web development framework.

SeveredX@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:07 am : I don't know how to make textures...and it would be really nice to have some to work with, the building I'm basing one of mine off isn't made out of brick and the other stuff we have is pavement or cement or something.
Dante_uk@Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:26 am : SeveredX wrote:
I don't know how to make textures...and it would be really nice to have some to work with, the building I'm basing one of mine off isn't made out of brick and the other stuff we have is pavement or cement or something.
I'm creating new 'simple' textures as I go. Very basic stuff because my main building isn't plain brick, it's rendered and painted almost white, like your building.
When I'm done, I need to make some better textures that look more dirty, worn and lived in.
We really need some web space somewhere ( FTP Access or something)
*We can backup prefabs of our blocks every couple of nights.
*Help people get a clear idea on the styles and scale etc.
*We can keep an eye on the FPS as the detail level go up over the map as a whole.
*Could save people from losing their hard work if something goes wrong.
*We can start dumping new textures and models in there.
Dante_uk@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 10:33 pm : Just checked. I have a 100mb of space:
** Check your pm's for the address. ** If I haven' t pm'd you sorry, pm or email me!
Here you will see the directory structure I'm using and a complete backup of all I have and all I've made.
I'll be happy to add anybody elses work and assets to this space ( till we fill it

Ta1oN@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:53 am : After reading all this I only thought I throw in my 2 cents... I think for your asset organizing thingy a CVS server would be ideal. You could set read/write access to different folders for different people, see who changed what and when, easily upload/download anything, and so on... So if someone can give you FTP access for your project you could just use it as a CVS server as well. It would probably make the whole organization of all your assets much easier.
Dante_uk@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:21 am : Ta1oN wrote:
After reading all this I only thought I throw in my 2 cents... I think for your asset organizing thingy a CVS server would be ideal. You could set read/write access to different folders for different people, see who changed what and when, easily upload/download anything, and so on... So if someone can give you FTP access for your project you could just use it as a CVS server as well. It would probably make the whole organization of all your assets much easier.
A CVS Server is a great idea, providing we pick one that handles binary data. I use TortoiseCVS ( free windows cvs client ) on my PC and it screwed up a load of jpg's I'd loaded into my CVS server on Linux ( Suse 8.2 cvs 1.11.5)
Not sure why, wasn't important enough to check at the time.
My disk space is the standard 'free' web space provided by my ISP. I think I only have ftp access to it. ( no telnet or ssh, didn't try rlogin since no one should use that, ISP provide little info, obviously don't want peopel to actually use it

). Also 100mb won't be enough once the project start going with textures.
If I can get one of my old work laptops working with linux then I can set it up as an cvs server and leave it on and connected to the net for all to access. I'll look into doing this sometime this week if no one else steps forward with enough space to host.
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:11 pm : I've got my CVS server up and running. I just need to finish fleshing out the modules file a bit, get everyone to send me their info so I can create an account for them, get people to send me their latest files, and then set module/file access permissions accordingly.
See this thread for more details on what info I need:
http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewto ... 8679#68679
As for clients, I'm a fan of wincvs... it's simple, fast, and handles SSH connectivity really easily.
Dante_uk@Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:46 am : When I last used wincvs it couldn't handle multiple servers. I need to connect to different servers for various projects.
I now use TortoiseCVS, it's free and intergrates with Exporer so you can create a folder ( or use an existing folder ) and define a cvs server and module to it, from the context menu for the folder. Once it's a cvs folder you can right click and the context menu as all the options, like Cvs edit, Cvs comment, Cvs update etc.
The files in the folders have their icons coloured to show their state, ie green for upto date, red for not in cvs etc.
I do need to test again with binary files though as mentioned previously.
I'll mail you my block & assets later tonight ( UK Time ). I'm at work now and don't have all my stuff here, just my latest .map and .mtr files.

idiom@Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 3:58 am : I'm not sure where to put this but I've found a 'photorealistic' texture pack that might be useful
here. It's a large pack and quite a few aren't that good but there are also a few gems there that could be used. They're all .jpegs but they're high enough quality not to matter too much I don't think. They're also all only useful for diffusemaps.
Dante_uk@Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:39 pm : Good find. I've jus tused a couple of those textures.

I used a window(gray blocks & white frames) and the graphiti01.tga as a decal.
Actaully I made the window into a decal (ie used alpha channel) and then put glass behind it. I need to tidy the edges a bit around the block because I did quiet quickly, just to see how it looked in game.
blushing_bride@Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:44 am : those photo realistic textures are great, ive had them in my ET texture set for ages but had completly forgotten about them until now. Had a quick look through and found alot that will be extremely useful for this project.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:26 pm : That pack is indeed very welcome. I started toying with some and here are two of which I added normal/specular maps for:
I thought it would be hard to get normal maps (without having actual source geometry) but it has actually turned out rather smooth to make them using a height2normal converter plus some "photochopping". Speculars were always easy-ish to create from scratch anyway. I still have all my assets in the previous organization scheme so as soon as I finish migrating to the new one I'll post them. In the meantime what do you think?
If you pardon my lack of modesty I'm quite taken aback by the results of the normal maps in the second one. As you can see from the top face, it's a just two polys but when looked as it's supposed to, the illusion of depth is uncanny.
EDIT: P.S. I forgot something, you may want to remove /textures/stone/sand01_s.tga as it's doing nothing since it's completely black and it's actually giving a speed hit.
merlin371@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:12 pm : K this might be a stupid question but how do I make a mod directory?
i copied all of the files of the mod into a folder into d:/program file/doom3
and when I open the game and click on mod it doesn't show anything
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:15 pm : Doom 3 won't list it in the mod menu unless there is a PK4 in the directory.
Just make an empty pk4 and put it in there.
merlin371@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:25 pm : thatnks that worked

Mordenkainen@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 10:03 pm : Guys I finished migrating the textures I had done/added normals for but it's 35mb RARed. Anyone have an idea how I can submit these to you guys?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:24 pm : Are they Targas? If so, did you save them using RLE compression? It won't reduce the file size too much because it's lossless but just as an example, the fountain textures were originally 5MB and with RLE compression they came out to around 2.5MB.
Aside from that, goliath should have PMd you with instructions on how to submit assets.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:13 am : rich_is_bored wrote:
Are they Targas? If so, did you save them using RLE compression? It won't reduce the file size too much because it's lossless but just as an example, the fountain textures were originally 5MB and with RLE compression they came out to around 2.5MB.
Nah, when TGA-compressed the textures were ~40mb RARed.
Aside from that, goliath should have PMd you with instructions on how to submit assets.
Er... thanks for the heads-up!
kenny@Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:50 am : tell me how much space do you need and i'll get you free hosting at my server
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:54 pm : merlin371 wrote:
K this might be a stupid question but how do I make a mod directory?
i copied all of the files of the mod into a folder into d:/program file/doom3
and when I open the game and click on mod it doesn't show anything
Hey merlin.. glad folks' suggestions above worked for you.
FYI for other folks:
D3 Version 1.1 finally fixes the issue where it
will recognize any mod folder (that is, with unzipped/un-pak'd files) and display the folder as a mod on the Load Mods menu. So, if you don't want to put everything into a pk4 file, you can create a directory "euro" at the same level as your "base" directory and then drop the files in there, unzipped. When you run Doom 3 and select "Load Mods", you should see the euro directory listed. Load the mod and you're ready to go.
Or, of course, you can also create a shortcut w/ "+fs_game euro" in it...

Spanner@Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:35 am : For anyone whose interested I've made a set of skybox day/night textures that are cloudless/sunless -
spanner_sky.zip - 2.7MB. The night time set contains stars. The material file is based on goliathvt's updated sky shader that can be found
(Screenshots taken with GeForce2 MX @ 1280x1024)
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:21 pm : This is excellent b/c I was going to test making particle clouds and see how much of an impact that would have on performance. After seeing another mod's intense and wide-area use of particles and noting how it didn't really hamper performance, I think rolling clouds are a possibility.
Great job Spanner!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:41 am : The day sky is great and overall both skies are very nice.
The only critique I have is that the night sky is a bit too dark. Considering that the moon is going to be visible, you should have enough light bouncing around in the atmosphere to be able to see the sillouettes of the buildings faintly against it.
For anyone interested, here is a great read on light theory that may prove helpful when it comes to lighting both indoor/outdoor scenes...
It's not entirely applicable to Doom 3 because we're restricted to point lights and altering intensity by adusting the brightness of color values but for the most part it should prove helpful.
I may try to do a couple simplistic test maps where I try simulating different daylight/nightlight conditions to try and get the colors right for the euro sky sequence.
Spanner@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:14 am : Here's the updated sky textures
spanner_sky.zip - 2.7MB. The night sky is quite a bit lighter and as a result the buildings now stand out alot better than before.
Edit: Updated the stars so they look more realistic

TelMarine@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:26 am : that looks really awesome Spanner. Great work.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:25 pm : That is much better. It looks great.
rcumps01@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:55 pm : nevermind i got it
Spectro@Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:01 pm : Those skies look great, espacially the last pic. I'm really looking forward to the next eurobuild.
pbmax@Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:25 pm : Spectro wrote:
Those skies look great, espacially the last pic. I'm really looking forward to the next eurobuild.
as far as i know, no one is working on this anymore. but anyone is free to take the lead and get it going again...