Monster default (entity)

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Description not available.

Spawn Arguments

The following is a list of key/value pairs, also known as spawn arguments, that function with this entity.

ambush if set, monster only wakes up if it sees the player.
angle Description not available.
anim Animation to cycle when spawned in.
attack_accuracy Maximum angular offset to randomly offset the monster’s aim when firing missiles
attack_cone Monster can only throw projectile within this cone relative to his direction.
bind Description not available.
bindOrientated Description not available.
bindToBody Description not available.
bindToJoint Description not available.
bindanim Description not available.
bleed Description not available.
blink_max Maximum time to wait between eye blinks.
blink_min Minimum time to wait between eye blinks.
blockedAttackTime # of milliseconds since last attack before monster marked blocked
blockedMoveTime # of milliseconds since last move before monster marked blocked
blockedRadius if monsters doesn’t move this distance within blockedMoveTime, then mark monster blocked.
cameraTarget Description not available.
chatter_combat_max maximum amount of time to wait till playing chat sounds when in combat
chatter_combat_min minimum amount of time to wait till playing chat sounds when in combat
chatter_max maximum amount of time to wait till playing chat sounds when idle
chatter_min minimum amount of time to wait till playing chat sounds when idle
cinematic Description not available.
classname Description not available.
clipmodel Description not available.
cone Description not available.
cylinder Description not available.
def_projectile name of entityDef to launch as projectile
editor_color Description not available.
editor_copy Description not available.
editor_maxs Description not available.
editor_mins Description not available.
editor_showangle Description not available.
editor_var XXXX Description not available.
eye_focus_rate how quickly the eyes focus on a target
eye_horizontal_offset horizontal offset from the player’s view that the character’s eyes should focus on. negative values bring eyes closer together.
eye_verticle_offset verticle offset from the player’s view that the character’s eyes should focus on.
fov Character’s field of view. Characters initially become aware of the player when he enters this cone. Also controls when the character sees the player as shootable. Character’s will not use fov for sight checks after their initial wake up.
fx_teleport Description not available.
fx_teleport1 Description not available.
fx_teleport2 Description not available.
fx_teleport3 Description not available.
guiTarget Description not available.
head_focus_rate how quickly the head focuses on a target
health Description not available.
hide Causes monster to be hidden and nonsolid until triggered. Set to 2 for single trigger (entity wakes up when unhidden).
kick_force how much force to apply to blocking obstacles to get them out of the way.
look_max maximum angles for head looks
look_min minimum angles for head looks
maxs Description not available.
melee_range do melee attack when within this range
mins Description not available.
model Description not available.
name Description not available.
networkSync Description not available.
neverDormant Description not available.
noGrab Description not available.
noclipmodel Description not available.
on_activate Animation to play when monster sees player or is triggered. Set to blank to make monster immediately start attacking the player without playing an animation.
origin Description not available.
pain_threshold How much damage monster has to recieve in one blow for it to play a pain animation.
projectile_height_to_distance_ratio calculates the maximum height a projectile can be thrown. for example, a projectile thrown 100 units with a projectile_height_to_distance_ratio of 0.5 will only ever be up to 50 units above the target.
rank Monsters only fight back when attacked by members of it’s own team when its rank is greater than or equal to the attacker’s rank. A rank of 0 will never fight back.
rotation Description not available.
scriptobject Description not available.
size Description not available.
skin_xray Description not available.
slowmo Description not available.
solidForTeam Description not available.
spawnclass Description not available.
talks whether character can be engaged in conversation
target set of path_* entities to visit.
team Monsters do not actively attack players or monsters with the same team #.
turn_rate Maximum # of degrees monster can turn per second
wait How long to wait before following path. Monster will be unresponsive until this time has passed.
walk_on_sight Allows the monster to begin walking towards the player before his sight animation finishes.


This entity is derived from the following:

Note : Entries marked in italics are classes defined in the SDK.


Notes not available.