Motoxpro@Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:55 am : I think we should have a tutorial request thread for this forums too, so request away.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:08 am : Fair enough. Stickied.
cusTom3@Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:14 pm : Some tutorials covering AI programming for doom3 would be nice.
As an experienced programmer i would rather work in a compiled language then doom script, will that work.
A discussion on how the AI subsystem works in detail. How much can be kept in c++, how much should be put in scripts. How do the two interact.
Maybe include how the pathfinding system works

A quick overview of how the doom3 engine calls into the game dll and the sequence of function calls that happen. My understanding is RunFrame is called in a loop, is there anything else the engine calls in this loop?
I know there are tidbits throughout these forums about this (mostly weapon based, not character)
I want to write a bot

cusTom3@Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:00 pm : how does the networking communciation work?
cusTom3@Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:04 pm : All about AAS in doom3??????
does anyone read this thread?
Tetzlaff@Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:31 pm : I would found a beginner friendly tutorial very useful that explains how to implement an "always run" option into the Singleplayer, with stamina still in place (!). Obviously it can´t be done with .def file scripting.
cusTom3@Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:58 pm : The internals of Sabot

How about it TinMan, one monster tutorial, please, LOL.
Alright, J/K, i would rather you spend the time on the squad than writing up the docs too.

but i can dream

za_stalina@Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:06 pm : or the source code but these guys don't reveal their code as maybe somebody will further develop their mods/bots and they will become annonymous, or not ?

Zitheral=WFR@Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:52 pm : za_stalina wrote:
or the source code but these guys don't reveal their code as maybe somebody will further develop their mods/bots and they will become annonymous, or not ?

I don't think that is a very fair statement. People create modifications for different reasons. Anyone who releases software free to the public has already done the world a big favor with a gift of their time. Whether or not they choose to make the source code available with it is their decision. Some people may be novice programmers and don't want to deal with the stress that comes along with pros nit-picking apart their code -- that can be extremely aggrevating. Even if your original goal was to learn how to program better, some people are just asses about the way they "constructively criticize" other people's work.
Other people may use what they consider to be private algorithms and optimizations that they hope to use some day in a for-profit project. They have every right to keep these types of things private.
Still other people release software specifically for the feeling of pride they get by providing something useful to the public. To some this may sound greedy but not to me. They have already donated their time to create the software in the first place. Making it open source would potentially rob them of the only benefit they are deriving from their work (personal satisfaction and pride.)
I think it is unfair to criticize any freeware developer for not releasing their source code. It is FANTASTIC when you find people willing to share with the public in such a magnanimous way but I think we, as a community, should not expect it and be thankful for the occasions when it occurs.

But hey, thats just my two cents, you are welcome to disagree

cusTom3@Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:34 pm : ummm, yeah, not to mention sabot's source as well as the entire mp bot framework is completely open and you can download it anytime you want.

crash23000@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:43 pm : I was unable to find a tut for destructable or breakable lights.
There was this thread:
This thread left me more confused then originally despite my efforts in the editor to replicate what was said.
If there is already a tut or thread that explains how to do this I would appreciate a post or pm.

SnoopJeDi@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:35 pm : crash23000 wrote:
I was unable to find a tut for destructable or breakable lights.
There was this thread: thread left me more confused then originally despite my efforts in the editor to replicate what was said.
If there is already a tut or thread that explains how to do this I would appreciate a post or pm.

As I see it, there are two ways to make a breakable light. The first is to do the overcomplicated method voldemort describes in the thread you linked to. You can also just add a health key to your light entity like so:
key: health value: 30
You can set the sound shader that the light will play when broken by setting snd_broken like so:
key: snd_broken value: mysndshd
Note that sound shaders have the ability to play an "intro" to a looping sound, and this is how id's broken light sounds work (the "intro" is the actual breaking, then you get the fizzing sounds)
For future reference, this is a
coding[/b[ section, and not a [b]level design section.
crash23000@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:28 am : Thanks for the post and help. Sorry for posting in the wrong section.

6th Venom@Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:13 am : I know there are tons of sites about that, but it should be cool to have a "all in one" site dedicated to D3 mod community.
So, could someone make a quick "tuto" about very basics of C++?
like "what sign mean what", stences, etc.
If you think it's a bad idea, no problem.

Lobirows@Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:37 am : I'm not sure i'm in the right place to ask this but... if i want to add more movements, like double jumping, and all those prince or persia like movements, do i have to use the sdk? or is it possible to do it by scripting?
thanks :]
comiceman@Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:10 am : what about a tutorial to create player-classes? would be cool if i could make several ans switch them (respawn) with an in-game gui

greetz ice
Motoxpro@Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:55 am : I think we should have a tutorial request thread for this forums too, so request away.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:08 am : Fair enough. Stickied.
cusTom3@Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:14 pm : Some tutorials covering AI programming for doom3 would be nice.
As an experienced programmer i would rather work in a compiled language then doom script, will that work.
A discussion on how the AI subsystem works in detail. How much can be kept in c++, how much should be put in scripts. How do the two interact.
Maybe include how the pathfinding system works

A quick overview of how the doom3 engine calls into the game dll and the sequence of function calls that happen. My understanding is RunFrame is called in a loop, is there anything else the engine calls in this loop?
I know there are tidbits throughout these forums about this (mostly weapon based, not character)
I want to write a bot

cusTom3@Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:00 pm : how does the networking communciation work?
cusTom3@Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:04 pm : All about AAS in doom3??????
does anyone read this thread?
Tetzlaff@Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:31 pm : I would found a beginner friendly tutorial very useful that explains how to implement an "always run" option into the Singleplayer, with stamina still in place (!). Obviously it can´t be done with .def file scripting.
cusTom3@Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:58 pm : The internals of Sabot

How about it TinMan, one monster tutorial, please, LOL.
Alright, J/K, i would rather you spend the time on the squad than writing up the docs too.

but i can dream

za_stalina@Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:06 pm : or the source code but these guys don't reveal their code as maybe somebody will further develop their mods/bots and they will become annonymous, or not ?

Zitheral=WFR@Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:52 pm : za_stalina wrote:
or the source code but these guys don't reveal their code as maybe somebody will further develop their mods/bots and they will become annonymous, or not ?

I don't think that is a very fair statement. People create modifications for different reasons. Anyone who releases software free to the public has already done the world a big favor with a gift of their time. Whether or not they choose to make the source code available with it is their decision. Some people may be novice programmers and don't want to deal with the stress that comes along with pros nit-picking apart their code -- that can be extremely aggrevating. Even if your original goal was to learn how to program better, some people are just asses about the way they "constructively criticize" other people's work.
Other people may use what they consider to be private algorithms and optimizations that they hope to use some day in a for-profit project. They have every right to keep these types of things private.
Still other people release software specifically for the feeling of pride they get by providing something useful to the public. To some this may sound greedy but not to me. They have already donated their time to create the software in the first place. Making it open source would potentially rob them of the only benefit they are deriving from their work (personal satisfaction and pride.)
I think it is unfair to criticize any freeware developer for not releasing their source code. It is FANTASTIC when you find people willing to share with the public in such a magnanimous way but I think we, as a community, should not expect it and be thankful for the occasions when it occurs.

But hey, thats just my two cents, you are welcome to disagree

cusTom3@Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:34 pm : ummm, yeah, not to mention sabot's source as well as the entire mp bot framework is completely open and you can download it anytime you want.

crash23000@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:43 pm : I was unable to find a tut for destructable or breakable lights.
There was this thread:
This thread left me more confused then originally despite my efforts in the editor to replicate what was said.
If there is already a tut or thread that explains how to do this I would appreciate a post or pm.

SnoopJeDi@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:35 pm : crash23000 wrote:
I was unable to find a tut for destructable or breakable lights.
There was this thread: thread left me more confused then originally despite my efforts in the editor to replicate what was said.
If there is already a tut or thread that explains how to do this I would appreciate a post or pm.

As I see it, there are two ways to make a breakable light. The first is to do the overcomplicated method voldemort describes in the thread you linked to. You can also just add a health key to your light entity like so:
key: health value: 30
You can set the sound shader that the light will play when broken by setting snd_broken like so:
key: snd_broken value: mysndshd
Note that sound shaders have the ability to play an "intro" to a looping sound, and this is how id's broken light sounds work (the "intro" is the actual breaking, then you get the fizzing sounds)
For future reference, this is a
coding[/b[ section, and not a [b]level design section.
crash23000@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:28 am : Thanks for the post and help. Sorry for posting in the wrong section.

6th Venom@Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:13 am : I know there are tons of sites about that, but it should be cool to have a "all in one" site dedicated to D3 mod community.
So, could someone make a quick "tuto" about very basics of C++?
like "what sign mean what", stences, etc.
If you think it's a bad idea, no problem.

Lobirows@Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:37 am : I'm not sure i'm in the right place to ask this but... if i want to add more movements, like double jumping, and all those prince or persia like movements, do i have to use the sdk? or is it possible to do it by scripting?
thanks :]
comiceman@Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:10 am : what about a tutorial to create player-classes? would be cool if i could make several ans switch them (respawn) with an in-game gui

greetz ice
Motoxpro@Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:55 am : I think we should have a tutorial request thread for this forums too, so request away.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:08 am : Fair enough. Stickied.
cusTom3@Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:14 pm : Some tutorials covering AI programming for doom3 would be nice.
As an experienced programmer i would rather work in a compiled language then doom script, will that work.
A discussion on how the AI subsystem works in detail. How much can be kept in c++, how much should be put in scripts. How do the two interact.
Maybe include how the pathfinding system works

A quick overview of how the doom3 engine calls into the game dll and the sequence of function calls that happen. My understanding is RunFrame is called in a loop, is there anything else the engine calls in this loop?
I know there are tidbits throughout these forums about this (mostly weapon based, not character)
I want to write a bot

cusTom3@Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:00 pm : how does the networking communciation work?
cusTom3@Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:04 pm : All about AAS in doom3??????
does anyone read this thread?
Tetzlaff@Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:31 pm : I would found a beginner friendly tutorial very useful that explains how to implement an "always run" option into the Singleplayer, with stamina still in place (!). Obviously it can´t be done with .def file scripting.
cusTom3@Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:58 pm : The internals of Sabot

How about it TinMan, one monster tutorial, please, LOL.
Alright, J/K, i would rather you spend the time on the squad than writing up the docs too.

but i can dream

za_stalina@Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:06 pm : or the source code but these guys don't reveal their code as maybe somebody will further develop their mods/bots and they will become annonymous, or not ?

Zitheral=WFR@Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:52 pm : za_stalina wrote:
or the source code but these guys don't reveal their code as maybe somebody will further develop their mods/bots and they will become annonymous, or not ?

I don't think that is a very fair statement. People create modifications for different reasons. Anyone who releases software free to the public has already done the world a big favor with a gift of their time. Whether or not they choose to make the source code available with it is their decision. Some people may be novice programmers and don't want to deal with the stress that comes along with pros nit-picking apart their code -- that can be extremely aggrevating. Even if your original goal was to learn how to program better, some people are just asses about the way they "constructively criticize" other people's work.
Other people may use what they consider to be private algorithms and optimizations that they hope to use some day in a for-profit project. They have every right to keep these types of things private.
Still other people release software specifically for the feeling of pride they get by providing something useful to the public. To some this may sound greedy but not to me. They have already donated their time to create the software in the first place. Making it open source would potentially rob them of the only benefit they are deriving from their work (personal satisfaction and pride.)
I think it is unfair to criticize any freeware developer for not releasing their source code. It is FANTASTIC when you find people willing to share with the public in such a magnanimous way but I think we, as a community, should not expect it and be thankful for the occasions when it occurs.

But hey, thats just my two cents, you are welcome to disagree

cusTom3@Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:34 pm : ummm, yeah, not to mention sabot's source as well as the entire mp bot framework is completely open and you can download it anytime you want.

crash23000@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:43 pm : I was unable to find a tut for destructable or breakable lights.
There was this thread:
This thread left me more confused then originally despite my efforts in the editor to replicate what was said.
If there is already a tut or thread that explains how to do this I would appreciate a post or pm.

SnoopJeDi@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:35 pm : crash23000 wrote:
I was unable to find a tut for destructable or breakable lights.
There was this thread: thread left me more confused then originally despite my efforts in the editor to replicate what was said.
If there is already a tut or thread that explains how to do this I would appreciate a post or pm.

As I see it, there are two ways to make a breakable light. The first is to do the overcomplicated method voldemort describes in the thread you linked to. You can also just add a health key to your light entity like so:
key: health value: 30
You can set the sound shader that the light will play when broken by setting snd_broken like so:
key: snd_broken value: mysndshd
Note that sound shaders have the ability to play an "intro" to a looping sound, and this is how id's broken light sounds work (the "intro" is the actual breaking, then you get the fizzing sounds)
For future reference, this is a
coding[/b[ section, and not a [b]level design section.
crash23000@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:28 am : Thanks for the post and help. Sorry for posting in the wrong section.

6th Venom@Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:13 am : I know there are tons of sites about that, but it should be cool to have a "all in one" site dedicated to D3 mod community.
So, could someone make a quick "tuto" about very basics of C++?
like "what sign mean what", stences, etc.
If you think it's a bad idea, no problem.

Lobirows@Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:37 am : I'm not sure i'm in the right place to ask this but... if i want to add more movements, like double jumping, and all those prince or persia like movements, do i have to use the sdk? or is it possible to do it by scripting?
thanks :]
comiceman@Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:10 am : what about a tutorial to create player-classes? would be cool if i could make several ans switch them (respawn) with an in-game gui

greetz ice