CVars (Prey)
The information on this
page is specific to Prey .
Existing CVars as of version 0.2.95 (demo).
- aas_goalArea
- aas_pullPlayer
- aas_randomPullPlayer
- aas_showAreas
- aas_showFlyPath
- aas_showHideArea
- aas_showPath
- aas_showPushIntoArea
- aas_showWallEdges
- aas_test
- af_contactFrictionScale
- af_forceFriction
- af_highlightBody
- af_highlightConstraint
- af_jointFrictionScale
- af_maxAngularVelocity
- af_maxLinearVelocity
- af_showActive
- af_showBodies
- af_showBodyNames
- af_showConstrainedBodies
- af_showConstraintNames
- af_showConstraints
- af_showInertia
- af_showLimits
- af_showMass
- af_showPrimaryOnly
- af_showTimings
- af_showTotalMass
- af_showTrees
- af_showVelocity
- af_skipFriction
- af_skipLimits
- af_skipSelfCollision
- af_testSolid
- af_timeScale
- af_useImpulseFriction
- af_useJointImpulseFriction
- af_useLinearTime
- af_useSymmetry
- ai_blockedFailSafe
- ai_debugAction
- ai_debugBrain
- ai_debugMove
- ai_debugPath
- ai_debugScript
- ai_debugTrajectory
- ai_hideSkipThink
- ai_printSpeech
- ai_showCombatNodes
- ai_showNoAAS
- ai_showObstacleAvoidance
- ai_showPaths
- ai_skipSpeech
- ai_skipThink
- ai_talonAttack
- ai_testPredictPath
- cm_backFaceCull
- cm_debugCollision
- cm_drawColor
- cm_drawFilled
- cm_drawInternal
- cm_drawMask
- cm_drawNormals
- cm_testAngle
- cm_testBox
- cm_testBoxRotation
- cm_testCollision
- cm_testLength
- cm_testModel
- cm_testOrigin
- cm_testRadius
- cm_testRandomMany
- cm_testReset
- cm_testRotation
- cm_testTimes
- cm_testWalk
- com_profanity
- g_artificialPlayerCount
- g_balanceTDM
- g_blobSize
- g_blobTime
- g_bloodEffects
- g_casino
- g_cinematic
- g_cinematicMaxSkipTime
- g_countDown
- g_crosshair
- g_debugAFs
- g_debugAnim
- g_debugBounds
- g_debugCinematic
- g_debugDamage
- g_debugFX
- g_debugger
- g_debugimpulse
- g_debugmatter
- g_debugMove
- g_debugMover
- g_debugProjections
- g_debugScript
- g_debugTriggers
- g_debugWeapon
- g_decals
- g_disasm
- g_dormanttests
- g_doubleVision
- g_dragDamping
- g_dragEntity
- g_dragShowSelection
- g_dropItemRotation
- g_dumpDDA
- g_dvAmplitude
- g_dvFrequency
- g_dvTime
- g_editEntityMode
- g_expensiveMS
- g_exportMask
- g_flushSave
- g_forceSingleSmokeView
- g_fov
- g_frametime
- g_gameReviewPause
- g_gravity
- g_gunX
- g_gunY
- g_gunZ
- g_jawflap
- g_kickAmplitude
- g_kickTime
- g_knockback
- g_levelLoadMusic
- g_mapCycle
- g_maxEntitiesWarning
- g_maxShowDistance
- g_mbFrameSpan
- g_mbNumBlurs
- g_monsters
- g_mpPlayerRagdollLife
- g_mpSyncPlayerRagdoll
- g_mpWeaponAngleScale
- g_muzzleFlash
- g_nightmare
- g_nodormant
- g_nogore
- g_password
- g_postEventsDebug
- g_printDDA
- g_projectileLights
- g_ragdollDecals
- g_roadhouseCompleted
- g_robustDormantAll
- g_runMapCycle
- g_showActiveEntities
- g_showAimHealth
- g_showBrass
- g_showcamerainfo
- g_showCollisionModels
- g_showCollisionTraces
- g_showCollisionWorld
- g_showDormant
- g_showEnemies
- g_showEntityCount
- g_showEntityInfo
- g_showGamePortals
- g_showHud
- g_showPlayerShadow
- g_showProjectileLaunchPoint
- g_showProjectilePct
- g_showPVS
- g_showTargets
- g_showTestModelFrame
- g_showTriggers
- g_showValidSoundAreas
- g_showviewpos
- g_skipFX
- g_skipParticles
- g_skipViewEffects
- g_spectatorChat
- g_springConstant
- g_stopTime
- g_subtitles
- g_TDMArrows
- g_testDeath
- g_testHealthVision
- g_testModelAnimate
- g_testModelBlend
- g_testModelPitch
- g_testModelRotate
- g_testParticle
- g_testParticleName
- g_testPostProcess
- g_timeEntities
- g_tips
- g_trackDDA
- g_useDDA
- g_vehicleDebug
- g_vehicleForce
- g_vehicleSuspensionDamping
- g_vehicleSuspensionDown
- g_vehicleSuspensionKCompress
- g_vehicleSuspensionUp
- g_vehicleTireFriction
- g_vehicleVelocity
- g_version
- g_wicked
- g_viewNodalX
- g_viewNodalZ
- g_voteFlags
- gamedate
- gamename
- ik_debug
- ik_enable
- in_freeLook
- in_toggleCrouch
- in_toggleZoom
- m_pitch
- m_smooth
- net_clientLagOMeter
- net_clientPredictGUI
- net_clientSelfSmoothing
- net_clientShowSnapshot
- net_clientShowSnapshotRadius
- net_clientSmoothing
- net_serverDlBaseURL
- net_serverDlTable
- net_serverDownload
- p_camInterpDebug
- p_camRotRateScale
- p_disableCamInterp
- p_iterRotMoveNumIterations
- p_iterRotMoveTransDist
- p_mountedGunDebug
- p_playerPhysicsDebug
- p_tripwireDebug
- password
- pm_air
- pm_bboxwidth
- pm_bobpitch
- pm_bobroll
- pm_bobup
- pm_crouchbob
- pm_crouchheight
- pm_crouchrate
- pm_crouchspeed
- pm_crouchviewheight
- pm_deadheight
- pm_deadviewheight
- pm_jumpheight
- pm_maxviewpitch
- pm_minviewpitch
- pm_modelView
- pm_noclipspeed
- pm_normalheight
- pm_normalviewheight
- pm_runbob
- pm_runpitch
- pm_runroll
- pm_runspeed
- pm_spectatebbox
- pm_spectatespeed
- pm_stamina
- pm_staminarate
- pm_staminathreshold
- pm_stepsize
- pm_thirdPerson
- pm_thirdPersonAngle
- pm_thirdPersonClip
- pm_thirdPersonDeath
- pm_thirdPersonDeathMP
- pm_thirdPersonHeight
- pm_thirdPersonRange
- pm_usecylinder
- pm_walkbob
- pm_walkspeed
- pm_wallwalkstepsize
- rb_showActive
- rb_showBodies
- rb_showInertia
- rb_showMass
- rb_showTimings
- rb_showVelocity
- sensitivity
- si_fragLimit
- si_gameType
- si_map
- si_maxPlayers
- si_name
- si_pure
- si_serverURL
- si_spectators
- si_teamDamage
- si_timeLimit
- si_usePass
- si_warmup
- sys_savedPosition
- gui_configServerRate
- gui_debug
- gui_edit
- gui_filter_game
- gui_filter_gameType
- gui_filter_idle
- gui_filter_password
- gui_filter_pb
- gui_filter_players
- gui_mediumFontLimit
- gui_smallFontLimit
- gui_translationOffset_vertical
- gui_translationOffset_x
- gui_translationOffset_y
- gui_translationOffset_z
- image_anisotropy
- image_cacheMegs
- image_cacheMinK
- image_colorMipLevels
- image_downSize
- image_downSizeBump
- image_downSizeBumpLimit
- image_downSizeLimit
- image_downSizeSoftLimit
- image_downSizeSpecular
- image_downSizeSpecularLimit
- image_filter
- image_forceDownSize
- image_ignoreHighQuality
- image_lodbias
- image_preload
- image_roundDown
- image_showBackgroundLoads
- image_useAllFormats
- image_useCache
- image_useCompression
- image_useHighRes
- image_useNormalCompression
- image_useOfflineCompression
- image_usePrecompressedTextures
- image_writeNormalTGA
- image_writeNormalTGAPalletized
- image_writePrecompressedTexture
- image_writeTGA
- model_usePrebuiltModels
- model_writePrebuiltModels
- r_alphaToCoverage
- r_aspectratio
- r_brightness
- r_cgFragmentProfile
- r_cgVertexProfile
- r_checkBounds
- r_clear
- r_correctSpecular
- r_cubemapNormalize
- r_customHeight
- r_customWidth
- r_debugArrowStep
- r_debugDeformations
- r_debugLineDepthTest
- r_debugLineWidth
- r_debugPolygonFilled
- r_debugRenderToTexture
- r_demoAspectHack
- r_demoInteractionHack
- r_demonstrateBug
- r_displayRefresh
- r_finish
- r_flareSize
- r_forceLoadImages
- r_frontBuffer
- r_fullscreen
- r_gamma
- r_glDriver
- r_glowAlpha
- r_glowAlphaChange
- r_glowSteps
- r_glowStrength
- r_ignore
- r_ignore2
- r_ignoreGLErrors
- r_inhibitFragmentProgram
- r_jitter
- r_jointNameOffset
- r_jointNameScale
- r_lightAllBackFaces
- r_lightScale
- r_lightSourceRadius
- r_lightWholeMesh
- r_lockSurfaces
- r_logFile
- r_lowParticleDetail
- r_lowWorldDetail
- r_materialOverride
- r_megaTextureLevel
- r_mergeModelSurfaces
- r_mode
- r_multiSamples
- r_noBufferDword
- r_normalizeBumpmap
- r_offsetfactor
- r_offsetunits
- r_orderIndexes
- r_pbufferRender
- r_pbufferRenderH
- r_pbufferRenderW
- r_recalcParticleBounds
- r_renderer
- r_screenFraction
- r_shaderLevel
- r_shadowPolygonFactor
- r_shadowPolygonOffset
- r_shadows
- r_showAlloc
- r_showBatchSize
- r_showCull
- r_showDefs
- r_showDemo
- r_showDepth
- r_showDominantTri
- r_showDynamic
- r_showEdges
- r_showEntityScissors
- r_showImages
- r_showIntensity
- r_showInteractionFrustums
- r_showInteractions
- r_showInteractionScissors
- r_showLightCount
- r_showLights
- r_showLightScale
- r_showLightScissors
- r_showMegaTexture
- r_showMegaTextureLabels
- r_showMemory
- r_showNormals
- r_showOverDraw
- r_showPortals
- r_showPrimitives
- r_showShadowCount
- r_showShadows
- r_showSilhouette
- r_showSkel
- r_showSmp
- r_showSurfaceInfo
- r_showSurfaces
- r_showTangentSpace
- r_showTexturePolarity
- r_showTextureSize
- r_showTextureVectors
- r_showTrace
- r_showTris
- r_showUnsmoothedTangents
- r_showUpdates
- r_showVertexCache
- r_showVertexColor
- r_showViewEntitys
- r_singleArea
- r_singleEntity
- r_singleLight
- r_singleSurface
- r_singleTriangle
- r_skipAmbient
- r_skipBackEnd
- r_skipBeams
- r_skipBlendLights
- r_skipBump
- r_skipCopyTexture
- r_skipDeformations
- r_skipDeforms
- r_skipDiffuse
- r_skipDynamicTextures
- r_skipFogLights
- r_skipFrontEnd
- r_skipGlowOverlay
- r_skipGuiShaders
- r_skipInteractions
- r_skipLights
- r_skipLightScale
- r_skipMegaTexture
- r_skipNewAmbient
- r_skipOverlays
- r_skipParticles
- r_skipPostProcess
- r_skipRender
- r_skipRenderContext
- r_skipROQ
- r_skipSpecular
- r_skipSubviews
- r_skipSuppress
- r_skipTranslucent
- r_skipUpdates
- r_slopNormal
- r_slopTexCoord
- r_slopVertex
- r_subviewOnly
- r_swapInterval
- r_terrainScale
- r_testGamma
- r_testGammaBias
- r_testStepGamma
- r_useCachedDynamicModels
- r_useClippedLightScissors
- r_useCombinerDisplayLists
- r_useConstantMaterials
- r_useCulling
- r_useDeferredTangents
- r_useDepthBoundsTest
- r_useEntityCallbacks
- r_useEntityCulling
- r_useEntityScissors
- r_useExternalShadows
- r_useFastSkinning
- r_useFrustumFarDistance
- r_useIndexBuffers
- r_useInfiniteFarZ
- r_useInteractionCulling
- r_useInteractionScissors
- r_useInteractionTable
- r_useLightCulling
- r_useLightPortalFlow
- r_useLightScissors
- r_useNodeCommonChildren
- r_useNV20MonoLights
- r_useOptimizedShadows
- r_usePortals
- r_usePreciseTriangleInteraction
- r_useScissor
- r_useShadowCulling
- r_useShadowProjectedCull
- r_useShadowSurfaceScissor
- r_useShadowVertexProgram
- r_useSilRemap
- r_useStateCaching
- r_useTripleTextureARB
- r_useTurboShadow
- r_useTwoSidedStencil
- r_useVertexBuffers
- r_vertexBufferMegs
- r_znear
- s_clipVolumes
- s_constantAmplitude
- s_debugshakes
- s_decompressionLimit
- s_deviceName
- s_doorDistanceAdd
- s_dotbias2
- s_dotbias6
- s_drawSounds
- s_enviroSuitCutoffFreq
- s_enviroSuitCutoffQ
- s_enviroSuitVolumeScale
- s_force22kHz
- s_globalFraction
- s_libOpenAL
- s_loadOpenALFailed
- s_lowPassPortals
- s_lowPassSpirit
- s_maxSoundsPerShader
- s_meterTopTime
- s_minStereo
- s_minVolume2
- s_minVolume6
- s_musicVolume_dB
- s_muteEAXReverb
- s_noSound
- s_numberOfSpeakers
- s_playDefaultSound
- s_quadraticFalloff
- s_realTimeDecoding
- s_reverbFeedback
- s_reverbTime
- s_reverse
- s_showLevelMeter
- s_showSoundsInWalls
- s_showStartSound
- s_singleEmitter
- s_skipHelltimeFX
- s_slowAttenuate
- s_spatializationDecay
- s_subFraction
- s_useDeferredSettings
- s_useEAXOcclusion
- s_useEAXReverb
- s_useOcclusion
- s_useOpenAL
- s_voiceDuckFadeTimeIn
- s_voiceDuckFadeTimeOut
- s_voiceDucking
- s_voiceDuckVolume
- s_volume_dB
- com_allowConsole
- com_asyncInput
- com_asyncSound
- com_aviDemoHeight
- com_aviDemoSamples
- com_aviDemoTics
- com_aviDemoWidth
- com_compressDemos
- com_demoPaused
- com_fixedTic
- com_forceGenericSIMD
- com_guid
- com_imageQuality
- com_journal
- com_logDemos
- com_makingBuild
- com_memoryMarker
- com_minTics
- com_precache
- com_preciseTic
- com_preloadDemos
- com_product_lang_ext
- com_purgeAll
- com_showAngles
- com_showAsyncStats
- com_showDemo
- com_showErrors
- com_showFPS
- com_showMemoryUsage
- com_showSoundDecoders
- com_showTics
- com_skipGameDraw
- com_skipRenderer
- com_speeds
- com_timestampPrints
- com_updateLoadSize
- com_videoRam
- com_wipeSeconds
- con_noPrint
- con_notifyTime
- con_speed
- decl_show
- developer
- fs_basepath
- fs_caseSensitiveOS
- fs_cdpath
- fs_copyfiles
- fs_debug
- fs_devpath
- fs_game
- fs_game_base
- fs_restrict
- fs_savepath
- fs_searchAddons
- g_deathwalk
- in_mouse
- in_pitchspeed
- in_yawspeed
- lcp_showFailures
- logFile
- logFileName
- m_showMouseRate
- m_strafeScale
- m_strafeSmooth
- m_yaw
- net_allowCheats
- net_channelShowDrop
- net_channelShowPackets
- net_clientDownload
- net_clientMaxPrediction
- net_clientMaxRate
- net_clientPrediction
- net_clientRemoteConsoleAddress
- net_clientRemoteConsolePassword
- net_clientServerTimeout
- net_clientUsercmdBackup
- net_forceDrop
- net_forceLatency
- net_ip
- net_LANServer
- net_master0
- net_master1
- net_master2
- net_master3
- net_master4
- net_port
- net_serverAllowServerMod
- net_serverClientTimeout
- net_serverDedicated
- net_serverDrawClient
- net_serverMaxClientRate
- net_serverMaxUsercmdRelay
- net_serverReloadEngine
- net_serverRemoteConsolePassword
- net_serverSnapshotDelay
- net_serverZombieTimeout
- net_socksEnabled
- net_socksPassword
- net_socksPort
- net_socksServer
- net_socksUsername
- net_verbose
- si_idleServer
- si_version
- sys_arch
- sys_cpustring
- sys_forceCache
- sys_lang
- timescale
- win_allowAltTab
- win_allowMultipleInstances
- win_notaskkeys
- win_outputDebugString
- win_outputEditString
- win_timerUpdate
- win_username
- win_viewlog
- win_xpos
- win_ypos