Warning: This a quick step tutorial. If you don`t understand anything, or you can`t follow it. Just download the Zip file and see in the editor how I`ve done it, or post a reply.
Warning: For this tutorial, first follow BNA`s tutorial about making a box map, and follow thne the tuturial for making a pipe.
Quick Ladder Tuturial
1. First, make a box map(x,y,z > 320, 320, 320) and a light if you wan`t to see something when you`re playing the map. Save it as
2. Then place on z=128 a platform where the player can stand on.
3. Now are we ready make a ladder. We are making a nice ladder. make a brush with x=y and z=long. Then, with the brush still selected, select in the Patch menu "Cylinder". Now your brush having a cilinder shape. Set the texture to base_trim>dangertrim01
4. Clone the brush and set it next to the other brush, not too far away.
5. Clone that brush, and rotate the x or y so it`s horizontal. Make the brush smaller, so you can use it like a ladder step(I hope you can follow me!!!

6. Clone that brush and place it, clone, untill you have a ladder.
7. Now make a brush with the x, and z little bit heighter is than your ladder, a with the same y.
8. Give the brush the common>ladder texture. Now you have to go to the Entity Inspector(press <N>) and choose from the dropdownlist "func_static". Now it`s a func_static and you can add the keys, a special name is not necessary. Now the the key/val to bind/ladder1.
9. Select now the cylinder patches that makes the ladder a ladder. Now you have to go to the Entity Inspector(press <N>) and choose from the dropdownlist "func_mover". Now it`s a func_static and you can add the keys, key/val: name/ladder1.
--------------- This was it to make a ladder, now comes the real stuff-----
10. Now we have to script. Make in wordpad or something like that a ladder.script file a save it in the game directory.
11. Copy this code to that file:
namespace ladder {
/// ladder.script --- made for
/// Containts scripts for lower ladders.
/// Set the variablezzzzzz
float ladder_low1 = 0;
/// Main functions
void ladder1_toggle()
//sys.trigger ($speaker_ladder1);
if (ladder_low1 == 0) {
$ladder1.moveTo ($ladder1_down);
ladder_low1 = 1;
} else {
$ladder1.moveTo ($ladder1_top);
ladder_low1 = 0;
/// void main();
void main() {
sys.print ("Void main() now activated without problems");
12. Open the editor and create a func_static in your
13. Set the model to guipanels/techdrpanel/techdrpanel1.lwo
14. Clone the func_static, and delete the old func_static.
15. Set the gui to recyle1/ladder.gui or make a own gui.
16. Set key/val to gui_parm6/ladder::ladder1_toggle
17. Deselect the panel and select a brush in your map, set the the key/val from worldspawn to call/ladder::main
18. Place the both func_static(that ladder brush and that ladder1) to the non-extended level.
19. Make a small func_static with the common>nodraw brush and call it ladder1_top, make sure that the orgin piont has the same x, y, and z as the non-extended ladder.
20. Make a small func_static with the common>nodraw brush and call it ladder1_down, make sure that the origin piont has the same x, y, and z as the extended ladder.
21. There he is: The moving ladder!