Object cilia default (entity)

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To have several cilia animate in unison, set their idleDelay the same.

Spawn Arguments

The following is a list of key/value pairs, also known as spawn arguments, that function with this entity.

accepts_decals Description not available.
accepts_wounds Description not available.
accurateguitrace Description not available.
alignToJoint Description not available.
angle Description not available.
anim Description not available.
applyDamageEffects Description not available.
bind Description not available.
bindOrientated Description not available.
bindToBody Description not available.
bindToJoint Description not available.
bindanim Description not available.
cameraTarget Description not available.
cinematic Description not available.
classname Description not available.
clipmodel Description not available.
cone Description not available.
cylinder Description not available.
def_trigger Description not available.
dispose_delay Description not available.
editor_usage To have several cilia animate in unison, set their idleDelay the same.
editor_usage2 Description not available.
editor_var XXXX Description not available.
fx_explode Description not available.
gravity Description not available.
guiTarget Description not available.
health Description not available.
hide Description not available.
idleDelay time to off the idle animation (-1 = random)
ignoreGravityZones Description not available.
matter Description not available.
maxs Description not available.
mins Description not available.
model Description not available.
moveToJoint Description not available.
name Description not available.
nearbySize radius to trigger neighboring cilia (default 64).
networkSync Description not available.
neverDormant Description not available.
noJawFlap Description not available.
noPortal Description not available.
noclipmodel Description not available.
offset_aim Description not available.
origin Description not available.
produces_splats Description not available.
push_cosine Description not available.
pushes Description not available.
rotation Description not available.
scriptobject Description not available.
size Description not available.
snd_explode Description not available.
solidForTeam Description not available.
spawnclass Description not available.
target Description not available.
useCombatModel Description not available.


This entity is derived from the following:

Note : Entries marked in italics are classes defined in the SDK.


Notes not available.