scorpion122@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:27 pm : Well I have a problem while making a tutorial with cut boolean compground objects.
Go here for more information about the tutorial.
I'm at the part with the grip and making detail but there is a small problem with cutting the cylinders you will see more at the screenshots i'm posting.

Hope that might be helpfull to see what is wrong and my problem.
Thanks a million.
Edit: sorry 56 k users.
SyPHer_@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 2:27 am : Hhhmmm. Well boolean's are always messing things and I see them as the equivelent of CSG Subtract in mapping, works sometimes but theres always bugs in the system.
Jus try completely restarting the clip, I'm sure that if you follow the tutorial completely you shoudnt have any problems.
contraband@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 3:42 am : I agree with SyPHer, booleans is sometimes like digging a square hole with hand grenades. In the tutorial the cylinders are longer then the square ammo case. In your pics they are shorter. Did I pass the eye test?
scorpion122@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 2:18 pm : Lol normally i'm not the big fan of csg substract with mapping because the thing you substract is getting too ugly the way.
For example cutting a room with make of made it hollow , isnt good.
So I prefer to make the floor then copy the floor for the ceilling and put walls together.
But I cannot understand why the hell I'm loosing parts of the grip.
I think i will try this turorial again until I have no error about this.
Mapping is much more easier to understand guys.
Slogbog@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 3:25 pm : i had this problem once, i cant remember eactly what fixed it, but just keep tooling with it and itll work. Just do like sypher said, and completely reattempt the clip, i think i did something similar - just recreated the object for subtraction. You can see what happens when you try and add it and intersect it as well, it goes weird then too i think, i dont remember if i ever actually figured out what caused it.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 3:49 pm : I dunno who's tutorial that is but IMHO, it's bad practice to use boolean operations regardless what modeling package you're using.
There are plenty of other methods to create that clip. It's a shame I'm not familiar enough with MAX to explain them to you.
Oh BTW, could you resize that image so it's no wider than 640px please?
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 12:38 am : I think booleans have a time and place, but i agree that they should not be used on that clip. Some simple edge cutting and extruding would be a far better way IMO - and would leave a much cleaner result.
scorpion122@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 7:39 pm : Thanks guys I already figured it out and got it working ..dont know how I did this but...Oh and in D3 the weapon looks a bit big.
Is there anything I can do for scaling it a bit smaller?
Like the normal maschinegun's size.

Hope ya like it so far.

SyPHer_@Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 9:48 am : Select all of the objects (Ctrl + A) and then use the scale tool (R) and scale it down! If it scales the objects seperatly then select all objects and goto Group -> Group, call it what you want and then scale it down. Post a screenshot of it ingame

scorpion122@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 5:27 pm : SyPHer_ wrote:
Select all of the objects (Ctrl + A) and then use the scale tool (R) and scale it down! If it scales the objects seperatly then select all objects and goto Group -> Group, call it what you want and then scale it down. Post a screenshot of it ingame

K thanks , just lemme finish the md5 meshes then I give ya the link to download my sniper mod or whatever you want to call the weapon.
In my list I called it recon for ghost recon.-]