
NOTE: This is just for reference and doesn’t work like this anymore!

This is a backup of the old MediaWiki based modwiki User:PyBot page that references mediawiki bots etc, so it doesn’t work like this with our Gitit Wiki.

However, at least parts of the Python Code can probably be used to generate pages for this wiki as well (that could be mass-added through a pull request on our Github project page). (Remember, that we use Markdown with some extensions instead of MediaWiki Syntax here, though).


It’s assumed you already have Python installed and are familiar with it’s use.


Download the Python Wikipedia Robot Framework from one of the sources listed at the PyWikipediaBot project page.

The location of installation is not important. The only setback is that your python program must be stored in the same location in order to import the wikipedia module.


In order for the module to function with it must be configured properly.

First, create a new python script with the name in your PyWikipediaBot installation directory. Then copy and paste the following code into this file and save it.

mylang = 'en'
family = 'modwiki'
usernames['modwiki']['en'] = u'PyBot'

Next, create a new python script with the name in the families subfolder of your PyWikipediaBot installation directory. Then copy and paste the following code into this file and save it.

import family

# Modwiki - idTech 4 and future engine reference

class Family(family.Family):

    def __init__(self):
        family.Family.__init__(self) = 'modwiki' #Set the family name; this should be the same as in the filename.
        self.langs = {
            'en': '', #Put the hostname here.
        self.namespaces[4] = {
            '_default': u'MediaWiki', #Specify the project namespace here. Other
        }                               #namespaces will be set to MediaWiki default.

        self.namespaces[5] = {
            '_default': u'MediaWiki talk',

    def version(self, code):
        return "1.6.8"  #The MediaWiki version used. Not very important in most cases.

    def path(self, code):
        return '/w/index.php' #The path of index.php

Before you can use the bot you must login using this account.

This can be done at the command line on your local machine by browsing to the directory you’ve installed PyWikipediaBot and invoking with python like so…

C:\Python25\pywikipediabot\> python

Note you must obtain the password for this account from one of the following users: Rich

From this point, you simply invoke your python program just as you did above.


To make use of the module you must import it like so…

import wikipedia

Then you can retrieve or submit articles like so …

site = wikipedia.getSite()
page = wikipedia.Page(site, 'mypage')
text = page.get()
page.put(text, 'Added Article', None, False, False)


Source code for modules written specifically for this wiki can be found in this section.

Entity Listing

The following python script was used to populate the Entity Listing.

NOTE for Gitit Wiki: If you want to use that script to create pages for this wiki, remember to replace the mediawiki/html stuff with Markdown with Gitit/pandoc extensions for tables, sections etc!

""" idTech 4 data visualization script """

import os
import fileinput
import re
import wikipedia

# create compiled regex

entdef = re.compile(r'entityDef\s(\w*)\s{([^}]*)}')
kvpair = re.compile(r'\n\s{0,10}"([^"]*)"\s*"([^"]*)"')
prefix = re.compile(r'(\w*)[\x20\t](\w*)')

clsmethod = re.compile(r'(\w*)::\w*\([^)]*\)\s*(?:\w*\s)?{([^\xBF]*?(?<=\n))}')
spnarg = re.compile(r'spawnArgs\.[^(]*\(\s"(\w*)')
clsdec = re.compile(r'CLASS_DECLARATION\(\s([^,]*),\s([^)]*?)\s\)')

print 'Parsing entity declarations...'

# create list of def files

defpath = "E:\\Quake4 Assets\\def"
deflist = list()

for (path, dname, fnames) in os.walk(defpath):
    for fn in fnames:
        if fn.endswith(".def"):
            deflist.append(os.path.join(path, fn))

# load contents of all def files into string

defstring = str()

for line in fileinput.input(deflist):
    defstring = defstring + line

# create list comprised of entity name and body

match = re.findall(entdef, defstring)

# parse each element in match feeding a list of key names,
# the value of inherit, and the value of spawnclass into
# a dictionary entry under the name of the entity.

entdata = dict()

for x in match:
    name = x[0]
    temp = dict(re.findall(kvpair, x[1]))
    keys = temp.keys()
    if 'inherit' in temp:
        inherit = temp['inherit']
        inherit = 'null'
    if 'spawnclass' in temp:
        spawnclass = temp['spawnclass']
        spawnclass = 'null'
        sdk = 0
    entdata[name] = [keys, inherit, spawnclass, sdk]

print 'Parsing source code...'

# create list of source files

srcpath = "E:\\Q4_SDK\\source"
srclist = list()

for (path, dname, fnames) in os.walk(srcpath):
    for fn in fnames:
        if fn.endswith(".cpp"):
            srclist.append(os.path.join(path, fn))

# load contents of all source files into string

srcstring = str()

for line in fileinput.input(srclist):
    srcstring = srcstring + line

# create list comprised of classes and code to check for spawnargs

match = re.findall(clsmethod, srcstring)

# parse each element in match feeding a list of key names,
# a null value for inherit, and a null value for spawnclass
# into a dictionary entry under the name of the class.

for x in match:
    name = x[0]
    keys = re.findall(spnarg, x[1])
    if name in entdata:
        keys += entdata[name][0]
    inherit = 'null'
    spawnclass = 'null'
    sdk = 1
    entdata[name] = [keys, inherit, spawnclass, sdk]

# create list comprised of class declarations where one class is
# derived from another.

match = re.findall(clsdec, srcstring)

# parse each element in match feeding the parent class name into
# the inherit property.

for x in match:
    name = x[1]
    inherit = x[0]
    keys = []
    spawnclass = 0
    sdk = 1
    entdata[name] = [keys, inherit, spawnclass, sdk]

# recursive function to return a list depicting the inheritance of
# an entity or class

def getInherit(name = '', templist = None):
    if templist is None:
        templist = []
    if name in entdata:
        if entdata[name][1] == 'null':
            if entdata[name][2] == 'null':
                return getInherit(entdata[name][2], templist)
            return getInherit(entdata[name][1], templist)
    return templist

# compiles a list of all available keys including those inherited

def getKeys(name = ''):
    templist = getInherit(name)
    keys = []
    while templist:
        name = templist.pop()
        if name in entdata:
            keys = keys + entdata[name][0]
    temp = []
    for x in keys:
        if x in temp:
            if re.match(prefix, x):
                temp1 = re.findall(prefix, x)
                if temp1[0][0] + ' XXXX' in temp:
                    temp.append(temp1[0][0] + ' XXXX')
                    if temp1[0][0] in temp:
    return temp

def getKV(name = ''):
    match = re.findall(entdef, defstring)
    data = dict()
    for x in match:
        data[x[0]] = x[1]
    hiarchy = getInherit(name)
    kvdict = dict()
    while hiarchy:
        name = hiarchy.pop()
        if name in entdata:
            if entdata[name][3] == 0:
                temp = dict(re.findall(kvpair, data[name]))
                for x in temp:
                    if re.match(prefix, x):
                        temp1 = re.findall(prefix, x)
                        if temp1[0][0] == 'editor_var':
                            kvdict[temp1[0][1]] = temp[x]
                    if x == 'editor_usage':
                        kvdict[x] = temp[x]
    return kvdict

# present data formatted for wiki article

def printArticle(name = ''):
    keys = getKeys(name)
    kvdict = getKV(name)
    article = ''
    article += '{{bot}}\n'
    article += '{{stub}}\n'
    article += '__NOTOC__\n'
    article += '\n'
    article += '==Description==\n'
    article += '\n'
    if 'editor_usage' in kvdict:
        article += kvdict['editor_usage'] + '\n'
        article += 'Description not available.\n'
    article += '\n'
    article += '==Spawn Arguments==\n'
    article += '\n'
    article += 'The following is a list of key/value pairs, also known as spawn arguments, that function with this entity. <br>\n'
    article += '{| class="listtable"\n'
    article += '|-\n'
    article += '! KEY !! DESCRIPTION\n'
    for x in keys:
        article += '|-\n'
        if x in kvdict:
            article += '| ' + x + ' || ' + kvdict[x] + '\n'
            article += '| ' + x + ' || Description not available.\n'
    article += '|}\n'
    article += '\n'
    article += '==Inheritance==\n'
    article += '\n'
    article += 'This entity is derived from the following:\n'
    article += '\n'
    inherit = getInherit(name)
    for x in range(len(inherit)):
        for y in range(x):
            article += '*'
        article += '*'
        if inherit[x] in entdata and entdata[inherit[x]][3] == 0:
            article += '[[' + inherit[x] + '_(entity) | ' + inherit[x] + ']]\n'
            article += '\'\'[[' + inherit[x] + '_(class) | '+ inherit[x] + ']]\'\'\n'
    article += '\n'
    article += '\'\'\'Note\'\'\': Entries marked in italics are classes defined in the SDK.\n'
    article += '\n'
    article += '==Notes==\n'
    article += '\n'
    article += 'Notes not available.\n'
    article += '\n'
    article += '[[Category:Mapping]][[Category:Coding]][[Category:Declarations]]'
    return article

def addArticle(name = ''):
    site = wikipedia.getSite()
    page = wikipedia.Page(site, name + '_(entity)')
    if page.exists() == False:
        text = printArticle(name)
        page.put(text, 'Added Article', None, False, False)

def genArticles():
    print 'Uploading Articles...'
    mylist = []
    match = re.findall(entdef, defstring)
    for x in match:
    for x in mylist:
        print mylist.index(x) + 1, 'of', len(mylist), '-', x
