Folder structure (Doom 3)
The information on this page is specific to Doom 3 .
This is the folder structure of Doom 3. It should be noted that these folders are not present in the base folder itself. Instead, these folders and the assets contained therein are stored in PK4 archives .
/baseThis is the default Doom 3 mod directory. The contents of this directory include all the game assets used in the game. Mods for Doom 3 should be created in their own directory in the main Doom3 installation folder as a brother folder to /base. In the engine code your mods’ base name is always called "base" no matter the actual physical name. You set the game to use a different folder as base with the fs_game cvar. Note: Doom 3: ROE only: The default base folder for Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil is /d3xp. With the release of patch v1.3 you can set the fs_game_base cvar to let you base a mod off base game and your own content as usual as well as an additional mod. For instance, if you want to create a mod that also uses content from the Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil expansion you should set "fs_game <yourmodname>" as well as "fs_game_base d3xp". Note: While you probably want to work on your mod with the assets decompressed and available in the Doom 3 folder structure, when you release your mod you should put them into . PK4 files. /base/afThis folder contains .AF files which setup the articulated figure declarations . /base/ddsThis folder contains . DDS files which are compressed textures. /base/defThis folder contains . DEF files which contain declarations . /base/demosThis folder contains . DEMO files which are gameplay recordings. /base/efxsThe information in this section is specific to Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil .This folder contains . EFX files which have reverb information about a map. /base/envThis folder contains images for environment maps which are textures applied to the inside faces of a skybox to give the appearance of large spaces. /base/fonts/base/fx/base/glprogsThis folder contains . VFP and . VP files which become available for use in materials for visual special effects . /base/guisThis folder contains .GUI files which setup the graphical user interfaces .
/base/lightsThis folder contains . TGA files which become available for use in light materials to create ‘light styles’ that modulate what light projects onto the surfaces of the world. /base/mapsThis folder contains the . MAP , . CM , . PROC , and . AAS files for each map. Should there be any .BAK files there they should be removed prior to distribution as these are just backup versions created by the map editor . /base/materialsThis folder contains .MTR files which setup the material declarations . /base/modelsThis folder contains numerous sub-directories where the following file formats can be found: /base/newpdas/base/particles/base/script/base/skinsThis folder contains .SKIN files which setup the skin declarations . /base/sound/base/stringsThis folder contains . LANG files which are used for localization. The engine loads all of the files from this folder and parses the numbered strings within these files to make them available to the code, GUIs and maps . /base/texturesThis folder contains . TGA or . JPG files which become available for use as assets in material declarations . /base/uiThis folder contains . TGA files used in the user interface. /base/videoThis folder contains . ROQ files which are movies.