They done animations in maya, and static stuff in lightwave, they don't have to convert anything

Yeah you re right, I totally forgot this particular passage of the Menard interview on (

).. I can't really remember any place where this question is answered, so you probably save time sending a mail to Brian on I'm really sure he would answer those question to the community. Let me know, I'm really curious..
Ps: can you explain why .obj support is not enough? when you import it in maya, you can make what you want with it, or am I wrong?
Lightwave does a poor job when it comes to exporting OBJ format.
The only thing exported is geometry so UV maps and bones are disgarded.
Of course, this is only a concern if you aren't able to UV map or rig a model in Maya.
LW can export UVmaps within *.obj well.
Be sure you have in the color SurfacePanel the uv map explicit assigned.