I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:52 am :
dammit ive made other other doom3 maps ive fixed many errors, i cant fix this one i want some advice on my map from someone who is good.i dont want to be preached at by 100 people either help me or dont.
evilartist@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:52 pm :
odin wrote:
dammit ive made other other doom3 maps ive fixed many errors, i cant fix this one i want some advice on my map from someone who is good.i dont want to be preached at by 100 people either help me or dont.
Just explain the error here. It may be faster than sending it to someone. Bittoman is right. Do it yourself. If you think you have, then make sure you've tried EVERYTHING within your capabilities. So far, you haven't. The one last thing you can try is posting your error here. If that fails, then ask someone to personally take a look at the map. Please give us the details so we can try to help you.
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:33 pm :
when i try to load the map it just crashes back to the desktop. i tried out some other map ive made and they work fine when compiling i get this :
WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' and
---- dmap ----
--- LoadDMapFile ---
loading maps/poop
WARNING: Couldn't load map file: 'maps/sh'
------------- Warnings ---------------
during running dmap...
WARNING: Couldn't load map file: 'maps/sh'
1 warnings
and also when i finaly get this thing to load and its ERROR FREE!
i would like a more experienced person then i am to look at my map and tell me how much it sucks and gimmie some tips on it about how i can make it better just point ut stuff im doing wrong
Claire@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:43 am :
Could you tell me how you got it error free please?
Becuase I have the same problem.
Claire@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:48 am :
I'm haveing the same problem as you were.
If you could remeber how you got it error free could you please tell me.
odin@Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:08 am :
its not error free yet i said "and also when i finaly get this thing to load and its ERROR FREE!" but my problem is fixed only becouse i lost the map haha worked on that thing for like 2 months and now its all gone. i have bno idea what happend to it.
DoomAddict@Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:43 pm :
It doesn't really affect the Devmapping process but when I open the console to devmap it gives a ton of warnings about various files(mostly mods) that contain uppercase letters. Why does it do this?
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:13 pm :
I have a new one:
WARNING: vertex with only one edge
I've never seen this one before and I can't find a description of what it means.
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:14 pm :
DoomAddict wrote:
It doesn't really affect the Devmapping process but when I open the console to devmap it gives a ton of warnings about various files(mostly mods) that contain uppercase letters. Why does it do this?
I think it means that some Operating Systems do not support upper case letters in path names, so that means the path is not portable. (I think)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:06 am :
A vertex with only one edge would be as if you selected a single vertex in a modeling program and extruded it.
File comment: Example of a single vertex with one edge. vertex_one_edge.png [29.37 KB]
Downloaded 82 times
Of course, when working in radiant you're not dealing with vertices directly. A brush is a collection of infinite planes. It's the intercections between these planes that form a box or some other convex volume.
The question is how you end up with a vertex with one edge in the level editor. I imagine it's some nonsense left over by the compilation process. Why the compiler doesn't just delete these extra vertices is beyond me.
ademgraf@Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:22 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Changed the topic headline, moved it to LE and made it sticky.
... my girlfriend is leaky today.. can you change that?
Claire@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:43 am :
Could you tell me how you got it error free please?
Becuase I have the same problem.
Claire@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:48 am :
I'm haveing the same problem as you were.
If you could remeber how you got it error free could you please tell me.
odin@Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:08 am :
its not error free yet i said "and also when i finaly get this thing to load and its ERROR FREE!" but my problem is fixed only becouse i lost the map haha worked on that thing for like 2 months and now its all gone. i have bno idea what happend to it.
DoomAddict@Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:43 pm :
It doesn't really affect the Devmapping process but when I open the console to devmap it gives a ton of warnings about various files(mostly mods) that contain uppercase letters. Why does it do this?
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:13 pm :
I have a new one:
WARNING: vertex with only one edge
I've never seen this one before and I can't find a description of what it means.
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:14 pm :
DoomAddict wrote:
It doesn't really affect the Devmapping process but when I open the console to devmap it gives a ton of warnings about various files(mostly mods) that contain uppercase letters. Why does it do this?
I think it means that some Operating Systems do not support upper case letters in path names, so that means the path is not portable. (I think)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:06 am :
A vertex with only one edge would be as if you selected a single vertex in a modeling program and extruded it.
File comment: Example of a single vertex with one edge. vertex_one_edge.png [29.37 KB]
Downloaded 17 times
Of course, when working in radiant you're not dealing with vertices directly. A brush is a collection of infinite planes. It's the intercections between these planes that form a box or some other convex volume.
The question is how you end up with a vertex with one edge in the level editor. I imagine it's some nonsense left over by the compilation process. Why the compiler doesn't just delete these extra vertices is beyond me.
ademgraf@Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:22 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Changed the topic headline, moved it to LE and made it sticky.
... my girlfriend is leaky today.. can you change that?
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 2:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:52 am :
dammit ive made other other doom3 maps ive fixed many errors, i cant fix this one i want some advice on my map from someone who is good.i dont want to be preached at by 100 people either help me or dont.
evilartist@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:52 pm :
odin wrote:
dammit ive made other other doom3 maps ive fixed many errors, i cant fix this one i want some advice on my map from someone who is good.i dont want to be preached at by 100 people either help me or dont.
Just explain the error here. It may be faster than sending it to someone. Bittoman is right. Do it yourself. If you think you have, then make sure you've tried EVERYTHING within your capabilities. So far, you haven't. The one last thing you can try is posting your error here. If that fails, then ask someone to personally take a look at the map. Please give us the details so we can try to help you.
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:33 pm :
when i try to load the map it just crashes back to the desktop. i tried out some other map ive made and they work fine when compiling i get this :
WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' and
---- dmap ----
--- LoadDMapFile ---
loading maps/poop
WARNING: Couldn't load map file: 'maps/sh'
------------- Warnings ---------------
during running dmap...
WARNING: Couldn't load map file: 'maps/sh'
1 warnings
and also when i finaly get this thing to load and its ERROR FREE!
i would like a more experienced person then i am to look at my map and tell me how much it sucks and gimmie some tips on it about how i can make it better just point ut stuff im doing wrong
Claire@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:43 am :
Could you tell me how you got it error free please?
Becuase I have the same problem.
Claire@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:48 am :
I'm haveing the same problem as you were.
If you could remeber how you got it error free could you please tell me.
odin@Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:08 am :
its not error free yet i said "and also when i finaly get this thing to load and its ERROR FREE!" but my problem is fixed only becouse i lost the map haha worked on that thing for like 2 months and now its all gone. i have bno idea what happend to it.
DoomAddict@Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:43 pm :
It doesn't really affect the Devmapping process but when I open the console to devmap it gives a ton of warnings about various files(mostly mods) that contain uppercase letters. Why does it do this?
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:13 pm :
I have a new one:
WARNING: vertex with only one edge
I've never seen this one before and I can't find a description of what it means.
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:14 pm :
DoomAddict wrote:
It doesn't really affect the Devmapping process but when I open the console to devmap it gives a ton of warnings about various files(mostly mods) that contain uppercase letters. Why does it do this?
I think it means that some Operating Systems do not support upper case letters in path names, so that means the path is not portable. (I think)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:06 am :
A vertex with only one edge would be as if you selected a single vertex in a modeling program and extruded it.
File comment: Example of a single vertex with one edge. vertex_one_edge.png [29.37 KB]
Downloaded 17 times
Of course, when working in radiant you're not dealing with vertices directly. A brush is a collection of infinite planes. It's the intercections between these planes that form a box or some other convex volume.
The question is how you end up with a vertex with one edge in the level editor. I imagine it's some nonsense left over by the compilation process. Why the compiler doesn't just delete these extra vertices is beyond me.
ademgraf@Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:22 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Changed the topic headline, moved it to LE and made it sticky.
... my girlfriend is leaky today.. can you change that?
Claire@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:43 am :
Could you tell me how you got it error free please?
Becuase I have the same problem.
Claire@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:48 am :
I'm haveing the same problem as you were.
If you could remeber how you got it error free could you please tell me.
odin@Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:08 am :
its not error free yet i said "and also when i finaly get this thing to load and its ERROR FREE!" but my problem is fixed only becouse i lost the map haha worked on that thing for like 2 months and now its all gone. i have bno idea what happend to it.
DoomAddict@Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:43 pm :
It doesn't really affect the Devmapping process but when I open the console to devmap it gives a ton of warnings about various files(mostly mods) that contain uppercase letters. Why does it do this?
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:13 pm :
I have a new one:
WARNING: vertex with only one edge
I've never seen this one before and I can't find a description of what it means.
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:14 pm :
DoomAddict wrote:
It doesn't really affect the Devmapping process but when I open the console to devmap it gives a ton of warnings about various files(mostly mods) that contain uppercase letters. Why does it do this?
I think it means that some Operating Systems do not support upper case letters in path names, so that means the path is not portable. (I think)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:06 am :
A vertex with only one edge would be as if you selected a single vertex in a modeling program and extruded it.
File comment: Example of a single vertex with one edge. vertex_one_edge.png [29.37 KB]
Downloaded 82 times
Of course, when working in radiant you're not dealing with vertices directly. A brush is a collection of infinite planes. It's the intercections between these planes that form a box or some other convex volume.
The question is how you end up with a vertex with one edge in the level editor. I imagine it's some nonsense left over by the compilation process. Why the compiler doesn't just delete these extra vertices is beyond me.
ademgraf@Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:22 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Changed the topic headline, moved it to LE and made it sticky.
... my girlfriend is leaky today.. can you change that?
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 2:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:52 am :
dammit ive made other other doom3 maps ive fixed many errors, i cant fix this one i want some advice on my map from someone who is good.i dont want to be preached at by 100 people either help me or dont.
evilartist@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:52 pm :
odin wrote:
dammit ive made other other doom3 maps ive fixed many errors, i cant fix this one i want some advice on my map from someone who is good.i dont want to be preached at by 100 people either help me or dont.
Just explain the error here. It may be faster than sending it to someone. Bittoman is right. Do it yourself. If you think you have, then make sure you've tried EVERYTHING within your capabilities. So far, you haven't. The one last thing you can try is posting your error here. If that fails, then ask someone to personally take a look at the map. Please give us the details so we can try to help you.
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:33 pm :
when i try to load the map it just crashes back to the desktop. i tried out some other map ive made and they work fine when compiling i get this :
WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' and
---- dmap ----
--- LoadDMapFile ---
loading maps/poop
WARNING: Couldn't load map file: 'maps/sh'
------------- Warnings ---------------
during running dmap...
WARNING: Couldn't load map file: 'maps/sh'
1 warnings
and also when i finaly get this thing to load and its ERROR FREE!
i would like a more experienced person then i am to look at my map and tell me how much it sucks and gimmie some tips on it about how i can make it better just point ut stuff im doing wrong
Claire@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:43 am :
Could you tell me how you got it error free please?
Becuase I have the same problem.
Claire@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:48 am :
I'm haveing the same problem as you were.
If you could remeber how you got it error free could you please tell me.
odin@Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:08 am :
its not error free yet i said "and also when i finaly get this thing to load and its ERROR FREE!" but my problem is fixed only becouse i lost the map haha worked on that thing for like 2 months and now its all gone. i have bno idea what happend to it.
DoomAddict@Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:43 pm :
It doesn't really affect the Devmapping process but when I open the console to devmap it gives a ton of warnings about various files(mostly mods) that contain uppercase letters. Why does it do this?
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:13 pm :
I have a new one:
WARNING: vertex with only one edge
I've never seen this one before and I can't find a description of what it means.
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:14 pm :
DoomAddict wrote:
It doesn't really affect the Devmapping process but when I open the console to devmap it gives a ton of warnings about various files(mostly mods) that contain uppercase letters. Why does it do this?
I think it means that some Operating Systems do not support upper case letters in path names, so that means the path is not portable. (I think)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:06 am :
A vertex with only one edge would be as if you selected a single vertex in a modeling program and extruded it.
File comment: Example of a single vertex with one edge. vertex_one_edge.png [29.37 KB]
Downloaded 82 times
Of course, when working in radiant you're not dealing with vertices directly. A brush is a collection of infinite planes. It's the intercections between these planes that form a box or some other convex volume.
The question is how you end up with a vertex with one edge in the level editor. I imagine it's some nonsense left over by the compilation process. Why the compiler doesn't just delete these extra vertices is beyond me.
ademgraf@Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:22 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Changed the topic headline, moved it to LE and made it sticky.
... my girlfriend is leaky today.. can you change that?
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:52 am :
dammit ive made other other doom3 maps ive fixed many errors, i cant fix this one i want some advice on my map from someone who is good.i dont want to be preached at by 100 people either help me or dont.
evilartist@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:52 pm :
odin wrote:
dammit ive made other other doom3 maps ive fixed many errors, i cant fix this one i want some advice on my map from someone who is good.i dont want to be preached at by 100 people either help me or dont.
Just explain the error here. It may be faster than sending it to someone. Bittoman is right. Do it yourself. If you think you have, then make sure you've tried EVERYTHING within your capabilities. So far, you haven't. The one last thing you can try is posting your error here. If that fails, then ask someone to personally take a look at the map. Please give us the details so we can try to help you.
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 8:33 pm :
when i try to load the map it just crashes back to the desktop. i tried out some other map ive made and they work fine when compiling i get this :
WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' and
---- dmap ----
--- LoadDMapFile ---
loading maps/poop
WARNING: Couldn't load map file: 'maps/sh'
------------- Warnings ---------------
during running dmap...
WARNING: Couldn't load map file: 'maps/sh'
1 warnings
and also when i finaly get this thing to load and its ERROR FREE!
i would like a more experienced person then i am to look at my map and tell me how much it sucks and gimmie some tips on it about how i can make it better just point ut stuff im doing wrong
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 2:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:52 am :
dammit ive made other other doom3 maps ive fixed many errors, i cant fix this one i want some advice on my map from someone who is good.i dont want to be preached at by 100 people either help me or dont.
evilartist@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:52 pm :
odin wrote:
dammit ive made other other doom3 maps ive fixed many errors, i cant fix this one i want some advice on my map from someone who is good.i dont want to be preached at by 100 people either help me or dont.
Just explain the error here. It may be faster than sending it to someone. Bittoman is right. Do it yourself. If you think you have, then make sure you've tried EVERYTHING within your capabilities. So far, you haven't. The one last thing you can try is posting your error here. If that fails, then ask someone to personally take a look at the map. Please give us the details so we can try to help you.
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:33 pm :
when i try to load the map it just crashes back to the desktop. i tried out some other map ive made and they work fine when compiling i get this :
WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' and
---- dmap ----
--- LoadDMapFile ---
loading maps/poop
WARNING: Couldn't load map file: 'maps/sh'
------------- Warnings ---------------
during running dmap...
WARNING: Couldn't load map file: 'maps/sh'
1 warnings
and also when i finaly get this thing to load and its ERROR FREE!
i would like a more experienced person then i am to look at my map and tell me how much it sucks and gimmie some tips on it about how i can make it better just point ut stuff im doing wrong
Claire@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:43 am :
Could you tell me how you got it error free please?
Becuase I have the same problem.
Claire@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:48 am :
I'm haveing the same problem as you were.
If you could remeber how you got it error free could you please tell me.
odin@Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:08 am :
its not error free yet i said "and also when i finaly get this thing to load and its ERROR FREE!" but my problem is fixed only becouse i lost the map haha worked on that thing for like 2 months and now its all gone. i have bno idea what happend to it.
DoomAddict@Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:43 pm :
It doesn't really affect the Devmapping process but when I open the console to devmap it gives a ton of warnings about various files(mostly mods) that contain uppercase letters. Why does it do this?
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:13 pm :
I have a new one:
WARNING: vertex with only one edge
I've never seen this one before and I can't find a description of what it means.
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:14 pm :
DoomAddict wrote:
It doesn't really affect the Devmapping process but when I open the console to devmap it gives a ton of warnings about various files(mostly mods) that contain uppercase letters. Why does it do this?
I think it means that some Operating Systems do not support upper case letters in path names, so that means the path is not portable. (I think)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:06 am :
A vertex with only one edge would be as if you selected a single vertex in a modeling program and extruded it.
File comment: Example of a single vertex with one edge. vertex_one_edge.png [29.37 KB]
Downloaded 82 times
Of course, when working in radiant you're not dealing with vertices directly. A brush is a collection of infinite planes. It's the intercections between these planes that form a box or some other convex volume.
The question is how you end up with a vertex with one edge in the level editor. I imagine it's some nonsense left over by the compilation process. Why the compiler doesn't just delete these extra vertices is beyond me.
ademgraf@Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:22 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Changed the topic headline, moved it to LE and made it sticky.
... my girlfriend is leaky today.. can you change that?
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Claire@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:43 am Post subject: : Could you tell me how you got it error free please?
Becuase I have the same problem. Claire@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:48 am Post subject: : I'm haveing the same problem as you were.
If you could remeber how you got it error free could you please tell me.
Thanks:) odin@Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 12:08 am Post subject: tgjh: its not error free yet i said "and also when i finaly get this thing to load and its ERROR FREE!" but my problem is fixed only becouse i lost the map haha worked on that thing for like 2 months and now its all gone. i have bno idea what happend to it. Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:52 am :
Doom 3 world • View topic - Doom 3 Compiling and map errors
Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:31 pm Posts: 324 Location: Spijkenisse - The netherlands
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
_________________ December 10, 1993: A Date to Remember Forever.
Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:26 am Posts: 5 Location: ct
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:26 am Posts: 5 Location: ct
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:26 am Posts: 5 Location:
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:10 pm :
I propose we make a doom 3 dmap and map errors database for every mapper. If you have a error with or without discription, post her in this topic! It works like this:
Error: <error> or Fatal Error: <error> -----
(from hellstorm:) A leak is usually one of the following:
(a) an entity is placed in the void. This seems to include lights, with the exception of fogs (where a basicfog texture is applied to the light) and maybe a few other types.
(b) you have used a semi-transparent texture on a wall or floor that leads out into the void. Doom 3 seems to think certain non-transparent textures fall into this category, that can be a source of leaks.
(c) there is a hole in your walls that leads out into the void.
(d) Sometimes Doom 3 doesn't like entities being placed in particular areas, such as doors.
(e)entity or models whose origin point is buried in (structural) brushwork
---- Solution:
(a) Delete the entity, or place it in your map. (b)Change the texture that you`ve used. (c)Close the hole, for a little help you can use File>Pointfile, then you see a arrow. For more leaks use then Misc>Next Leak. (d) In the most cases is deleting the entity the solution. (e)check origin points and move away from brushwork where appropriate.
You can also put a box around your map, but that`s a very unofficial method, so it`s not recommended, use it if the Hole leaks can`t be solved or if Pointfile didn`t work. Check also out this topic: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3231
From Iddevnet: This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words: "This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
---- Solution:
I don`t know a solution, but I got this "error" and it gives no problems so far.
---- ---- Fatal Error: Warning: i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ---- Discription:
From Iddevnet:
This message is generated when the optimizer is generating triangles and finds one with a zero or negative normal. It is a fairly benign warning. Most often this happens because the optimizer generated a degenerate triangle [a triangle with no surface area] because of floating point error.
To put it in John's words:
"This can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space."
elroacho@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:42 am :
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
kat@Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:06 am :
elroacho wrote:
got this error today when i tried to play my map, map compiled fine.
tracked it down to visportals in a large room, don't know why but i turned the portals and error went away.
portals where facing north - south
turned them west - east and whalaa
Yeah, you'll find that 'forcing' the portals to recalculate is often the simplest solution.
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:59 am :
this must be error week
reached outside from entity # (monster_name)
got this 1 today during AAS compile
oofnish had the fix
Make sure your Worldspawn entity does not have an "Angle" associated with it.
Spacemonkey@Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:58 pm :
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
Sebazzz@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:52 am :
I don`t repair such little errors, if they don`t hurt my map.
No entities inside hurts your map, so that one have I repaired.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:54 am :
Spacemonkey wrote:
WARNING: brush primitive 117 on entity 0 is degenerate
Solution First, go to the Misc menu, then Find Brush.. , type the number of the entity and the brush primitive, and hit OK, that brush will be now selected, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just hit backspace to delete it, and do the same process for all your degenerated brushes. (I got this warning just after adding a monster)
In my map, some of this degenerated brushes were large ones, so I just delete and create them again.
Note: anway you should put the word "Compiling" in the subject of this trhead.
I feel as though I should add on a bit more to the part about the deleting of degenerate brush primitives. If you've got a list of degenerate brushes, deleting the highest numbered brush and working down to the lowest number may be better.
I made an observation when deleting my first degenerate brushes ever. Whenever I selected and deleted the brush, I input that same brush number, which then moves on to select a completely different brush. I deleted that one, thinking it was the degenerate brush, completely unaware that I already got rid of the degenrate brush.
After going through a few more brushes on the list, I decided to compile my map again to see the list refreshed. The same number of degenerate brushes appeared again (except the ONLY one that I deleted), and they had different numbers.
I'm thinking that maybe when you delete a brush, the remaining brushes that follow in numeric labelling 'move down' a slot. So when I have two degenerate brushes (11 & 13), I find and delete number 11. My theory is that the former degenerate brush #13 is now #12, while the old #12 (which is obviously non-degenerate) is now #11.
Unless somebody can explain otherwise and clear things up, I recommend deleting the degenerate brushes from highest to lowest number. It helped me out.
Sebazzz@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 am :
Alll right. A new one.
Error:Warning during compiling AAS: Node with unbounded value Discription:
Happens during compiling AAS. Not a real discription...
I had this problem in my map when I had vertex edited patches in the void. Try to look for patches in the void.
Jonathan_rg2002@Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 pm :
hi ! i need help XD
I have got a problem with editor
WARNING:no entities inside
thanks all
Anthony lee@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:31 am :
The editior is saying couldn't load map file is there a way to fix this??
odin@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:33 am :
whats up, my map stopped working and i dont know why so i was wondering if coulds send my map to someone and have them fix it up and give me some tips.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 am :
You need to provide some more information. Any error messages in the console when loading the map, etc. In the meantime check the following:
i dont want to give no errors i just want to send it t some one so they can fix it and i want some feedback on my map maybe someone knows a better way t do somthing or whatever i need someone to tell me all the stuff wrong with my map
Bittoman@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:42 am :
Well, part of the creation process is learning. One thing you must learn is how to correct mistakes and errors. As easy as it might be to send the map to someone and have them fix it it would be cheating you out of being able to handle your own problems and giving you the ability to say "I did this". I'd much rather the ugliest piece of trash map be released by you when you could say without conflict "I did this by myself". Post the errors you're getting and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information to help you discover your mistakes and in turn learn how to avoid them in the future than.