Entity Listing (Prey)
The information on this
page is specific to Prey .
Inheritance Overview
The following diagram depicts the inheritance of entities all the way down to their root classes in the game code .
- ProfileScope
- ProfileScopeCategory
- aas240
- aas48
- aas96
- aasChild
- aasCreatureX
- aasDroid
- aasDroidIndoor
- aasFodder
- aasGasbag
- aasJetpack
- aasKeeper
- aas_types
- altfireinfo_autocannon
- altfireinfo_hiderweapon
- altfireinfo_rocketlauncher
- altfireinfo_spiritbow
- altfireinfo_wrench
- ammo_names
- ammo_types
- beam_blGunEnergy1
- beam_blGunEnergy2
- beam_droidArc
- beam_hologramTurbine
- beam_hound_leash
- beam_hrvCubeArc
- beam_hrvCubeArc2
- beam_keeperCinArc1
- beam_keeperCinArc2
- beam_keepercan
- beam_laser
- beam_portalArc
- beam_portalArc2
- beam_portalArc3
- beam_portalArc4
- beam_portalGen1
- beam_portalGen2
- beam_portalspark
- beam_salvagebossTunnel
- beam_sbstage1blast
- beam_sbstage1blast_b
- beam_shuttlebeamroominner
- beam_shuttlebeamroomoff
- beam_shuttlebeamroomon
- beam_shuttlehiderbeam
- beam_soulStripper
- beam_transportCreation
- beam_turbinelarge
- beam_turbinemedium
- character_girlfriend_biolabs
- character_hiderprincess_biolabs
- damage_crush
- damage_expandCrawler
- damage_fatalfall
- damage_generic
- damage_asteroidcollision
- damage_asteroidcollisionHuge
- damage_cilia
- damage_deflect
- damage_deflect_minor
- damage_deflect_svgboss
- damage_doorbonk
- damage_proxdoorbonk
- damage_droidburst
- damage_explosion
- damage_sphereboss_mine
- damage_fellonto
- damage_keeperBeam
- damage_kfbossbeams
- damage_movable1
- damage_movable100
- damage_movable20
- damage_movable40
- damage_movable65
- damage_moverCrush
- damage_mpshuttleexplode
- damage_paintrigger
- damage_railbeam
- damage_sludge
- damage_vehiclecollision
- damage_vehiclecollision_gib
- damage_wraith
- damage_wraithminion
- damage_gib
- damage_gravityzone
- damage_hardfall
- damage_instantdeath
- damage_killzone
- damage_monsterfall
- damage_noair
- damage_none
- damage_deathwraith
- damage_lotafiretest
- missle_crawlergrenade
- damage_plasmafast
- damage_plasmakill
- damage_plasmalarge
- damage_plasmamedium
- damage_plasmasmall
- damage_softfall
- damage_suicide
- damage_telefrag
- damage_vehiclekillpilot
- detonateFx_antishuttle_cannon
- detonateFx_autocannon_grenade
- detonateFx_crawler
- detonateFx_dockedgun
- detonateFx_droid_blast
- detonateFx_droid_charge_impact
- detonateFx_droid_impact
- detonateFx_firecolumn
- detonateFx_freezer
- detonateFx_mine
- detonateFx_plasma
- detonateFx_plasmac
- detonateFx_plasmaf
- detonateFx_rocket
- detonateFx_shuttle_cannon
- detonateFx_sphereburst
- detonateFx_sphereslow
- detonateFx_turbine_gun
- energy_freeze
- energy_generic
- energy_lightning
- energy_plasma
- energy_plasma_mp
- energy_railgun
- energy_railgun_mp
- energy_sunbeam
- entranceMark_decal_acidcartridge
- entranceMark_decal_acidspray
- entranceMark_decal_arrow
- entranceMark_decal_autocannon
- entranceMark_decal_autocannonGrenade
- entranceMark_decal_autocannon_centurion
- entranceMark_decal_bouncy_ball
- entranceMark_decal_dockedgun
- entranceMark_decal_droid_charge
- entranceMark_decal_droid_small
- entranceMark_decal_expand
- entranceMark_decal_firecolumn
- entranceMark_decal_freezer
- entranceMark_decal_keeper
- entranceMark_decal_mountedgun
- entranceMark_decal_plasma
- entranceMark_decal_railgun
- entranceMark_decal_rifle
- entranceMark_decal_riflesniper
- entranceMark_decal_rocket
- entranceMark_decal_vomiter
- entranceMark_decal_wrench
- entranceMark_overlay_acidcartridge
- entranceMark_overlay_acidspray
- entranceMark_overlay_arrow
- entranceMark_overlay_autocannon
- entranceMark_overlay_autocannonGrenade
- entranceMark_overlay_bouncy_ball
- entranceMark_overlay_dockedgun
- entranceMark_overlay_droid_charge
- entranceMark_overlay_droid_small
- entranceMark_overlay_expand
- entranceMark_overlay_freezer
- entranceMark_overlay_keeper
- entranceMark_overlay_mountedgun
- entranceMark_overlay_plasma
- entranceMark_overlay_railgun
- entranceMark_overlay_rifle
- entranceMark_overlay_riflesniper
- entranceMark_overlay_rocket
- entranceMark_overlay_vomiter
- entranceMark_overlay_wrench
- entranceWound_acidcartridge
- entranceWound_acidspray
- entranceWound_arrow
- entranceWound_arrow_weak
- entranceWound_autocannon
- entranceWound_bouncy_ball
- entranceWound_expand
- entranceWound_freezer
- entranceWound_keeper
- entranceWound_liquidonly
- entranceWound_mountedgun
- entranceWound_plasma
- entranceWound_railgun
- entranceWound_rifle
- entranceWound_hunterrifle
- entranceWound_riflesniper
- entranceWound_rocket
- entranceWound_sunbeam
- entranceWound_wrench
- exitSplat_riflesniper
- fireInfo_dockedgun
- fireInfo_plasma
- fireInfo_railshuttle
- fireInfo_shuttle
- fireInfo_shuttleAI
- fireInfo_shuttle_mp
- fireinfo_autocannon
- fireinfo_autocannon_mp
- fireinfo_crawlergrenade
- fireinfo_crawlerstickybomb
- fireinfo_empty
- fireinfo_freeze
- fireinfo_hiderweapon
- fireinfo_hiderweapon_mp
- fireinfo_leechbeam
- fireinfo_rifle
- fireinfo_rifle_mp
- fireinfo_riflesniper
- fireinfo_riflesniper_mp
- fireinfo_rocketlauncher
- fireinfo_spiritbow
- fireinfo_spiritbow_mp
- fireinfo_wrench
- func_clipmodel
- func_group
- function_t
- gibbable_default
- gibbable_centurion_pillar
- gibbable_flesh
- gibbable_pottery
- gibbable_rock
- gibbable_tech
- gibbable_tendrillarge1
- gibbable_tendrillarge2
- gibbable_tentacle1
- hand_default
- guihand_alien
- guihand_normal
- guihand_horizontalleft
- guihand_horizontalright
- guihand_shuttleconsole
- guihand_verticaldown
- guihand_verticalup
- hand_null
- hand_mountedgun
- hand_railshuttle
- hand_shuttle
- hhAIPassageway
- object_harvester_passage_wall
- hhAISpeechHandler
- hhAIWallwalkZone
- hhAlarmLight
- lightmodel_alarm
- hhAnim
- hhAnimBlend
- hhAnimator
- hhArcadeGame
- hhArtificialPortal
- info_portalflow
- hhBeam
- hhBeamSystem
- beam_asteroidstar
- beam_forcefield
- beam_generic
- beam_kfboss
- hhBindController
- info_bindcontroller
- hhBlackJack
- hhBoneController
- hhCameraInterpolator
- hhCard
- hhConsole
- func_console
- console_alarm
- console_arcadegame
- console_blackjack
- console_ceiling1
- console_clock
- console_countdown
- console_crane
- console_elevator_call
- console_elevator_control
- console_eyestalk
- console_generic2
- console_generic3
- console_hunter1
- console_hunter2
- console_hunterhand
- console_hunterwallshort
- console_hunterwalltall
- console_jukebox
- console_keeper
- console_keeper_small
- console_keypad
- console_lightswitch
- console_poker
- console_projection_eye
- console_projection_eye_bent
- console_elevator
- console_elevatorcall
- console_projection_eye_bent_floormat
- console_skinwrap
- console_skinwrap_superportal
- console_slots
- console_television
- console_translate
- console_monitor_big
- console_wallwalk
- func_remotecamera
- sfx_boundgui
- func_console
- hhConsoleAlarm
- hhConsoleCountdown
- hhConsoleKeypad
- hhCreatureX
- hhDDAManager
- hhDDAProbability
- hhDebugger
- hhDeck
- hhDisplayCell
- hhDock
- hhDockedGun
- hhDockingZone
- hhDroid
- hhEgg
- sfx_egg
- sfx_egg_cheap
- sfx_egg_fast
- sfx_egg_path
- sfx_egg
- hhEggSpawner
- object_egg_spawner
- hhFireController
- hhVehicleFireController
- hhWeaponFireController
- hhBeamBasedFireController
- fireinfo_lightninggun
- fireinfo_railgun
- hhSunbeamFireController
- fireinfo_sunbeam
- fireinfo_sunbeam_mp
- fireinfo_sunbeam
- hhHiderWeaponAltFireController
- hhPlasmaFireController
- hhRocketLauncherFireController
- hhRocketLauncherAltFireController
- hhSniperRifleFireController
- hhSoulStripperAltFireController
- hhSpiritBowFireController
- hhBeamBasedFireController
- hhFixedPod
- object_energycore
- hhGameLocal
- hhGasbagSimple
- hhGravityZone
- volume_gravity
- volume_aiwallwalk
- volume_gravity
- hhGravityZoneBase
- hhGravityZoneInward
- volume_gravityinward
- hhGravityZoneSinkhole
- volume_gravitysink
- hhGun
- gun_default
- gun_antishuttle
- gun_turbine
- gun_level1
- gun_antishuttle
- gun_default
- hhHunterSimple
- hhInventory
- hhJukeBox
- hhJumpZone
- trigger_jumppad
- hhMD5Anim
- hhMath
- hhMatterEventDefPartner
- hhMine
- object_mine
- object_sphere_mine
- sfx_asteroid
- sfx_asteroidhuge
- sfx_asteroidsmall
- object_mine
- hhMineSpawner
- volume_asteroidspawner
- volume_minespawner
- volume_sphere_minespawner
- hhModelProxy
- hhModelToggle
- tool_modelviewer
- tool_modelviewerweapons
- hhMonsterAI
- character_default
- character_girlfriend
- character_girlfriend_blonde
- character_girlfriend_blonde_slab
- character_girlfriend_feedinga
- character_girlfriend_feedingc
- character_girlfriend_harvestera
- character_girlfriend_lotae
- character_girlfriend_roadhouse
- character_girlfriend_slab
- character_girlfriend_spirit
- character_girlfriend_superportal
- character_hiderprincess
- character_hiderprincess_roadhouse
- character_hiderprincess_shuttle
- character_hiderprincess_superportal
- character_girlfriend_blonde
- character_grandfather
- character_grandfather_feedinga
- character_grandfather_lotaa
- character_grandfather_lotab
- character_grandfather_lotad
- character_grandfather_fadeoutd
- character_grandfather_lotae
- character_grandfather_roadhouse
- character_grandfather_whole
- character_test_grampa
- character_hider
- character_hider2
- character_hider_animtest
- character_hider_bloody
- character_hider_feedinga
- character_hider_feedingc
- character_hider_feedingd
- character_hider_salvageboss
- character_hider_shuttleb
- character_hider_superportal
- character_tommy
- character_underwear
- character_goat
- character_underwear2
- character_underwear2_feedingb
- character_underwear_feedinga
- character_underwear2_bloody
- character_underwear3
- character_underwear_bloody
- character_underwear_feedingb
- character_underwear_feedingd
- character_underwear_salvage
- character_underwear_salvageboss
- character_underwear_slab
- character_underwear2_slab
- character_yuppie_body
- character_chuck
- character_chuck_bloody
- character_chuck_epilogue
- character_chuck_flannel
- character_chuck_flannel_bloody
- character_chuck_roadhouse
- character_chuck_slab
- character_chuck_flannel_slab
- character_chuck_roadhouse_slab
- character_roy_slab
- character_roy
- character_dalton
- character_dalton_bloody
- character_dalton_flannel
- character_dalton_flannel_bloody
- character_dalton_roadhouse
- character_dalton_salvage
- character_dalton_slab
- character_dalton_flannel_slab
- character_dalton_roadhouse_slab
- character_trent_slab
- character_trent
- character_chuck
- character_girlfriend
- hhAIInspector
- hhCenturion
- hhCrawler
- hhHarvesterSimple
- hhJetpackHarvesterSimple
- hhKeeperSimple
- hhPossessedTommy
- hhTalon
- hhWraith
- hhDeathWraith
- monster_simple_default
- monster_centurion
- monster_centurion_lota
- monster_centurion_salvageboss
- monster_crawler
- monster_creaturex
- monster_boss_girlfriendx
- monster_creaturex_noaas
- monster_droid
- monster_droid_indoor
- monster_recharger
- monster_droid_shuttle
- monster_droid_indoor
- monster_fodder
- monster_fodder_2
- monster_fodder_cheap
- monster_fodder_path
- monster_gasbag
- monster_gasbagbaby
- monster_harvester
- monster_harvester_torso
- monster_hunter_base
- monster_hunter
- monster_hunter_alien
- monster_hunter_elite
- monster_hunter_elite_alien
- monster_hunter_elite_veteran
- monster_hunter_feedingb
- monster_hunter_feedinga
- monster_hunter_gasbagged
- monster_hunter_keeperfortress
- monster_hunter_veteran
- monster_hunter_wallwalk1
- monster_targetingdummy
- monster_hunter
- monster_jetpack_harvester
- monster_jetpack_harvester_harvestera
- monster_jetpack_harvester_superportal_noaas
- monster_keeper
- map_biolabs_keeper1
- monster_keeper_superportal
- monster_keeper_superportal_noaas
- monster_mutate
- map_biolabs_mutate1
- map_biolabs_mutate2
- map_biolabs_mutate3
- map_biolabs_mutate4
- map_biolabs_mutate5
- map_biolabs_mutate6
- monster_mutilated_male
- monster_possessed_girl
- monster_alien_girl
- monster_girl_blond_normal
- monster_girl_blond_normal_slab
- monster_girl_blond_normal_slab_nogore
- monster_girl_blond_normal_nogore
- monster_girl_normal
- monster_girl_normal_slab
- monster_girl_normal_slab_nogore
- monster_girl_normal2
- monster_girl_normal2_slab
- monster_girl_normal2_slab_nogore
- monster_girl_normal2_nogore
- monster_girl_normal_nogore
- monster_girl_red_normal
- monster_girl_red_normal_slab
- monster_girl_red_normal_slab_nogore
- monster_girl_red_normal_nogore
- monster_possessed_boy
- monster_boy_b_normal
- monster_boy_b_normal_slab
- monster_boy_b_normal_slab_nogore
- monster_boy_b_normal_nogore
- monster_boy_normal
- monster_boy_normal_slab
- monster_boy_normal_slab_nogore
- monster_boy_normal_nogore
- monster_possessed_boy_b
- monster_possessed_boy_b_nogore
- monster_possessed_boy_nogore
- monster_boy_b_normal
- monster_possessed_girl2
- monster_possessed_girl2_ftd
- monster_possessed_girl2_ftd_nogore
- monster_possessed_girl2_nogore
- monster_possessed_girl_blond
- monster_possessed_girl_blond_nogore
- monster_possessed_girl_ftd
- monster_possessed_girl_ftd_nogore
- monster_possessed_girl_nogore
- monster_possessed_girl_red
- monster_possessed_girl_red_nogore
- monster_possessed_girl_shadow
- monster_possessed_tommy
- monster_sphereboss
- monster_vacuum
- monster_bug
- monster_wraith
- monster_deathwraith
- monster_wraith_no_possess
- monster_wraith_flee
- monster_wraith_flee_girl
- monster_wraith_flee
- monster_wraithminion
- spiritpower_hawk
- monster_centurion
- character_default
- hhMoverWallwalk
- hhMutate
- hhMutilatedHuman
- hhNavigator
- hhNoClipEnt
- monster_forceaas240
- monster_forceaas32
- monster_forceaas48
- monster_forceaas96
- monster_forceaasChild
- monster_forceaasDroid
- monster_forceaasDroidIndoor
- monster_forceaasFodder
- monster_forceaasGasbag
- monster_forceaasJetpack
- monster_forceaasKeeper
- monster_forceaasShuttle
- hhNote
- tool_note
- example_old_entity_name
- tool_note
- hhParticleSystem
- hhPlayerTeamIcon
- hhPlayerView
- hhPod
- object_pod
- hhPodSpawner
- object_podspawner
- hhPoker
- hhPokerHand
- hhPortal
- func_direct_portal
- object_portal
- object_glowportal
- object_glowportal256
- object_glowportal_cone
- object_glowportal_mp
- object_portal_level_end_mp
- object_glowportal_nowarp
- object_monsterportal_nowarp
- object_glowportal_spin
- object_keeperbuddyportal
- object_keeperportal
- object_monsterportal
- object_portal_level_end
- object_spinportal
- object_hider_portal
- object_glowportal_fast
- object_portal2
- object_portal3
- object_portal_128x288
- object_portal_144x144
- object_portal_192x172
- object_portal_20x22
- object_portal_64x148
- object_portal_64x72
- object_portal_bio_ring
- object_portal_deathwalk
- object_portal_small
- object_glowportal
- hhPortalFrame
- object_portalframe
- object_portalframedest
- object_portalframe
- hhProjectileGasbagPod
- hhProxDoorSection
- hhProxDoorRotMaster
- hhProxDoorRotator
- proxdoor_rotator
- sfxDoor_biolab_panelL
- sfxDoor_biolab_panelR
- sfxDoor_biolab_wheelL
- sfxDoor_biolab_wheelL2
- sfxDoor_biolab_wheelR
- sfxDoor_biolab_wheelR2
- proxdoor_rotator
- hhProxDoorTranslator
- proxdoor_translator
- sfxDoor_biolab_paneltop
- proxdoor_translator
- hhRailRide
- hhRailShuttle
- hhReaction
- hhReactionDesc
- hhReactionHandler
- hhReactionVolume
- reaction_volume
- hhRemovalVolume
- volume_nodrop
- hhShuttle
- hhShuttleDisconnect
- volume_shuttledisconnect
- hhShuttleDock
- object_dockedgun
- object_shuttledock_destination
- object_shuttledock
- object_shuttledock_toponly
- object_shuttledock
- hhShuttleRecharge
- volume_shuttlerecharge
- volume_shuttlerechargeinstant
- volume_shuttlerecharge
- hhShuttleSlingshot
- volume_shuttleslingshot
- hhShuttleTransport
- object_shuttle_transport
- hhSkybox
- func_skybox_portal
- hhSlots
- hhSmokeParticles
- hhSphere
- object_ball
- object_marble
- hhSphereBoss
- hhTCBSpline
- hhTargetProxy
- sfx_targetproxy
- hhTarget_AttachToRail
- target_attachtorail
- hhTarget_ControlVehicle
- target_controlvehicle
- hhTrackMover
- func_trackmover
- hhTractorBeam
- hhTriggerZone
- trigger_volume
- hhUtils
- hhVehicle
- hhVelocityZone
- volume_velocity
- hhViewedModel
- tool_viewedmodel
- hhVomiter
- object_vomiter
- hhWoundManagerAnimatedEntity
- hhWoundManagerRenderEntity
- hhZone
- idAAS
- idAASFindAreaOutOfRange
- idAASFindAttackPosition
- idAASFindCover
- idAASLocal
- idAF
- idAFBody
- idAFConstraint
- idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint
- idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJointFriction
- idAFConstraint_ConeLimit
- idAFConstraint_Contact
- idAFConstraint_ContactFriction
- idAFConstraint_CylindricalJoint
- idAFConstraint_Fixed
- idAFConstraint_Hinge
- idAFConstraint_HingeFriction
- idAFConstraint_HingeSteering
- idAFConstraint_Line
- idAFConstraint_Plane
- idAFConstraint_PyramidLimit
- idAFConstraint_Slider
- idAFConstraint_Spring
- idAFConstraint_Suspension
- idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint
- idAFConstraint_UniversalJointFriction
- idAFPoseJointMod
- idAFTree
- idAngles
- idAnim
- idAnimBlend
- idAnimManager
- idAnimState
- idAnimator
- idBase64
- idBitMsg
- idBitMsgDelta
- idBounds
- idBox
- idCQuat
- idCVar
- idCamera
- idCameraAnim
- func_camera_anim
- idCameraView
- func_cameraview
- idCameraAnim
- idClass
- hhFuncParmAccessor
- hhFxInfo
- hhPilotVehicleInterface
- hhAIVehicleInterface
- hhPlayerVehicleInterface
- hhSoundLeadInController
- hhWeaponHandState
- idForce
- hhForce_Converge
- idForce_Constant
- idForce_Drag
- idForce_Field
- idForce_Spring
- idThread
- hhThread
- idClip
- idClipModel
- idCmdArgs
- idCompiler
- idComplex
- idDebugGraph
- idDeclModelDef
- idDict
- idDragEntity
- idDrawVert
- idEditEntities
- idEntity
- hhAINode
- hhDebrisSpawner
- debrisspawner_base
- debrisSpawner_antishuttlegun
- debrisSpawner_asteroidHuge
- debrisSpawner_centurionpillar
- debrisSpawner_turbinegun
- debrisspawner_asteroid
- debrisspawner_centurion
- debrisspawner_crash
- debrisspawner_creaturex
- debrisspawner_creaturex_cover
- debrisspawner_flesh
- debrisspawner_gasbag_fire
- debrisspawner_gasbag_parts
- debrisspawner_generic_human
- debrisspawner_goat
- debrisspawner_metal
- debrisspawner_monstergibs_base
- debrisSpawner_harvesterNoTorso
- debrisSpawner_harvesterTorso
- debrisspawner_child
- debrisspawner_droid
- debrisspawner_droid_indoor
- debrisspawner_recharger
- debrisspawner_droid_indoor
- debrisspawner_fodder
- debrisspawner_fodder_cheap
- debrisspawner_fodder_body
- debrisspawner_fodder_body_cheap
- debrisspawner_fodder_egg
- debrisspawner_fodder_egg_cheap
- debrisspawner_gibtentacle
- debrisspawner_harvester
- debrisspawner_hound
- debrisspawner_hunter
- debrisspawner_jetpack
- debrisspawner_keeper
- debrisspawner_mutate
- debrisspawner_mutilated_male
- debrisspawner_vacuum
- debrisspawner_pod
- debrisspawner_pottery1
- debrisspawner_pottery2
- debrisspawner_pottery3
- debrisspawner_shuttlepanela
- debrisspawner_shuttlepanelb
- debrisspawner_shuttlepanelc
- debrisspawner_tech
- debrisspawner_test
- debrisspawner_testmulti
- debrisspawner_vehicle
- debrisspawner_vent
- debrisspawner_base
- hhDoorTrigger
- hhEntitySpawner
- info_entitySpawner
- hhExplodeMoverOrigin
- hhForceField
- func_forcefield
- hhHealthSpore
- object_healthspore
- hhItemAutomatic
- hhProxDoor
- proxdoor_default
- door_biolab
- proxdoor_default
- hhRenderEntity
- hhHarvesterMine
- hhLiquid
- liquid_sludge_base
- liquid_sludge256_256
- liquid_sludge320_192
- liquid_sludge368_640
- liquid_sludge512_512
- liquid_water_base
- liquid_water128_128
- liquid_sludge_base
- idAnimatedEntity
- hhAnimatedEntity
- hhAnimDriven
- hhAnimatedGui
- console_animatinggui
- hhDamageTester
- tool_damagetester
- hhGenericAnimatedPart
- hhGibbable
- hhHand
- hhControlHand
- hhGuiHand
- hhHealthBasin
- object_healthbasin
- hhItemCabinet
- object_itemcabinet
- hhModelDoor
- door_default
- door_chitin_zipper
- door_organic_jaw
- door_shuttle_iris
- door_sphincter
- door_default
- hhMountedGun
- object_mountedgun
- hhOrganTrigger
- hhSpherePart
- hhSphereCilia
- object_cilia_default
- object_cilia_large
- object_cilia_medium
- object_cilia_small
- object_cilia_default
- object_feedingmouth
- object_feedingmouthsmall
- object_pulsetubethin
- object_pulsetubefat
- object_pulsetubefat45
- object_pulsetubefat90
- object_pulsetubethin45
- object_pulsetubethin90
- object_pulsetubefat
- hhSphereCilia
- hhWeapon
- hhWeaponAutoCannon
- hhWeaponCrawlerGrenade
- hhWeaponHider
- hhWeaponRocketLauncher
- hhWeaponSoulStripper
- hhWeaponZoomable
- hhWeaponRifle
- hhWeaponSpiritBow
- weaponobj_default
- weaponobj_autocannon
- weaponobj_bow
- weaponobj_crawlergrenade
- weaponobj_quickgrenade
- weaponobj_hiderweapon
- weaponobj_rifle
- weaponobj_rocketlauncher
- weaponobj_soulstripper
- weaponobj_wrench
- idAFAttachment
- idAFEntity_Base
- idAFEntity_ClawFourFingers
- idAFEntity_Gibbable
- idAFEntity_Generic
- hhAFEntity
- env_ragdoll_base
- env_earring
- env_hanglight_bar
- env_human_bodybag
- env_lightpod
- env_lightpod_snd
- env_ragdoll_character_base
- env_ragdoll_abducted
- env_ragdoll_blond
- env_ragdoll_centurion
- env_ragdoll_chuck
- env_ragdoll_chuck_bloody
- env_ragdoll_chuck_flannel_bloody
- env_ragdoll_dalton
- env_ragdoll_dalton_bloody
- env_ragdoll_dalton_flannel_bloody
- env_ragdoll_fodder
- env_ragdoll_gasbag
- env_ragdoll_harvester
- env_ragdoll_hider
- env_ragdoll_hound
- env_ragdoll_hunter
- env_ragdoll_jetpack_harvester
- env_ragdoll_keeper
- env_ragdoll_mutate
- env_ragdoll_mutilatedhuman
- env_ragdoll_tommy
- env_ragdoll_tentacle
- env_slab
- env_slab_feeda
- env_swingdoor
- env_swingsign
- hhLightFixture
- env_hanglight_fetus
- ragdoll_base
- env_ragdoll_base
- hhAFEntity
- idAFEntity_WithAttachedHead
- hhAFEntity_WithAttachedHead
- idActor
- hhSpiritProxy
- hhDeathProxy
- hhMPDeathProxy
- hhDeathWalkProxy
- hhPossessedProxy
- player_body
- player_proxy
- player_deathproxy
- player_deathproxy_mp
- player_deathwalkproxy
- player_possessedproxy
- hhDeathProxy
- idAI
- idPlayer
- hhPlayer
- hhArtificialPlayer
- player_base
- player_tommy
- player_tommy_mp
- player_artificial_mp
- player_tommy_mp
- player_tommy
- hhPlayer
- hhSpiritProxy
- idAnimated
- hhAnimated
- env_payphone
- func_animate
- animate_bob
- animate_boy
- animate_boy_nogore
- animate_centurion
- animate_chuck
- animate_crawler
- animate_creaturex
- animate_dalton
- animate_deathwraith
- animate_droid
- animate_droid_hatch
- animate_fodder
- animate_gasbag
- animate_girl_ftc
- animate_girl_ftc_nogore
- animate_girlfriend
- animate_girlfriendx
- animate_grandfather
- animate_harvester
- animate_harvester_passage_wall
- animate_hider
- animate_hound
- animate_hunter
- animate_jetpackharvester
- animate_keeper
- animate_mutate
- animate_possessed_boy
- animate_possessed_girl
- animate_possessed_girl_ftb
- animate_possessed_girl_ftb_nogore
- animate_possessed_girl_ftc
- animate_possessed_girl_ftd
- animate_possessed_girl_ftd_nogore
- animate_possessed_girl_nogore
- animate_tommy
- animate_wraith
- object_harvester_cube
- object_pulsepanel
- object_pulsewall
- rail_arm
- hhAISpawnCase
- object_ai_spawncase
- object_droid_hatch
- object_keeper_bed
- object_keeper_bed_64
- object_keeper_bed_hipoly
- object_ai_spawncase
- object_elevator
- object_vent1
- object_vent2
- hhAnimated
- idAFEntity_Generic
- idAFEntity_SteamPipe
- idAFEntity_Vehicle
- idAFEntity_VehicleFourWheels
- idAFEntity_VehicleSimple
- idAFEntity_VehicleSixWheels
- idTestModel
- idWeapon
- hhAnimatedEntity
- hhSafeResurrectionVolume
- hhSafeDeathVolume
- trigger_saferesurrection
- trigger_deathresurrection
- hhSecurityEye
- sfx_security_eyeball
- hhSecurityEyeBase
- object_security_eye
- object_security_eye_no_base
- object_security_eye
- hhShuttleForceField
- func_grandfathershield
- func_shuttleforcefield
- hhSpiritBridge
- func_spiritbridge
- hhSpiritSecret
- func_spiritsecret
- hhSpring
- func_spring
- hhSunCorona
- info_sunCorona
- hhTalonTarget
- info_talon_perch
- info_talon_perch_priority
- hhTrigger
- hhDamageTrigger
- hhGravitySwitch
- trigger_gravityswitch
- trigger_gravityswitch_invisible
- trigger_gravityswitch
- trigger_damagable
- trigger_pod_gack
- hhGravitySwitch
- hhMineTrigger
- hhTriggerEnabler
- hhTriggerPain
- hhTriggerSight
- hhTrigger_Count
- hhTrigger_Event
- tool_measuringblock
- trigger_multiple
- trigger_count
- trigger_enabler
- trigger_event
- trigger_fade
- trigger_guioverlay
- trigger_hurt
- trigger_once
- trigger_mine
- trigger_organtrigger
- trigger_portal
- trigger_relay
- trigger_fadeoutmusic
- trigger_sight
- trigger_sequence
- trigger_slab_recycler
- trigger_slab_spawn
- hhDamageTrigger
- hhTriggerTripwire
- sfx_securityeyetripwire
- hhVehicleThruster
- sfx_dockedgunthruster
- sfx_shuttlethruster
- idActivator
- func_activator
- idBeam
- func_beam
- idBrittleFracture
- func_fracture
- idCombatNode
- ai_attackcone
- ai_attackcone_once
- ai_attackcone_turret
- idCursor3D
- idDamagable
- func_damagable
- idDebris
- brass_default
- brass_crawlergrenade
- brass_hidercanister
- brass_rocketlauncher
- debris_projectile
- debris_crawler
- debris_crawlerLarge
- debris_crawlerLeg
- debris_glassLarge
- debris_glassSmall
- debris_glassTiny
- debris_metalLarge
- debris_metalSmall
- debris_rocket
- debris_rocketLarge
- brass_default
- idEarthQuake
- func_earthquake
- idEntityFx
- hhEntityFx
- func_fx
- func_raindrop
- func_fx
- idTeleporter
- func_teleporter
- hhEntityFx
- idExplodable
- func_explosion
- idForceField
- func_idforcefield
- idFuncAASObstacle
- func_aas_obstacle
- idFuncAASPortal
- func_aas_portal
- idFuncPortal
- func_portal
- idFuncRadioChatter
- idFuncSmoke
- func_smoke
- idItem
- hhItem
- ammo_default
- ammo_acid
- ammo_autocannon
- ammo_autocannon_grenade
- ammo_crawlercan
- ammo_lifeforce_small
- ammo_lifeforce_large
- ammo_lifeforce_medium
- ammo_lifeforce_quick
- ammo_lifeforce_wraith
- ammo_rifle
- ammo_sniper
- hhItemSoul
- item_default
- item_automatic
- item_automatic_always
- item_automatic_always_autocannon
- item_automatic_always_no_crawlers
- item_automatic_always
- item_hand1
- movable_item_hand1
- item_lifeforce_full
- item_lighter
- item_maxhealth
- item_maxhealth_mp
- item_spiritwalk
- item_talon
- item_wallwalkboots
- item_automatic
- weapon_default
- weapon_autocannon
- movable_item_autocannon
- movable_item_autocannon_centurion
- weapon_autocannon_centurion
- movable_item_autocannon
- weapon_bow
- weapon_crawlergrenade
- movable_item_crawler
- weapon_hiderweapon
- movable_item_hiderweapon
- weapon_rifle
- movable_item_rifle
- weapon_rifle_ftb
- movable_item_rifle
- weapon_rocketlauncher
- movable_item_rocketlauncher
- movable_harvester_launcher
- movable_item_rocketlauncher
- weapon_soulstripper
- movable_item_soulstripper
- weapon_wrench
- weapon_autocannon
- ammo_default
- idMoveableItem
- hhItem
- idItemRemover
- func_itemremove
- idLight
- hhLight
- light
- lightmodel_breakinghooded1
- sfx_shuttledomelight
- light
- hhLight
- idLiquid
- idLocationEntity
- info_location
- idLocationSeparatorEntity
- info_locationSeparator
- idMoveable
- hhMoveable
- debris_default
- debris_flesh_default
- debris_centurion_chunk1
- debris_centurion_chunk2
- debris_centurion_chunk3
- debris_centurion_chunk4
- debris_centurion_foot
- debris_centurion_head
- debris_centurion_leg1
- debris_centurion_leg2
- debris_creaturex_Xarm1
- debris_creaturex_Xarm2
- debris_creaturex_Xfinger
- debris_creaturex_Xhead
- debris_creaturex_arm1
- debris_creaturex_arm2
- debris_creaturex_head
- debris_creaturex_wing
- debris_egg_giba
- debris_egg_giba_remove
- debris_egg_gibb
- debris_egg_gibb_remove
- debris_flesh_arm
- debris_flesh_chest
- debris_flesh_foot
- debris_flesh_giba
- debris_flesh_giba_remove
- debris_flesh_gibb
- debris_flesh_gibb_remove
- debris_flesh_gibc
- debris_flesh_gibc_remove
- debris_flesh_gibd
- debris_flesh_gibd_remove
- debris_flesh_gibe
- debris_flesh_gibe_remove
- debris_flesh_gibf
- debris_flesh_gibf_remove
- debris_flesh_gibg
- debris_flesh_gibh
- debris_flesh_gibi
- debris_flesh_gibj
- debris_flesh_gibk
- debris_flesh_hand
- debris_fodder_calf
- debris_fodder_chunk1
- debris_fodder_chunk2
- debris_fodder_chunk3
- debris_fodder_chunk4
- debris_fodder_chunk5
- debris_fodder_chunk6
- debris_fodder_foot
- debris_fodder_head
- debris_fodder_leg
- debris_fodder_meat
- debris_harvester_arm
- debris_harvester_arm2
- debris_harvester_body1
- debris_harvester_body2
- debris_harvester_body3
- debris_harvester_body4
- debris_harvester_body5
- debris_harvester_foot
- debris_harvester_head
- debris_harvester_leg
- debris_harvester_leg2
- debris_harvester_tail
- debris_hound_chunk1
- debris_hound_chunk2
- debris_hound_chunk3
- debris_hound_chunk4
- debris_hound_foot
- debris_hound_head
- debris_hound_leg
- debris_hunter_arm
- debris_hunter_armor
- debris_hunter_foot
- debris_hunter_head
- debris_jetpack_head
- debris_keeper_arm1
- debris_keeper_arm2
- debris_keeper_but
- debris_keeper_finger
- debris_keeper_foot
- debris_keeper_hand
- debris_keeper_leg1
- debris_keeper_leg2
- debris_keeper_spine
- debris_kid_arm
- debris_kid_foot
- debris_kid_hand
- debris_mutate_aarm
- debris_mutate_aarm2
- debris_mutate_arm
- debris_mutate_chunk1
- debris_mutate_chunk2
- debris_mutate_chunk3
- debris_mutate_foot
- debris_mutate_hand
- debris_mutate_head
- debris_mutate_hummanhead
- debris_mutate_leg
- debris_mutate_neck
- debris_mutate_spike
- debris_mutate_toe
- debris_mutilated_gib
- debris_mutilated_head
- debris_mutilated_left4arm
- debris_mutilated_leftarm
- debris_mutilated_lefthand
- debris_mutilated_leftside
- debris_mutilated_right4arm
- debris_mutilated_rightarm
- debris_mutilated_righthand
- debris_mutilated_rightside
- debris_pottery_default
- debris_pottery_gib1a
- debris_pottery_gib1b
- debris_pottery_gib1c
- debris_pottery_gib2a
- debris_pottery_gib2b
- debris_pottery_gib2c
- debris_pottery_gib2d
- debris_pottery_gib3a
- debris_pottery_gib3b
- debris_pottery_gib3c
- debris_pottery_gib3d
- debris_stone_small
- debris_stone_large
- debris_stone_tiny
- debris_tech_default
- debris_creaturex_gun
- debris_metalLarge2
- debris_metalSmall2
- debris_mutate_can
- debris_tech_giba
- debris_tech_gibb
- debris_tech_gibc
- debris_tech_rod
- debris_tech_shrapnel
- debris_flesh_default
- func_moveable
- default_movable_cardboard
- movable_beercase
- movable_boxblue
- movable_boxfragile
- movable_boxred
- default_movable_flesh
- movable_smallCrateOrganic
- default_movable_metalhollow
- movable_base_barrel
- movable_worker_can
- movable_wraithcan_barrel
- movable_wraithcan_barrel2
- movable_glassCrateLarge
- movable_smallCrateGlass
- movable_trashbasket
- movable_trashcan
- movable_base_barrel
- default_movable_metalsolid
- movable_feeding_box
- movable_ft_light
- movable_hunterchair
- movable_huntertablet
- movable_keepercanister
- movable_machinejunk1
- movable_machinejunk2
- movable_machinejunk3
- movable_metaldebris1
- movable_metaldebris2
- movable_metaldebris3
- movable_metaldebris4
- movable_metaldebris5
- movable_microscope
- movable_propane_tank
- movable_slab
- movable_smallCrateTech
- movable_spaceheater
- default_movable_pottery
- movable_pottery1
- movable_pottery2
- movable_pottery3
- movable_ashtray2
- movable_beerbottle
- movable_beercan
- movable_bone
- movable_mug
- default_movable_cardboard
- hhBarrel
- debris_default
- hhMoveable
- idMover
- hhMover
- func_mover
- func_mover_amodel
- func_wallwalkmover
- object_slab_mover
- object_slab_mover_bottom
- object_slab_mover_bottom_lo
- object_slab_mover_lo
- object_slab_mover_whole_lo
- hhExplodeMover
- func_mover_explode
- script_controlpoint
- func_mover
- idElevator
- func_elevator
- hhMover
- idMover_Binary
- idDoor
- hhDoor
- func_door
- hhDoor
- idPlat
- func_plat
- idDoor
- idMover_Periodic
- idBobber
- func_bobbing
- idPendulum
- func_pendulum
- idRiser
- func_riser
- idRotater
- func_rotating
- script_controlpoint_rotating
- func_rotating
- idBobber
- idMultiModelAF
- idChain
- env_chain
- idChain
- idPathCorner
- node_conversation
- path_default
- path_anim
- path_attack
- path_conversation
- path_conversation_listen
- path_corner
- path_cycleanim
- path_follow
- path_headanim
- path_hide
- path_jump
- path_ledge
- path_lookat
- path_null
- path_rail
- path_shootat
- path_show
- path_state
- path_talk
- path_talk_primary
- path_talk_secondary
- path_talk_triggered
- path_turn
- path_wait
- path_waitforheadanim
- path_waitfortrigger
- idPhantomObjects
- idPlayerStart
- info_player_coop
- info_player_deathmatch
- info_player_start
- info_player_teleport
- info_player_warp
- idProjectile
- hhProjectile
- hhProjectileAutoCannonGrenade
- hhProjectileBounce
- hhProjectileBugTrigger
- hhProjectileChaff
- hhProjectileCrawlerGrenade
- hhProjectileStickyCrawlerGrenade
- hhProjectileFreezer
- hhProjectileHider
- hhProjectileHiderCanister
- hhProjectileRifleSniper
- hhProjectileRocketLauncher
- hhProjectileShuttle
- hhProjectileSoulCannon
- hhProjectileSpiritArrow
- hhProjectileTracking
- hhProjectileBug
- hhProjectileCocoon
- hhProjectileTrigger
- hhProjectileWrench
- projectile_default
- projectile_acidcartridge
- projectile_acidblast_gasbag
- projectile_acidcartridge1
- projectile_acidcartridge2
- projectile_acidcartridge3
- projectile_acidcartridge4
- projectile_acidspray
- projectile_acidsblastricochet_gasbag
- projectile_acidspray_gasbag_death
- projectile_acidspray_mp
- projectile_acidsprayricochet
- projectile_acidspray_gasbag
- projectile_arrow
- projectile_arrowPuny
- projectile_arrowSuper
- projectile_arrow_mp
- projectile_autocannon
- projectile_autocannon_grenade
- projectile_centurion_autocannon_grenade
- projectile_bouncy_ball
- projectile_centurion_autocannon
- projectile_chaff
- projectile_harvester_chaff
- projectile_crawler
- projectile_crawler_proxy
- projectile_hunter_grenade
- projectile_stickycrawler
- projectile_stickycrawler_mp
- projectile_creaturex_plasma
- projectile_dockedgun
- projectile_droid_blast
- projectile_droid_cannon
- projectile_droid_chargeshot
- projectile_droid_small
- projectile_fire_column
- projectile_fire_column_drop
- projectile_fire_column_side
- projectile_freeze
- projectile_gasbag_blast
- projectile_gasbag_pod
- projectile_gasbag_spit
- projectile_harvester_mine
- projectile_hunter_mine
- projectile_level1
- projectile_mountedgun
- projectile_plasma
- projectile_plasmab
- projectile_plasmac
- projectile_plasmaf
- projectile_plasmaj
- projectile_railgun
- projectile_lightninggun
- projectile_railshuttle
- projectile_rifle
- projectile_hunter_rifle
- projectile_hunter_rifle_first
- projectile_keeper
- projectile_rifle_mp
- projectile_hunter_rifle
- projectile_riflesniper
- projectile_hunter_rifle_snipe
- projectile_rocket
- driver_default
- projectile_harvester_rocket
- projectile_harvester_rocket_left
- projectile_harvester_rocket_right
- projectile_hunter_rocket
- projectile_jetpack_rocket
- projectile_rocket_mp
- projectile_sbstage1sphereshot
- projectile_shuttle_cannon
- projectile_antishuttle_cannon
- projectile_shuttle_cannon_ai
- projectile_shuttle_cannon_mp
- projectile_soulharvester
- projectile_sphere_burst
- projectile_sphere_slow
- projectile_sunbeam
- projectile_turbinegun
- projectile_wrench
- projectile_altwrench
- projectile_acidcartridge
- idGuidedProjectile
- hhProjectile
- idSecurityCamera
- idShaking
- func_shaking
- idSound
- hhSound
- speaker
- speaker_grandfathervoice
- speaker_music
- speaker_music_biolabsa
- speaker_music_biolabsb
- speaker_music_feedinga
- speaker_music_feedingb
- speaker_music_feedingtowerc
- speaker_music_feedingtowerd
- speaker_music_girlfriendx
- speaker_music_harvestera
- speaker_music_harvesterb
- speaker_music_keeperfortress
- speaker_music_lotaa
- speaker_music_lotab
- speaker_music_lotad
- speaker_music_roadhouse
- speaker_music_salvage
- speaker_music_salvageboss
- speaker_music_shuttlea
- speaker_music_shuttleb
- speaker_music_spherebrain
- speaker_music_spindlea
- speaker_music_spindleb
- speaker_music_superportal
- speaker_spherevoice
- speaker_tommyvoice
- speaker
- hhSound
- idSpawnableEntity
- ai_lostcombat
- func_corona
- info_keeper_teleport
- info_null
- ai_genericnode
- ai_grenade_node
- ai_snipe_node
- ai_suppress_node
- info_gorecheck
- info_gorecheck_nogore
- precache_base
- precache_biolabsa
- precache_biolabsb
- precache_epilogue
- precache_feedingtowera
- precache_feedingtowerb
- precache_feedingtowerc
- precache_feedingtowerd
- precache_girlfriendx
- precache_harvestera
- precache_harvesterb
- precache_keeperfortress
- precache_lotaa
- precache_lotab
- precache_lotac
- precache_lotad
- precache_roadhouse
- precache_salvage
- precache_salvageboss
- precache_shuttlea
- precache_shuttleb
- precache_spherebrain
- precache_spindlea
- precache_spindleb
- precache_superportal
- ai_genericnode
- info_reaction
- reaction_node_centurionArmInHole
- reaction_node_centurionJumpDown
- reaction_node_centurionPowerRoar
- reaction_node_centurionShootDown
- info_tracknode
- object_severedhead
- sfx_crawler_explodeinhand
- sfx_railshuttleturret
- idSplinePath
- func_splinemover
- info_splinepath
- idSpring
- idStaticEntity
- door_default_frame
- door_chitin_frame
- door_organic_jaw_frame
- door_shuttle_iris_frameDown
- door_shuttle_iris_frameL
- door_shuttle_iris_frameR
- door_shuttle_iris_frameUp
- door_status
- func_static
- func_emitter
- func_splat
- sfx_gravityswitch
- func_wallwalk
- gfx_deathclip
- func_emitter
- hhEnergyNode
- object_energynode
- object_energynode_freeze
- object_energynode_plasma
- object_energynode_railgun
- object_energynode_sunbeam
- object_energynode
- hhFuncEmitter
- hhPathEmitter
- hhDeathWraithEnergy
- sfx_wraithenergy
- sfx_wraithenergy_health
- sfx_wraithenergy
- hhDeathWraithEnergy
- hhPathEmitter
- hhWallWalkable
- idFuncEmitter
- idFuncSplat
- object_consolestand_eye1
- object_step
- door_default_frame
- idTarget
- hhTarget_Autosave
- target_autosave
- hhTarget_ConsolidatePlayers
- target_consolidateplayers
- hhTarget_Disable
- target_disable
- hhTarget_DisablePassageway
- target_disablepassage
- hhTarget_DisableReactions
- target_disablereactions
- hhTarget_DisplayGui
- target_displaygui
- hhTarget_Earthquake
- func_earthquake_movables
- hhTarget_Enable
- target_enable
- hhTarget_EnablePassageway
- target_enablepassage
- hhTarget_EnableReactions
- target_enablereactions
- hhTarget_FollowPath
- target_ai_followpath
- hhTarget_Hide
- target_hide
- hhTarget_LockDoor
- target_lock
- hhTarget_PatternRelay
- trigger_patternrelay
- hhTarget_PlayWeaponAnim
- target_playweaponanim
- hhTarget_SetLightParm
- hhTarget_SetSkin
- target_changeskin
- hhTarget_Show
- target_show
- hhTarget_Subtitle
- target_subtitle
- hhTarget_WarpPlayers
- target_warpplayers
- idTarget_CallObjectFunction
- target_ai_followalternatepath1
- target_ai_followalternatepath2
- target_ai_followalternatepath3
- target_callobjectfunction
- target_npc_talk
- target_npc_talk_primary
- target_npc_talk_secondary
- target_npc_talk_triggered
- idTarget_Damage
- target_damage
- idTarget_EnableLevelWeapons
- target_enableweapons
- idTarget_EnableStamina
- idTarget_EndLevel
- hhTarget_EndLevel
- target_endLevel
- hhTarget_EndLevel
- idTarget_FadeEntity
- target_entity_fadein
- target_entity_fadeout
- target_entity_setcolor
- idTarget_FadeSoundClass
- target_fadesoundclass
- idTarget_Give
- target_give
- idTarget_LevelTrigger
- target_levelTrigger
- idTarget_LightFadeIn
- target_light_fadein
- idTarget_LightFadeOut
- target_light_fadeout
- idTarget_Remove
- func_remove
- idTarget_RemoveWeapons
- idTarget_SessionCommand
- target_sessionCommand
- idTarget_SetFov
- target_setfov
- idTarget_SetGlobalShaderTime
- target_setglobalparmtime
- idTarget_SetKeyVal
- target_setkeyval
- idTarget_SetModel
- target_setmodel
- idTarget_SetShaderParm
- target_setshaderparm
- target_setlightparm
- target_setshaderparm
- idTarget_SetShaderTime
- target_setshadertime
- idTarget_Tip
- target_tip
- target_tip_remove
- idTarget_WaitForButton
- func_waitforbutton
- target_null
- hhTarget_Autosave
- idTextEntity
- text
- idTrigger
- idTrigger_Count
- idTrigger_EntityName
- idTrigger_Fade
- idTrigger_Hurt
- idTrigger_Multi
- trigger_facing
- trigger_flashlight
- idTrigger_Timer
- trigger_timer
- idTrigger_Touch
- idVacuumEntity
- idVacuumSeparatorEntity
- idWorldspawn
- worldspawn
- idEvent
- idEventDef
- idEventQueue
- idExportJoint
- idExportMesh
- idExportModel
- idExportOptions
- idFixedWinding
- idFrustum
- idGameEdit
- idGameLocal
- idHashIndex
- idHeap
- idIK
- idIK_Reach
- idIK_Walk
- idInterpreter
- idInventory
- idJointMat
- idLCP
- idLCP_Square
- idLCP_Symmetric
- idLangDict
- idLexer
- idLib
- idMD5Anim
- idMapBrush
- idMapBrushSide
- idMapEntity
- idMapFile
- idMapPatch
- idMat2
- idMat3
- idMat4
- idMat5
- idMat6
- idMatX
- idMath
- idMayaExport
- idModelExport
- idMoveState
- idMsgQueue
- idMultiplayerGame
- idODE_Euler
- idODE_Midpoint
- idODE_RK4
- idODE_RK4Adaptive
- idPVS
- idParser
- idPhysics
- idPhysics_Base
- idPhysics_AF
- idPhysics_Actor
- hhPhysics_Delta
- idPhysics_Monster
- hhPhysics_AI
- idPhysics_Player
- hhPhysics_Player
- idPhysics_Parametric
- idPhysics_RigidBody
- hhPhysics_RigidBodySimple
- hhPhysics_Vehicle
- hhPhysics_RigidBodySimple
- idPhysics_Static
- hhPhysics_StaticForceField
- hhPhysics_StaticWeapon
- idPhysics_StaticMulti
- idPhysics_Base
- idPlane
- idPlaneSet
- idPlayerIcon
- idPlayerView
- idPluecker
- idPolar3
- idPolynomial
- idProgram
- idPush
- idQuat
- idRandom
- idRandom2
- idRestoreGame
- idRotation
- idRoutingCache
- idSIMD
- idSIMD_3DNow
- idSIMD_AltiVec
- idSIMD_Generic
- idSaveGame
- idScriptObject
- idSmokeParticles
- idSphere
- idStr
- idStrList
- idStrPool
- idSurface
- idSurface_Patch
- idSurface_Polytope
- idSurface_SweptSpline
- idTimer
- idTimerReport
- idToken
- idTokenizer
- idTraceModel
- idTypeDef
- idTypeDefBool
- idTypeDefEntity
- idTypeDefFloat
- idTypeDefString
- idTypeDefVector
- idTypeInfo
- idTypeInfoTools
- idVarDef
- idVarDefName
- idVec2
- idVec3
- idVec4
- idVec5
- idVec6
- idVecX
- idWinding
- idWinding2D
- info_mover_explode_origin
- info_talon_perch_squawk
- jointInfo_t
- melee_generic
- damage_creaturex_headbutt
- damage_creaturex_melee
- damage_creaturex_knockback
- melee_centurion_backhand
- melee_centurion_backhand_player
- melee_centurion_backhand_player_lota
- melee_centurion_backhand_player
- melee_centurion_impulse
- melee_centurion_smash
- melee_dalton_punch
- melee_droid
- melee_fodder_bite
- melee_fodder_leap
- melee_gasbag
- melee_gasbag_bite
- melee_harvester_swipe
- melee_hound_left
- melee_hound_hardleft
- melee_hound_right
- melee_hound_hardright
- melee_hound_uppercut
- melee_houndleap
- melee_hunter_right
- melee_jetpack
- melee_mutate2_death
- melee_mutate_stuck
- melee_mutate_fat
- melee_mutate_quick
- melee_mutate_quick_test
- melee_mutate_spin
- melee_mutate_spin_test
- melee_mutilated_male2_claw
- melee_mutilatedhuman_swipe
- melee_possessedhuman
- missile_generic
- damage_creaturex_laser
- damage_firecolumn
- missile_acidcartridge
- missile_acidblast
- missile_acidcartridge1
- missile_acidcartridge1_mp
- missile_acidcartridge2
- missile_acidcartridge2_mp
- missile_acidcartridge3
- missile_acidcartridge3_mp
- missile_acidcartridge4
- missile_acidcartridge4_mp
- missile_acidcartridge_mp
- missile_acidspray
- missile_acidspray_gasbag
- missile_acidspray_gasbag_death
- missile_acidspray_mp
- missile_acidsprayricochet
- missile_acidsprayricochet_mp
- missile_arrow
- missile_arrowSuper
- missile_arrow_mp
- missile_autocannon
- missile_autocannon_mp
- missile_autocannon_grenade
- missile_autocannon_grenade_mp
- missile_centurion_autocannon
- missile_creaturex_plasma
- missile_dockedgun
- missile_droid_cannon
- missile_droid_charge
- missile_firecolumn
- missile_freeze
- missile_gasbag_spit
- missile_gun_level1
- missile_lightninggun
- missile_mountedgun
- missile_plasma
- missile_plasma_mp
- missile_plasmac
- missile_railgun
- missile_railgun_mp
- missile_rifle
- missile_bouncy_ball
- missile_hunter_rifle
- missile_keeper
- missile_rifle_mp
- missile_riflesniper
- missile_hunter_rifle_snipe
- missile_riflesniper_mp
- missile_riflesniper_pilot
- missile_rocket
- missile_harvester_rocket
- missile_jetpack_rocket
- missile_rocket_mp
- missile_shuttle_cannon
- missile_antishuttle_cannon
- missile_shuttle_cannon_ai
- missile_shuttle_cannon_mp
- missile_soulharvester
- missile_sphere_burst
- missile_sphere_slow
- missile_sunbeam
- missile_sunbeam_mp
- missile_vomiter
- missle_vomiter_nogib
- missile_wrench
- missile_altwrench
- missile_altwrench_mp
- missile_wrench_mp
- missile_altwrench
- monster_hound_feedingb
- monster_hound_shadow
- nameofclass
- object_blocker
- object_crane
- object_harvester_passage_ceiling128
- object_harvester_passage_ceiling256
- object_harvester_passage_floor
- pathNode_s
- preCacheBuild
- preCacheDemoMainMenu
- preCacheExtras
- preCacheMainMenu
- preCacheStartup
- precache_harvestercomplex
- reaction_default
- reaction_centurionArmInHole
- reaction_centurionJumpDown
- reaction_centurionJumpUp
- reaction_centurionPowerRoar
- reaction_centurionShootDown
- reaction_child_jumpupextended_to_damage
- reaction_climb128
- reaction_climbdown64_to_damage
- reaction_climbup64_to_damage
- reaction_climbup128_to_damage
- reaction_cover_64
- reaction_damage_explosion
- reaction_damage_explosion_200
- reaction_damage_explosion_200_new
- reaction_damage_explosion_256
- reaction_damage_explosion_750
- reaction_damage_explosion_200
- reaction_flip_switch
- reaction_harvester_passage_wall
- reaction_harvester_passage_ceiling128
- reaction_harvester_passage_ceiling240
- reaction_harvester_passage_ceiling256
- reaction_harvester_passage_floor
- reaction_keeper_teleport
- reaction_keeper_throw_new
- reaction_keeper_throw_blocked
- reaction_keeper_trigger
- reaction_moveto_shuttledock
- reaction_moveto_shuttledock_new
- reaction_spirit_proxy
- reaction_touch_health
- reaction_use_alarm
- reaction_use_forcefield
- reaction_use_shuttle
- reaction_use_shuttle_new
- reaction_effect_volume
- reaction_listener_volume
- reaction_node_centurionJumpUp
- reaction_node_child_jumpupextended_to_damage
- reaction_node_climb128
- reaction_node_climbdown64_to_damage
- reaction_node_climbup128_to_damage
- reaction_node_climbup64_to_damage
- splash_generic
- splash_autocannon_grenade
- splash_autocannon_grenade_mp
- splash_centurion_grenade
- splash_crawlergrenade
- splash_crawlergrenade_inhand
- splash_crawlergrenade_mp
- splash_hunter_grenade
- splash_dockedgun
- splash_droid_blast
- splash_energycore_explosion
- splash_energycore_explosion_minor
- splash_gasbagblast
- splash_gasbaglasersplash
- splash_harvester_mine
- splash_hunter_mine
- splash_mine
- splash_plasma
- splash_plasmac
- splash_playerresurrectblast
- splash_podexplosion
- splash_possessedgirlexplode
- splash_rocket
- splash_harvester_rocket
- splash_jetpack_rocket
- splash_keeper_blast
- splash_rocket_mp
- splash_shuttle_cannon
- splash_shuttle_cannon_mp
- splash_soulsuperblast
- splash_vacuum
- splash_autocannon_grenade
- test_springmodel
- vehicle_default
- vehicle_mountedgun
- vehicle_railshuttle
- vehicle_shuttle
- vehicle_shuttle_mp
- volume_blood
- volume_sludge
- wipe_shatter
- wipe_shatter1
- wipe_shatter3
For more detailed information on specific entities, including available key/value pairs, usage, and notes see the corresponding article listed below.
Existing Entities as of version 1.0.116(1.3)
- aas240
- aas48
- aas96
- aasChild
- aasCreatureX
- aasDroid
- aasDroidIndoor
- aasFodder
- aasGasbag
- aasJetpack
- aasKeeper
- aas_types
- ai_attackcone
- ai_attackcone_once
- ai_attackcone_turret
- ai_genericnode
- ai_grenade_node
- ai_lostcombat
- ai_snipe_node
- ai_suppress_node
- altfireinfo_autocannon
- altfireinfo_hiderweapon
- altfireinfo_rocketlauncher
- altfireinfo_spiritbow
- altfireinfo_wrench
- ammo_acid
- ammo_autocannon
- ammo_autocannon_grenade
- ammo_crawlercan
- ammo_default
- ammo_lifeforce_large
- ammo_lifeforce_medium
- ammo_lifeforce_quick
- ammo_lifeforce_small
- ammo_lifeforce_wraith
- ammo_names
- ammo_rifle
- ammo_sniper
- ammo_types
- animate_bob
- animate_boy
- animate_boy_nogore
- animate_centurion
- animate_chuck
- animate_crawler
- animate_creaturex
- animate_dalton
- animate_deathwraith
- animate_droid
- animate_droid_hatch
- animate_fodder
- animate_gasbag
- animate_girl_ftc
- animate_girl_ftc_nogore
- animate_girlfriend
- animate_girlfriendx
- animate_grandfather
- animate_harvester
- animate_harvester_passage_wall
- animate_hider
- animate_hound
- animate_hunter
- animate_jetpackharvester
- animate_keeper
- animate_mutate
- animate_possessed_boy
- animate_possessed_girl
- animate_possessed_girl_ftb
- animate_possessed_girl_ftb_nogore
- animate_possessed_girl_ftc
- animate_possessed_girl_ftd
- animate_possessed_girl_ftd_nogore
- animate_possessed_girl_nogore
- animate_tommy
- animate_wraith
- beam_asteroidstar
- beam_blGunEnergy1
- beam_blGunEnergy2
- beam_droidArc
- beam_forcefield
- beam_generic
- beam_hologramTurbine
- beam_hound_leash
- beam_hrvCubeArc
- beam_hrvCubeArc2
- beam_keeperCinArc1
- beam_keeperCinArc2
- beam_keepercan
- beam_kfboss
- beam_laser
- beam_portalArc
- beam_portalArc2
- beam_portalArc3
- beam_portalArc4
- beam_portalGen1
- beam_portalGen2
- beam_portalspark
- beam_salvagebossTunnel
- beam_sbstage1blast
- beam_sbstage1blast_b
- beam_shuttlebeamroominner
- beam_shuttlebeamroomoff
- beam_shuttlebeamroomon
- beam_shuttlehiderbeam
- beam_soulStripper
- beam_transportCreation
- beam_turbinelarge
- beam_turbinemedium
- brass_crawlergrenade
- brass_default
- brass_hidercanister
- brass_rocketlauncher
- character_chuck
- character_chuck_bloody
- character_chuck_epilogue
- character_chuck_flannel
- character_chuck_flannel_bloody
- character_chuck_flannel_slab
- character_chuck_roadhouse
- character_chuck_roadhouse_slab
- character_chuck_slab
- character_dalton
- character_dalton_bloody
- character_dalton_flannel
- character_dalton_flannel_bloody
- character_dalton_flannel_slab
- character_dalton_roadhouse
- character_dalton_roadhouse_slab
- character_dalton_salvage
- character_dalton_slab
- character_default
- character_girlfriend
- character_girlfriend_biolabs
- character_girlfriend_biolabs
- character_girlfriend_blonde
- character_girlfriend_blonde_slab
- character_girlfriend_feedinga
- character_girlfriend_feedingc
- character_girlfriend_harvestera
- character_girlfriend_lotae
- character_girlfriend_roadhouse
- character_girlfriend_slab
- character_girlfriend_spirit
- character_girlfriend_superportal
- character_goat
- character_grandfather
- character_grandfather_fadeoutd
- character_grandfather_feedinga
- character_grandfather_lotaa
- character_grandfather_lotab
- character_grandfather_lotad
- character_grandfather_lotae
- character_grandfather_roadhouse
- character_grandfather_whole
- character_hider
- character_hider2
- character_hider_animtest
- character_hider_bloody
- character_hider_feedinga
- character_hider_feedingc
- character_hider_feedingd
- character_hider_salvageboss
- character_hider_shuttleb
- character_hider_superportal
- character_hiderprincess
- character_hiderprincess_biolabs
- character_hiderprincess_biolabs
- character_hiderprincess_roadhouse
- character_hiderprincess_shuttle
- character_hiderprincess_superportal
- character_roy
- character_roy_slab
- character_test_grampa
- character_tommy
- character_trent
- character_trent_slab
- character_underwear
- character_underwear2
- character_underwear2_bloody
- character_underwear2_feedingb
- character_underwear2_slab
- character_underwear3
- character_underwear_bloody
- character_underwear_feedinga
- character_underwear_feedingb
- character_underwear_feedingd
- character_underwear_salvage
- character_underwear_salvageboss
- character_underwear_slab
- character_yuppie_body
- console_alarm
- console_animatinggui
- console_arcadegame
- console_blackjack
- console_ceiling1
- console_clock
- console_countdown
- console_crane
- console_elevator
- console_elevator_call
- console_elevator_control
- console_elevatorcall
- console_eyestalk
- console_generic2
- console_generic3
- console_hunter1
- console_hunter2
- console_hunterhand
- console_hunterwallshort
- console_hunterwalltall
- console_jukebox
- console_keeper
- console_keeper_small
- console_keypad
- console_lightswitch
- console_monitor_big
- console_poker
- console_projection_eye
- console_projection_eye_bent
- console_projection_eye_bent_floormat
- console_skinwrap
- console_skinwrap_superportal
- console_slots
- console_television
- console_translate
- console_wallwalk
- damage_asteroidcollision
- damage_asteroidcollisionHuge
- damage_cilia
- damage_creaturex_headbutt
- damage_creaturex_knockback
- damage_creaturex_laser
- damage_creaturex_melee
- damage_crush
- damage_deathwraith
- damage_deflect
- damage_deflect_minor
- damage_deflect_svgboss
- damage_doorbonk
- damage_droidburst
- damage_expandCrawler
- damage_explosion
- damage_fatalfall
- damage_fellonto
- damage_firecolumn
- damage_generic
- damage_gib
- damage_gravityzone
- damage_hardfall
- damage_instantdeath
- damage_keeperBeam
- damage_kfbossbeams
- damage_killzone
- damage_lotafiretest
- damage_monsterfall
- damage_movable1
- damage_movable100
- damage_movable20
- damage_movable40
- damage_movable65
- damage_moverCrush
- damage_mpshuttleexplode
- damage_noair
- damage_none
- damage_paintrigger
- damage_plasmafast
- damage_plasmakill
- damage_plasmalarge
- damage_plasmamedium
- damage_plasmasmall
- damage_proxdoorbonk
- damage_railbeam
- damage_sludge
- damage_softfall
- damage_sphereboss_mine
- damage_suicide
- damage_telefrag
- damage_vehiclecollision
- damage_vehiclecollision_gib
- damage_vehiclekillpilot
- damage_wraith
- damage_wraithminion
- debrisSpawner_antishuttlegun
- debrisSpawner_asteroidHuge
- debrisSpawner_centurionpillar
- debrisSpawner_harvesterNoTorso
- debrisSpawner_harvesterTorso
- debrisSpawner_turbinegun
- debris_centurion_chunk1
- debris_centurion_chunk2
- debris_centurion_chunk3
- debris_centurion_chunk4
- debris_centurion_foot
- debris_centurion_head
- debris_centurion_leg1
- debris_centurion_leg2
- debris_crawler
- debris_crawlerLarge
- debris_crawlerLeg
- debris_creaturex_Xarm1
- debris_creaturex_Xarm2
- debris_creaturex_Xfinger
- debris_creaturex_Xhead
- debris_creaturex_arm1
- debris_creaturex_arm2
- debris_creaturex_gun
- debris_creaturex_head
- debris_creaturex_wing
- debris_default
- debris_egg_giba
- debris_egg_giba_remove
- debris_egg_gibb
- debris_egg_gibb_remove
- debris_flesh_arm
- debris_flesh_chest
- debris_flesh_default
- debris_flesh_foot
- debris_flesh_giba
- debris_flesh_giba_remove
- debris_flesh_gibb
- debris_flesh_gibb_remove
- debris_flesh_gibc
- debris_flesh_gibc_remove
- debris_flesh_gibd
- debris_flesh_gibd_remove
- debris_flesh_gibe
- debris_flesh_gibe_remove
- debris_flesh_gibf
- debris_flesh_gibf_remove
- debris_flesh_gibg
- debris_flesh_gibh
- debris_flesh_gibi
- debris_flesh_gibj
- debris_flesh_gibk
- debris_flesh_hand
- debris_fodder_calf
- debris_fodder_chunk1
- debris_fodder_chunk2
- debris_fodder_chunk3
- debris_fodder_chunk4
- debris_fodder_chunk5
- debris_fodder_chunk6
- debris_fodder_foot
- debris_fodder_head
- debris_fodder_leg
- debris_fodder_meat
- debris_glassLarge
- debris_glassSmall
- debris_glassTiny
- debris_harvester_arm
- debris_harvester_arm2
- debris_harvester_body1
- debris_harvester_body2
- debris_harvester_body3
- debris_harvester_body4
- debris_harvester_body5
- debris_harvester_foot
- debris_harvester_head
- debris_harvester_leg
- debris_harvester_leg2
- debris_harvester_tail
- debris_hound_chunk1
- debris_hound_chunk2
- debris_hound_chunk3
- debris_hound_chunk4
- debris_hound_foot
- debris_hound_head
- debris_hound_leg
- debris_hunter_arm
- debris_hunter_armor
- debris_hunter_foot
- debris_hunter_head
- debris_jetpack_head
- debris_keeper_arm1
- debris_keeper_arm2
- debris_keeper_but
- debris_keeper_finger
- debris_keeper_foot
- debris_keeper_hand
- debris_keeper_leg1
- debris_keeper_leg2
- debris_keeper_spine
- debris_kid_arm
- debris_kid_foot
- debris_kid_hand
- debris_metalLarge
- debris_metalLarge2
- debris_metalSmall
- debris_metalSmall2
- debris_mutate_aarm
- debris_mutate_aarm2
- debris_mutate_arm
- debris_mutate_can
- debris_mutate_chunk1
- debris_mutate_chunk2
- debris_mutate_chunk3
- debris_mutate_foot
- debris_mutate_hand
- debris_mutate_head
- debris_mutate_hummanhead
- debris_mutate_leg
- debris_mutate_neck
- debris_mutate_spike
- debris_mutate_toe
- debris_mutilated_gib
- debris_mutilated_head
- debris_mutilated_left4arm
- debris_mutilated_leftarm
- debris_mutilated_lefthand
- debris_mutilated_leftside
- debris_mutilated_right4arm
- debris_mutilated_rightarm
- debris_mutilated_righthand
- debris_mutilated_rightside
- debris_pottery_default
- debris_pottery_gib1a
- debris_pottery_gib1b
- debris_pottery_gib1c
- debris_pottery_gib2a
- debris_pottery_gib2b
- debris_pottery_gib2c
- debris_pottery_gib2d
- debris_pottery_gib3a
- debris_pottery_gib3b
- debris_pottery_gib3c
- debris_pottery_gib3d
- debris_projectile
- debris_rocket
- debris_rocketLarge
- debris_stone_large
- debris_stone_small
- debris_stone_tiny
- debris_tech_default
- debris_tech_giba
- debris_tech_gibb
- debris_tech_gibc
- debris_tech_rod
- debris_tech_shrapnel
- debrisspawner_asteroid
- debrisspawner_base
- debrisspawner_centurion
- debrisspawner_child
- debrisspawner_crash
- debrisspawner_creaturex
- debrisspawner_creaturex_cover
- debrisspawner_droid
- debrisspawner_droid_indoor
- debrisspawner_flesh
- debrisspawner_fodder
- debrisspawner_fodder_body
- debrisspawner_fodder_body_cheap
- debrisspawner_fodder_cheap
- debrisspawner_fodder_egg
- debrisspawner_fodder_egg_cheap
- debrisspawner_gasbag_fire
- debrisspawner_gasbag_parts
- debrisspawner_generic_human
- debrisspawner_gibtentacle
- debrisspawner_goat
- debrisspawner_harvester
- debrisspawner_hound
- debrisspawner_hunter
- debrisspawner_jetpack
- debrisspawner_keeper
- debrisspawner_metal
- debrisspawner_monstergibs_base
- debrisspawner_mutate
- debrisspawner_mutilated_male
- debrisspawner_pod
- debrisspawner_pottery1
- debrisspawner_pottery2
- debrisspawner_pottery3
- debrisspawner_recharger
- debrisspawner_shuttlepanela
- debrisspawner_shuttlepanelb
- debrisspawner_shuttlepanelc
- debrisspawner_tech
- debrisspawner_test
- debrisspawner_testmulti
- debrisspawner_vacuum
- debrisspawner_vehicle
- debrisspawner_vent
- default_movable_cardboard
- default_movable_flesh
- default_movable_metalhollow
- default_movable_metalsolid
- default_movable_pottery
- detonateFx_antishuttle_cannon
- detonateFx_autocannon_grenade
- detonateFx_crawler
- detonateFx_dockedgun
- detonateFx_droid_blast
- detonateFx_droid_charge_impact
- detonateFx_droid_impact
- detonateFx_firecolumn
- detonateFx_freezer
- detonateFx_mine
- detonateFx_plasma
- detonateFx_plasmac
- detonateFx_plasmaf
- detonateFx_rocket
- detonateFx_shuttle_cannon
- detonateFx_sphereburst
- detonateFx_sphereslow
- detonateFx_turbine_gun
- door_biolab
- door_chitin_frame
- door_chitin_zipper
- door_default
- door_default_frame
- door_organic_jaw
- door_organic_jaw_frame
- door_shuttle_iris
- door_shuttle_iris_frameDown
- door_shuttle_iris_frameL
- door_shuttle_iris_frameR
- door_shuttle_iris_frameUp
- door_sphincter
- door_status
- driver_default
- energy_freeze
- energy_generic
- energy_lightning
- energy_plasma
- energy_plasma_mp
- energy_railgun
- energy_railgun_mp
- energy_sunbeam
- entranceMark_decal_acidcartridge
- entranceMark_decal_acidspray
- entranceMark_decal_arrow
- entranceMark_decal_autocannon
- entranceMark_decal_autocannonGrenade
- entranceMark_decal_autocannon_centurion
- entranceMark_decal_bouncy_ball
- entranceMark_decal_dockedgun
- entranceMark_decal_droid_charge
- entranceMark_decal_droid_small
- entranceMark_decal_expand
- entranceMark_decal_firecolumn
- entranceMark_decal_freezer
- entranceMark_decal_keeper
- entranceMark_decal_mountedgun
- entranceMark_decal_plasma
- entranceMark_decal_railgun
- entranceMark_decal_rifle
- entranceMark_decal_riflesniper
- entranceMark_decal_rocket
- entranceMark_decal_vomiter
- entranceMark_decal_wrench
- entranceMark_overlay_acidcartridge
- entranceMark_overlay_acidspray
- entranceMark_overlay_arrow
- entranceMark_overlay_autocannon
- entranceMark_overlay_autocannonGrenade
- entranceMark_overlay_bouncy_ball
- entranceMark_overlay_dockedgun
- entranceMark_overlay_droid_charge
- entranceMark_overlay_droid_small
- entranceMark_overlay_expand
- entranceMark_overlay_freezer
- entranceMark_overlay_keeper
- entranceMark_overlay_mountedgun
- entranceMark_overlay_plasma
- entranceMark_overlay_railgun
- entranceMark_overlay_rifle
- entranceMark_overlay_riflesniper
- entranceMark_overlay_rocket
- entranceMark_overlay_vomiter
- entranceMark_overlay_wrench
- entranceWound_acidcartridge
- entranceWound_acidspray
- entranceWound_arrow
- entranceWound_arrow_weak
- entranceWound_autocannon
- entranceWound_bouncy_ball
- entranceWound_expand
- entranceWound_freezer
- entranceWound_hunterrifle
- entranceWound_keeper
- entranceWound_liquidonly
- entranceWound_mountedgun
- entranceWound_plasma
- entranceWound_railgun
- entranceWound_rifle
- entranceWound_riflesniper
- entranceWound_rocket
- entranceWound_sunbeam
- entranceWound_wrench
- env_chain
- env_earring
- env_hanglight_bar
- env_hanglight_fetus
- env_human_bodybag
- env_lightpod
- env_lightpod_snd
- env_payphone
- env_ragdoll_abducted
- env_ragdoll_base
- env_ragdoll_blond
- env_ragdoll_centurion
- env_ragdoll_character_base
- env_ragdoll_chuck
- env_ragdoll_chuck_bloody
- env_ragdoll_chuck_flannel_bloody
- env_ragdoll_dalton
- env_ragdoll_dalton_bloody
- env_ragdoll_dalton_flannel_bloody
- env_ragdoll_fodder
- env_ragdoll_gasbag
- env_ragdoll_harvester
- env_ragdoll_hider
- env_ragdoll_hound
- env_ragdoll_hunter
- env_ragdoll_jetpack_harvester
- env_ragdoll_keeper
- env_ragdoll_mutate
- env_ragdoll_mutilatedhuman
- env_ragdoll_tentacle
- env_ragdoll_tommy
- env_slab
- env_slab_feeda
- env_swingdoor
- env_swingsign
- example_old_entity_name
- exitSplat_riflesniper
- fireInfo_dockedgun
- fireInfo_plasma
- fireInfo_railshuttle
- fireInfo_shuttle
- fireInfo_shuttleAI
- fireInfo_shuttle_mp
- fireinfo_autocannon
- fireinfo_autocannon_mp
- fireinfo_crawlergrenade
- fireinfo_crawlerstickybomb
- fireinfo_empty
- fireinfo_freeze
- fireinfo_hiderweapon
- fireinfo_hiderweapon_mp
- fireinfo_leechbeam
- fireinfo_lightninggun
- fireinfo_railgun
- fireinfo_rifle
- fireinfo_rifle_mp
- fireinfo_riflesniper
- fireinfo_riflesniper_mp
- fireinfo_rocketlauncher
- fireinfo_spiritbow
- fireinfo_spiritbow_mp
- fireinfo_sunbeam
- fireinfo_sunbeam_mp
- fireinfo_wrench
- func_aas_obstacle
- func_aas_portal
- func_activator
- func_animate
- func_beam
- func_bobbing
- func_camera_anim
- func_cameraview
- func_clipmodel
- func_console
- func_corona
- func_damagable
- func_direct_portal
- func_door
- func_earthquake
- func_earthquake_movables
- func_elevator
- func_emitter
- func_emitter
- func_explosion
- func_forcefield
- func_fracture
- func_fx
- func_grandfathershield
- func_group
- func_idforcefield
- func_itemremove
- func_moveable
- func_mover
- func_mover_amodel
- func_mover_explode
- func_pendulum
- func_plat
- func_portal
- func_raindrop
- func_remotecamera
- func_remove
- func_riser
- func_rotating
- func_shaking
- func_shuttleforcefield
- func_skybox_portal
- func_smoke
- func_spiritbridge
- func_spiritsecret
- func_splat
- func_splinemover
- func_spring
- func_static
- func_teleporter
- func_trackmover
- func_waitforbutton
- func_wallwalk
- func_wallwalkmover
- gfx_deathclip
- gibbable_centurion_pillar
- gibbable_default
- gibbable_flesh
- gibbable_pottery
- gibbable_rock
- gibbable_tech
- gibbable_tendrillarge1
- gibbable_tendrillarge2
- gibbable_tentacle1
- guihand_alien
- guihand_horizontalleft
- guihand_horizontalright
- guihand_normal
- guihand_shuttleconsole
- guihand_verticaldown
- guihand_verticalup
- gun_antishuttle
- gun_default
- gun_level1
- gun_turbine
- info_bindcontroller
- info_entitySpawner
- info_gorecheck
- info_gorecheck_nogore
- info_keeper_teleport
- info_location
- info_locationSeparator
- info_mover_explode_origin
- info_null
- info_player_coop
- info_player_deathmatch
- info_player_start
- info_player_teleport
- info_player_warp
- info_portalflow
- info_reaction
- info_splinepath
- info_sunCorona
- info_talon_perch
- info_talon_perch_priority
- info_talon_perch_squawk
- info_tracknode
- item_automatic
- item_automatic_always
- item_automatic_always_autocannon
- item_automatic_always_no_crawlers
- item_default
- item_hand1
- item_lifeforce_full
- item_lighter
- item_maxhealth
- item_maxhealth_mp
- item_spiritwalk
- item_talon
- item_wallwalkboots
- light
- lightmodel_alarm
- lightmodel_breakinghooded1
- liquid_sludge256_256
- liquid_sludge320_192
- liquid_sludge368_640
- liquid_sludge512_512
- liquid_sludge_base
- liquid_water128_128
- liquid_water_base
- map_biolabs_keeper1
- map_biolabs_mutate1
- map_biolabs_mutate2
- map_biolabs_mutate3
- map_biolabs_mutate4
- map_biolabs_mutate5
- map_biolabs_mutate6
- melee_centurion_backhand
- melee_centurion_backhand_player
- melee_centurion_backhand_player_lota
- melee_centurion_impulse
- melee_centurion_smash
- melee_dalton_punch
- melee_droid
- melee_fodder_bite
- melee_fodder_leap
- melee_gasbag
- melee_gasbag_bite
- melee_generic
- melee_harvester_swipe
- melee_hound_hardleft
- melee_hound_hardright
- melee_hound_left
- melee_hound_right
- melee_hound_uppercut
- melee_houndleap
- melee_hunter_right
- melee_jetpack
- melee_mutate2_death
- melee_mutate_fat
- melee_mutate_quick
- melee_mutate_quick_test
- melee_mutate_spin
- melee_mutate_spin_test
- melee_mutate_stuck
- melee_mutilated_male2_claw
- melee_mutilatedhuman_swipe
- melee_possessedhuman
- missile_acidblast
- missile_acidcartridge
- missile_acidcartridge1
- missile_acidcartridge1_mp
- missile_acidcartridge2
- missile_acidcartridge2_mp
- missile_acidcartridge3
- missile_acidcartridge3_mp
- missile_acidcartridge4
- missile_acidcartridge4_mp
- missile_acidcartridge_mp
- missile_acidspray
- missile_acidspray_gasbag
- missile_acidspray_gasbag_death
- missile_acidspray_mp
- missile_acidsprayricochet
- missile_acidsprayricochet_mp
- missile_altwrench
- missile_altwrench_mp
- missile_antishuttle_cannon
- missile_arrow
- missile_arrowSuper
- missile_arrow_mp
- missile_autocannon
- missile_autocannon_grenade
- missile_autocannon_grenade_mp
- missile_autocannon_mp
- missile_bouncy_ball
- missile_centurion_autocannon
- missile_creaturex_plasma
- missile_dockedgun
- missile_droid_cannon
- missile_droid_charge
- missile_firecolumn
- missile_freeze
- missile_gasbag_spit
- missile_generic
- missile_gun_level1
- missile_harvester_rocket
- missile_hunter_rifle
- missile_hunter_rifle_snipe
- missile_jetpack_rocket
- missile_keeper
- missile_lightninggun
- missile_mountedgun
- missile_plasma
- missile_plasma_mp
- missile_plasmac
- missile_railgun
- missile_railgun_mp
- missile_rifle
- missile_rifle_mp
- missile_riflesniper
- missile_riflesniper_mp
- missile_riflesniper_pilot
- missile_rocket
- missile_rocket_mp
- missile_shuttle_cannon
- missile_shuttle_cannon_ai
- missile_shuttle_cannon_mp
- missile_soulharvester
- missile_sphere_burst
- missile_sphere_slow
- missile_sunbeam
- missile_sunbeam_mp
- missile_vomiter
- missile_wrench
- missile_wrench_mp
- missle_crawlergrenade
- missle_vomiter_nogib
- monster_alien_girl
- monster_boss_girlfriendx
- monster_boy_b_normal
- monster_boy_b_normal_nogore
- monster_boy_b_normal_slab
- monster_boy_b_normal_slab_nogore
- monster_boy_normal
- monster_boy_normal_nogore
- monster_boy_normal_slab
- monster_boy_normal_slab_nogore
- monster_bug
- monster_centurion
- monster_centurion_lota
- monster_centurion_salvageboss
- monster_crawler
- monster_creaturex
- monster_creaturex_noaas
- monster_deathwraith
- monster_droid
- monster_droid_indoor
- monster_droid_shuttle
- monster_fodder
- monster_fodder_2
- monster_fodder_cheap
- monster_fodder_path
- monster_forceaas240
- monster_forceaas32
- monster_forceaas48
- monster_forceaas96
- monster_forceaasChild
- monster_forceaasDroid
- monster_forceaasDroidIndoor
- monster_forceaasFodder
- monster_forceaasGasbag
- monster_forceaasJetpack
- monster_forceaasKeeper
- monster_forceaasShuttle
- monster_gasbag
- monster_gasbagbaby
- monster_girl_blond_normal
- monster_girl_blond_normal_nogore
- monster_girl_blond_normal_slab
- monster_girl_blond_normal_slab_nogore
- monster_girl_normal
- monster_girl_normal2
- monster_girl_normal2_nogore
- monster_girl_normal2_slab
- monster_girl_normal2_slab_nogore
- monster_girl_normal_nogore
- monster_girl_normal_slab
- monster_girl_normal_slab_nogore
- monster_girl_red_normal
- monster_girl_red_normal_nogore
- monster_girl_red_normal_slab
- monster_girl_red_normal_slab_nogore
- monster_harvester
- monster_harvester_torso
- monster_hound_feedingb
- monster_hound_shadow
- monster_hunter
- monster_hunter_alien
- monster_hunter_base
- monster_hunter_elite
- monster_hunter_elite_alien
- monster_hunter_elite_veteran
- monster_hunter_feedinga
- monster_hunter_feedingb
- monster_hunter_gasbagged
- monster_hunter_keeperfortress
- monster_hunter_veteran
- monster_hunter_wallwalk1
- monster_jetpack_harvester
- monster_jetpack_harvester_harvestera
- monster_jetpack_harvester_superportal_noaas
- monster_keeper
- monster_keeper_superportal
- monster_keeper_superportal_noaas
- monster_mutate
- monster_mutilated_male
- monster_possessed_boy
- monster_possessed_boy_b
- monster_possessed_boy_b_nogore
- monster_possessed_boy_nogore
- monster_possessed_girl
- monster_possessed_girl2
- monster_possessed_girl2_ftd
- monster_possessed_girl2_ftd_nogore
- monster_possessed_girl2_nogore
- monster_possessed_girl_blond
- monster_possessed_girl_blond_nogore
- monster_possessed_girl_ftd
- monster_possessed_girl_ftd_nogore
- monster_possessed_girl_nogore
- monster_possessed_girl_red
- monster_possessed_girl_red_nogore
- monster_possessed_girl_shadow
- monster_possessed_tommy
- monster_recharger
- monster_simple_default
- monster_sphereboss
- monster_targetingdummy
- monster_vacuum
- monster_wraith
- monster_wraith_flee
- monster_wraith_flee_girl
- monster_wraith_no_possess
- monster_wraithminion
- movable_ashtray2
- movable_base_barrel
- movable_beerbottle
- movable_beercan
- movable_beercase
- movable_bone
- movable_boxblue
- movable_boxfragile
- movable_boxred
- movable_feeding_box
- movable_ft_light
- movable_glassCrateLarge
- movable_harvester_launcher
- movable_hunterchair
- movable_huntertablet
- movable_item_autocannon
- movable_item_autocannon_centurion
- movable_item_crawler
- movable_item_hand1
- movable_item_hiderweapon
- movable_item_rifle
- movable_item_rocketlauncher
- movable_item_soulstripper
- movable_keepercanister
- movable_machinejunk1
- movable_machinejunk2
- movable_machinejunk3
- movable_metaldebris1
- movable_metaldebris2
- movable_metaldebris3
- movable_metaldebris4
- movable_metaldebris5
- movable_microscope
- movable_mug
- movable_pottery1
- movable_pottery2
- movable_pottery3
- movable_propane_tank
- movable_slab
- movable_smallCrateGlass
- movable_smallCrateOrganic
- movable_smallCrateTech
- movable_spaceheater
- movable_trashbasket
- movable_trashcan
- movable_worker_can
- movable_wraithcan_barrel
- movable_wraithcan_barrel2
- object_ai_spawncase
- object_ball
- object_blocker
- object_cilia_default
- object_cilia_large
- object_cilia_medium
- object_cilia_small
- object_consolestand_eye1
- object_crane
- object_dockedgun
- object_droid_hatch
- object_egg_spawner
- object_elevator
- object_energycore
- object_energynode
- object_energynode_freeze
- object_energynode_plasma
- object_energynode_railgun
- object_energynode_sunbeam
- object_feedingmouth
- object_feedingmouthsmall
- object_glowportal
- object_glowportal256
- object_glowportal_cone
- object_glowportal_fast
- object_glowportal_mp
- object_glowportal_nowarp
- object_glowportal_spin
- object_harvester_cube
- object_harvester_passage_ceiling128
- object_harvester_passage_ceiling256
- object_harvester_passage_floor
- object_harvester_passage_wall
- object_healthbasin
- object_healthspore
- object_hider_portal
- object_itemcabinet
- object_keeper_bed
- object_keeper_bed_64
- object_keeper_bed_hipoly
- object_keeperbuddyportal
- object_keeperportal
- object_marble
- object_mine
- object_monsterportal
- object_monsterportal_nowarp
- object_mountedgun
- object_pod
- object_podspawner
- object_portal
- object_portal2
- object_portal3
- object_portal_128x288
- object_portal_144x144
- object_portal_192x172
- object_portal_20x22
- object_portal_64x148
- object_portal_64x72
- object_portal_bio_ring
- object_portal_deathwalk
- object_portal_level_end
- object_portal_level_end_mp
- object_portal_small
- object_portalframe
- object_portalframedest
- object_pulsepanel
- object_pulsetubefat
- object_pulsetubefat45
- object_pulsetubefat90
- object_pulsetubethin
- object_pulsetubethin45
- object_pulsetubethin90
- object_pulsewall
- object_security_eye
- object_security_eye_no_base
- object_severedhead
- object_shuttle_transport
- object_shuttledock
- object_shuttledock_destination
- object_shuttledock_toponly
- object_slab_mover
- object_slab_mover_bottom
- object_slab_mover_bottom_lo
- object_slab_mover_lo
- object_slab_mover_whole_lo
- object_sphere_mine
- object_spinportal
- object_step
- object_vent1
- object_vent2
- object_vomiter
- path_anim
- path_attack
- path_conversation
- path_conversation_listen
- path_corner
- path_cycleanim
- path_default
- path_follow
- path_headanim
- path_hide
- path_jump
- path_ledge
- path_lookat
- path_null
- path_rail
- path_shootat
- path_show
- path_state
- path_talk
- path_talk_primary
- path_talk_secondary
- path_talk_triggered
- path_turn
- path_wait
- path_waitforheadanim
- path_waitfortrigger
- player_artificial_mp
- player_base
- player_body
- player_deathproxy
- player_deathproxy_mp
- player_deathwalkproxy
- player_possessedproxy
- player_proxy
- player_tommy
- player_tommy_mp
- preCacheBuild
- preCacheDemoMainMenu
- preCacheExtras
- preCacheMainMenu
- preCacheStartup
- precache_base
- precache_biolabsa
- precache_biolabsb
- precache_epilogue
- precache_feedingtowera
- precache_feedingtowerb
- precache_feedingtowerc
- precache_feedingtowerd
- precache_girlfriendx
- precache_harvestera
- precache_harvesterb
- precache_harvestercomplex
- precache_keeperfortress
- precache_lotaa
- precache_lotab
- precache_lotac
- precache_lotad
- precache_roadhouse
- precache_salvage
- precache_salvageboss
- precache_shuttlea
- precache_shuttleb
- precache_spherebrain
- precache_spindlea
- precache_spindleb
- precache_superportal
- projectile_acidblast_gasbag
- projectile_acidcartridge
- projectile_acidcartridge1
- projectile_acidcartridge2
- projectile_acidcartridge3
- projectile_acidcartridge4
- projectile_acidsblastricochet_gasbag
- projectile_acidspray
- projectile_acidspray_gasbag
- projectile_acidspray_gasbag_death
- projectile_acidspray_mp
- projectile_acidsprayricochet
- projectile_altwrench
- projectile_antishuttle_cannon
- projectile_arrow
- projectile_arrowPuny
- projectile_arrowSuper
- projectile_arrow_mp
- projectile_autocannon
- projectile_autocannon_grenade
- projectile_bouncy_ball
- projectile_centurion_autocannon
- projectile_centurion_autocannon_grenade
- projectile_chaff
- projectile_crawler
- projectile_crawler_proxy
- projectile_creaturex_plasma
- projectile_default
- projectile_dockedgun
- projectile_droid_blast
- projectile_droid_cannon
- projectile_droid_chargeshot
- projectile_droid_small
- projectile_fire_column
- projectile_fire_column_drop
- projectile_fire_column_side
- projectile_freeze
- projectile_gasbag_blast
- projectile_gasbag_pod
- projectile_gasbag_spit
- projectile_harvester_chaff
- projectile_harvester_mine
- projectile_harvester_rocket
- projectile_harvester_rocket_left
- projectile_harvester_rocket_right
- projectile_hunter_grenade
- projectile_hunter_mine
- projectile_hunter_rifle
- projectile_hunter_rifle_first
- projectile_hunter_rifle_snipe
- projectile_hunter_rocket
- projectile_jetpack_rocket
- projectile_keeper
- projectile_level1
- projectile_lightninggun
- projectile_mountedgun
- projectile_plasma
- projectile_plasmab
- projectile_plasmac
- projectile_plasmaf
- projectile_plasmaj
- projectile_railgun
- projectile_railshuttle
- projectile_rifle
- projectile_rifle_mp
- projectile_riflesniper
- projectile_rocket
- projectile_rocket_mp
- projectile_sbstage1sphereshot
- projectile_shuttle_cannon
- projectile_shuttle_cannon_ai
- projectile_shuttle_cannon_mp
- projectile_soulharvester
- projectile_sphere_burst
- projectile_sphere_slow
- projectile_stickycrawler
- projectile_stickycrawler_mp
- projectile_sunbeam
- projectile_turbinegun
- projectile_wrench
- proxdoor_default
- proxdoor_rotator
- proxdoor_translator
- ragdoll_base
- rail_arm
- reaction_centurionArmInHole
- reaction_centurionJumpDown
- reaction_centurionJumpUp
- reaction_centurionPowerRoar
- reaction_centurionShootDown
- reaction_child_jumpupextended_to_damage
- reaction_climb128
- reaction_climbdown64_to_damage
- reaction_climbup128_to_damage
- reaction_climbup64_to_damage
- reaction_cover_64
- reaction_damage_explosion
- reaction_damage_explosion_200
- reaction_damage_explosion_200_new
- reaction_damage_explosion_256
- reaction_damage_explosion_750
- reaction_default
- reaction_effect_volume
- reaction_flip_switch
- reaction_harvester_passage_ceiling128
- reaction_harvester_passage_ceiling240
- reaction_harvester_passage_ceiling256
- reaction_harvester_passage_floor
- reaction_harvester_passage_wall
- reaction_keeper_teleport
- reaction_keeper_throw_blocked
- reaction_keeper_throw_new
- reaction_keeper_trigger
- reaction_listener_volume
- reaction_moveto_shuttledock
- reaction_moveto_shuttledock_new
- reaction_node_centurionArmInHole
- reaction_node_centurionJumpDown
- reaction_node_centurionJumpUp
- reaction_node_centurionPowerRoar
- reaction_node_centurionShootDown
- reaction_node_child_jumpupextended_to_damage
- reaction_node_climb128
- reaction_node_climbdown64_to_damage
- reaction_node_climbup128_to_damage
- reaction_node_climbup64_to_damage
- reaction_spirit_proxy
- reaction_touch_health
- reaction_use_alarm
- reaction_use_forcefield
- reaction_use_shuttle
- reaction_use_shuttle_new
- reaction_volume
- script_controlpoint
- script_controlpoint_rotating
- sfxDoor_biolab_panelL
- sfxDoor_biolab_panelR
- sfxDoor_biolab_paneltop
- sfxDoor_biolab_wheelL
- sfxDoor_biolab_wheelL2
- sfxDoor_biolab_wheelR
- sfxDoor_biolab_wheelR2
- sfx_asteroid
- sfx_asteroidhuge
- sfx_asteroidsmall
- sfx_boundgui
- sfx_crawler_explodeinhand
- sfx_dockedgunthruster
- sfx_egg
- sfx_egg_cheap
- sfx_egg_fast
- sfx_egg_path
- sfx_gravityswitch
- sfx_railshuttleturret
- sfx_security_eyeball
- sfx_securityeyetripwire
- sfx_shuttledomelight
- sfx_shuttlethruster
- sfx_targetproxy
- sfx_wraithenergy
- sfx_wraithenergy_health
- speaker
- speaker_grandfathervoice
- speaker_music
- speaker_music_biolabsa
- speaker_music_biolabsb
- speaker_music_feedinga
- speaker_music_feedingb
- speaker_music_feedingtowerc
- speaker_music_feedingtowerd
- speaker_music_girlfriendx
- speaker_music_harvestera
- speaker_music_harvesterb
- speaker_music_keeperfortress
- speaker_music_lotaa
- speaker_music_lotab
- speaker_music_lotad
- speaker_music_roadhouse
- speaker_music_salvage
- speaker_music_salvageboss
- speaker_music_shuttlea
- speaker_music_shuttleb
- speaker_music_spherebrain
- speaker_music_spindlea
- speaker_music_spindleb
- speaker_music_superportal
- speaker_spherevoice
- speaker_tommyvoice
- spiritpower_hawk
- splash_autocannon_grenade
- splash_autocannon_grenade_mp
- splash_centurion_grenade
- splash_crawlergrenade
- splash_crawlergrenade_inhand
- splash_crawlergrenade_mp
- splash_dockedgun
- splash_droid_blast
- splash_energycore_explosion
- splash_energycore_explosion_minor
- splash_gasbagblast
- splash_gasbaglasersplash
- splash_generic
- splash_harvester_mine
- splash_harvester_rocket
- splash_hunter_grenade
- splash_hunter_mine
- splash_jetpack_rocket
- splash_keeper_blast
- splash_mine
- splash_plasma
- splash_plasmac
- splash_playerresurrectblast
- splash_podexplosion
- splash_possessedgirlexplode
- splash_rocket
- splash_rocket_mp
- splash_shuttle_cannon
- splash_shuttle_cannon_mp
- splash_soulsuperblast
- splash_vacuum
- target_ai_followalternatepath1
- target_ai_followalternatepath2
- target_ai_followalternatepath3
- target_ai_followpath
- target_attachtorail
- target_autosave
- target_callobjectfunction
- target_changeskin
- target_consolidateplayers
- target_controlvehicle
- target_damage
- target_disable
- target_disablepassage
- target_disablereactions
- target_displaygui
- target_enable
- target_enablepassage
- target_enablereactions
- target_enableweapons
- target_endLevel
- target_entity_fadein
- target_entity_fadeout
- target_entity_setcolor
- target_fadesoundclass
- target_give
- target_hide
- target_levelTrigger
- target_light_fadein
- target_light_fadeout
- target_lock
- target_npc_talk
- target_npc_talk_primary
- target_npc_talk_secondary
- target_npc_talk_triggered
- target_null
- target_playweaponanim
- target_sessionCommand
- target_setfov
- target_setglobalparmtime
- target_setkeyval
- target_setlightparm
- target_setmodel
- target_setshaderparm
- target_setshadertime
- target_show
- target_subtitle
- target_tip
- target_tip_remove
- target_warpplayers
- test_springmodel
- text
- tool_damagetester
- tool_measuringblock
- tool_modelviewer
- tool_modelviewerweapons
- tool_note
- tool_viewedmodel
- trigger_count
- trigger_damagable
- trigger_deathresurrection
- trigger_enabler
- trigger_event
- trigger_facing
- trigger_fade
- trigger_fadeoutmusic
- trigger_flashlight
- trigger_gravityswitch
- trigger_gravityswitch_invisible
- trigger_guioverlay
- trigger_hurt
- trigger_jumppad
- trigger_mine
- trigger_multiple
- trigger_once
- trigger_organtrigger
- trigger_patternrelay
- trigger_pod_gack
- trigger_portal
- trigger_relay
- trigger_saferesurrection
- trigger_sequence
- trigger_sight
- trigger_slab_recycler
- trigger_slab_spawn
- trigger_timer
- trigger_volume
- vehicle_default
- vehicle_mountedgun
- vehicle_railshuttle
- vehicle_shuttle
- vehicle_shuttle_mp
- volume_aiwallwalk
- volume_asteroidspawner
- volume_blood
- volume_gravity
- volume_gravityinward
- volume_gravitysink
- volume_minespawner
- volume_nodrop
- volume_shuttledisconnect
- volume_shuttlerecharge
- volume_shuttlerechargeinstant
- volume_shuttleslingshot
- volume_sludge
- volume_sphere_minespawner
- volume_velocity
- weapon_autocannon
- weapon_autocannon_centurion
- weapon_bow
- weapon_crawlergrenade
- weapon_default
- weapon_hiderweapon
- weapon_rifle
- weapon_rifle_ftb
- weapon_rocketlauncher
- weapon_soulstripper
- weapon_wrench
- weaponobj_autocannon
- weaponobj_bow
- weaponobj_crawlergrenade
- weaponobj_default
- weaponobj_hiderweapon
- weaponobj_quickgrenade
- weaponobj_rifle
- weaponobj_rocketlauncher
- weaponobj_soulstripper
- weaponobj_wrench
- wipe_shatter
- wipe_shatter1
- wipe_shatter3
- worldspawn