vinnie_jones@Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:59 pm : or you could rename it to something like
"Nightmare Forever" if you get my drift ^^
Seriously, as someone stated, release it when YOU think its
ready, not cuss we all drool of anticipation and mumbles,
like zombies, "me wanna play, me wannaaaah plaaayyyy!" lol
BuddhaMaster@Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 3:28 pm : I like the idea of putting location-info entitys in the map. I'am not sure what they are, but i think thats thats the sector-name, in which you currently are.
And i would like to know the names of this places; lost corridor 3c, nowhere 1a ...
BuddhaMaster@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:51 pm : he fell into his own nightmare

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:28 am : Sorry all. I've been wondering what to do with this for a little while now. The fact is I no longer have the time required to finish the maps. I thought I did, but after months have passed I haven't been able to spend any significant time on Nightmare. Suppose you all guessed that already huh??? Rather than let all the work go to waste, I might take the best pieces of all the work I've done and create one map. It'll play pretty weird but thats Nightmare for you.
To say I'm disappointed really doesn't cut it. You start something and you want to finish it. But Enough is enough. In the end, the project was just too big. I can't say when the Uber Map will arrive. It's time to chew bubblegum...............
Final_Light@Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:01 am : All of us here at D3W appreciate all the hard time, long hours, dedication and effort you have put into this piece. It is a shame it couldn't be released finished. But thems the breaks, some things in life don't always turn out how you expect, but through this makes us a better person. Well cant wait for the release of whats done ! should be a thrilling play

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 1:14 pm : Thanks Final_Light. I know there's some people floating around out there who were following the project. To them, I really am sorry. I wanted this done as much as you did. I spent hours, days and sometimes weeks getting the detail looking and working the way I wanted. Perhaps in the end that was the wrong Idea. My advice to you all is start small and work your way up once you've got a functioning map. Plan it. Do not just start editing and see what happens. I'd watch a movie that had a cool cathedral or something in it and just have to include it. Not knowing where to put it I eventually got a collection of such works that took a creative working over to include in the map. Bad idea for a weekend mapper.
I had a chance around 6 months ago to get a job that I thought I'd never be able to get for reasons I wont go into. So naturally I took the chance. A very steep learning curve at work, along with my life just moving on has made me a very busy little bee.
No promises. But I'll see what I can do about whacking a map together for people to look at. Keep editing guys. You know you will...........
Tetzlaff@Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 10:38 am : I can understand the point with not starting too many map projects at once, this happens to myself as well

But whatever you will finish and release, you can be sure we will appreciate it, no matter the wait time. If not for some inspiration and crazyness! Good thing about SP games is that you can play them whenever you want.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:42 pm : Thanks Tetz! I guess you're right. There'll always be people looking for a crazy map to download. I was looking at a Build editor forum a few months back there were still people jamming away with Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior. Still people asking where to find new maps to play. So hopefully there'll be some benefit in a DoomIII map yet.
SilentSoD@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:00 am : I've always understood this was a "when it's done project" and have been following it for quite some time. Your mapping skills are quite good, and there's a wonderful look to this particular project.
I'm looking forward to it's release in whatever shape and time you decide!
Gunman@Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:43 pm : SilentSoD wrote:
I've always understood this was a "when it's done project" and have been following it for quite some time. Your mapping skills are quite good, and there's a wonderful look to this particular project.
I'm looking forward to it's release in whatever shape and time you decide!
Pretty much what SilentSoD just said.

sadron@Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:14 pm : I'm sure you'll find time eventually. Don't give up hope yet Iron Paww.
striderdm1@Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:58 am : sadron wrote:
I'm sure you'll find time eventually. Don't give up hope yet Iron Paww.
I second that! don't give up, we'll wait

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 12:00 pm : I've given this too long running project the tiltle 'Nightmare'.
Because of the way sandbox maps often turn out, with a whole swag of different ideas in the one map. They often play out like one of those wierd dreams you sometimes have. Like, you walk into a cave and there is this fully furnished bathroom down there complete with soda machine.... Wierd. I first did 'wierd dream' maps sandboxing for Duke Nukem 3D and the strangeness of them ended up being quite a point of interest.
Anyhow, you fall asleep after a hard days work at the office. God want's to punish you for that company you put out of business today....
Sweet dreams....

So as you can see I've progressed with the project. Still a very long way from completing all the environments and getting the map finished. Till then............
ZizZ^@Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 7:27 pm : Thats nice m8, i like the style of it.
Only i would change some of the textures, but thats me.
n1 =)
butmunch@Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:59 pm : I think the textures look great but that's just me,
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 2:09 am : Yeah, I know what you mean about the textures. At the moment I've chosen some that get the job done. And, the result isn't too bad. But whats there isn't really what I had in mind, however those textures are the only one's I could find for now that did the job. Also, the way I made the arches in the final shot doesn't allow for the bricks / texture to follow the curve of the arch around which I think would make that scene look better. And the spark Fountain! Gotta love it
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:00 am : 

More Scenery for people to look at. Finding that you can really do some cool stuff with the DOOM3 editor if you're wlling to muck around a little.
SeveredX@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:08 am : I like how you used bathroom tiles for the ceiling.

However, it looks very nice. Big departure from stock Doom 3.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:59 am : Ahhhh no! You found my secret!! Theyre Ancient blue glazed ceiling tiles........ Bathroom tiles Pfffttt...!
I've spent hours going through the textures that DooM3 has and youd be surprised what you CAN actually put thogether. At first glance you might think that two fairly different textures will look like ass together. But put them together in a certain way, or put them in a certain spot and WHEEEEY!! Look at that. What I'm really trying to do with this is depart from interconnected squares..... Have more fantasy/improbable environments and scenery. Hence.... I put Bathroom tiles on the roof.....

SirRoxen@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:41 pm : That looks great, it's refreshing to see something that looks a lot different than normal doom 3.
TelMarine@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 9:37 pm : hahah wow those are bathroom tiles? still looks good.
SnoopJeDi@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:52 pm : The first screenshot reminds me of the
water level from MegaRace....
Very nice work, wide open spaces...this map is surely the cure for any claustrophic.
idiom@Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:33 am : I would say that texture repetition is your main problem atm.
hellstorm27@Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:41 pm : A bit repetitious in terms of texture, but if this map is WIP there's plenty of time for adding detail.
As it stands, some very inspired concepts. I always wanted to see Doom 3 levels like this designed. The 2nd screenshot in particular looks easily up there with the stock Hell levels.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:09 pm : Whoah! Thanks for those comments guys. It's nice to see my hard work looked on favourably.
Yeah, I Know what you all mean about the texture repetition. I know this in a nasty problem in several of the areas I've made. At the moment I'm going through a list of environmental Ideas I've got to see how I can create them using the DooM3 engine. As a result a lot of the areas I've made are only about 80% done, needing more detailing work and a revisiting of the textures used. With some of the new things I've learned I'm going to throw some stuff out the window and rebuild some areas.
Map is getting kinda large now. I think I'm gonna build a grand Finale then finish the map..... which will take another millennium no doubt.......
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 11:50 am : 
Well, This image simply does not do justice the amount of experimentation that I've been doing. It just doesn't. Niether does it reflect the amount of time thats actually gone into making that room. It is still very much a WIP. It is intended to be hub area for the end of the level. You'll go off and do something and end up back here to find another door open and find more stuff to do.
To say that Some of the stuff I've tried doing here has caused VOLUMES of frustration is an understatement. It's like I know the engine can do it, IT just needs a little more of a play to bring the answer to light. I'd say the room is about half finished. Once again I'm not sure some of the textures will stay.
Learned a full crapload about what I can and can't do with this though. To say I was pleasantly surprised to find I
COULD actually do some things was a revelation was also an understatement.
This engine can do a lot more than I have yet seen in a game. PERIOD.
Grid_lock@Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:50 pm : That looks freaky. Reminds me of some painkiller levels.
the engine is indeed one hell of a powerfull toy. I've seen very impressive wip on this forum so far and i cant wait to see more!!!
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:52 am : Agreed! Some of the stuff people are showing in this forum kinda makes me scared to post my stuff here. I guess I'm hoping that people won't be too harsh if they find my stuff crap.
Funny you should mention Painkiller... I only played demos of the game. But whoever designed some of those levels I think must have been on trippy creation drugs. Anyhow.. a great game for inspiration.
I just hope that this new area will run at more that 10 FPS with all the stuff I'm putting in there. DooMIII.... help me out!!!
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 2:41 pm : 
The world of your worst nightmare slowly grows larger, in really quite a gothic manner. You see here, an experiment. For 50 days and 50 nights I was cast adrift in creative mayhem. What better way to enter a world of an intense dreamlike state and enter the halls of a gothic nightmare. Yes! One and all are DOOMED! Just as soon as the monsters make an appearance......
So I've not fallen asleep or given up. This project WILL be completed. Even if it kills me. This area, like most others of late has been built, torn down in disgust, and rebuilt with many things learned several times. At last I think this will do. It has the feel I was shooting for. Now for the hellspawn!!! HHWWAAAAAAAAA HAAAA HAAAA HAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa......
SirVentolin@Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 3:33 pm : *gladly hands over the "your maps are better than mine" award* jesus...that's great stuff you're doing...and there's such an abundance of light...what Cray are you running it on to maintain a fps above 10?
SnoopJeDi@Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 6:42 pm : SirVentolin wrote:
*gladly hands over the "your maps are better than mine" award* jesus...that's great stuff you're doing...and there's such an abundance of light...what Cray are you running it on to maintain a fps above 10?
Maybe he's on a Gibson

breakerfall@Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 6:55 pm : Just repeating the praise.

Awesome looking stuff so far.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 12:00 pm : I've given this too long running project the tiltle 'Nightmare'.
Because of the way sandbox maps often turn out, with a whole swag of different ideas in the one map. They often play out like one of those wierd dreams you sometimes have. Like, you walk into a cave and there is this fully furnished bathroom down there complete with soda machine.... Wierd. I first did 'wierd dream' maps sandboxing for Duke Nukem 3D and the strangeness of them ended up being quite a point of interest.
Anyhow, you fall asleep after a hard days work at the office. God want's to punish you for that company you put out of business today....
Sweet dreams....

So as you can see I've progressed with the project. Still a very long way from completing all the environments and getting the map finished. Till then............
ZizZ^@Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 7:27 pm : Thats nice m8, i like the style of it.
Only i would change some of the textures, but thats me.
n1 =)
butmunch@Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:59 pm : I think the textures look great but that's just me,
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 2:09 am : Yeah, I know what you mean about the textures. At the moment I've chosen some that get the job done. And, the result isn't too bad. But whats there isn't really what I had in mind, however those textures are the only one's I could find for now that did the job. Also, the way I made the arches in the final shot doesn't allow for the bricks / texture to follow the curve of the arch around which I think would make that scene look better. And the spark Fountain! Gotta love it
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:00 am : 

More Scenery for people to look at. Finding that you can really do some cool stuff with the DOOM3 editor if you're wlling to muck around a little.
SeveredX@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:08 am : I like how you used bathroom tiles for the ceiling.

However, it looks very nice. Big departure from stock Doom 3.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:59 am : Ahhhh no! You found my secret!! Theyre Ancient blue glazed ceiling tiles........ Bathroom tiles Pfffttt...!
I've spent hours going through the textures that DooM3 has and youd be surprised what you CAN actually put thogether. At first glance you might think that two fairly different textures will look like ass together. But put them together in a certain way, or put them in a certain spot and WHEEEEY!! Look at that. What I'm really trying to do with this is depart from interconnected squares..... Have more fantasy/improbable environments and scenery. Hence.... I put Bathroom tiles on the roof.....

SirRoxen@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:41 pm : That looks great, it's refreshing to see something that looks a lot different than normal doom 3.
TelMarine@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 9:37 pm : hahah wow those are bathroom tiles? still looks good.
SnoopJeDi@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:52 pm : The first screenshot reminds me of the
water level from MegaRace....
Very nice work, wide open spaces...this map is surely the cure for any claustrophic.
idiom@Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:33 am : I would say that texture repetition is your main problem atm.
hellstorm27@Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:41 pm : A bit repetitious in terms of texture, but if this map is WIP there's plenty of time for adding detail.
As it stands, some very inspired concepts. I always wanted to see Doom 3 levels like this designed. The 2nd screenshot in particular looks easily up there with the stock Hell levels.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:09 pm : Whoah! Thanks for those comments guys. It's nice to see my hard work looked on favourably.
Yeah, I Know what you all mean about the texture repetition. I know this in a nasty problem in several of the areas I've made. At the moment I'm going through a list of environmental Ideas I've got to see how I can create them using the DooM3 engine. As a result a lot of the areas I've made are only about 80% done, needing more detailing work and a revisiting of the textures used. With some of the new things I've learned I'm going to throw some stuff out the window and rebuild some areas.
Map is getting kinda large now. I think I'm gonna build a grand Finale then finish the map..... which will take another millennium no doubt.......
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 11:50 am : 
Well, This image simply does not do justice the amount of experimentation that I've been doing. It just doesn't. Niether does it reflect the amount of time thats actually gone into making that room. It is still very much a WIP. It is intended to be hub area for the end of the level. You'll go off and do something and end up back here to find another door open and find more stuff to do.
To say that Some of the stuff I've tried doing here has caused VOLUMES of frustration is an understatement. It's like I know the engine can do it, IT just needs a little more of a play to bring the answer to light. I'd say the room is about half finished. Once again I'm not sure some of the textures will stay.
Learned a full crapload about what I can and can't do with this though. To say I was pleasantly surprised to find I
COULD actually do some things was a revelation was also an understatement.
This engine can do a lot more than I have yet seen in a game. PERIOD.
Grid_lock@Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:50 pm : That looks freaky. Reminds me of some painkiller levels.
the engine is indeed one hell of a powerfull toy. I've seen very impressive wip on this forum so far and i cant wait to see more!!!
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:52 am : Agreed! Some of the stuff people are showing in this forum kinda makes me scared to post my stuff here. I guess I'm hoping that people won't be too harsh if they find my stuff crap.
Funny you should mention Painkiller... I only played demos of the game. But whoever designed some of those levels I think must have been on trippy creation drugs. Anyhow.. a great game for inspiration.
I just hope that this new area will run at more that 10 FPS with all the stuff I'm putting in there. DooMIII.... help me out!!!
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 2:41 pm : 
The world of your worst nightmare slowly grows larger, in really quite a gothic manner. You see here, an experiment. For 50 days and 50 nights I was cast adrift in creative mayhem. What better way to enter a world of an intense dreamlike state and enter the halls of a gothic nightmare. Yes! One and all are DOOMED! Just as soon as the monsters make an appearance......
So I've not fallen asleep or given up. This project WILL be completed. Even if it kills me. This area, like most others of late has been built, torn down in disgust, and rebuilt with many things learned several times. At last I think this will do. It has the feel I was shooting for. Now for the hellspawn!!! HHWWAAAAAAAAA HAAAA HAAAA HAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa......
SirVentolin@Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 3:33 pm : *gladly hands over the "your maps are better than mine" award* jesus...that's great stuff you're doing...and there's such an abundance of light...what Cray are you running it on to maintain a fps above 10?
SnoopJeDi@Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 6:42 pm : SirVentolin wrote:
*gladly hands over the "your maps are better than mine" award* jesus...that's great stuff you're doing...and there's such an abundance of light...what Cray are you running it on to maintain a fps above 10?
Maybe he's on a Gibson

breakerfall@Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 6:55 pm : Just repeating the praise.

Awesome looking stuff so far.
elusive@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:33 am : Awesome work!
I really like the way you create that type of style!
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:44 am : All I can add is - great work, dude. Please see this through to the bitter end - you've done so much good work, be a great shame to see it all come to nothing... I think we can all appreciate the sheer slog this has been for you, just from your screenies. But excellent design and I look forward to seeing the end result!

Shikamaru@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:34 pm : Really really impressive work man , you've come so far and ive watched this forum for ages..... it has been a long way since the start and you've made so many fantastic and detailed areas .... i cant wait for the release.
Keep up the fantastic work and i hope to be spreading the joy with my double barrel in your map soon.
- All the best

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:59 pm : WHEN I finish the map. Heh heh, thanks for the faith guys. Yeah I've learned a heap about the editor. I know what you can get away with and what you can't. Or ..... Mostly. I love the thought of looking through some Gothic / Medieval type envronments, yet with a sort of alien feel. The ever changing environments mean you shouldn't expect more of the same through the next door. If it turns out right, I'm thinking most people should like it for that resason, if nothing else.
It'll be kinda funny, because the beginning of the map is a whole lot simpler in design. It'll be like witnessing a tech upgrade in process. I might have to redo some of that earlier stuff. hrrrmmmmmm.... When Doom 6 comes out, give me a call.......
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:03 am : Update Time.
Some major portions of the map have now come together. Along with them came some major errors and compile crashes to sort out. It remains to be seen if the map will need splitting, I'm hoping not. Big thanks to all those who helped me out on the editing forum. Your ideas seemed to work guys. Cheers.
Hello to those websites following the map. You know who you are, someone showed me a site in German. Couldn't read the blurb the writer put with the images so I'm hoping the readers of that site are being nice. Maybe I should watermark the screens.
Time to dispel some inaccuracies about the map. Though most regulars will already know this.
(1) Not a complete conversion. Simply my own map for DoomIII using all stock DooMIII and ROE assets.
(2) You will need ROE to play the map.
(3) The creator of the map is just me. There is no "team" behind the project. (Well..... this forum and contributors has helped a shizenload).
(4) Just 1 map so far. Albeit getting quite large now.
First shot is a series of vaults in the catacombs. Very nasty and full of surprises. Fun to build too.

The Gothic Halls. Painful to build. This area needed every optimising trick in the book. It is an example of "Fan Vaulting" which a google search on Gothic architecture will bring up. Lots of detail, all needing the collision models removed to keep things humming smoothly. I'm still not happy with the roof but that's how it looks at the moment. For a while it can stay that way, I'm over it. I've spent too long working in this area.

This is a lift that rises up out of the floor. Very painful to get the dynamics of the whole system working correctly. Took me Frikking ages. But the idea is you get in and descend back into the floor and through some open areas with clouds swirling past and that kind of thing. In the end it worked out quite well.

The light is coming, but the tunnel is long.
BJA@Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:24 am : Geometry looks good (it's nice that you've got your own style), but I don't like the texturing of those Gothic Halls at all. It's mostly because that blue/yellow ceiling. Screenshot no. 1 looks much better to me in terms of texturing.
BNA!@Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:30 am : Actually the ceiling textures look like a bit of placeholders.
I'd tend to agree and say stick to the nice work of screenshot 1 in terms of consistency.
MelvinB@Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 3:34 pm : The lava behind those upper windows looks also out of place imo. You could add some glas in front of it to get the impression that the glass is holding the lava outside.
Or has it to be a sky or something?
unity@Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:39 pm : IRON-PAWW wrote:
Update Time.
Hello to those websites following the map. You know who you are, someone showed me a site in German. Couldn't read the blurb the writer put with the images so I'm hoping the readers of that site are being nice. Maybe I should watermark the screens. ...
Hi IRON-PAWW, there at is no negative aspect about your work - trust me. We're the last big German doom3 site with absolutely no commercial background. All we do is to follow the scene about the Doom3 engine and give Germans without links or English understanding a possibility to follow some news… Keep up the good work and finish your project! cheers.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:11 pm : Unity. Hey thats good to hear. I took another look at your site and am very impressed with some of the work being showcased at the moment. Soo different some of the stuff people are doing. Power to you and your readers in Germany.
The Gothic Halls are a conundrum for me just now. Really, to make the area look correct I need to add a little more detail in there. The first order of the day will be to fix the roof. The fans can look much better than that and I guess everybody thinks so too. I've hit upon a combination that looks better so I'll update things and see if I wanna be sick or not. If not then I guess I can live with it.
I suppose I can't really choose a theme and stick with it too much, as the whole idea of the map is to change and morph in reasonably rapid fashion. That gives me a licence to move off the wall, but yeah... I can't make people vomit in the process.
printz@Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 6:30 pm : The maps look tempting, sometimes they remind me of Quake's E4M4 (Palace of Hate)
(Maybe I'm timelined, I wasn't careful with the number of post pages so this could have already been asked): How are you going to place the monsters?
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:02 pm : Tempting you say! Mayhaps I should put a cheesecake on an altar in one of the rooms. Eons since I played Quake 1 so I might need to do some re-installing to concur. I guess though quake 1 did have a heavy medieval influence in it's design. I've been trying to build a little of that into the level.
I'm not a huge fan of the whole teleporting thing for the monsters appearing. I've done it a few times but I prefer other methods. Like in the Limbo area I have the monsters literally falling from the sky. I've put some "trapdoors" up in the sky which open as you approach dropping the monsters out. Got some good screams out of that so far. Because everything has the sky texture on it you can't see the doors opening or even tell there is anything up in the sky. I've also made this crafty system where the monsters rise out of the floor, or get flung out for that extra jump factor. For another one there's this fire pit and..... but I'm giving away all the good stuff.
Got nothing shot worthy ATM sorry. Been workin though.
printz@Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 5:13 pm : I guess the imps and vulgars oughta be teached to leap higher, even above the player, too make good use of their larger rooms. Also, crouching imps are kinda cool to have around.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:57 am : Now, my head hurts. A bazillion compiler errors and game crashes later I've been able to get a good compile of the new setion of the map. Basically, the map is just too big to have all as one map. I simply get "Out of Memory" errors when trying to compile it all as one. A lot is now optimised with monster clips blocking off large areas that aren't actually "in play" areas and with any sort of immovable detail set as func statics, and collision models removed if I can wing it. The map won't split into 2. It just isn't designed that way. However, it will split into 3 quite nicely so that's what is going to happen. This will allow me to have Nghtmare 1 finished sooner and allow some discarded parts of the whole shebang back into the fray. Nightmare 1 though is older work and some of it will need a little rejigging.
So here we have yet another area with a completely different style and feel. No bricks, no grand architecture. But a shiny environement that you might find on an alien planet or deep under the ocean. Your nightmare has found it too....
Welcome to the Hab, short of course for habiat. Right at the beginning of the level you're in this shiny space station type habitat area that is strangely silent but for some out of it zombies. You recognise the tech. You should. You put the damn company out of business a year ago. Why are you dreaming about this though..........?

More Hab. The interconnecting hallways are hell, Damn it but... You're lost. Just gotta take your pistol and hope to hell nothing in here is nasty.

A dimly lit, close quarters hallway. The place has you on edge, it isn't natural. The damned have moved in and your'e there to join them. You're not damned! Why are you even here? Why! Perhaps ...... perhaps that door will reveal something.

What kind of place is this?? Who are these FREAKS living here? Why is this hallway so long?? Perfect place for an ambush, you know it. Jeez..... you feel sick....

vinnie_jones@Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:21 am : holy crap i wanna play this !!

printz@Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:24 pm : The arch doors look like they need a texture.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 1:33 pm : While the arch doors do look slightly odd with that red and white striping, it's a theme that runs through the entire section. They're meant to be in your face and scream "Don't bump into me" when the dull witted inhabitants were walking around in there. Kind of like safety doors. Also looking odd because there is no trim following the arch around. I did that because I wanted a kind of spartan / clean feel to the area. I only wanted a certain amount of detail in there and no more. No palace, but functional. Also because the area is done up with predominantly blue lighting and texturing. I put a dash of red in there just to kill my colour theory compliance......
CrUsH@Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:26 pm : Iron-Paww
I really like what you are doing here. It reminds me of a map thats taking me ages to complete. But like you know, quality and originality takes time and cannot be rushed. Keep it up man, I will await patiently untill the map is completed. No rush

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:47 pm : Yeah, the map is taking ages to complete. No question. As soon as I go and rush a section, I go and delete it the very next day. With me, it's all too obvious that an area has been thrown together with glue and staple guns. Then I hope that no one will notice. If you've got nothing to work off, except your own mysterious mind then yeah things take a while to form up. This first section of the map, now Nightmare 1, needs the most work to finish. Nightmare 2 and 3 won't need anywhere near this much final prepping. Glad people have the patience to wait. Not too long now..
ZizZ^@Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:29 pm : You still have that great style going on, keep it up!

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:23 am : Nightmare 1 is coming along well. The Hab area is going to be a major part of the map and a significant part of Nightmare 1. Fairly simple as it's right near the beginning of the map. Most likely you'll go in with your pistol and pick up the shotgun inside. You might get the grabber also, but I never really liked it truth to tell.
A hallway junction with an odd sculpture in it that slowly spins around. The sculpture won't win a prize but seems to fit in with the ultra modern stuff people put in offices these days.

A room with a viewing window inspired by a pair of sunglasses. Empty at the moment but I'm thinking along the lines of a computer console running up the middle of the room.

The Bar. In Australia you can't have any living quarters without having a bar included. You'd be hit by an angry mob. Right now it's also empty but there's tables, stools, chairs, some hanging lights and the requisite bottles and food being scattered around. I feel like a damn interior decorator.

Just in case you felt like a stoll outside, you might consider a beer instead.

Tetzlaff@Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:08 am : I like your futuristic setting much better, because it doesn´t look like Byzantine architecture gone wrong

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:31 am : Thanks Tetz. Glad someone's going to order a pint in that bar.
But hey, leave off my gaudy, off colour, scruffy looking Byzantine architecture! Takes a lot of nasty dreams, badly mixed cocktails, and extreme doses of Australian sun to create that!

But now....... what if I mixed the two....?
bkt@Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:01 pm : Hey iron-paww, isn't it about time you added some gameplay to this puppy and finally released it? We're all waiting on you here!
BJA@Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:13 pm : Or simply change the name from "nightmare" to "the neverending story"

Tetzlaff@Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:50 pm : IRON-PAWW wrote:
But hey, leave off my gaudy, off colour, scruffy looking Byzantine architecture! Takes a lot of nasty dreams, badly mixed cocktails, and extreme doses of Australian sun to create that!

If you emphasize that dreams, cocktails and Australian sun feeling it could make for an unique surreal experience

But now....... what if I mixed the two....?
IMO the futurist setting would work better as a stand alone level, it seems to have a more coherent feel that could be blurred in connection with the "Byzantine" level.
Bubba-E@Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:18 am : The only, tiny little bit that bugs me is the floor. There is plenty of texture variation, but I like to see a little level variation too. Having the walls and ceiling full of great looking architecture, and then having the floor just flat and drab is a bit of a waste if you ask me... Unless you have something else planned of course.

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 1:22 pm : The Neverending Story. I like it!
You guys are right. It is time the level was filled out with some gameplay and put on the web. I've now got a shizenload of map / gameworld space. If things go the way I plan there'll be 3 maps. I still need to finish the hab and redo a tacky looking canyon with a bridge across it. Some other stuff is a bit dodge as well but heck, I could spend an eternity tweaking it. I'm not going to live that long so yeah, I need to do something with all this stuff. The trouble is that the first map will be a lot of my initial work and could be better. But thats how it is so I gotta live with it and take the flak. It has been long time coming, Jeez do I know it. These maps will be finished, even If I need to be raised from the dead to do it.
Yup Bubba-E I know where you're coming from. Those rooms are yet to be filled out some more, with the currently empty floorspace getting some more attention. Just how much more I put in there will depend on how mad I go before I decide to call the map "done".
Junkyard God@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 12:51 pm : Iron-paww, The map is ready when YOU feel it is, never go by other people asking for a release for such an insane project.
Since you'll always feel the need to change it afterwards, release it when you think it's ready, not when othere's are getting impatient because it looks so god damned fun to wonder around in

As for the map itself, looking over the entire post i've seen bizarre archtiecture, nice moddy lighting, you map has a kick ass atmosphere from what i can tell so far.
Good job and i hope you get it done with nice gameplay. i'll need to try this when it comes out

sparhawk@Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 2:15 pm : I must say, I like dthe earlier shots much more then these newer ones. Don't know if this project is dead or not, as the pace has siginificantly slowed down (which is probably to be expected).
What I loved about the earlier shots is that they have an almost surrealistic atmosphere, while these new screenshots look much more doomish to me. Net yet regular Doom 3 but going into that direction.
BuddhaMaster@Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:15 pm : dont let this project die
i saw the last screenshots and holy shit thats just the best shit 'ive ever seen

thats not only your nightmare, it is also mine ...and as it is ...i like scary things, i like to visit hell ...
just let your time, because this looks time-less. Just keep up the power to finish it somehow anyday.
At all: It looks like a endless nightmare... i bet you could work on it forever. But if someday it will be playable it will be amazing
I dont know if stuff like zombie-enemys and all that "jazz" would even destroy the fell of it, because the architecture is a thing of its own. And what is more scary as everything - lonelyness !!
Try to give it a unusual very special gameplay to it. I would support you in any way if possible. Probably it needs some completly new kinds of enemys ..or whatever.. something extraordinary unusual ..
lol ....Paww, do you know the movie, i think it is called "The haunted" or "The haunting" or something like that. Where some peoples with sleep-problems live in a huge castle with also very, very detailed extraordinary architecture and the castle begins to live because it is cursed in some way. The halls and everything begins to live and thats fuck of scary... i would love to see that in your map would be waaaay more nightmarish if something really weird happens instead of zombies and stuff

...blabla just my stuff... cant explain
try to put in the feel of "loneyness"
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:57 pm : Hi again BuddhaMaster. Thanks for the comments. I do read this forum on a regular basis and take in what people suggest. So thanks for taking the time to comment.
Life is a complicated thing. Many know this. At the moment many things conspire to keep my map building time to a minimum. Sorry to those who've waited, got their hopes up, then waited again. My full intentions are to at least upload
something in the end that people can play. My hopes are still for 3 maps seeing as there is enough gamespace for 3 adventures.
Without a doubt, when I upload Nightmare 1, people will have moved on from DooM III as they no doubt have already. But maybe there will be a few of us left who still find pleasure playing through user made maps. Some great stuff on this forum made by others. I guess we all keep the DooM III flag flying for the time being.
I have to say that the interest the project has generated seems unprecedented. When I look at what other people are doing I'm blown away with what they've created. So much custom content and imagination results in work that I never thought possible with DooMIII. How little I know. Still I suppose we all have our own niche in the world of map building and different niches appeal to certain people. But not to everyone.
So I keep saying it. My intentions
are to finish the project. I've been called out on the point before and no doubt will be again. The project has blown well beyond even my own pessimistic time projections. At this point I can only say that things progress. I'm going through some upheval at the moment as I've completely changed working careers and now face a steep learning curve to keep food on the table. Nightmare must stew while I come to grips with things.
How the levels will eveltually play I can't be certain. Initial game tests with a small group of players yielded some unexpected results in parts of the map. Stuff I was going to throw away ended up being popular.. No accounting for some peoples tastes...

. DooMIII monsters in amongst all that stuff from my twisted mind. Hopefully it'll be a nightmare for the right reasons.
Thanks for wating ..........
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 3:01 pm : IRON-PAWW wrote:
Without a doubt, when I upload Nightmare 1, people will have moved on from DooM III as they no doubt have already. But maybe there will be a few of us left who still find pleasure playing through user made maps. Some great stuff on this forum made by others. I guess we all keep the DooM III flag flying for the time being.
well, people still download & play Doom 1/2, Quake 1, 2 & 3 maps so don't doubt people won't play a good Doom 3 map when it's out.

BuddhaMaster@Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:55 am : [quote="IRON-PAWW"][/quote]
No, i'am not giving up waiting. For me, Project like yours is something that can take forever
If it just dont ends up because the creator itself gave up all hope and interests his own (because he felt nobody cares anymore anyway) I'am just happy if you relay on your dreams
Because i'am also one of that people that still play doom 1/2 duke nukem 3d and all that stuff. Also i even need to play myst again all some years again (At least i've played it like 3 times again like this: first time was super-hard and i could not even understand english or had sound

but years later i came back and finished that thing to the end. Btw the experience with the two alternate finishes is then just a experience you never forget. Oh, do i'am getting off-topic ?)
Yes know, live's a hard thing. Nice to have virtual worls to flee away from it sometimes. Also at the begin when you worked on this map, i was reading stuff like your going to madness and lose sanity working nonstop, missing sleep - thats maybe the thing you are missing now and i know how it is, sometime its needed to totally loose yourself and getting deep into something, and your screenshots look like this. Love the beauty and how you bring out the ideas.
Pillars might be one of the really cool mods i've seen.
Quake 2 lost marine i just played yesterday, was also very cool !! But lots of peoples working on projects like this.
Even i have once made a mod for Doom3

But completly different. Some customziations to get back to Doom1 - "arcadish" gameplay: Changed Weapons, skins, effects, sounds, attacks. If anyone want see a few screenshots...
The mod is only 5Mb !
Visit my website for info & download...
Marineofuac@Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:40 am : I get like that sometimes, your on a role when coding the sdk... remembering this and that what do define what to use...
You end up missing sleep, getting too cought up in it!!!
Modding is an addiction

but really all you gatta do is say these words.
"Alt - f - s, alt - f - x"
"now i press power off on pc."
if ya know what i mean LOL!!!
BuddhaMaster@Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:21 pm : sure i know what you mean, my finger is now finding the way to the off button... after hours again

senseless stuff doing, wasting time, having no girlfriends..
BNA!@Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:59 pm : Marineofuac wrote:
You end up missing sleep, getting too cought up in it!!!
Modding is an addiction

You got "
the flow" 
Gunman@Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:30 am :
IRON-PAWW wrote:
It would be cool if you could also add some info_location entities in your map(s).
Just a suggestion-- 
Anyway, your map(s) looks frikking awesome! Keep up the good work!
sirjj@Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:03 pm : I've got to say after reading through, this looks like one of the best doom3 maps I've ever seen.
Don't stop the good work.
btw if you do still publish the map i bet lots of good mappers would want to continue the map.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:27 pm : The best map you've ever seen!!! Arrrgghhhh!! Don't say stuff like that. Geez now I feel all guilty and stuff..... Glad you like it. Progress......... you all know it.
vinnie_jones@Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:59 pm : or you could rename it to something like
"Nightmare Forever" if you get my drift ^^
Seriously, as someone stated, release it when YOU think its
ready, not cuss we all drool of anticipation and mumbles,
like zombies, "me wanna play, me wannaaaah plaaayyyy!" lol
BuddhaMaster@Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 3:28 pm : I like the idea of putting location-info entitys in the map. I'am not sure what they are, but i think thats thats the sector-name, in which you currently are.
And i would like to know the names of this places; lost corridor 3c, nowhere 1a ...
BuddhaMaster@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:51 pm : he fell into his own nightmare

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:28 am : Sorry all. I've been wondering what to do with this for a little while now. The fact is I no longer have the time required to finish the maps. I thought I did, but after months have passed I haven't been able to spend any significant time on Nightmare. Suppose you all guessed that already huh??? Rather than let all the work go to waste, I might take the best pieces of all the work I've done and create one map. It'll play pretty weird but thats Nightmare for you.
To say I'm disappointed really doesn't cut it. You start something and you want to finish it. But Enough is enough. In the end, the project was just too big. I can't say when the Uber Map will arrive. It's time to chew bubblegum...............
Final_Light@Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:01 am : All of us here at D3W appreciate all the hard time, long hours, dedication and effort you have put into this piece. It is a shame it couldn't be released finished. But thems the breaks, some things in life don't always turn out how you expect, but through this makes us a better person. Well cant wait for the release of whats done ! should be a thrilling play

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 1:14 pm : Thanks Final_Light. I know there's some people floating around out there who were following the project. To them, I really am sorry. I wanted this done as much as you did. I spent hours, days and sometimes weeks getting the detail looking and working the way I wanted. Perhaps in the end that was the wrong Idea. My advice to you all is start small and work your way up once you've got a functioning map. Plan it. Do not just start editing and see what happens. I'd watch a movie that had a cool cathedral or something in it and just have to include it. Not knowing where to put it I eventually got a collection of such works that took a creative working over to include in the map. Bad idea for a weekend mapper.
I had a chance around 6 months ago to get a job that I thought I'd never be able to get for reasons I wont go into. So naturally I took the chance. A very steep learning curve at work, along with my life just moving on has made me a very busy little bee.
No promises. But I'll see what I can do about whacking a map together for people to look at. Keep editing guys. You know you will...........
Tetzlaff@Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 10:38 am : I can understand the point with not starting too many map projects at once, this happens to myself as well

But whatever you will finish and release, you can be sure we will appreciate it, no matter the wait time. If not for some inspiration and crazyness! Good thing about SP games is that you can play them whenever you want.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:42 pm : Thanks Tetz! I guess you're right. There'll always be people looking for a crazy map to download. I was looking at a Build editor forum a few months back there were still people jamming away with Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior. Still people asking where to find new maps to play. So hopefully there'll be some benefit in a DoomIII map yet.
SilentSoD@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:00 am : I've always understood this was a "when it's done project" and have been following it for quite some time. Your mapping skills are quite good, and there's a wonderful look to this particular project.
I'm looking forward to it's release in whatever shape and time you decide!
Gunman@Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:43 pm : SilentSoD wrote:
I've always understood this was a "when it's done project" and have been following it for quite some time. Your mapping skills are quite good, and there's a wonderful look to this particular project.
I'm looking forward to it's release in whatever shape and time you decide!
Pretty much what SilentSoD just said.

sadron@Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:14 pm : I'm sure you'll find time eventually. Don't give up hope yet Iron Paww.
striderdm1@Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:58 am : sadron wrote:
I'm sure you'll find time eventually. Don't give up hope yet Iron Paww.
I second that! don't give up, we'll wait

dsm@Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:45 pm : I recommend you put this on hold and wait and see what happens. Making a good project takes a looong time and a lot of hard work, and it inevatibly happens that you run into a block of some sort. Get your life sorted out for now, perhaps during a vacation or something, the urge to go back and work on this project (or another project) comes up and you'll sit down and work on it and discover that you have a slew of new, wonderful ideas you can realistically implement, or simply, that you've found another way to work on it that's more efficient. Sometimes, removing your mind from a problem happens to be the very thing that's needed to figure out a solution.
Do not just drop the project and delete all assets for it, because you might live to regret that. Just put it on indefinite hold. One day, you might release it when we least expect it and it will be released as a masterpiece

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:13 am : Well, thanks guys.
DSM I read your comments and I think the "on hold" idea was what I really needed. I think I was beginning to treat it like a chore that needed doing and that was having an effect. When I think back over all the work I did I can pretty much pinpoint the time I began to flag. I'm very busy with other stuff right now but I do want to revisit this project. For the life of me, I can't seem to string together enough free time to put in a decent editing session at the moment. I hate to leave things unfinished. Like I said earlier, the best thing to do with all this stuff will be to trash what's mediocre and keep whats good. Make one decent / semi decent map and leave it there. Maybe a scrapbook type map for the leftovers. I see there's a lot of good maps around. You guys won't starve........ right?
bkt@Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:11 pm : Why don't you just cap the level where it's at now, remove the fat, add gameplay and at least release it in some finished form. You seem to be so close to having a a full level that it'd be so silly to throw it all away now.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:23 pm : OK well. It's time to look at what the heck to do with this. Already I'm forgetting how to do stuff with the editor so it's crunch time. I'm going to produce one map. It's going to be weird. It won't really flow together. It'll be full of very different styles. Doubtless it'll break most of the rules in the book. But I'll try and make it as fun as possible. I had a story mapped out but that's now binned. To fit with the minimal time I can spend on this project I'm probably going to push on with a few of the styles and bin others. In the end it'll just be a shooter level to play over a beer and munchies. Stay tuned.
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:39 am : Nice to hear that all your work won't be in vain!
It'll be for sure one of the strangest and funniest maps for D3

bkt@Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:22 pm : IRON-PAWW wrote:
Doubtless it'll break most of the rules in the book. But I'll try and make it as fun as possible.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 9:49 am : Ignore these posts from victor 2008, it's a spambot.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 12:00 pm : I've given this too long running project the tiltle 'Nightmare'.
Because of the way sandbox maps often turn out, with a whole swag of different ideas in the one map. They often play out like one of those wierd dreams you sometimes have. Like, you walk into a cave and there is this fully furnished bathroom down there complete with soda machine.... Wierd. I first did 'wierd dream' maps sandboxing for Duke Nukem 3D and the strangeness of them ended up being quite a point of interest.
Anyhow, you fall asleep after a hard days work at the office. God want's to punish you for that company you put out of business today....
Sweet dreams....

So as you can see I've progressed with the project. Still a very long way from completing all the environments and getting the map finished. Till then............
ZizZ^@Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 7:27 pm : Thats nice m8, i like the style of it.
Only i would change some of the textures, but thats me.
n1 =)
butmunch@Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:59 pm : I think the textures look great but that's just me,
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 2:09 am : Yeah, I know what you mean about the textures. At the moment I've chosen some that get the job done. And, the result isn't too bad. But whats there isn't really what I had in mind, however those textures are the only one's I could find for now that did the job. Also, the way I made the arches in the final shot doesn't allow for the bricks / texture to follow the curve of the arch around which I think would make that scene look better. And the spark Fountain! Gotta love it
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:00 am : 

More Scenery for people to look at. Finding that you can really do some cool stuff with the DOOM3 editor if you're wlling to muck around a little.
SeveredX@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:08 am : I like how you used bathroom tiles for the ceiling.

However, it looks very nice. Big departure from stock Doom 3.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:59 am : Ahhhh no! You found my secret!! Theyre Ancient blue glazed ceiling tiles........ Bathroom tiles Pfffttt...!
I've spent hours going through the textures that DooM3 has and youd be surprised what you CAN actually put thogether. At first glance you might think that two fairly different textures will look like ass together. But put them together in a certain way, or put them in a certain spot and WHEEEEY!! Look at that. What I'm really trying to do with this is depart from interconnected squares..... Have more fantasy/improbable environments and scenery. Hence.... I put Bathroom tiles on the roof.....

SirRoxen@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:41 pm : That looks great, it's refreshing to see something that looks a lot different than normal doom 3.
TelMarine@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 9:37 pm : hahah wow those are bathroom tiles? still looks good.
SnoopJeDi@Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:52 pm : The first screenshot reminds me of the
water level from MegaRace....
Very nice work, wide open spaces...this map is surely the cure for any claustrophic.
idiom@Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:33 am : I would say that texture repetition is your main problem atm.
hellstorm27@Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:41 pm : A bit repetitious in terms of texture, but if this map is WIP there's plenty of time for adding detail.
As it stands, some very inspired concepts. I always wanted to see Doom 3 levels like this designed. The 2nd screenshot in particular looks easily up there with the stock Hell levels.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:09 pm : Whoah! Thanks for those comments guys. It's nice to see my hard work looked on favourably.
Yeah, I Know what you all mean about the texture repetition. I know this in a nasty problem in several of the areas I've made. At the moment I'm going through a list of environmental Ideas I've got to see how I can create them using the DooM3 engine. As a result a lot of the areas I've made are only about 80% done, needing more detailing work and a revisiting of the textures used. With some of the new things I've learned I'm going to throw some stuff out the window and rebuild some areas.
Map is getting kinda large now. I think I'm gonna build a grand Finale then finish the map..... which will take another millennium no doubt.......
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 11:50 am : 
Well, This image simply does not do justice the amount of experimentation that I've been doing. It just doesn't. Niether does it reflect the amount of time thats actually gone into making that room. It is still very much a WIP. It is intended to be hub area for the end of the level. You'll go off and do something and end up back here to find another door open and find more stuff to do.
To say that Some of the stuff I've tried doing here has caused VOLUMES of frustration is an understatement. It's like I know the engine can do it, IT just needs a little more of a play to bring the answer to light. I'd say the room is about half finished. Once again I'm not sure some of the textures will stay.
Learned a full crapload about what I can and can't do with this though. To say I was pleasantly surprised to find I
COULD actually do some things was a revelation was also an understatement.
This engine can do a lot more than I have yet seen in a game. PERIOD.
Grid_lock@Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:50 pm : That looks freaky. Reminds me of some painkiller levels.
the engine is indeed one hell of a powerfull toy. I've seen very impressive wip on this forum so far and i cant wait to see more!!!
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:52 am : Agreed! Some of the stuff people are showing in this forum kinda makes me scared to post my stuff here. I guess I'm hoping that people won't be too harsh if they find my stuff crap.
Funny you should mention Painkiller... I only played demos of the game. But whoever designed some of those levels I think must have been on trippy creation drugs. Anyhow.. a great game for inspiration.
I just hope that this new area will run at more that 10 FPS with all the stuff I'm putting in there. DooMIII.... help me out!!!
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 2:41 pm : 
The world of your worst nightmare slowly grows larger, in really quite a gothic manner. You see here, an experiment. For 50 days and 50 nights I was cast adrift in creative mayhem. What better way to enter a world of an intense dreamlike state and enter the halls of a gothic nightmare. Yes! One and all are DOOMED! Just as soon as the monsters make an appearance......
So I've not fallen asleep or given up. This project WILL be completed. Even if it kills me. This area, like most others of late has been built, torn down in disgust, and rebuilt with many things learned several times. At last I think this will do. It has the feel I was shooting for. Now for the hellspawn!!! HHWWAAAAAAAAA HAAAA HAAAA HAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa......
SirVentolin@Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 3:33 pm : *gladly hands over the "your maps are better than mine" award* jesus...that's great stuff you're doing...and there's such an abundance of light...what Cray are you running it on to maintain a fps above 10?
SnoopJeDi@Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 6:42 pm : SirVentolin wrote:
*gladly hands over the "your maps are better than mine" award* jesus...that's great stuff you're doing...and there's such an abundance of light...what Cray are you running it on to maintain a fps above 10?
Maybe he's on a Gibson

breakerfall@Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 6:55 pm : Just repeating the praise.

Awesome looking stuff so far.
elusive@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:33 am : Awesome work!
I really like the way you create that type of style!
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:44 am : All I can add is - great work, dude. Please see this through to the bitter end - you've done so much good work, be a great shame to see it all come to nothing... I think we can all appreciate the sheer slog this has been for you, just from your screenies. But excellent design and I look forward to seeing the end result!

Shikamaru@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:34 pm : Really really impressive work man , you've come so far and ive watched this forum for ages..... it has been a long way since the start and you've made so many fantastic and detailed areas .... i cant wait for the release.
Keep up the fantastic work and i hope to be spreading the joy with my double barrel in your map soon.
- All the best

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:59 pm : WHEN I finish the map. Heh heh, thanks for the faith guys. Yeah I've learned a heap about the editor. I know what you can get away with and what you can't. Or ..... Mostly. I love the thought of looking through some Gothic / Medieval type envronments, yet with a sort of alien feel. The ever changing environments mean you shouldn't expect more of the same through the next door. If it turns out right, I'm thinking most people should like it for that resason, if nothing else.
It'll be kinda funny, because the beginning of the map is a whole lot simpler in design. It'll be like witnessing a tech upgrade in process. I might have to redo some of that earlier stuff. hrrrmmmmmm.... When Doom 6 comes out, give me a call.......
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:03 am : Update Time.
Some major portions of the map have now come together. Along with them came some major errors and compile crashes to sort out. It remains to be seen if the map will need splitting, I'm hoping not. Big thanks to all those who helped me out on the editing forum. Your ideas seemed to work guys. Cheers.
Hello to those websites following the map. You know who you are, someone showed me a site in German. Couldn't read the blurb the writer put with the images so I'm hoping the readers of that site are being nice. Maybe I should watermark the screens.
Time to dispel some inaccuracies about the map. Though most regulars will already know this.
(1) Not a complete conversion. Simply my own map for DoomIII using all stock DooMIII and ROE assets.
(2) You will need ROE to play the map.
(3) The creator of the map is just me. There is no "team" behind the project. (Well..... this forum and contributors has helped a shizenload).
(4) Just 1 map so far. Albeit getting quite large now.
First shot is a series of vaults in the catacombs. Very nasty and full of surprises. Fun to build too.

The Gothic Halls. Painful to build. This area needed every optimising trick in the book. It is an example of "Fan Vaulting" which a google search on Gothic architecture will bring up. Lots of detail, all needing the collision models removed to keep things humming smoothly. I'm still not happy with the roof but that's how it looks at the moment. For a while it can stay that way, I'm over it. I've spent too long working in this area.

This is a lift that rises up out of the floor. Very painful to get the dynamics of the whole system working correctly. Took me Frikking ages. But the idea is you get in and descend back into the floor and through some open areas with clouds swirling past and that kind of thing. In the end it worked out quite well.

The light is coming, but the tunnel is long.
BJA@Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:24 am : Geometry looks good (it's nice that you've got your own style), but I don't like the texturing of those Gothic Halls at all. It's mostly because that blue/yellow ceiling. Screenshot no. 1 looks much better to me in terms of texturing.
BNA!@Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:30 am : Actually the ceiling textures look like a bit of placeholders.
I'd tend to agree and say stick to the nice work of screenshot 1 in terms of consistency.
MelvinB@Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 3:34 pm : The lava behind those upper windows looks also out of place imo. You could add some glas in front of it to get the impression that the glass is holding the lava outside.
Or has it to be a sky or something?
unity@Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:39 pm : IRON-PAWW wrote:
Update Time.
Hello to those websites following the map. You know who you are, someone showed me a site in German. Couldn't read the blurb the writer put with the images so I'm hoping the readers of that site are being nice. Maybe I should watermark the screens. ...
Hi IRON-PAWW, there at is no negative aspect about your work - trust me. We're the last big German doom3 site with absolutely no commercial background. All we do is to follow the scene about the Doom3 engine and give Germans without links or English understanding a possibility to follow some news… Keep up the good work and finish your project! cheers.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:11 pm : Unity. Hey thats good to hear. I took another look at your site and am very impressed with some of the work being showcased at the moment. Soo different some of the stuff people are doing. Power to you and your readers in Germany.
The Gothic Halls are a conundrum for me just now. Really, to make the area look correct I need to add a little more detail in there. The first order of the day will be to fix the roof. The fans can look much better than that and I guess everybody thinks so too. I've hit upon a combination that looks better so I'll update things and see if I wanna be sick or not. If not then I guess I can live with it.
I suppose I can't really choose a theme and stick with it too much, as the whole idea of the map is to change and morph in reasonably rapid fashion. That gives me a licence to move off the wall, but yeah... I can't make people vomit in the process.
printz@Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 6:30 pm : The maps look tempting, sometimes they remind me of Quake's E4M4 (Palace of Hate)
(Maybe I'm timelined, I wasn't careful with the number of post pages so this could have already been asked): How are you going to place the monsters?
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:02 pm : Tempting you say! Mayhaps I should put a cheesecake on an altar in one of the rooms. Eons since I played Quake 1 so I might need to do some re-installing to concur. I guess though quake 1 did have a heavy medieval influence in it's design. I've been trying to build a little of that into the level.
I'm not a huge fan of the whole teleporting thing for the monsters appearing. I've done it a few times but I prefer other methods. Like in the Limbo area I have the monsters literally falling from the sky. I've put some "trapdoors" up in the sky which open as you approach dropping the monsters out. Got some good screams out of that so far. Because everything has the sky texture on it you can't see the doors opening or even tell there is anything up in the sky. I've also made this crafty system where the monsters rise out of the floor, or get flung out for that extra jump factor. For another one there's this fire pit and..... but I'm giving away all the good stuff.
Got nothing shot worthy ATM sorry. Been workin though.
printz@Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 5:13 pm : I guess the imps and vulgars oughta be teached to leap higher, even above the player, too make good use of their larger rooms. Also, crouching imps are kinda cool to have around.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:57 am : Now, my head hurts. A bazillion compiler errors and game crashes later I've been able to get a good compile of the new setion of the map. Basically, the map is just too big to have all as one map. I simply get "Out of Memory" errors when trying to compile it all as one. A lot is now optimised with monster clips blocking off large areas that aren't actually "in play" areas and with any sort of immovable detail set as func statics, and collision models removed if I can wing it. The map won't split into 2. It just isn't designed that way. However, it will split into 3 quite nicely so that's what is going to happen. This will allow me to have Nghtmare 1 finished sooner and allow some discarded parts of the whole shebang back into the fray. Nightmare 1 though is older work and some of it will need a little rejigging.
So here we have yet another area with a completely different style and feel. No bricks, no grand architecture. But a shiny environement that you might find on an alien planet or deep under the ocean. Your nightmare has found it too....
Welcome to the Hab, short of course for habiat. Right at the beginning of the level you're in this shiny space station type habitat area that is strangely silent but for some out of it zombies. You recognise the tech. You should. You put the damn company out of business a year ago. Why are you dreaming about this though..........?

More Hab. The interconnecting hallways are hell, Damn it but... You're lost. Just gotta take your pistol and hope to hell nothing in here is nasty.

A dimly lit, close quarters hallway. The place has you on edge, it isn't natural. The damned have moved in and your'e there to join them. You're not damned! Why are you even here? Why! Perhaps ...... perhaps that door will reveal something.

What kind of place is this?? Who are these FREAKS living here? Why is this hallway so long?? Perfect place for an ambush, you know it. Jeez..... you feel sick....

vinnie_jones@Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:21 am : holy crap i wanna play this !!

printz@Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:24 pm : The arch doors look like they need a texture.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 1:33 pm : While the arch doors do look slightly odd with that red and white striping, it's a theme that runs through the entire section. They're meant to be in your face and scream "Don't bump into me" when the dull witted inhabitants were walking around in there. Kind of like safety doors. Also looking odd because there is no trim following the arch around. I did that because I wanted a kind of spartan / clean feel to the area. I only wanted a certain amount of detail in there and no more. No palace, but functional. Also because the area is done up with predominantly blue lighting and texturing. I put a dash of red in there just to kill my colour theory compliance......
CrUsH@Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:26 pm : Iron-Paww
I really like what you are doing here. It reminds me of a map thats taking me ages to complete. But like you know, quality and originality takes time and cannot be rushed. Keep it up man, I will await patiently untill the map is completed. No rush

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:47 pm : Yeah, the map is taking ages to complete. No question. As soon as I go and rush a section, I go and delete it the very next day. With me, it's all too obvious that an area has been thrown together with glue and staple guns. Then I hope that no one will notice. If you've got nothing to work off, except your own mysterious mind then yeah things take a while to form up. This first section of the map, now Nightmare 1, needs the most work to finish. Nightmare 2 and 3 won't need anywhere near this much final prepping. Glad people have the patience to wait. Not too long now..
ZizZ^@Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:29 pm : You still have that great style going on, keep it up!

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:23 am : Nightmare 1 is coming along well. The Hab area is going to be a major part of the map and a significant part of Nightmare 1. Fairly simple as it's right near the beginning of the map. Most likely you'll go in with your pistol and pick up the shotgun inside. You might get the grabber also, but I never really liked it truth to tell.
A hallway junction with an odd sculpture in it that slowly spins around. The sculpture won't win a prize but seems to fit in with the ultra modern stuff people put in offices these days.

A room with a viewing window inspired by a pair of sunglasses. Empty at the moment but I'm thinking along the lines of a computer console running up the middle of the room.

The Bar. In Australia you can't have any living quarters without having a bar included. You'd be hit by an angry mob. Right now it's also empty but there's tables, stools, chairs, some hanging lights and the requisite bottles and food being scattered around. I feel like a damn interior decorator.

Just in case you felt like a stoll outside, you might consider a beer instead.

Tetzlaff@Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:08 am : I like your futuristic setting much better, because it doesn´t look like Byzantine architecture gone wrong

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:31 am : Thanks Tetz. Glad someone's going to order a pint in that bar.
But hey, leave off my gaudy, off colour, scruffy looking Byzantine architecture! Takes a lot of nasty dreams, badly mixed cocktails, and extreme doses of Australian sun to create that!

But now....... what if I mixed the two....?
bkt@Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:01 pm : Hey iron-paww, isn't it about time you added some gameplay to this puppy and finally released it? We're all waiting on you here!
BJA@Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:13 pm : Or simply change the name from "nightmare" to "the neverending story"

Tetzlaff@Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:50 pm : IRON-PAWW wrote:
But hey, leave off my gaudy, off colour, scruffy looking Byzantine architecture! Takes a lot of nasty dreams, badly mixed cocktails, and extreme doses of Australian sun to create that!

If you emphasize that dreams, cocktails and Australian sun feeling it could make for an unique surreal experience

But now....... what if I mixed the two....?
IMO the futurist setting would work better as a stand alone level, it seems to have a more coherent feel that could be blurred in connection with the "Byzantine" level.
Bubba-E@Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:18 am : The only, tiny little bit that bugs me is the floor. There is plenty of texture variation, but I like to see a little level variation too. Having the walls and ceiling full of great looking architecture, and then having the floor just flat and drab is a bit of a waste if you ask me... Unless you have something else planned of course.

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 1:22 pm : The Neverending Story. I like it!
You guys are right. It is time the level was filled out with some gameplay and put on the web. I've now got a shizenload of map / gameworld space. If things go the way I plan there'll be 3 maps. I still need to finish the hab and redo a tacky looking canyon with a bridge across it. Some other stuff is a bit dodge as well but heck, I could spend an eternity tweaking it. I'm not going to live that long so yeah, I need to do something with all this stuff. The trouble is that the first map will be a lot of my initial work and could be better. But thats how it is so I gotta live with it and take the flak. It has been long time coming, Jeez do I know it. These maps will be finished, even If I need to be raised from the dead to do it.
Yup Bubba-E I know where you're coming from. Those rooms are yet to be filled out some more, with the currently empty floorspace getting some more attention. Just how much more I put in there will depend on how mad I go before I decide to call the map "done".
Junkyard God@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 12:51 pm : Iron-paww, The map is ready when YOU feel it is, never go by other people asking for a release for such an insane project.
Since you'll always feel the need to change it afterwards, release it when you think it's ready, not when othere's are getting impatient because it looks so god damned fun to wonder around in

As for the map itself, looking over the entire post i've seen bizarre archtiecture, nice moddy lighting, you map has a kick ass atmosphere from what i can tell so far.
Good job and i hope you get it done with nice gameplay. i'll need to try this when it comes out

sparhawk@Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 2:15 pm : I must say, I like dthe earlier shots much more then these newer ones. Don't know if this project is dead or not, as the pace has siginificantly slowed down (which is probably to be expected).
What I loved about the earlier shots is that they have an almost surrealistic atmosphere, while these new screenshots look much more doomish to me. Net yet regular Doom 3 but going into that direction.
BuddhaMaster@Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:15 pm : dont let this project die
i saw the last screenshots and holy shit thats just the best shit 'ive ever seen

thats not only your nightmare, it is also mine ...and as it is ...i like scary things, i like to visit hell ...
just let your time, because this looks time-less. Just keep up the power to finish it somehow anyday.
At all: It looks like a endless nightmare... i bet you could work on it forever. But if someday it will be playable it will be amazing
I dont know if stuff like zombie-enemys and all that "jazz" would even destroy the fell of it, because the architecture is a thing of its own. And what is more scary as everything - lonelyness !!
Try to give it a unusual very special gameplay to it. I would support you in any way if possible. Probably it needs some completly new kinds of enemys ..or whatever.. something extraordinary unusual ..
lol ....Paww, do you know the movie, i think it is called "The haunted" or "The haunting" or something like that. Where some peoples with sleep-problems live in a huge castle with also very, very detailed extraordinary architecture and the castle begins to live because it is cursed in some way. The halls and everything begins to live and thats fuck of scary... i would love to see that in your map would be waaaay more nightmarish if something really weird happens instead of zombies and stuff

...blabla just my stuff... cant explain
try to put in the feel of "loneyness"
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:57 pm : Hi again BuddhaMaster. Thanks for the comments. I do read this forum on a regular basis and take in what people suggest. So thanks for taking the time to comment.
Life is a complicated thing. Many know this. At the moment many things conspire to keep my map building time to a minimum. Sorry to those who've waited, got their hopes up, then waited again. My full intentions are to at least upload
something in the end that people can play. My hopes are still for 3 maps seeing as there is enough gamespace for 3 adventures.
Without a doubt, when I upload Nightmare 1, people will have moved on from DooM III as they no doubt have already. But maybe there will be a few of us left who still find pleasure playing through user made maps. Some great stuff on this forum made by others. I guess we all keep the DooM III flag flying for the time being.
I have to say that the interest the project has generated seems unprecedented. When I look at what other people are doing I'm blown away with what they've created. So much custom content and imagination results in work that I never thought possible with DooMIII. How little I know. Still I suppose we all have our own niche in the world of map building and different niches appeal to certain people. But not to everyone.
So I keep saying it. My intentions
are to finish the project. I've been called out on the point before and no doubt will be again. The project has blown well beyond even my own pessimistic time projections. At this point I can only say that things progress. I'm going through some upheval at the moment as I've completely changed working careers and now face a steep learning curve to keep food on the table. Nightmare must stew while I come to grips with things.
How the levels will eveltually play I can't be certain. Initial game tests with a small group of players yielded some unexpected results in parts of the map. Stuff I was going to throw away ended up being popular.. No accounting for some peoples tastes...

. DooMIII monsters in amongst all that stuff from my twisted mind. Hopefully it'll be a nightmare for the right reasons.
Thanks for wating ..........
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 3:01 pm : IRON-PAWW wrote:
Without a doubt, when I upload Nightmare 1, people will have moved on from DooM III as they no doubt have already. But maybe there will be a few of us left who still find pleasure playing through user made maps. Some great stuff on this forum made by others. I guess we all keep the DooM III flag flying for the time being.
well, people still download & play Doom 1/2, Quake 1, 2 & 3 maps so don't doubt people won't play a good Doom 3 map when it's out.

BuddhaMaster@Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:55 am : [quote="IRON-PAWW"][/quote]
No, i'am not giving up waiting. For me, Project like yours is something that can take forever
If it just dont ends up because the creator itself gave up all hope and interests his own (because he felt nobody cares anymore anyway) I'am just happy if you relay on your dreams
Because i'am also one of that people that still play doom 1/2 duke nukem 3d and all that stuff. Also i even need to play myst again all some years again (At least i've played it like 3 times again like this: first time was super-hard and i could not even understand english or had sound

but years later i came back and finished that thing to the end. Btw the experience with the two alternate finishes is then just a experience you never forget. Oh, do i'am getting off-topic ?)
Yes know, live's a hard thing. Nice to have virtual worls to flee away from it sometimes. Also at the begin when you worked on this map, i was reading stuff like your going to madness and lose sanity working nonstop, missing sleep - thats maybe the thing you are missing now and i know how it is, sometime its needed to totally loose yourself and getting deep into something, and your screenshots look like this. Love the beauty and how you bring out the ideas.
Pillars might be one of the really cool mods i've seen.
Quake 2 lost marine i just played yesterday, was also very cool !! But lots of peoples working on projects like this.
Even i have once made a mod for Doom3

But completly different. Some customziations to get back to Doom1 - "arcadish" gameplay: Changed Weapons, skins, effects, sounds, attacks. If anyone want see a few screenshots...
The mod is only 5Mb !
Visit my website for info & download...
Marineofuac@Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:40 am : I get like that sometimes, your on a role when coding the sdk... remembering this and that what do define what to use...
You end up missing sleep, getting too cought up in it!!!
Modding is an addiction

but really all you gatta do is say these words.
"Alt - f - s, alt - f - x"
"now i press power off on pc."
if ya know what i mean LOL!!!
BuddhaMaster@Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:21 pm : sure i know what you mean, my finger is now finding the way to the off button... after hours again

senseless stuff doing, wasting time, having no girlfriends..
BNA!@Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:59 pm : Marineofuac wrote:
You end up missing sleep, getting too cought up in it!!!
Modding is an addiction

You got "
the flow" 
Gunman@Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:30 am :
IRON-PAWW wrote:
It would be cool if you could also add some info_location entities in your map(s).
Just a suggestion-- 
Anyway, your map(s) looks frikking awesome! Keep up the good work!
sirjj@Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:03 pm : I've got to say after reading through, this looks like one of the best doom3 maps I've ever seen.
Don't stop the good work.
btw if you do still publish the map i bet lots of good mappers would want to continue the map.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:27 pm : The best map you've ever seen!!! Arrrgghhhh!! Don't say stuff like that. Geez now I feel all guilty and stuff..... Glad you like it. Progress......... you all know it.
vinnie_jones@Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:59 pm : or you could rename it to something like
"Nightmare Forever" if you get my drift ^^
Seriously, as someone stated, release it when YOU think its
ready, not cuss we all drool of anticipation and mumbles,
like zombies, "me wanna play, me wannaaaah plaaayyyy!" lol
BuddhaMaster@Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 3:28 pm : I like the idea of putting location-info entitys in the map. I'am not sure what they are, but i think thats thats the sector-name, in which you currently are.
And i would like to know the names of this places; lost corridor 3c, nowhere 1a ...
BuddhaMaster@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:51 pm : he fell into his own nightmare

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:28 am : Sorry all. I've been wondering what to do with this for a little while now. The fact is I no longer have the time required to finish the maps. I thought I did, but after months have passed I haven't been able to spend any significant time on Nightmare. Suppose you all guessed that already huh??? Rather than let all the work go to waste, I might take the best pieces of all the work I've done and create one map. It'll play pretty weird but thats Nightmare for you.
To say I'm disappointed really doesn't cut it. You start something and you want to finish it. But Enough is enough. In the end, the project was just too big. I can't say when the Uber Map will arrive. It's time to chew bubblegum...............
Final_Light@Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:01 am : All of us here at D3W appreciate all the hard time, long hours, dedication and effort you have put into this piece. It is a shame it couldn't be released finished. But thems the breaks, some things in life don't always turn out how you expect, but through this makes us a better person. Well cant wait for the release of whats done ! should be a thrilling play

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 1:14 pm : Thanks Final_Light. I know there's some people floating around out there who were following the project. To them, I really am sorry. I wanted this done as much as you did. I spent hours, days and sometimes weeks getting the detail looking and working the way I wanted. Perhaps in the end that was the wrong Idea. My advice to you all is start small and work your way up once you've got a functioning map. Plan it. Do not just start editing and see what happens. I'd watch a movie that had a cool cathedral or something in it and just have to include it. Not knowing where to put it I eventually got a collection of such works that took a creative working over to include in the map. Bad idea for a weekend mapper.
I had a chance around 6 months ago to get a job that I thought I'd never be able to get for reasons I wont go into. So naturally I took the chance. A very steep learning curve at work, along with my life just moving on has made me a very busy little bee.
No promises. But I'll see what I can do about whacking a map together for people to look at. Keep editing guys. You know you will...........
Tetzlaff@Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 10:38 am : I can understand the point with not starting too many map projects at once, this happens to myself as well

But whatever you will finish and release, you can be sure we will appreciate it, no matter the wait time. If not for some inspiration and crazyness! Good thing about SP games is that you can play them whenever you want.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:42 pm : Thanks Tetz! I guess you're right. There'll always be people looking for a crazy map to download. I was looking at a Build editor forum a few months back there were still people jamming away with Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior. Still people asking where to find new maps to play. So hopefully there'll be some benefit in a DoomIII map yet.
SilentSoD@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:00 am : I've always understood this was a "when it's done project" and have been following it for quite some time. Your mapping skills are quite good, and there's a wonderful look to this particular project.
I'm looking forward to it's release in whatever shape and time you decide!
Gunman@Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:43 pm : SilentSoD wrote:
I've always understood this was a "when it's done project" and have been following it for quite some time. Your mapping skills are quite good, and there's a wonderful look to this particular project.
I'm looking forward to it's release in whatever shape and time you decide!
Pretty much what SilentSoD just said.

sadron@Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:14 pm : I'm sure you'll find time eventually. Don't give up hope yet Iron Paww.
striderdm1@Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:58 am : sadron wrote:
I'm sure you'll find time eventually. Don't give up hope yet Iron Paww.
I second that! don't give up, we'll wait

dsm@Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:45 pm : I recommend you put this on hold and wait and see what happens. Making a good project takes a looong time and a lot of hard work, and it inevatibly happens that you run into a block of some sort. Get your life sorted out for now, perhaps during a vacation or something, the urge to go back and work on this project (or another project) comes up and you'll sit down and work on it and discover that you have a slew of new, wonderful ideas you can realistically implement, or simply, that you've found another way to work on it that's more efficient. Sometimes, removing your mind from a problem happens to be the very thing that's needed to figure out a solution.
Do not just drop the project and delete all assets for it, because you might live to regret that. Just put it on indefinite hold. One day, you might release it when we least expect it and it will be released as a masterpiece

IRON-PAWW@Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:13 am : Well, thanks guys.
DSM I read your comments and I think the "on hold" idea was what I really needed. I think I was beginning to treat it like a chore that needed doing and that was having an effect. When I think back over all the work I did I can pretty much pinpoint the time I began to flag. I'm very busy with other stuff right now but I do want to revisit this project. For the life of me, I can't seem to string together enough free time to put in a decent editing session at the moment. I hate to leave things unfinished. Like I said earlier, the best thing to do with all this stuff will be to trash what's mediocre and keep whats good. Make one decent / semi decent map and leave it there. Maybe a scrapbook type map for the leftovers. I see there's a lot of good maps around. You guys won't starve........ right?
bkt@Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:11 pm : Why don't you just cap the level where it's at now, remove the fat, add gameplay and at least release it in some finished form. You seem to be so close to having a a full level that it'd be so silly to throw it all away now.
IRON-PAWW@Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:23 pm : OK well. It's time to look at what the heck to do with this. Already I'm forgetting how to do stuff with the editor so it's crunch time. I'm going to produce one map. It's going to be weird. It won't really flow together. It'll be full of very different styles. Doubtless it'll break most of the rules in the book. But I'll try and make it as fun as possible. I had a story mapped out but that's now binned. To fit with the minimal time I can spend on this project I'm probably going to push on with a few of the styles and bin others. In the end it'll just be a shooter level to play over a beer and munchies. Stay tuned.
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:39 am : Nice to hear that all your work won't be in vain!
It'll be for sure one of the strangest and funniest maps for D3

bkt@Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:22 pm : IRON-PAWW wrote:
Doubtless it'll break most of the rules in the book. But I'll try and make it as fun as possible.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 9:49 am : Ignore these posts from victor 2008, it's a spambot.