Extending the Area Awareness System

I recently finished up some work extending the AAS compiler. I was able to add elevator and transporter capabilities to the navigation graph. I did this by adding new reachabilities between areas based on each idPlat in a map.

I have summarized the work below and included a download link for the code, the aas code in the download is one version behind and needs to be updated.

The changes below could be used for adding the same ability for other AI characters in doom 3.

Is there any way to decrease tab indentation in code on the wiki?


When doom 3 shipped it did so without support for elevators. So paths like the following resulted even though the elevator would be a better choice.


What follows is an overview of how elevators capabilities were added and some tips if you want to incorporate this capability into your mod.

Setup Code

Each time a map is loaded you will need to call the routines to add the reachabilities to the AAS system. I had to reorganize just a little bit to make the map entities load before the AAS files were loaded and processed.

Initializes all map variables common to both save games and spawned games.
void idGameLocal::LoadMap( const char *mapName, int randseed ) {
// removed irrelevant code
playerConnectedAreas.i = -1;
#ifndef MOD_BOTS // cusTom3 - aas extensions - moved to later in InitFromNewMap so entities are spawned
    int i;
    // load navigation system for all the different monster sizes
    for( i = 0; i < aasNames.Num(); i++ ) {
        aasList[ i ]->Init( idStr( mapFileName ).SetFileExtension( aasNames[ i ] ).c_str(), mapFile->GetGeometryCRC() );
    // clear the smoke particle free list

When the AAS files are loaded they need to have data added to them. In order to calculate that data the rest of the map needs to be loaded. Moving the AAS initialization to later in the process after MapPopulate takes care of this.

void idGameLocal::InitFromNewMap( const char *mapName, idRenderWorld *renderWorld, idSoundWorld *soundWorld, bool isServer, bool isClient, int randseed ) {
// removed irrelevant code
#ifdef MOD_BOTS // cusTom3 - aas extensions - moved here from LoadMap so entities are spawned for botaas calculations
    // load navigation system for all the different monster sizes
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < aasNames.Num(); i++ ) {
        aasList[ i ]->Init( idStr( mapFileName ).SetFileExtension( aasNames[ i ] ).c_str(), mapFile->GetGeometryCRC() );

When Init is called on each idAAS the actual work to find and add the extensions is done. For now the only file that is processed is the aas48 file. If someone wants to incorporate the player class changing code we could have bots with any model, and any AAS size. If you do this, you will need to change the check to include the appropriate extension. other modifications later may also be necessary.

bool idAASLocal::Init( const idStr &mapName, unsigned int mapFileCRC ) {
    if ( file && mapName.Icmp( file->GetName() ) == 0 && mapFileCRC == file->GetCRC() ) {
        common->Printf( "Keeping %s\n", file->GetName() );
    else {
        file = AASFileManager->LoadAAS( mapName, mapFileCRC );
        if ( !file ) {
            common->DWarning( "Couldn't load AAS file: '%s'", mapName.c_str() );
            return false;
#ifdef MOD_BOTS // cusTom3 - aas extensions 
        // TODO: don't need a builder unless it is a 48, but Init's for now, look at later
        // if class changing is added models could change, would have to handle that here
        botAASBuilder->Init( this );
        if (mapName.Find( "aas48", false ) > 0) {
#endif // TODO: save the new information out to a file so it doesn't have to be processed each map load
    return true;

Just for reference the botAASBuilder variable is declared in AAS_local.h as an instance of BotAASBuild, which had to get up close and personal to idAASLocal.

class idAASLocal : public idAAS {
#ifdef MOD_BOTS // cusTom3 - aas extensions
    friend class BotAASBuild;
// removed irrelevant code
#ifdef MOD_BOTS // cusTom3 - aas extensions
    BotAASBuild *               botAASBuilder;

The call to AddReachabilities is where it gets fun. It turns out that the engine exe and the game dll have separate heaps. So in order to extend the AAS navigation graph I had to hack around some memory allocation issues. What it amounts to is I back up the original server allocated lists and replace them with my own dll allocated list. The original list data is appended to the local list, and now we are free to add as much data as we want.

void BotAASBuild::AddReachabilities( void ) {
    // steal the portals list so i can manipulate it
    originalPortals.list = file->portals.list;
    originalPortals.granularity = file->portals.granularity;
    originalPortals.num = file->portals.num;
    originalPortals.size = file->portals.size;
    file->portals.list = portals.list;
    originalPortalIndex.list = file->portalIndex.list;
    originalPortalIndex.granularity = file->portalIndex.granularity;
    originalPortalIndex.num = file->portalIndex.num;
    originalPortalIndex.size = file->portalIndex.size;
    file->portalIndex.list = portalIndex.list;

Adding Elevator Reachabilities

The add AddElevatorReachabilies method became a MONSTER. There may be simpler implementations, but then again, this one started out simpler at one point too. I will only cover this routine at a high level, explaining some of the reasons for the design. I would suggest you read the comments and skim the code unless your are truly interested in the messy implementation.

My apologies for any formatting crapiness :( is there a way to get wiki not to indent so far???

cusTom3 - welcome to the longest, largest, monolithic beast i can ever credit myself to writing
    - the original idea started fairly simple as a port from the original q3 implementation
    - it just grew as different cases were tacked on, yes, it could use a rewrite with a simpler idea but...
    - favors reachabilties starting at outer edge of plat for navigation system usage.
    - if the top and bottom of the plat are in the same cluster reachabilities are created directly from top to bottom
    - if they are in different clusters and a portal exists between them the reachabilities use the portal
    - if there is no cluster portal this will try to create them
        - TODO: should improve this logic to try areas for shared edges going up center trace
    - look at using PushPointIntoAreaNum after PointReachableAreaNum - preliminary test didn't look good :(
void BotAASBuild::AddElevatorReachabilities( void ) {
    idAASFile *file;
    file = aas->file;
    idEntity *ent;
    // for each entity in the map
    for ( ent = gameLocal.spawnedEntities.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->spawnNode.Next() ) {
        // that is an elevator
        if ( ent->IsType( idPlat::Type ) ) {
            idPlat *platform = static_cast<idPlat *>(ent);

This is why we needed the map populated ;) this first part just says, find each platform in the map.

Then a bunch of variables and stuff:

    // TODO: play with how much to expand this
    idBounds bounds = model->GetAbsBounds().Expand( 0 );
    if ( aas_showElevators.GetBool() ) {
        gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorGreen, bounds, vec3_origin, 200000 );
    // top and bottom of plat (located in center, slightly above)
    idVec3 top, bottom, center;
    center = bounds.GetCenter();
    bottom = center;
    bottom[2] = bounds[1][2] + 2; 
    top = center;
    top[2] = bottom[2] + ( platform->GetPosition2()[2] - platform->GetPosition1()[2] ); 
    // start of possible reach (on bottom), end of possible reach (on top) and thier area and cluster numbers
    idVec3 start, end;
    int topAreaNum, bottomAreaNum;
    int topClusterNum, bottomClusterNum;
    // for last ditch effort to create a reach
    idVec3 bottomNeedPortal, topNeedPortal;
    bool needPortal;
    // check for portals going up the plat before processing
    idVec3 firstPortal, lastPortal;
    int firstPortalNum, lastPortalNum;
    firstPortalNum = lastPortalNum = 0;
    bool reachabilityCreated = false;

The first thing the routine does when it finds a plat is trace up the “elevator shaft�? to see if there are any cluster portals separating the top and bottom positions of the plat. if the trace finds one, it is stored for processing later, and we continue up in search of more. If it finds more it creates reachabilities to them now.

// look for portals up the elevator shaft and create reachabilities 
    start = bottom;
    bottomAreaNum = aas->PointReachableAreaNum( start, DefaultBotBounds(), travelFlags );
    bottomClusterNum = file->areas[bottomAreaNum].cluster;
    // trace from bottom to top getting areas to look for portals
    aasTrace_t trace;
    int areas[10];  
    idVec3 points[10]; 
    trace.maxAreas = 10;
    trace.areas = areas;
    trace.points = points;
    file->Trace( trace, bottom, top );
    // for each area in trace (ignoring start area)
    for ( int q = 1; q < trace.numAreas; q++ ) {
        aasArea_t area = file->areas[trace.areas[q]]; 
        // only want portal areas
        if ( area.cluster > 0 ) continue;
        // trace is returning the same area 2 times in a row???
        if ( trace.areas[q] == trace.areas[q-1] ) continue;
        aasPortal_t p = file->portals[-area.cluster];
        // make sure the portal just found is a portal to the bottom cluster (gets set to next bottom)
        // TODO: there is a possibility that an edge point around the bottom
        // is in a different cluster than the bottom center point and a usable portal would be missed
        if ( bottomClusterNum > 0 ) {
            if( !( p.clusters[0] == bottomClusterNum || p.clusters[1] == bottomClusterNum ) ) continue;   
        // would need an else if < 0 here
        else if ( bottomClusterNum < 0 ) { // the bottom is also a portal - need to check that both portals share one cluster
            aasPortal_t b = file->portals[-bottomClusterNum];
            if( !( p.clusters[0] == b.clusters[0] || p.clusters[0] == b.clusters[1] || p.clusters[1] == b.clusters[0] || p.clusters[1] == b.clusters[1]) ) continue;  
        // if it is 0, the center bottom of plat is out of bounds (d3ctf3 small circle plat)
        if ( !firstPortalNum ) { // just save the first portal for later reachability processing
            firstPortalNum = trace.areas[q];
            firstPortal = trace.points[q];
        else { // create reaches from portal to portal up the shaft now
            // found a portal up the elevator shaft to create reaches to
            aasArea_t bottomArea = file->areas[bottomAreaNum];
            CreateReachability( start, trace.points[q], bottomAreaNum, trace.areas[q], TFL_ELEVATOR );
            reachabilityCreated = true;
        } // end else q == 1
        // will be used for top processing
        lastPortal = trace.points[q];
        lastPortalNum = trace.areas[q];
        // reset the bottom area up to the portal just found and keep looking up the shaft from there
        bottomAreaNum = trace.areas[q];
        bottomClusterNum = area.cluster;
        start = trace.points[q];
    } // end for each area 

When the above code is done if there was one portal on the way up the point where it is first hit will be in firstPortal. If there were more than one (think 3 story plat) the point where the last portal found (nearest top) will be in lastPortal and a reachability will have been created between the portals. none of the portal checking code would be required if the portals were created after the reachabilies were, oh well, it was fun learning it.

Next the routine starts looking around the bottom of the platform for places to start using the plat. It looks a little like this as it searches around the bottom position of the plat:

    |       |           
    |       |       |
    0       2       |Y
    |       |       |____
    |       |           X

this is q3 inspired ;)

float x[8], y[8], x_top[8], y_top[8];
x[0] = bounds[0][0]; x[1] = center[0]; x[2] = bounds[1][0]; x[3] = center[0];
x[4] = bounds[0][0]; x[5] = bounds[1][0]; x[6] = bounds[1][0]; x[7] = bounds[0][0];
y[0] = center[1]; y[1] = bounds[1][1]; y[2] = center[1]; y[3] = bounds[0][1];
y[4] = bounds[1][1]; y[5] = bounds[1][1]; y[6] = bounds[0][1]; y[7] = bounds[0][1];
// find adjacent areas around the bottom of the plat
for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) {
    if ( i < 8 ) {  //loops around the outside of the plat
        start[0] = x[i];
        start[1] = y[i];
        start[2] = bottom[2];  
        bottomAreaNum = aas->PointReachableAreaNum( start, DefaultBotBounds(), travelFlags );
        int k; // TODO: try to eliminate this loop once and see what results
        for ( k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) {
            if( bottomAreaNum && file->GetArea( bottomAreaNum ).flags & AREA_REACHABLE_WALK ) {
                //gameRenderWorld->DebugCone( colorCyan, start, idVec3( 0, 0, 1 ), 0, 1);
            start[2] += 2; 
            bottomAreaNum = aas->PointReachableAreaNum( start, DefaultBotBounds(), travelFlags );
        // couldn't find a reachable area - no need to process  for this point
        if ( k >= 4 ) continue;
        bottomClusterNum = file->areas[bottomAreaNum].cluster;
    else {  // check at the middle of the plat (or the portal if there was one)
        if ( lastPortalNum ) {
            start = lastPortal;
            bottomAreaNum = lastPortalNum;
        else {
            start = bottom;
            bottomAreaNum = aas->PointReachableAreaNum( start, DefaultBotBounds(), travelFlags );
            if ( !bottomAreaNum ) continue; 
        bottomClusterNum = file->areas[bottomAreaNum].cluster;

If it finds a location that is valid to start from, it then starts trying to find a place to get to at the top. It will first search around the top just like it did around the bottom. This makes the routine favor direct reachabilities from top to bottom. On the 9th iteration it checks for a portal up the elevator shaft and creates the reachability to the portal if it is there.

//look at adjacent areas around the top of the plat make larger steps to outside the plat everytime
idBounds topBounds = bounds; 
for ( int n = 0; n < 3; n++ ) {
    topBounds.ExpandSelf( 2 * n );
    x_top[0] = topBounds[0][0]; x_top[1] = center[0]; x_top[2] = topBounds[1][0]; x_top[3] = center[0];
    x_top[4] = topBounds[0][0]; x_top[5] = topBounds[1][0]; x_top[6] = topBounds[1][0]; x_top[7] = topBounds[0][0];
    y_top[0] = center[1]; y_top[1] = topBounds[1][1]; y_top[2] = center[1]; y_top[3] = topBounds[0][1];
    y_top[4] = topBounds[1][1]; y_top[5] = topBounds[1][1]; y_top[6] = topBounds[0][1]; y_top[7] = topBounds[0][1];
    // circle around top plat position looking for areas
    for ( int j = 0; j < 9; j++ ) {
        // for the last round check for portal
        if ( j >= 8 ) {
            if ( firstPortalNum ) {
                end = firstPortal;
                topAreaNum = firstPortalNum;
            else {
        else {
            end[0] = x_top[j];
            end[1] = y_top[j];
            end[2] = top[2];  
            topAreaNum = aas->PointReachableAreaNum( end, DefaultBotBounds(), travelFlags );
            int l; // trace up a little higher
            for ( l = 0; l < 8; l++ ) {
                // gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow(colorPurple, start, end, 3, 200000);
                if ( topAreaNum && file->GetArea( topAreaNum ).flags & AREA_REACHABLE_WALK) {
                    // found a reachable area near top of plat - trace to see if we can reach it from center
                    aasTrace_t trace; // TODO: trace with a bounding box (don't know how)???
                    aas->Trace(trace, top, end);
                    if ( trace.fraction >= 1 ) {
                        if ( aas_showElevators.GetBool() ) {
                            gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorPurple, top, end, 1, 200000 );
                        // TODO: Need to trace down to the floor here and check trace.distance > plat.height (d3dm1)
                    } else { // failed trace
                        if ( aas_showElevators.GetBool() ) {
                            gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorOrange, top, end, 1, 200000 );
                end[2] += 4;
                topAreaNum = aas->PointReachableAreaNum( end, DefaultBotBounds(), travelFlags );
            // couldn't find top area
            if ( l >= 8 ) continue;

If it has found a valid bottom and top position vector it checks to make sure a reachability between the two makes sense, checking for things like the top and bottom being in the same area, or in different clusters, etc. if they are in different clusters the routine will look for possible portal areas along the way.

// don't create reachabilities to the same area (worthless)
    if( bottomAreaNum == topAreaNum ) continue;
    // area from which we will create a reachability
    aasArea_t area = file->areas[bottomAreaNum];
    idReachability *reach;
    bool create = true;
    if ( j < 8 ) {
        // if a reachability in the area already points to the area don't create another one
        for ( reach = area.reach; reach; reach = reach->next ) {
            if ( reach->fromAreaNum == bottomAreaNum && reach->toAreaNum == topAreaNum ) {
                create = false;
        if ( !create ) continue;
    // area to create reachability to
    aasArea_t dest = file->areas[topAreaNum];
    // if goal area is portal it needs to be a portal for the bottom cluster
    if ( dest.cluster < 0 ) {
        if ( bottomClusterNum > 0 ) {
            const aasPortal_t p = file->GetPortal( -dest.cluster );
            if ( p.clusters[0] != bottomClusterNum && p.clusters[1] != bottomClusterNum ) {
        else { // if they are both portals they need to share a cluster
            const aasPortal_t e = file->GetPortal( -dest.cluster );
            const aasPortal_t s = file->GetPortal( -bottomClusterNum );
            if (! ( s.clusters[0] == e.clusters[0] || s.clusters[0] == e.clusters[1] || s.clusters[1] == e.clusters[0] || s.clusters[1] == e.clusters[1] ) ) {
    // if areas are not portals and are in different clusters
    if ( area.cluster > 0 && dest.cluster > 0 && area.cluster != dest.cluster ) {
        topClusterNum = dest.cluster;
        create = false;
        // if any face in the area bounds both clusters make it a portal
        for ( int j = 0; j < area.numFaces; j++ ) {
            const aasFace_t face = file->GetFace( abs( file->GetFaceIndex( area.firstFace + j ) ) );
            if ( file->GetArea( face.areas[0]).cluster == bottomClusterNum && file->GetArea( face.areas[1]).cluster== topClusterNum || file->GetArea( face.areas[0]).cluster == topClusterNum && file->GetArea( face.areas[1]).cluster == bottomClusterNum ) {
                gameLocal.Printf("create a portal here");
                create = true;
        // if the bottom area can be made a cluster make it
        if ( create ) {
            CreatePortal( bottomAreaNum, bottomClusterNum, topClusterNum );                           
        else { // UGLY: check the top area same as we just checked the bottom
            // TODO: see if this ever gets used, if not think about getting rid of it for now?
            // TODO: break out the common code into ConvertAreaToPortal
            for ( int j = 0; j < dest.numFaces; j++ ) {
                const aasFace_t face = file->GetFace( abs( file->GetFaceIndex( dest.firstFace + j ) ) );
                if ( file->GetArea( face.areas[0]).cluster == bottomClusterNum && file->GetArea( face.areas[1]).cluster== topClusterNum || file->GetArea( face.areas[0]).cluster == topClusterNum && file->GetArea( face.areas[1]).cluster == bottomClusterNum ) {
                    create = true;
            if ( create ) {
                // make the top area a portal
                CreatePortal( topAreaNum, topClusterNum, bottomClusterNum);
            else { // areas are in different clusters and neither made a portal
                if ( area.rev_reach && dest.reach) {
                    bottomNeedPortal = start;
                    topNeedPortal = end;
                    needPortal = true;

If we got passed all that ugliness then we are ready to create a reachability.

    // if got to this point there is a valid to area and from area for a reachability
    CreateReachability( start, end, bottomAreaNum, topAreaNum, TFL_ELEVATOR );
    reachabilityCreated = true;
    //don't go any further to the outside
    n = 9999;

This type of pattern will continue until each spot in the bottom rotation has been checked against each spot in the top rotation, and the first and last portals have also been connected. Finally, if all the coagulation above couldn’t create something usable, one last attempt is made creating a portal that doesn’t REALLY share an edge between two clusters, but it works ;)

    if ( !reachabilityCreated ) {
        if ( aas_showElevators.GetBool() ) {
            // give a little warning visually ;)
            gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorPink, bounds, vec3_origin, 200000 );
        // could try many different things for a last ditch effort. (d3dm3 plats)
        // for now try and create a portal at top and one reach from bottom (could use list from bottom)
        if ( needPortal ) {
            topAreaNum = aas->PointReachableAreaNum( topNeedPortal, DefaultBotBounds(), travelFlags );
            aasArea_t topArea = file->areas[topAreaNum];
            topClusterNum = topArea.cluster;
            assert(topClusterNum > 0);
            bottomAreaNum = aas->PointReachableAreaNum( bottomNeedPortal, DefaultBotBounds(), travelFlags );
            bottomClusterNum = file->GetArea( bottomAreaNum ).cluster;
            assert( bottomClusterNum );
            // TODO: this wacked out the points way crazy like in some spots
            //aas->PushPointIntoAreaNum(topAreaNum, topNeedPortal);
            //aas->PushPointIntoAreaNum(bottomAreaNum, bottomNeedPortal);
            CreatePortal( topAreaNum, topClusterNum, bottomClusterNum );
            CreateReachability( bottomNeedPortal, topNeedPortal, bottomAreaNum, topAreaNum, TFL_ELEVATOR ); 

Here are some pics to help explain. let me know if they are too dark ( my old monitor sucks a$$) also, the image policy page is empty so I took the safe route and uploaded crappy resolution images, if we thumbnail them can we upload nicer ones?

Elevator Screenshots

This is what a plat looks like when the top and bottom are in the same cluster. Yes, there are probably too many reachabilities. I just haven’t tweaked enough.


The Edge 2 turned out good, yes you also see a transporter reachability in there ;)


This one has a cluster portal up the center. It was important to make sure the reachabilities still started at the outer edge so that the AI would know they were looking to do plat navigation before they accidentally ended up on or under it.


There were a couple that were stubborn…


The two story plats have more than one cluster portal up the elevator shaft:


Will bots be playing CTF soon?


Adding Transporter Reachabilities

Just for reference:

 cusTom3    - needs some work, but is functional for purpose for now ;)
void BotAASBuild::AddTransporterReachabilities( void ) {
    // teleporters - if trigger and destination are in the same area just ignore them???? (not likely but test map had it) 
    idEntity *ent;
    // for each entity in the map
    for ( ent = gameLocal.spawnedEntities.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->spawnNode.Next() ) {
        // that is an elevator
        if ( ent->IsType( idTrigger_Multi::Type ) ) {
            const char *targetName;
            if ( ent->spawnArgs.GetString( "target", "", &targetName ) ) {
                idEntity *target = gameLocal.FindEntity( targetName );
                if ( target && target->IsType( idPlayerStart::Type ) ) {
                    int startArea, targetArea, startCluster, targetCluster;
                    bool needsPortal = false;
                    // get the areas the trigger multi bounds is in (just origin for now)
                    startArea = aas->PointReachableAreaNum( ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(), DefaultBotBounds(), travelFlags );
                    // get the areas the info_player_teleport is in (just origin for now) -- expanded bounding box 10 here to get a target area on d3dm1
                    targetArea = aas->PointReachableAreaNum( target->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(), DefaultBotBounds().Expand( 10 ), travelFlags );
                    // if both are in valid areas (should be)
                    if ( startArea && targetArea ) {
                        startCluster = aas->file->GetArea( startArea ).cluster;
                        targetCluster = aas->file->GetArea( targetArea ).cluster;
                        if ( startCluster > 0 ) {
                            if ( targetCluster > 0 ) {
                                if ( startCluster != targetCluster ) {
                                    needsPortal = true;
                            else { // target area is a cluster portal
                                if ( file->GetPortal( -targetCluster ).clusters[0] != startCluster && file->GetPortal( -targetCluster ).clusters[1] != startCluster ) {
                                    needsPortal = true;
                        else { // start area is a cluster portal
                            if ( targetCluster > 0 ) {
                                if ( file->GetPortal( -startCluster ).clusters[0] != targetCluster && file->GetPortal( -startCluster ).clusters[1] != targetCluster ) {
                                    needsPortal = true;
                            else { // both portals
                                if ( (file->GetPortal( -startCluster ).clusters[0] != file->GetPortal( -targetCluster ).clusters[0]) &&
                                     (file->GetPortal( -startCluster ).clusters[1] != file->GetPortal( -targetCluster ).clusters[0]) &&
                                     (file->GetPortal( -startCluster ).clusters[0] != file->GetPortal( -targetCluster ).clusters[1]) &&
                                     (file->GetPortal( -startCluster ).clusters[1] != file->GetPortal( -targetCluster ).clusters[1]) ) {
                                         // need a portal and both are already portals, won't work?
                    if ( needsPortal ) { 
                        CreatePortal( startArea, startCluster, targetCluster );
                    CreateReachability( ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(), target->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(), startArea, targetArea, TFL_TELEPORT );

Helper Routines

A few routines were broken out for reuse. I started reading Large Scale Software Development in C++ after implementing all of this and would probably design the component different now if i did it again.

void BotAASBuild::CreateReachability( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, int fromAreaNum, int toAreaNum, int travelFlags ) {
    // TODO: this should probably return a pointer to the reachability created
    idReachability *r = AllocReachability();
    idReachability *reach;
    // add the reach to the end of the start areas reachability list 
    if ( reach = file->areas[fromAreaNum].reach ) {
        // get to the last reach in the list - he he
        for ( ; reach->next; reach = reach->next ) {}
        reach->next = r;
    else {
        // will be only reachability in start area list
        file->areas[fromAreaNum].reach = r; 
    r->next = NULL; 
    r->start = start; 
    r->end = end;
    r->fromAreaNum = fromAreaNum;
    r->toAreaNum = toAreaNum;
    r->travelType = travelFlags;
    r->travelTime = 1; // TODO: distance calculation here 
    r->edgeNum = 0; // TODO: elevator height here, portal wouldn't share edge either? make parameter if needed?
    r->areaTravelTimes = NULL;
    if( reach = file->areas[toAreaNum].rev_reach ) {
        // get to the end of the rev_reach list
        for ( ; reach->rev_next; reach = reach->rev_next ) {}
        reach->rev_next = r;
    } else {
        // will be only one in list
        file->areas[toAreaNum].rev_reach = r; 
    //return r;

void BotAASBuild::CreatePortal( int areaNum, int cluster, int joinCluster ) {
    // TODO: could just pass in a reference to the area??
    aasPortal_t portal;
    portal.areaNum = areaNum;
    portal.clusters[0] = cluster;
    portal.clusterAreaNum[0] = aas->ClusterAreaNum( cluster, areaNum );
    portal.clusters[1] = joinCluster;
    portal.clusterAreaNum[1] = file->GetCluster( joinCluster ).numReachableAreas;
    int portalIndex = file->portals.Append( portal );
    // adding an area to the joinCluster, update cluster stats 
    // update the files portalIndex
    int insertat = file->clusters[joinCluster].firstPortal;
    file->portalIndex.Insert( portalIndex, insertat );
    // reset the clusters firstPortal member to new locations
    int current = 0;
    for ( int c = 1; c < file->GetNumClusters(); c++ ) {
        file->clusters[c].firstPortal = current;
        current += file->clusters[c].numPortals;
    // adding a portal to the current cluster, update cluster stats
    insertat = file->clusters[cluster].firstPortal;
    file->portalIndex.Insert( portalIndex, insertat );
    // reset the clusters firstPortal member to new locations (again)
    current = 0;
    for ( int c = 1; c < file->GetNumClusters(); c++ ) {
        file->clusters[c].firstPortal = current;
        current += file->clusters[c].numPortals;
    // update the area 
    file->areas[areaNum].cluster = -portalIndex;
    file->areas[areaNum].contents |= AREACONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL;

Clean Up Code

When a map unloads all the AAS file additions need to be undone before the engine tries do free the AAS data. If this isn’t done correctly you may spend hours and days reading about things like heap corruption and linking to the CRT runtime and many other things C++ :)

void idAASLocal::Shutdown( void ) {
    if ( file ) {
#ifdef MOD_BOTS // cusTom3 - aas extensions 
    if (idStr(file->GetName()).Find( "aas48", false ) > 0) {
#endif // TODO: save the new information out to a file so it doesn't have to be processed each map load
        AASFileManager->FreeAAS( file );
        file = NULL;

This calls into a clean up routine that puts the lists back into place, cleans up the remainder of the new ones and unlinks all the reachabilities from the data structures.

void BotAASBuild::FreeAAS() {
    //OutputAASReachInfo( file );
    // remove the references that point to engine objects - as innefficiently as possible ;)
    for ( int i = 0; i < originalPortals.Num(); i++ ) {
        // remove the first one from the list, it will move the rest (go backwards at least lazy man)
        file->portals.RemoveIndex( 0 );
    // if file->portals was resized, portals points to a place that has been deleted. 
    portals.list = file->portals.list;
    portals.num = file->portals.num;
    portals.size = file->portals.size;
    portals.granularity = file->portals.granularity;
    // reset the aas portals list back to the orignal
    file->portals.list = originalPortals.list;
    file->portals.size = originalPortals.size;
    file->portals.num= originalPortals.num;
    file->portals.granularity = originalPortals.granularity;
    for ( int i = 0; i < originalPortalIndex.Num(); i++ ) {
        // remove the first one from the list, it will move the rest (go backwards at least lazy man)
        file->portalIndex.RemoveIndex( 0 );
    // if file->portalIndex was resized, portalIndex points to a place that has been deleted. 
    portalIndex.list = file->portalIndex.list;
    portalIndex.num = file->portalIndex.num;
    portalIndex.size = file->portalIndex.size;
    portalIndex.granularity = file->portalIndex.granularity;
    // reset the aas portalIndex list back to the orignal
    file->portalIndex.list = originalPortalIndex.list;
    file->portalIndex.size = originalPortalIndex.size;
    file->portalIndex.num= originalPortalIndex.num;
    file->portalIndex.granularity = originalPortalIndex.granularity;
    // for each reachability added unmanipulate aas file
    int numReach = reachabilities.Num();
    for ( int i = 0; i < numReach; i++ ) {
        idReachability *r = reachabilities[ i ];
        // remove this reach from the list - reaches are added to end of the reach list so 0 represents no other reach in list
        if ( r->number > 0 ) {
            aas->GetAreaReachability( r->fromAreaNum, r->number - 1 )->next = r->next;
            // removing the reach from the list above f's up the reach numbers - renumber now so if 2 reaches were added the next one through works
            int j = 0;
            for ( idReachability *reach = file->areas[r->fromAreaNum].reach; reach; reach = reach->next, j++ ) {
                reach->number = j;
        else {
            // only one in list - tell area list is now empty
            file->areas[r->fromAreaNum].reach = NULL;
        // rev_reach has no numbers
        if ( r == file->areas[r->toAreaNum].rev_reach ) {
            // only one in list, tell area
            file->areas[r->toAreaNum].rev_reach = NULL;
        else {
            // have to find the reach before me
            for ( idReachability *rev = file->areas[r->toAreaNum].rev_reach; rev; rev = rev->rev_next ) {
                // if the next reach pointer points to the same thing i do? 
                if ( r == rev->rev_next ) {
                    rev->rev_next = r->rev_next;
    // free memory allocated.
    reachabilities.DeleteContents( true );
    file = NULL;
    aas = NULL;
    //OutputAASReachInfo( file ); 

Source Download and Mod Integration

The source can be downloaded from:


thanks to chuck at http://home.comcast.net/~chuckdoodbmx/ for hosting ;)

To integrate this into your mod you can search for:

#ifdef MOD_BOTS // cusTom3 - aas extensions

Every change necessary was wrapped in with that. After you have the AAS extensions integrated you will need to code the AI logic to use the elevators. The teleporters should just work ;). Tinman has sabot using the plats and has scripted the logic necessary. You can check out his source when it is released if you need an example of how to do this.

Here are a couple of routines I knocked out to help with that effort.

void botAi::Event_IsUnderPlat( idEntity *ent ) {
    if ( ent->IsType( idPlat::Type ) ) {
        idPlat *plat = static_cast<idPlat *>(ent);
        // this will represent the volume under the plat
        idBounds floorToPlat = plat->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds();
        // adjust the mins z value to bottom pos
        floorToPlat[0].z = plat->GetPosition1().z;  
        // adjust the maxs z value to top of plat minus arbitrary value to get below it  
        floorToPlat[1].z = plat->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds()[1].z - 10;
        if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) {
            gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorGreen, floorToPlat, vec3_origin, gameLocal.msec  );
        // is player inside bounds just created?
        bool under =  floorToPlat.IntersectsBounds( physicsObject->GetAbsBounds() );
        if ( under && ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) {
            gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorYellow, physicsObject->GetAbsBounds(), vec3_origin, gameLocal.msec  );
            // Event_GetWaitPosition( ent ); was testing it, lol here only for visuals
        idThread::ReturnInt( under );
    idThread::ReturnInt( false );
Find a position out from under plat
cusTom3 had this funny idea to draw a picture for the search arrays ;)
    |       |           
    |       |       |
    0       2       |Y
    |       |       |____
    |       |           X
void botAi::Event_GetWaitPosition( idEntity *ent ) {
    idVec3 result = physicsObject->GetOrigin();
    if ( ent->IsType( idPlat::Type ) ) {
        idPlat *plat = static_cast<idPlat *>(ent);
        // expand 24 for player bounding box and another 6 to get out past it
        idBounds bounds = plat->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds().Expand( 30 );
        // rotate around the bounds looking for good spot to wait for plat
        idVec3 center = bounds.GetCenter();
        float x[8], y[8], z;
        x[0] = bounds[0][0]; x[1] = center[0]; x[2] = bounds[1][0]; x[3] = center[0];
        x[4] = bounds[0][0]; x[5] = bounds[1][0]; x[6] = bounds[1][0]; x[7] = bounds[0][0];
        y[0] = center[1]; y[1] = bounds[1][1]; y[2] = center[1]; y[3] = bounds[0][1];
        y[4] = bounds[1][1]; y[5] = bounds[1][1]; y[6] = bounds[0][1]; y[7] = bounds[0][1];
        z = playerEnt->GetEyePosition().z; // not sure what z value would be good, trying eye level
        idVec3 search;
        float closest = idMath::INFINITY; // biger than big
        for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
            search[0] = x[i];
            search[1] = y[1];
            search[2] = z;
            if ( PointReachableAreaNum( search ) ) {
                // found a reachable spot, if it is closer than the last one we found use it instead
                float distance = ( search - physicsObject->GetOrigin() ).LengthSqr();
                if ( distance < closest ) {
                    closest = distance;
                    result = search;
    if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) {
        gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorCyan, physicsObject->GetOrigin(), result, 1);
    idThread::ReturnVector( result );

Side Note: The modifications have been made to the game-d3xp project so that bots will be able to run in vanilla d3 and roe expansion pack installs. Many modifications to the source were necessary to make the d3xp project buildable and functional without _D3XP and _CTF defined. If you would like to use these changes as well extract the zip over a clean 1.3 sdk src folder and open the bot.sln you should be good to go.

if you have any questions feel free to ask them up on d3w ;)