Commands (Wolf)
The information on this
page is specific to Wolfenstein .
Existing console commands as of version (Single Player). You can get an up to date list by typing listCmds in your console.
To Be Sorted
aas_finish_areas | computes bounds for areas. |
aas_goalAreaSet | sets the test path goal area using the entity you name or where you are pointing |
aas_tacticalExtract | pulls tactical information for the current position. |
aas_tacticalSetEnemyPos | ai_debugMove and ai_debugTactical only work on the specified entity (if none, does one you’re looking at) |
aasStats | shows AAS stats |
addarrow | adds a debug arrow |
addline | adds a debug line |
ai_alarmsReset | shuts off all alarms |
ai_clearCover | tells selected ai to clear the override cover |
ai_coverAdvance | tells selected ai to advance cover toward his enemy |
ai_coverRetreat | tells selected ai to retreat cover from his enemy |
ai_cycleanim | cycles the given anim on the selected ai |
ai_debugFilter | ai_debugMove and ai_debugTactical only work on the specified entity (if none, does one you’re looking at) |
ai_facePlayer | tells selected ai to face you |
ai_goalEntSet | tells selected ai go to the point you are pointing at |
ai_goalPosSet | tells selected ai go to the point you are pointing at |
ai_goalPosSetFace | tells selected ai to go to the point you are pointingat and face the player |
ai_jump | makes ai do their jump frame event |
ai_moveToLocation | tells selected ai to move to the specified location |
ai_moveToRandDist | tells selected ai to move in the direction specified |
ai_playanim | plays the given anim on the selected ai |
ai_removeAwarness | removes all shared awarness of this target |
ai_setHeadFK | sets the focus AI into the desired headFK pose |
ai_setTimeScale | Sets the timescale of all AI entities |
ai_startfire | starts an AI on fire |
ai_stopfire | stops an AI from being on fire |
ai_stopMoveSoft | tells selected ai to stop move the first chance he gets |
ai_takeCover | tells selected ai to take cover at the point you are pointing at with the player as the enemy |
ai_testanim | tests the given anim for approach pos, etc. |
ai_testFrameCommands | test frame commands extraction from the given animation. |
applyImpulse | applys an impulse forward |
aviGame | writes AVIs for the current game |
bind | binds a key to a bind point |
blinkline | blinks a debug line |
brainFind | Find in files for brain |
brainFindInMap | Find in files for brains referenced by a map |
brainListAnims | Search anims in files for brain |
brainListAnimsInMap | Search anims in files for brains referenced by a map |
brainListElements | Lists all tasks, conditions, etc. to a tab-delimited file to be loaded by Excel. |
brainListSpeech | Search speech in files for brain |
brainListSpeechInMap | Search speech in files for brains referenced by a map |
brainReportMemUsage | Reports memory usage for all currently loaded brains |
brainuse | brainuses an entity (fires it’s OnUsed root task) |
call | calls script function and prints out return val |
callNamedEvent | calls the named event on the player HUD |
cameraClear | breaks out of cinematic mode |
CancelDeleteCorruptSaveFile | Cancels deletion of last loaded save |
CancelDeleteSaveData | Cancels deletion of savedata |
centerview | centers the view |
checkDecls | checks to make sure decls that are loaded have no textSource |
CheckOneOfMany | See if player has OneOfMany achievement, and give 1000 gold reward if they do |
clear | clears the console |
ClearAllMenus | |
ClearErrorScreenFlag | clears an error for one of the screen to show |
clearFogOverride | clears the override fog params in the atmosphere system |
closeConsole | closes the console |
closehint | close current hint |
closeMessageBox | Closes the current message box |
collapseEntJoints | Collapse Joints of a named entity |
collapseJoints | Collapse Joints of AI |
collectibleComplete | collectibleComplete <setname>. Iterative completes the collectible set (test achievements) |
collisionModelInfo | shows collision model info |
compileStreamPack | compiles a single stream pack/asl file |
compileStreamPacks | compiles all stream pack/asl files in a given dir tree |
conCopy | copies lines of console text to system clipboard |
conDump | dumps the console text to a file |
ConfirmDeleteCorruptSaveFile | Confirms deletion of last loaded save |
ConfirmDeleteSaveData | Confirms deletion of savedata |
contentManagerCommand | Send a command to the content manager. |
convert | converts a file to a specific target |
convertAscii | converts a file to a specific ASCII target |
crash | causes a crash |
crouchToggle | toggle crouch on/off |
cvar_restart | restart the cvar system |
damage | apply damage to an entity |
dec | decrements the cvar integer value |
DecrementCVar | DecrementCVar <name> <amount> <min> |
DeleteCorruptSaveFile | Deletes last loaded save |
deleteSelected | deletes selected entity |
devmap | loads a map in developer mode |
DifficultyHasChanged | tells the stat manager that the difficulty setting has been changed |
dir | lists a folder |
dirtree | lists a folder with subfolders |
disasmScript | disassembles script |
disconnect | disconnects from a game |
disconnectPure | disconnects from a game with out all the fuss |
dismissall | disable hints |
displayPlayerInfo | usage: outputs a lot of useful information about the player’s experience |
DoButton | perform an button via a cmd |
downtownComplete | complete all the downtown missiones |
dumpStealthEvents | Lists info about the stealth events leading up to thecurrent state of enemy alertness |
echo | prints text |
emote | plays an emote |
error | causes an error |
evaluateMPPerformance | spawns serveral player models |
exec | executes a config file |
execMachineSpec | execs the appropriate config files and sets cvars based on com_machineSpec |
exit | exits the game |
exportCmpMD5R | Export all MD5R models in a compressed form |
exportMD5R | Export all MD5R models |
fadeSound | fades all sound by X decibles over Y seconds |
failMission | fail a mission |
flushDecls | deallocates all current decls |
forceBind | binds a key to a bind point (overrides read-only controllers) |
forceUnbind | unbinds a bind point from a key (overrides read-only controllers) |
freeze | freezes the game for a number of seconds |
game_memory | displays game class info |
gameError | causes a game error |
GameExplorer | game explorer command interface |
GetAreaID | gets the area ID of the portal area the player is in |
getGlobalVector | Gets a vector in the global vector array. |
getLetterBoxedResolution | Given the back buffer dimensions and the desired aspect ratio of the letter boxed area, calculate the dimensions of the letter boxed area. |
getviewpos | prints the current view position |
gfxInfo | show graphics info |
give | gives one or more items |
GiveAchievement | give logged in user an achievement |
giveAllIntel | gives all intel associated with the current district |
giveAllPowerUpgrades | Called by cheat menu to give all veil powers and upgrades |
giveGold | gives gold to the player |
giveMission | give a mission to the player |
giveObjectives | gives all objectives for the specified mission to theplayer (unhides objectives) |
givePowers | usage: givePowers <powernum1> … (if none specified,gives all powers) |
god | enables god mode |
GoToHub | Called by Notebook.swf to abort the mission and return to it’s HUB. |
GotoMenu | |
gotoMission | allows the player to skip to or replay a specific mission |
hide | hides a entity, or unhides a hidden entity |
hitch | hitches the game |
hk_RagdollExtractPose | forces the AF of the target ent to create a ragdoll and extract the ragdoll reference pose |
hk_RagdollMatchAnim | forces the AF of the target ent to recalculate and dump its AF core body defs and offsets |
holsterToggle | holster/unholster your weapon |
HUDReset | used whenever HUD should close but wont because its the hud. Basically turns off some of it’s variables that would be called in posthide |
in_restart | restarts the input system |
inc | increments the cvar integer value |
incGlobalVector | Increments a vector in the global vector array. |
IncrementCVar | IncrementCVar <name> <amount> <max> |
IntelMissionSelection | Called by Notebook.swf to change selected mission in Intel tab. |
IntelOpenSelection | Called by Notebook.swf to activate the selected mission in objective tab. |
JournalActivateMission | Called by Notebook.swf to activate the selected mission in objective tab. |
JournalCloseIntel | Instructs the journal to close any open intel |
JournalMapDT | Instructs the journal to load up the map for downtown |
JournalMapMTE | Instructs the journal to load up the map for midtown east |
JournalMapMTW | Instructs the journal to load up the map for midtown west |
JournalMissionSelection | Called by Notebook.swf to change selected mission in objective tab. |
JournalTutorialExit | Finish the journal tutorial |
JournalTutorialIntel | Plays the VO for the journal tutorial |
JournalTutorialMaps | Plays the VO for the journal tutorial |
JournalTutorialObjectives | Plays the VO for the journal tutorial |
JournalTutorialStatistics | Plays the VO for the journal tutorial |
JournalTutorialUpgrades | Plays the VO for the journal tutorial |
JournalUpgradeSelection | Called by Notebook.swf to change selected weapon inupgrades tab. |
kill | kills the player |
killActiveEnemies | kills (not removes) all active (non-hidden) enemies |
killItems | removes all items |
killMonsters | removes all monsters |
killMoveables | removes all moveables |
killRagdolls | removes all ragdolls |
killVehicles | kills all vehicles |
launchMultiplayer | launches the multiplayer executable |
listActiveAI | list active AI w/ zone and scenario |
listActiveEntities | lists active game entities |
listActiveFX | lists active fx entities and client entities |
listActiveScenarios | Lists info about the active scenario set |
listAF | lists articulated figures |
listAllDecls | lists every single decl, not just the summary |
listAnimBlendTrees | lists animation blend tree decls |
listAnimBlendTreeTechniques | lists animation blend tree techniques decls |
listAnims | lists all animations |
listAnimTrackWeights | lists animation track weight decls |
listBinds | list all of the current binds |
listClasses | lists game classes |
listCmds | lists commands |
listCollisionModels | lists collision models |
listCvars | lists cvars |
listDecls | lists all decls |
listDevices | list all of the currently found input devices |
listDictKeys | lists all keys used by dictionaries |
listDictValues | lists all values used by dictionaries |
ListDLC | lists found DLC |
listEffects | lists effect decls |
listEntities | lists game entities |
listEntityClassNum | lists |
listEntityDefs | lists entity defs |
listEntityStats | lists global entity stats |
listGameCmds | lists game commands |
listglobals | list one or all globals |
listHuffmanFrequencies | lists decl text character frequencies |
listLines | lists all debug lines |
listLipsyncs | lists lip sync decls |
listlocals | list one or all locals |
listMaterialAttribs | lists non-rendering attributes of materials |
listMaterials | lists materials |
listMaterialTransformTemplate | lists material transform templates |
listMaterialTypes | lists material types |
listMissions | lists all missions and their current status |
listModelDefs | lists model defs |
listModels | lists all models |
listMonsters | lists monsters: optional args: <noHidden> <enemiesOnly> <noPrintWeapons> <countOnly> |
listPlaybacks | lists playback decls |
ListPlayerStates | Lists several states associated with the player (god,undying, notarget, novis, noclip) |
listRefreshRatesForResolution | Print the available display refresh rates forthe given resolution. |
listRenderEntityDefs | lists the entity defs |
listRendererCmds | lists renderer commands |
listRenderLightDefs | lists the light defs |
listScenarioDupes | Lists all entities within the given scenario that arereferenced by more than one scenario |
listSecrets | List all secrets in current level. |
ListShaders | Lists all loaded shaders |
listSkins | lists skins |
listSoundCmds | lists sound commands |
listSpawnArgs | list the spawn args of an entity |
listSpawnIds | lists map entity numbers |
listSystemCmds | lists system commands |
listTables | lists tables |
listTAIs | lists tai decls |
listTechniques | lists all loaded techniques |
listThreads | lists script threads |
listToolCmds | lists tool commands |
listVertexCache | lists vertex cache |
listVideoResolutions | Print the available display resolutions. |
listVideos | lists videos |
LoadGamepadBinds | loads gamepad bindings from in_buttonConfig and in_stickConfig |
lodMD5R | Generate a LOD MD5R model from a series of models andwrite it out |
mainMenuCommand | Execute a command to the main menu entity |
map | loads a map |
mapVersion | prints the map version (timestamp) |
measureFillRate | measures fill rate performance of GPU |
memoryFragmentationStats | show heap fragmentation stats |
memoryPrintAllocations | prints a list of all the allocations within a certain heap |
memoryPrintNumUniformBlocksAllocated | Print the number of uniform blocks allocated for a physical heap |
messageBox | message box test |
messageBoxSession | Message box test exe-side |
midtownComplete | complete all the midtown missions |
momoney | Gives player infinite money |
NewCampaignHasStarted | tells the stat manager that a new campaign has started |
notarget | disables the player as a target |
novis | disables the player as a target |
openedhint | opened a hint |
openScenarioPicker | Allows the player to pick the scenario for the current zone |
parse | prints tokenized string |
parseAnimWeightDecls | forces anim weights to be parsed generating any content errors |
parseBlendTreeDecls | forces blend trees to be parsed generating any content errors |
parseCommandEventDecls | forces command events to be parsed generating any content errors |
parseMaterials | forces materials to be parsed generating material parsing errors |
parseSoundEffectDecls | forces sound effects to be parsed generating any content errors |
passMission | mark a mission as completed |
path | lists search paths |
pause | See |
performLoadStreamPackTimings | Loads a stream pack for debugging some loadingcode |
play | See |
playerBindTo | binds the player to an entity |
playerKilledAllEnemies | Have the player pretend like he’s killed all enemies. |
playerModel | sets the given model on the player |
popLight | removes the last created light |
populateArea | usage: populateArea [maxSpawned] [entType] - spawns specified # of enemies (default 20) around you (can specify type, default is new_ss_sentry) |
populateSkies | usage: populateArea [maxSpawned] [entType] |
populateStreets | usage: populateArea [maxSpawned] [entType] |
printAF | prints an articulated figure |
PrintDeclMemoryStats | shows memory stats for the decl system |
printEffects | prints effects |
printEntityDef | prints an entity def |
printLipsyncs | prints lip syncs |
printMaterial | prints a material |
printMaterialTransformTemplate | prints a material transform template |
printMaterialTypes | prints material types |
printMemInfo | prints memory debugging data |
printModel | prints model info |
printModelDefs | prints a model def |
printPlaybacks | prints playbacks |
printSkin | prints a skin |
printTable | prints a table |
printVideo | prints a video decl |
PurchaseAccept | Called by Purchase.swf to accept the current purchase. |
PurchaseAcceptAmmo | Called by Purchase.swf to complete ammo transaction. |
PurchasePowersList | Called by Purchase.swf to request veil powers list. |
PurchaseSelectAmmo | Called by Purchase.swf to select ammo for purchase. |
PurchaseSelectPower | Called by Purchase.swf to request detailed info on a power. |
PurchaseSelectUpgrade | Called by Purchase.swf to request upgrade info. |
PurchaseSelectWeapon | Called by Purchase.swf to request detailed info on a weapon. |
PurchaseWeaponsList | Called by Purchase.swf to request weapon list. |
quit | quits the game |
quitMission | allows the player to quit out of the current mission |
recommendedVideoMode | print the recommended video settings for full screen on this machine |
refreshCompassIcons | updates persistent district compass icons based on current global variables |
RefreshMissionCompleteStats | Refreshes the mission complete stats |
RefreshPurchaseUpgrades | Called by purchase.swf to refresh upgrades, so weapons draw correctly. |
reloadanims | reloads animations |
reloadBrains | reload brains |
reloadDecls | reloads decls |
reloadEngine | reloads the engine down to including the file system |
reloadFAS | reloads the viseme data |
reloadglobals | reload one or all globals |
reloadLanguage | reload language dict |
reloadModels | reloads models |
reloadScenes | reloads scenes |
reloadScript | reloads scripts |
reloadShaders | reloads the hardware shader programs |
reloadVectors | reloads the global vector manager |
remove | removes an entity |
removeline | removes a debug line |
removeTargetEnt | Removes the entity the player is aiming at |
ReopenMenu | reopens the current menu |
resaveDecl | resaves a decl or every decl of a certain type |
rescanSI | internal - rescan serverinfo cvars and tell game |
reset | resets a cvar |
resetCollectibles | resets all of the data/globals for collectibles collected |
resetMission | reset one or all missions |
resetScenario | Resets the given scenario |
rumble | rumble the controller |
rumbleWithTables | rumble the controller using a table description |
RunAutomatedTester | Run a set of automated tests. |
saveMoveables | save all moveables to the .map file |
saveSelected | saves the selected entity to the .map file |
ScaleformAddMapIcon | Add icon to map |
ScaleformBindNextAnalogEvent | Set text on the scaleform controller screen |
ScaleformBindNextJoystickEvent | Set text on the scaleform controller screen |
ScaleformBindNextKeyEvent | Set text on the scaleform controller screen |
ScaleformBufferCommand | appends a command for execution |
ScaleformCaptureNextStartPress | Looks for next gamepad start press and actives that gamepad |
ScaleformClearPreviousBinds | Clears any previous key bindings to given key |
ScaleformClearSpecificBind | Clears a previous bindpoint and key pair |
ScaleformCloseMenu | Called by SWFs to close themselves. |
ScaleformCloseVideo | Closes the current video if one is playing |
ScaleformControllerChanged | Notifies scaleform when a controller changed so it can update button hints and stuff |
ScaleformDiedLoadMenu | Called by death menu to goto the main menu |
ScaleformDiedRestart | Called by death menu to restart from checkpoint |
ScaleformDrawUnlocked | Called by the end of level stats menu to ask for a compilation of unlockables |
ScaleformEndLetterBox | If in the HUD, turns off letterbox and shows stuff |
ScaleformGetAnalogBindIds | retrieves bindpoint description |
ScaleformGetAnalogBindString | retrieves bindpoint langstrings |
ScaleformGetAudioModes | Get audio modes supported by the game. |
ScaleformGetBindString | retrieves bindpoint description |
ScaleformGetButtonFromBindPoint | Returns a button id of a given bind point |
ScaleformGetCurrentVideoMode | Get the currently set video resolution and refresh rate for this machine. |
ScaleformGetCVarDefaultValue | retrieves cvar default value and passes it to actionscript through a callback |
ScaleformGetCVarMaxValue | retreives cvar max value and passes it to actionscript through a callback |
ScaleformGetCVarMinValue | retreives cvar min value and passes it to actionscript through a callback |
ScaleformGetCVarValue | retreives cvar value and passes it to actionscript through a callback |
ScaleformGetDefaultNormalizedGamma | Get the default gamma value. Normalized[0,1]. |
ScaleformGetDemoMenus | Returns whether or not we are using demo menus |
ScaleformGetGamepadActive | Allows the scaleform to query for an active gamepad |
ScaleformGetGodMode | Gets the value of the god mode cheat |
ScaleformGetInputDevices | Get input devices supported by the game. |
ScaleformGetJoystickBindIds | retrieves bindpoint description |
ScaleformGetJoystickBindString | retrieves bindpoint langstrings |
ScaleformGetKeyBindIds | retrieves bindpoint description |
ScaleformGetKeyBindString | retrieves bindpoint langstrings |
ScaleformGetLetterBoxedResolution | Get the letter boxed resolution to achieve the given aspect ratio. |
ScaleformGetLocalizedString | Localizes a #str |
ScaleformGetMainStoryFinished | Returns whether or not the player has beaten the game. |
ScaleformGetMaxAnisotropyBias | Get the max aniso bias as a floating point value [0,1]. |
ScaleformGetMPPreorderDLC | Returns whether or not we have the MP Preorder for 2000 dollars |
ScaleformGetNormalizedGamma | Get the current gamma value. Normalized [0,1]. |
ScaleformGetPostProcessHighQuality | Get the post process quality to low or high quality |
ScaleformGetRecommendedVideoMode | Get the recommended video resolution and refresh rate for this machine. |
ScaleformGetRefreshRates | Get refresh rates supported for the given resolution. |
ScaleformGetSignInStatus | Returns whether the active controller has a profile signed in |
ScaleformGetValue | retrieves a value from scaleform |
ScaleformGetVideoResolutions | Get video modes supported by the display. |
ScaleformGetWindowedFullscreenResolu | tion Get the corresponding initial resolution when swithing from windowed <-> fullscreen. Takes callback width height aspectRatio goingToFullscreen |
ScaleformIconPulse | Makes a given power’s icon pulse |
ScaleformInputHack | When actionscript wants to simulate a button press |
ScaleformInvokeArgs | calls scaleform invoke args |
ScaleformIsJoystickActive | Empty string if none active, else name of the device. |
ScaleformIsX360GamePadEnabled | returns whether 360 controller is enabled |
ScaleformListCinematics | Called by cinematics menu to get the ball rolling |
ScaleformLoadSWF | Loads a test HUD SWF (instead of the GFX). |
ScaleformMissionCompleteContinue | Called by end of level stats menu, to request an advancement to next level |
ScaleformPauseEmbeddedVideo | Pauses an embedded video |
ScaleformPauseVideo | Within the video GUI, pause the playing video. |
ScaleformPlayEmbeddedVideo | Plays an embedded video |
ScaleformPlaySound | Play sound with specified attenuation (optional). |
ScaleformPlayVideo | Open the video gui and play a video |
ScaleformPopRenderSettings | This will restore the a previously pushed set ofrendering setting cvars. |
ScaleformPushRenderSettings | This will store the current set of rendering setting cvars. |
ScaleformReopenMainMenu | Closes and re-opens the main menu |
ScaleformReplayAccept | Called by end of level stats menu, requests a replay of the level |
ScaleformRequestXInputPolling | Enable per-frame polling for XInput devices. |
ScaleformResetCVarValue | Resets the value of a cvar to it’s default |
ScaleformResumeVideo | Within the video GUI, resume the paused video. |
ScaleformSaveDeviceLost | Alerts that the save device has been removed and clears the global popup and refreshes the saves list |
ScaleformSetCursor | set the win32 cursor |
ScaleformSetCVarModified | Sets a cvar’s modified flag |
ScaleformSetFavoriteWeapon | Called by WeaponSelect menu to set the player’s favorite weapon |
ScaleformSetMaxAnisotropyBias | Set the max aniso bias as a floating point value [0,1]. |
ScaleformSetNormalizedGamma | Set the current gamma value. Normalized [0,1]. |
ScaleformSetPlayerHasCheated | Sets the variable in spstatsmanager so we knowthe player has cheated |
ScaleformSetPostProcessHighQuality | Set the post process quality to low or high quality |
ScaleformShowSkipPrompt | Notification of the video skip prompt. |
ScaleformShowStartMenu | opens start menu |
ScaleformShowStartScreen | pushes startscreen menu |
ScaleformStartLetterBox | If in the HUD, hides components and opens up the letterbox setting |
ScaleformTestButtonPrompt | sends the given text to the button help message area |
ScaleformTipTest | sends the given text to the tip box message area |
ScaleformToggleGamma | Loads a gamma test pattern. |
ScaleformToggleHUD | Toggles the HUD on/off. |
ScaleformUpdateBindText | Calls SetBindText on all existing bindings |
ScaleformUserHasSaveData | returns whether the active user has any sava data |
screenShake | Shake the screen |
screenshot | takes a tga screenshot |
script | executes a line of script |
SellAccept | Called by Purchase.swf to sell the current selection. |
set | sets a cvar |
seta | sets a cvar and flags it as archive |
SetErrorScreenFlag | Sets an error for one of the screen to show |
setFogOverride | sets the override fog params in the atmosphere system |
setglobal | set a global variable |
setGlobalVector | Sets a vector in the global vector array. |
setlocal | set a local variable |
setMachineSpec | detects system capabilities and sets com_machineSpec to appropriate value |
SetPresenceContext | sets rich presence context |
sets | sets a cvar and flags it as server info |
sett | sets a cvar and flags it as tool |
setu | sets a cvar and flags it as user info |
sfenablescenario | Called by the scenario picker to toggle the status ofa scenario in the list. |
sfmap | Called by SWFs to queue a map change (map crashes). |
sfquit | Called by SWFs to exit the game. |
showEntity | Draws debug bounds for an entity |
ShowEntityDictUsage | shows entity dictionary memory usage |
ShowEntitySpawnArgs | shows entity spawnargs |
showHeapInfo | Prints information about heap usage |
showMemAlloc | Prints outstanding mem_alloc tags – Debug only |
showMemory | gives a reasonably detailed account of memory usage |
showMemTagAlloc | prints a list of all the allocations within a certainheap |
showTempMessage | shows a temporary message on the HUD |
showTriSurfMemory | shows memory used by triangle surfaces |
sLook | See |
sModify | See |
sModifyDist | See |
sModifyToggle | See |
sModifyToggleIsolate | See |
sndConfig | See |
sndDebug | See |
sndDebugVoices | See |
sndDump | See |
sndDumpDefaults | See |
sndDumpUsage | See |
sndDumpVoices | See |
sndHelp | See |
sndListAssets | See |
sndListDecls | See |
sndListDefaults | See |
sndListPools | See |
sndListReverbs | See |
sndListVoices | See |
sndShot | See |
sndShowUsage | See |
sndStatSFX | |
sndStopAll | |
sndTestLoop | |
sndTestReverb | |
sndTestSound | |
sndTestVolume | |
soulMachinePulse | causes the soul machine to pulse now |
spawn | spawns a game entity |
spawnPyramid | Spawn ents in a pyramid |
spawnScenario | Spawns the given scenario |
speak | See |
SprintMode | enable sprinting |
sprintToggle | toggle sprint on/off |
stripLODs | strips out lods that aren’t within the distance rangepassed in |
tabComplete | tab completes it’s argument |
testCommandEvent | tests posting an event in CommandEventSystem |
testDamage | tests a damage def |
testDeath | tests death |
testLight | tests a light |
testLoadModels | |
TestNewBloodEffects | Sets Cvars for new blood effects testing |
testPointLight | tests a point light |
testRadiusDamage | does a ginormous radius damage to test performance |
testSaveGameSystem | tests the savegame framework using a test class. |
testSIMD | test SIMD code |
throwAtPlayer | throws the targetted object at the player |
toggle | toggles a cvar |
toggleShroud | Toggle shroud state |
touch | touches a decl |
touchFile | touches a file |
touchFileList | touches a list of files |
touchModel | touches a model |
touchStreamTrigger | touches a stream trigger causing it to fire |
trigger | triggers an entity |
unbind | unbinds a bind point from a key |
unbindAll | unbinds all bind points |
undying | enables undying mode (take damage down to 1 health, but do not die) |
unpause | See |
updateFillerMissions | updates active filler missions based on current global variables |
vid_restart | restarts renderSystem |
vstr | inserts the current value of a cvar as command text |
wait | delays remaining buffered commands one or more frames |
where | prints the current view position |
writeConfig | writes a config file |
WriteConfiguration | WriteConfiguration |
writePrecache | writes precache commands |
zoomToggle | toggle ironsights/scope on/off |