Hello again.
Anybody got some links for rock/terrain modelling with lightwave/max?
Thnx a lot.
Must get into this terrain/rock theme to finish one after my mapping job dies eventually.

here's what i do...
make a material file for your model like...
blend bumpmap
map addnormals (textures/rock/skysand1_local.tga, heightmap (textures/rock/skysand1_bmp.tga, 4))
scale 1, 1
blend diffusemap
map textures/rock/skysand1_d.tga
scale 1, 1
blend specularmap
map textures/rock/dirt03_s.tga
scale 1, 1
blend bumpmap
map addnormals( textures/hell/sharprock2_local.tga, heightmap( textures/hell/sharprock2_h.tga, 8 ) )
scale 1, 1
blend diffusemap
map textures/rock/sharprock3.tga
scale 1, 1
blend specularmap
map textures/rock/sharprock3_s.tga
scale 1, 1
make a patch mesh about the size of the terrain, then
Selection-> Export-> To OBJ
load the object into lightwave and Modify-> Center
select Polygons (lower left), laso whole OBJ
click on the "T" (bottom right
select "OBJ_UVTextureMap" from the drop arrow to the right of "T"
Map-> Edit Maps-> Delete Vertex Map
File-> Save (the model in your "base/models/mapobjects/my_model/" folder) as my_terrain.lwo
File-> Close All Objects
File-> Load (the model in your "base/models/mapobjects/my_model/" folder) my_terrain.lwo
(i do that to remove any trailing unwanted surfaces)
Multiply-> Subdivide (a few times)
modify the poly's the way i want them (add/remove)
select Polygons (lower left), laso whole OBJ
click on Surface near the bottom middle of the screen
where it says "Name", type in the name of the material file you made:
Map-> Make UVs
Texture name: TerrainUV
Map type: depends on the model (i mostly use Planer)
Axis: depends on the model (i mostly use X)
usually you have to make a morph target to get it just right. then i make it as flat as possible. then align and Planer it on the X axis. to
make a morph target...
click on the "M" (bottom right)
select "new" from the drop arrow to the right of "M"
give it a name like "MorphFlat"
then start rotating polys/points until they are near flat. (will not effect base model)
select Polygons (lower left), laso whole OBJ (morph target - MorphFlat)
and make new UV's
tweak the UV's until it's stretched as little as possible.
Map-> Vertex Paint
Edit-> Create Vertex Color Map
give it a name like VertexBlend. if your morph target is flat, you can use that to paint on. just select it from the dropdown arrow.
near the top of the screen, click on the "T" and the "B" to get a better view. select the color box next to the eye dropper and pick "white".
paint the model where you want the sand/lava/whatever to appear. then select the color box again and pick "black". now paint the model where
you want the rock to be. (tip- moving the mouse in circles can help rotate the object the the vertex paint window)
hit "Save" by your objects name in the vertex paint window.
File-> Save (and it's done)
load it into doom edit (entity menu-> new model)
if the texture is stretched, adjust it by increasing/decreasing the "scale" values in the new material. like...
blend bumpmap
map addnormals (textures/rock/skysand1_local.tga, heightmap (textures/rock/skysand1_bmp.tga, 4))
scale 5, 5
blend diffusemap
map textures/rock/skysand1_d.tga
scale 5, 5
blend specularmap
map textures/rock/dirt03_s.tga
scale 5, 5
blend bumpmap
map addnormals( textures/hell/sharprock2_local.tga, heightmap( textures/hell/sharprock2_h.tga, 8 ) )
scale 5, 5
blend diffusemap
map textures/rock/sharprock3.tga
scale 5, 5
blend specularmap
map textures/rock/sharprock3_s.tga
scale 5, 5
in doom edit, hit Media-> Reload and "F7" to view your progress as you change the values. you could alter the UV instead, but i tend to leave it alone and adjust externally.
someone please point out if there is an easier way for anything i said, i'm still learning.
i'll try to get screenies later, not at home.
this is a fucking great post

would be cool to have some kind of tutorial (outside this forum) of it to link in a sticky
Thnks....I have really forgotten about this one.

*g* glad to see some old guys lurking around here.
Edit: Somebody got an
ASE importer / exporter for lightwave?
Thanks a lot.
Hello again.
Anybody got some links for rock/terrain modelling with lightwave/max?
Thnx a lot.
Must get into this terrain/rock theme to finish one after my mapping job dies eventually.

here's what i do...
make a material file for your model like...
blend bumpmap
map addnormals (textures/rock/skysand1_local.tga, heightmap (textures/rock/skysand1_bmp.tga, 4))
scale 1, 1
blend diffusemap
map textures/rock/skysand1_d.tga
scale 1, 1
blend specularmap
map textures/rock/dirt03_s.tga
scale 1, 1
blend bumpmap
map addnormals( textures/hell/sharprock2_local.tga, heightmap( textures/hell/sharprock2_h.tga, 8 ) )
scale 1, 1
blend diffusemap
map textures/rock/sharprock3.tga
scale 1, 1
blend specularmap
map textures/rock/sharprock3_s.tga
scale 1, 1
make a patch mesh about the size of the terrain, then
Selection-> Export-> To OBJ
load the object into lightwave and Modify-> Center
select Polygons (lower left), laso whole OBJ
click on the "T" (bottom right
select "OBJ_UVTextureMap" from the drop arrow to the right of "T"
Map-> Edit Maps-> Delete Vertex Map
File-> Save (the model in your "base/models/mapobjects/my_model/" folder) as my_terrain.lwo
File-> Close All Objects
File-> Load (the model in your "base/models/mapobjects/my_model/" folder) my_terrain.lwo
(i do that to remove any trailing unwanted surfaces)
Multiply-> Subdivide (a few times)
modify the poly's the way i want them (add/remove)
select Polygons (lower left), laso whole OBJ
click on Surface near the bottom middle of the screen
where it says "Name", type in the name of the material file you made:
Map-> Make UVs
Texture name: TerrainUV
Map type: depends on the model (i mostly use Planer)
Axis: depends on the model (i mostly use X)
usually you have to make a morph target to get it just right. then i make it as flat as possible. then align and Planer it on the X axis. to
make a morph target...
click on the "M" (bottom right)
select "new" from the drop arrow to the right of "M"
give it a name like "MorphFlat"
then start rotating polys/points until they are near flat. (will not effect base model)
select Polygons (lower left), laso whole OBJ (morph target - MorphFlat)
and make new UV's
tweak the UV's until it's stretched as little as possible.
Map-> Vertex Paint
Edit-> Create Vertex Color Map
give it a name like VertexBlend. if your morph target is flat, you can use that to paint on. just select it from the dropdown arrow.
near the top of the screen, click on the "T" and the "B" to get a better view. select the color box next to the eye dropper and pick "white".
paint the model where you want the sand/lava/whatever to appear. then select the color box again and pick "black". now paint the model where
you want the rock to be. (tip- moving the mouse in circles can help rotate the object the the vertex paint window)
hit "Save" by your objects name in the vertex paint window.
File-> Save (and it's done)
load it into doom edit (entity menu-> new model)
if the texture is stretched, adjust it by increasing/decreasing the "scale" values in the new material. like...
blend bumpmap
map addnormals (textures/rock/skysand1_local.tga, heightmap (textures/rock/skysand1_bmp.tga, 4))
scale 5, 5
blend diffusemap
map textures/rock/skysand1_d.tga
scale 5, 5
blend specularmap
map textures/rock/dirt03_s.tga
scale 5, 5
blend bumpmap
map addnormals( textures/hell/sharprock2_local.tga, heightmap( textures/hell/sharprock2_h.tga, 8 ) )
scale 5, 5
blend diffusemap
map textures/rock/sharprock3.tga
scale 5, 5
blend specularmap
map textures/rock/sharprock3_s.tga
scale 5, 5
in doom edit, hit Media-> Reload and "F7" to view your progress as you change the values. you could alter the UV instead, but i tend to leave it alone and adjust externally.
someone please point out if there is an easier way for anything i said, i'm still learning.
i'll try to get screenies later, not at home.
this is a fucking great post

would be cool to have some kind of tutorial (outside this forum) of it to link in a sticky
Thnks....I have really forgotten about this one.

*g* glad to see some old guys lurking around here.
Edit: Somebody got an
ASE importer / exporter for lightwave?
Thanks a lot.