I just worked out it was the fprime shader on my lightwave objects that was preventing doom from loading them.
So if you're rendering them with fprime in layout, just remember to delete the shader before you save it for doom.
Damn that was giving me a headache for hours until discovered that :/
Hmmm. Interesting find.
The way FPrime works is it adds a shader to your objects...

I suppose this would apply to any shaders. Apparently Doom 3 doesn't like shaders.
I haven't tried all shaders, but I know that you can have the surface baker shader for example, with no problems. Maybe there are others as well, but fprime is definitely not wanted by doom. It obviously adds something unexpected to the lwo file which doom can't read.
Yes, becasue FPrime 1.5 running in LW8.2 no longer needs to add an fprime shader to the surface of objects.