DoomEdit hotkeys

The information on this page is specific to Doom 3 .

DoomEdit Hotkeys

You can get this listing by selecting Help > Command List in DoomEdit .

Alphabetical List


AutoCaulk            Shift + Control + A
AxialTextureArbitrary       Shift + U
AxialTextureByHeight        U
AxialTextureByWidth         Control + U


BendMode         B
Brush3Sided             Control + 3
Brush4Sided             Control + 4
Brush5Sided             Control + 5
Brush6Sided             Control + 6
Brush7Sided             Control + 7
Brush8Sided             Control + 8
Brush9Sided             Control + 9


CameraAngleUp            A
CameraAngleDown         Z
CameraBack          Down
CameraDown          C
CameraForward           Up
CameraLeft          Left
CameraRight             Right
CameraStrafeLeft        Comma
CameraStrafeRight       Period
CameraUp            D
CapCurrentCurve         Shift + C
CenterOrigin            Shift + O
CenterView          End
ClearPatchOverlays      Shift + Y
ClipSelected            Return
CloneSelection          Space
CombineSelection        Shift + K
ConnectSelection        Control + K
Copy                Control + C
CSGMerge            Shift + M
CubicClipZoomIn         Control + ]
CubicClipZoomOut        Control + [
CycleCapTexturingAlt        Shift + P
CycleCapTexturingAlt        Shift + Control + P
CycleRotationAxis       Shift + R


DecPatchColumn           Shift + Control + Subtract
DecPatchRow             Control + Subtract
DeleteSelection         Backspace
DownFloor           PageDown
DragEdges           E
DragVertices            V
DumpSelectedBrush       Shift + D


EntityColor          K
EntityList          I


FileOpen             Control + O
FileSave            Control + S
FilterLights            Alt + 0
FindOrReplaceEnt        Control + F3
FindOrReplaceNextEnt        Shift + F3
FindReplaceTextures         Shift + F
FitFace             Control + B
FitBrush            Shift + B
FlipClip            Control + Return
FreezePatchVertices         F


GridDown             [
GridUp              ]


HideNotSelected      Shift + Control + H
HideSelected            H


IncPatchColumn           Shift + Control + Plus
IncPatchRow             Control + Plus
InvertCurve             Control + I
InvertSelection         I
InvertTextureX          Shift + Control + I
InvertTextureY          Shift + I


Layers               L


MakeDetail           Shift + Control + M
MakeDetail          Control + M
MakeOverlayPatch        Y
MakeProjectedLight      J
MakeStructural          Shift + Control + S
MediaBrowser            M
MouseRotate             R
MoveSelectionDOWN       Subtract
MoveSelectionUP         Plus


NaturalizePatch      Control + N
NaturalizePatchAlt      Shift + N
NextLeakSpot            Shift + Control + K
NextView            Control + Tab


Paste                Control + V
PatchInspector          Shift + S
Patch TAB           Tab
Patch TAB           Shift + Tab
PrecisionCursorMode         F11
Preferences             P
PrevLeakSpot            Shift + Control + L


RebuildRenderData        F7
RedisperseRows          Control + E
RedisperseCols          Shift + Control + E
Redo                Control + Y


SelectAllOfType      Shift + A
SelectCompleteEntity        Shift + Alt + Control + E
SelectNudgeDown         Alt + Down
SelectNudgeLeft         Alt + Left
SelectNudgeRight        Alt + Right
SelectNudgeUp           Alt + Up
SetGrid1            1
SetGrid2            2
SetGrid4            3
SetGrid8            4
SetGrid16           5
SetGrid32           6
SetGrid64           7
SetGridPoint5           Shift + 4
SetGridPoint25          Shift + 3
SetGridPoint125         Shift + 2
ShowAllTextures         Control + A
ShowClip            Control + L
ShowDetail          Control + D
ShowDOOM            F2
ShowHidden          Shift + H
SnapPatchToGrid         Control + G
SplitSelected           Shift + Return
SurfaceInspector        S


TexDecrement             Shift + Subtract
TexIncrement            Shift + Plus
TexRotateClock          Shift + PageDown
TexRotateCounter        Shift + PageUp
TexScaleDown            Control + Down
TexScaleLeft            Control + Left
TexScaleRight           Control + Right
TexScaleUp          Control + Up
TexShiftDown            Shift + Down
TexShiftLeft            Shift + Left
TexShiftRight           Shift + Right
TexShiftUp          Shift + Up
TextureFit          Shift + 5
ThickenPatch            Control + T
ToggleCamera            Shift + Control + C
ToggleClipper           X
ToggleCrosshairs        Shift + X
ToggleCubicClip         Control + \
ToggleEntityOutlines        F5
ToggleFlatRotation      Control + R
ToggleGrid          0
ToggleMoveOnly          W
ToggleRealtimeRenderBuild   F4
ToggleRenderAnimation       F6
ToggleRenderMode        F3
ToggleRenderSound       F9
ToggleSelections        F8
ToggleShowPatches       Control + P
ToggleSizePaint         Q
ToggleView          Shift + Control + V
ToggleZ             Shift + Control + Z
TogTexLock          Shift + T


Undo                 Control + Z
UnFreezePatchVertices       Control + F
UnFreezeAllPatchVertices    Shift + Control + F
Ungroup             Shift + G
UnSelectSelection       Escape
UpFloor             PageUp


ViewConsole          O
ViewEntityInfo          N
ViewGame            G
ViewTextures            T


ZoomIn               Delete
ZoomOut             Insert
ZoomOut2            $
ZZoomIn             Control + Delete
ZZoomOut            Control + Insert

DoomEdit Mouse Bindings

Mouse bindings are not listed in the command list. Known bindings are listed below.

2D Viewport

Entity Menu          Right Mouse
Rotate Camera           Middle Mouse
Select Brush/Entity     Shift + Right Mouse
Move Camera         Control + Middle Mouse
Create Brush            Left Mouse (Drag)
Move Grid           Right Mouse (Drag)
Zoom In/Out         Mouse Wheel (Up/Down)
Shear Drag Face         Control + Left Mouse (Drag)
Zoom In/Out         Alt + Right Mouse (Drag)

3D Viewport

Copy Material            Middle Mouse
Move Camera Forward/Backwards   Right Mouse (Drag Vertically)
Turn Camera Left/Right      Right Mouse (Drag Horizontally)
Move Camera Up/Down     Control + Right Mouse (Drag)