Dmap (console command)


This command compiles a level so it can be played.


At the console type…

dmap [Option] [Filename]


  • [Option] - Optional compilation filter.
    • editorOutput - Converts messages to the DoomEdit output window.
    • draw - Not functional.
    • lightCarve - Split polygons along light volume edges.
    • glView - Not functional.
    • noAAS - Doesn’t create AAS files.
    • noCarve - Doesn’t cut any surfaces as if they had the noFragment global keyword.
    • noClipSides - Doesn’t clip overlaping solid brushes.
    • noCM - Doesn’t create collision map .
    • noCurves - Makes curves invisible but their collision model is still generated.
    • noFlood - Skips the flooding of the level allowing it to have leaks.
    • noLightCarve - Doesn’t split polygons based on light volume edges. Default behaviour.
    • noModels - Not functional.
    • noOpt - Doesn’t merge/remove redundant polygons.
    • noTJunc - Doesn’t create T-Junctions and also auto-forces noOpt.
    • v - Shows additional information whilst compiling.
    • verboseEntities - Shows additional information on entities like removal of degenerate polygons.
    • shadowOpt [int] - Sets the static shadow computation optimisation type.
      • 0 - No optimization.
      • 1 - SO_MERGE_SURFACES. Default behaviour.
      • 2 - SO_CULL_OCCLUDED.
      • 3 - SO_CLIP_OCCLUDERS.
      • 4 - SO_CLIP_SILS.
      • 5 - SO_SIL_OPTIMIZE.
dmap shadowopt 3 <mapname>
  • [Filename] - Name of . MAP file (without the extension). If your map is in a subfolder of the / maps directory you will need to include the relative path to it, for instance:
dmap <subfolder>/<mapname>


This command will take a .MAP file and generate a . CM , . PROC and sometimes one or more . AAS files. See also the map formats page and the testmap console command.

Note: Quake 4 only:
This command does not function under the Linux build of Quake 4.